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java故障排查ThreadDump Thread Dump是非常有用的诊断 Java 应用问题的工具,每一个 Java 虚拟机都有 及时生成显示所有线程在某一点状态的 thread-dump 的能力。虽然各个 Java 虚 拟机 thread dump 打印输出格式上略微有一些不同,但是 Thread dumps出来的 信息包含线程;线程的运行状态、标识和调用的堆栈;调用的堆栈包含完整的类 名,所执行的方法,如果可能的话还有源代码的行数。 Thread Dump特点:  能在各种操作系统下使用  能在各种 Java应用服务器下使用 ...

Thread Dump是非常有用的诊断 Java 应用问题的工具,每一个 Java 虚拟机都有 及时生成显示所有线程在某一点状态的 thread-dump 的能力。虽然各个 Java 虚 拟机 thread dump 打印输出格式上略微有一些不同,但是 Thread dumps出来的 信息包含线程;线程的运行状态、标识和调用的堆栈;调用的堆栈包含完整的类 名,所执行的方法,如果可能的话还有源代码的行数。 Thread Dump特点:  能在各种操作系统下使用  能在各种 Java应用服务器下使用  可以在生产环境下使用而不影响系统的性能  可以将问题直接定位到应用程序的代码行上 Thread Dump能诊断的问题包括:  查找内存泄露,常见的是程序里 load大量的数据到缓存  发现死锁线程 Sun的 JVM 用下列方法可以产生 Thread Dump 堆栈信息: 1,Solaris OS -’\’ (Control-Backslash) kill -QUIT 2, HP-UX/UNIX/Linux Kill -3 PID PID通过下面方法获取 ps -efHl | grep 'java' **. ** 3,Windows 直接对 MSDOS 窗口的程序按 Ctrl-break 有些 Java 应用服务器是在控制台上运行,如 Weblogic,为了方便获取 threaddump 信息,在 weblogic 启动的时候,最好将其 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 输出重定向到一个文 件,用"nohup sh startWebLogic.sh > start.log &"命令,执行"kill -3 ",Stack trace 就会输出到 start.log 里。Tomcat 的 Thread Dump 会输出到命令行控制台 或者 logs 的 catalina.out 文件里。为了反映线程状态的动态变化,需要接连多次 做 thread dump,每次间隔 10-20s。 IBM JVM下产生 Thread Dump: 在 AIX 上用 IBM 的 JVM,内存溢出时默认地会产生 javacore 文件(关于 cpu 的)和 heapdump 文件(关于内存的)。如果没有参照下列方法: 1 choose one cluster member, set the following before this server start: 在 was 启动前设置下面环境变量(可以加在启动脚本中) export IBM_HEAPDUMP=true export IBM_HEAP_DUMP=true export IBM_HEAPDUMP_OUTOFMEMORY=true export IBM_HEAPDUMPDIR= 2 please use set command to make sure you do not have DISABLE_JAVADUMP parameter then start this cluster member. 用 set 命令检查参数设置,确保没有设置 DISABLE_JAVADUMP,然后启动 server 3 when you find free memory < 50% when no heavy access, please run kill -3 执行 kill -3 命令可以生成 javacore 文件和 heapdump 文件(pid为was java 进程的 id 号,可以用 ps -ef|grep java 查到),可以多执行几次,按照下面操作 进行 ps -ef > psef1.txt ps aux > psaux1.txt vmstat 5 10 > vmstat.txt kill -3 wait for 2 mins kill -3 wait for 2 mins kill -3 netstat -an> netstat2.txt ps -ef > psef2.txt ps aux > psaux2.txt 将上面产生的 txt 文件和/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/javacore*文件和 heapdump 文件拷贝到本地,然后删除这些文件,因为这些文件会占用较大的文 件系统空间。 将/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/wlmserver1(或 2)目录下当天产生的日志拷 贝出来 在 IBM JVM 产生的 javacore 或者 Threaddump 文件中应用服务器 Web 容器的常 见线程状态: Idle线程:一个已经准备好接受请求的线程,但是没有和插件或者客户端建立 连接 Keep-Alive 线程:是一个已经准备好接受请求的线程,并且已经和插件或者客 户端建立连接 正在接受请求的线程:是一个线程正在读取 request的内容或者头部 下面就给出各种线程在 javacore或者 Threaddump中的表现形式: Idle线程: "Servlet.Engine.Transports : 20" (TID:0x427F190, sys_thread_t:0x15D175E8, state:R, native ID:0xBB8) prio=5 at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:429) at com.ibm.ws.util.BoundedBuffer.take(BoundedBuffer.java:161) at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool.getTask(ThreadPool.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java(Compiled Code)) Keep-alive 线程 (非 SSL模式): "Servlet.Engine.Transports : 20" (TID:0x427F190, sys_thread_t:0x15D175E8, state:R, native ID:0xBB8) prio=5 at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:86) at com.ibm.ws.io.Stream.read(Stream.java) at com.ibm.ws.io.ReadStream.readBuffer(ReadStream.java) at com.ibm.ws.io.ReadStream.read(ReadStream.java) at com.ibm.ws.http.HttpRequest.readRequestLine(HttpRequest.java) at com.ibm.ws.http.HttpRequest.readRequest(HttpRequest.java) at com.ibm.ws.http.HttpConnection.readAndHandleRequest(HttpConnection.ja va) at com.ibm.ws.http.HttpConnection.run(HttpConnection.java) at com.ibm.ws.util.CachedThread.run(ThreadPool.java) Keep-alive 线程 (SSL模式): "Servlet.Engine.Transports : 12" (TID:0x458DBA18, sys_thread_t:0x60B297C0, state:R, native ID:0x427E) prio=5 at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.sslite.s.a(Unknown Source)(Compiled Code) at com.ibm.sslite.s.b(Unknown Source)(Compiled Code) at com.ibm.sslite.s.a(Unknown Source)(Compiled Code) at com.ibm.sslite.a.read(Unknown Source)(Compiled Code) at com.ibm.jsse.a.read(Unknown Source)(Compiled Code) at com.ibm.ws.io.Stream.read(Stream.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.io.ReadStream.readBuffer(ReadStream.java(Inlined Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.io.ReadStream.read(ReadStream.java(Inlined Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.http.HttpRequest.readRequestLine(HttpRequest.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.http.HttpRequest.readRequest(HttpRequest.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.http.HttpConnection.readAndHandleRequest(HttpConnection) at com.ibm.ws.http.HttpConnection.run(HttpConnection.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:672) 正在接受请求的线程: at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:85) at com.ibm.ws.io.Stream.read(Stream.java:17) at com.ibm.ws.io.ReadStream.readBuffer(ReadStream.java:411) at com.ibm.ws.io.ReadStream.read(ReadStream.java:110) at com.ibm.ws.http.HttpConnection.run(HttpConnection.java:448) at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:672) Sun JVM 的常见线程状态: 对于 thread dump 信息,主要关注的是线程的状态和其执行堆栈 线程的状态一般为三类 Runnable(R):当前可以运行的线程 Waiting on monitor(CW):线程主动 wait Waiting for monitor entry(MW):线程等锁 一般关注的都是第一和第三种状态的线程 Cpu很忙则关注 runnable的线程 Cpu闲则关注 waiting for monitor entry 的线程 一种典型的死锁是由于在 server端应用(比如 servlet)中请求由同一 weblogic 实例 server的资源 解决办法就是将该 servlet放到另外的执行队列里去执行 下面给出一个典型的死锁线程(注意 STUCK 关键字): "[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=02fe9a18 nid=35 lwp_id=7518924 runnable [440dd000..440db878] at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:134) at weblogic.jdbc.oracle.net8.OracleDataProvider.getArrayOfBytesFromSocket(U nknown Source) at weblogic.jdbc.oracle.net8.OracleDataProvider.readFirstPacketInBuffer(Unkno wn Source) at weblogic.jdbc.oracle.net8.OracleDataProvider.readPacket(Unknown Source) at weblogic.jdbc.oracle.net8.OracleDataProvider.receive(Unknown Source) at weblogic.jdbc.oracle.net8.OracleNet8NSPTDAPacket.sendRequest(Unknown Source) at weblogic.jdbc.oracle.OracleImplStatement.fetchNext(Unknown Source) at weblogic.jdbc.oracle.OracleImplStatement.fetchNext2(Unknown Source) at weblogic.jdbc.oracle.OracleImplResultset.fetchAtPosition(Unknown Source) at weblogic.jdbc.base.BaseImplResultSet.next(Unknown Source) at weblogic.jdbc.base.BaseResultSet.next(Unknown Source) - locked <55f25550> (a weblogic.jdbc.oracle.OracleConnection) at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.ResultSet_weblogic_jdbc_base_BaseResultSet.next(U nknown Source) at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery(Loader.java:685) UNIX/Linux下可用 top、vmstat或 prstat命令观察系统资源状况 Mandy Chung's Blog 有一篇关于 Thread Dump and Concurrency Locks 的 blog,摘来如下: Thread dumps are very useful for diagnosing synchronization related problems such as deadlocks on object monitors. Ctrl-\ on Solaris/Linux or Ctrl-Break on Windows has been a common way to get a thread dump of a running application. On Solaris or Linux, you can send a QUIT signal to the target application. The target application in both cases prints a thread dump to the standard output and also detects if there is any deadlock involving object monitors. jstack, a new troubleshooting utility introduced in Tiger (J2SE 5.0), provides another way to obtain a thread dump of an application. Alan Bateman has a nice blog about jstack and its several improvements in Mustang (Java SE 6). Mustang jstack works like a remote Ctrl-\ or Ctrl-Break if you are on Windows. jconsole is JMX-complaint GUI tool which allows you to get a thread dump on the fly. The "Using JConsole to Monitor Applications" article gives you an overview of the Tiger monitoring and management functionality. Mustang extends the thread dump, jstack, and jconsole to support java.util.concurrent.locks to improve its diagnosability. For example, the Threads tab in the Mustang jconsole now shows which synchronizer a thread is waiting to acquire when the thread is blocked to lock a ReentrantLock and also which thread is owning that lock. In addition, it has a new "detect deadlock" button (in the bottom). When you click on the "detect deadlock" button, it will send a request to the target application to perform the deadlock detection operation. If the target application is running on Mustang, it finds deadlocks involving both object monitors as well as the java.util.concurrent.locks. If the target application is running on Tiger, it finds deadlocks involving object monitors only. Each deadlock cycle will be displayed in a separate Deadlock tab. Click here to see a wider form of this screenshot. JDK 6 has a nice demo FullThreadDump under $JDK_HOME/demo/management/FullThreadDump where JDK_HOME is the location of your JDK 6. This demo has been included in JDK 5.0 and is updated to use the new Mustang API. It demonstrates the use of the java.lang.management API to get the thread dump and detect deadlock programmatically.
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