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_经济学家读译参考_第141-150期 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 No. 141-150 《经济学家》读译参考 · 主 持 人:chenjilong · 创建时间:2006.02.20 · 更新频率:至少一周一篇 · 节目难度 · :初中级 · 适用对象:英语爱好者,考研一代 · 所属分类:翻译节目 节目简介 《经济学家》期刊文章行文严谨...

沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 No. 141-150 《经济学家》读译参考 · 主 持 人:chenjilong · 创建时间:2006.02.20 · 更新频率:至少一周一篇 · 节目难度 · :初中级 · 适用对象:英语爱好者,考研一代 · 所属分类:翻译节目 节目简介 《经济学家》期刊文章行文严谨,构思缜密,对于阅读、写作都非常有益。本人定期到《经 济学家》网站,下载特定文章,对文章中生词进行注释并举例说明(单词学习),并就全文 给出参考翻译,同时视情给出练习 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。目标:共同提高 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 TEXT 141 Visiting from Mexico 墨西哥游客 Friends and neighbours 朋友与邻居(译/陈继龙) Apr 26th 2007 | SAN ANTONIO From The Economist print edition The city where the Alamo battle was fought lets bygones be bygones[1] 这座城市曾发生过阿拉莫战争[注1],但它既往不咎 (1) THERE are some Americans who are obsessed with keeping Mexicans out of the country. And then there are those like Phil Hardberger, the mayor of San Antonio. “We need to make it easier for them to come here,” he says. He is referring to visitors. And many people in his city agree. 在美国,有人总想把墨西哥人赶出国门,也有人像圣安东尼奥市长菲尔•哈德贝里(Phil Hardberger)那样——他说:“我们要为他们的到来创造更便利的条件。”他指的是游客,对 此许多圣安东尼奥市民都 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示同意。 Mexicans spend billions of dollars a year in Texas, and San Antonio would like a little more of that money. Fewer than 200,000 people fly directly from San Antonio to Mexico, or vice versa, each year. Far more go to Dallas and Houston. 墨西哥人每年要在得克萨斯州花掉数十亿美元,圣安东尼奥希望能从中多分一杯羹。每年直 接往返于圣安东尼奥与墨西哥之间的游客不到 20万人,更多的人都去了达拉斯和休斯敦。 That is somewhat odd, given that San Antonio is a big Latino centre. It is the largest city in America with a Hispanic majority. Some 60% of its residents are Latino, mostly 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Mexican-American, and more than 40% speak Spanish at home. The Museo Alameda, a Smithsonian affiliate dedicated to “the Latino experience”, opened in San Antonio on April 13th. It abuts[2] a marketplace selling sombreros[3] , confetti[4]-filled eggs called cascarones and skeleton figurines used to celebrate the Day of the Dead. (2)The scene is especially lively in April, when several million people come for Fiesta San Antonio, a ten-day festival with as many margaritas and mariachi bands as anyone could want. 这有点奇怪,要知道圣安东尼奥是拉美人聚集的一个大中心。它是西班牙语裔人占大多数的 最大的一个美国城市,其居民约有 60%是拉美人,大多是墨西哥裔,且有 40%以上的人在 家都说西班牙语。4月 13日,阿拉米达博物馆(Museo Alameda)在圣安东尼奥开馆,这是 史密森学会[注 2]下属的一个旨在展示“拉美人经历”的分支机构。博物馆附近是一个集市, 售卖墨西哥宽边帽、彩纸 蛋和用来庆祝亡灵节(the Day of the Dead,相当于中国的清明节) 的小骨雕。进入四月,圣安东尼奥尤为热闹,数百万人赶来参加圣安东尼奥节( Fiesta San Antonio)。节日为期 10天,其间玛格丽塔酒(margarita)[注 3]和墨西哥流浪乐队应有尽有。 The fiesta is the city's biggest event, and such celebrations occasionally figure in local politics. Mr Hardberger owes his election in part to the 2005 River Parade. (3)City councilman Julian Castro, then the front- runner, sent his twin brother to ride on a float in his stead. After they were rumbled[5], many voters decided that Mr Castro was too immature to be mayor. 此节可谓该市的一大盛事,并且这些庆祝仪式偶尔还会同地方政治联系在一起。哈德贝里将 自己的当选部分归功于 2005年的“沿河游行”事件。市议会议员朱利安 •卡斯特罗(Julian Castro)当时在选举中一路领先,可他竟让他的孪生弟弟顶替他坐在一辆游行花车上。在被 看穿之后,许多选民断定卡斯特罗不够老练,不适合当市长。 Despite all this jollity, Dallas and Houston beat San Antonio at attracting travellers from Mexico, particularly business travellers. This year, while the fiesta was underway in San Antonio, Houston was hosting a food exposition that attracted 45 Mexican companies. One Querétaro-based outfit hawked square tortillas[6]. 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 欢闹归欢闹,圣安东尼奥在吸引墨西哥游客特别是商务旅行者方面,还是败给了达拉斯和休 斯敦。今年,在圣安东尼奥欢庆佳节期间,休斯敦主办了一个食品博览会,吸引了 45家墨 西哥企业。有一家位于克雷特罗(墨西哥西北部城市)的小公司还卖起了方形的玉米饼。 The problem, according to Mr Hardberger, is San Antonio's comparative inaccessibility by air. San Antonio is the 7th largest city in America, but its airport is so small it is almost cute. It seldom takes more than five minutes to go through security. San Antonio offers just three or four daily flights to Mexico City and only one to Monterrey. Mr Hardberger wants more direct flights, especially to Monterrey, the closest big Mexican city to San Antonio. 哈德贝里认为,问题在于圣安东尼奥航空运输不太便利。作为美国第七大城市,它的机场却 小得可怜,一般用不到 5分钟即可通过安检。从圣安东尼奥到墨西哥城的航 班每天只有三、 四趟,到蒙特雷(墨西哥东北部城市)也只有一班。哈德贝里希望增开直达航班,特别是直 达距离圣安东尼奥最近的墨西哥大城市蒙特雷的航班。 (4)And familiarity, in this case, may have bred neglect. “We have really just turned our back on them,” says Mr Hardberger. He thinks that, with so many natural ties between San Antonio and Mexico, people assumed a rapport[7] would flourish untended. But as it is with people, so it goes with places, he reflects. “If you don't take care of your relationships,” he says, “you may not have those relationships.” 这么看来,或许真是“熟视无睹”啊。哈德贝里说:“我们真的忽视他们了。”他认为,由于圣 安东尼奥与墨西哥之间的天然纽带关系如此密切,人们就想当然地以 为,无需呵护这种友 好的关系也会保持下去。他想,人是这样,地方也不例外。“如果不认真对待你们之间的关 系,也许就会失去那些关系。” (5)This is wise: Dallas and Houston are not the only American cities happy to pick up the slack. This week Kansas City welcomed a delegation from Mexico to talk about international supply-chain management. Officials in Laredo, Texas, are thinking of building a fifth bridge to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, to alleviate traffic. Politicians in New Mexico are lobbying for relaxed visa rules that would encourage visitors from Mexico to linger in Las Cruces. The battle for the Mexican dollar is on. 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 言之有理——利用这种被冷落的关系的城市不只是达拉斯和休斯敦。本周,堪萨斯城迎来了 一个墨西哥代表团,双方将就国际供应商连锁管理举行会谈。得克萨斯州南 部城市拉雷多 则正考虑修建第五座通往墨西哥新拉雷多市的大桥,以缓解交通压力。新墨西哥州的政治家 们也在游说政府放宽签证规定,从而鼓励墨西哥人前往拉斯 克鲁斯市旅游。一场争夺墨西 哥人腰包的战争开始了。 译注: [1] 阿拉莫:(英语 Alamo,西班牙语 Pappel)是美国德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥附近一座由传教站 扩建成的要塞。在德克萨斯独立战争中曾起到重要作用。在 1836年得克萨斯反抗墨西哥统治的 革命中大约182人从2月24日到3月6日被围困在此。所有起义者,包括戴维•克罗克特和雷姆•伯威 都被杀害。 [2]史密森学会(Smithsonian Institute):史密森•詹姆斯是英国化学家,矿石学家和慈善家。他捐 给美国的财产帮助创建了史密森学会(1846年)。 [3]玛格丽塔酒:由墨西哥龙舌兰酒、酸橙或柠檬汁以及橙味酒混合调制而成的鸡尾酒,通常用 杯沿涂有盐末的玻璃杯饮用。 [QUIZ] 英译汉(请将划线部分英文翻译成中文): (OXFORD) 1. let bygones be bygones不计前嫌 2. abut v. (指土地或建筑物)邻接或毗连某物, 与某物接界: His land abuts on the motorway. 他的土地和高速公路毗连. * Their house abuts against ours. 他们的房子紧挨着我们的房子. 3. sombrero n. 阔边毡帽, 阔边草帽(如墨西哥等拉丁美洲国家男子所戴的) 4. confetti n.(婚礼时投撒在新娘和新郎身上的)五彩纸屑(意大利语) 5. rumble v. 察觉(某人[某事物])的真实性质; 看穿(诡计): He looks suspicious do you think he's rumbled us/what we're up to? 他好像起了疑心--你觉得他看穿我们[我们要干的事]了吗? 6. tortilla n.玉米粉圆饼(通常有肉馅, 热食, 尤指墨西哥的) 7. rapport n.融 洽和谐的关系 : He is in rapport with his pupils. 他与学生关系很好 . * The actor developed a close rapport with his audience. 该演员与观众建立了密切的关系 . * Father and son have a great rapport. 父子情深. 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 TEXT 142 Argentina 阿根廷 Gas and graft “贿” 气(译/陈继龙) May 10th 2007 | BUENOS AIRES From The Economist print edition A corruption scandal laps around the government 腐败丑闻困扰阿根廷 CAMPAIGNING for Argentina's presidency in 2003, Néstor Kirchner promised voters that he would “renew the political culture”, cleansing it of corruption. (1)The first three years of his term were free of big scandals. But just six months before a presidential election in which he may seek a second term, his government's reputation for honest dealing is facing its first serious test, as details trickle out[1]about a state-administered pipeline project sullied[2] by front companies[3], fake billing and suspicions of bribes. Investigations have not unearthed any evidence of wrongdoing by government officials, and the sums involved are fairly small. But opponents claim that the rot goes deeper. 2003年,内斯托•基什内尔(Néstor Kirchner)在竞选阿根廷总统时曾向选民许诺,他将“重 建政治文化”并清除腐败。任期头三年没发生大的丑闻,可就在距离他谋求连任的总统大选 还有 6 个月的当口,其政府清正廉洁的名声首度面临严峻考验——有人透露,在一项国营 天然气管道 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 中,存在政府领导挂名公司参与、虚假帐单以及贪污受贿等诸多问 题。经 多次调查,尚未发现任何可以 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 政府官员有不正当行为的证据,而且涉嫌金额总数也相当 少。不过反对人士声称,腐败问题加重了。 The roots of the scandal lie in Mr Kirchner's energy policy, which relies heavily on price controls. Under Argentina's successful privatisation of its natural-gas industry in 1992, private companies decided where and how much to invest in pipelines. A government regulator authorised tariff increases to pay for the projects. 这桩丑闻根源于基什内尔实行的、严重依赖价格调控的能源政策。1992年,阿根廷天然气 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 产业成功私有化之后,私营企业有权决定管道投资地点和金额。政府监管部门则批准提高关 税来为项目提供资金。 ( 2) When an economic collapse forced a big devaluation of the peso in 2002, the government converted all dollar-denominated tariffs into pesos and froze them.Although the economy is booming again, Mr Kirchner only recently authorised the first tariff increase for residential users in five years. To remedy the resulting shortage, the government has sought to expand a pipeline bringing gas from Bolivia. 2002 年阿根廷经济出现崩溃,比索(阿根廷货币)被迫大幅度贬值。当时,政府将关税中 所有美元部分均兑换成比索并加以冻结。尽管后来经济再度复苏,但基什内尔直 到最近才 在五年内首次批准提高住宅用户关税。为了弥补因此造成的能源短缺,政府已准备扩建从玻 利维亚输入天然气的管道。 To pay for this, the government set up a trust fund with loans from Spain's Repsol YPF and Brazil's national development bank, the BNDES. It promised to repay them from a new tax on industrial users of gas. The government then told the pipeline's operator, Transportadora de Gas del Norte (TGN), to proceed with the expansion and to send the bill to the trust fund. 为了筹集扩建资金,政府将西班 牙 Repsol YPF石油公司和巴西国家开发银行(BNDES) 提供的贷款设为信托基金,并承诺通过对天然气的工业用户增收一项新税来偿还这些贷款。 此后它要求管道运营 商——TGN(Transportadora de Gas del Norte)公司继续进行扩建,并 由信托基金买单。 TGN is controlled by Techint, an Argentine steel- and pipemaker. It organised competitive tenders for the work. Among the winners was Skanska, a Swedish construction company. As the work proceeded, a judge received an anonymous tip-off[4] that Skanska had evaded tax by obtaining receipts for $400,000 of non-existent services bought from Infiniti, a company with no employees. 隶属阿根廷 Technit钢铁和管道制造公司的 TGN组织投标商对扩建工程进行了竞标,瑞典 Skanska建筑公司成为中标者之一。工程在建过程中,一名法 官接到一封匿名举报信,信 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 上指称 Skanska公司曾通过取得 40万美元“子虚乌有的(non- existent)”服务发票的方式进 行逃税,而提供这些服务的都是一家名为 Infiniti的皮包公司。 (3) Skanska then began its own inquiry. It found that it had paid 23 different companies for services never rendered; that this money was handed back to Skanska, and that over $4m of it was eventually spent on “improper payments”—though it did not specify to whom. Skanska has sacked seven of its managers in Argentina (all of whom were arrested on May 8th) and has paid the tax authority almost $5m. Skanska 公司随后展开了自查,发现其曾为一些“子虚乌有的”服务向 23家不同的公司付款, 而这笔资金后来又退还给 Skanska公司,其中有 400多万美元最终用 作“不正当报酬”—— 不过它并未说明到底给了谁。Skanska公司已解雇了其派驻阿根廷的 7名经理人员(所有人 均于 5月 8日被捕),并向税务当局交纳了 近 500万美元。 The government points out that the affair involves private companies and that there is no evidence of officials receiving bribes. But there are grounds for suspicion. During the tender won by Skanska, TGN complained in several letters to the regulator that all the bids for work that it reckoned should cost no more than $3.5m had come in at almost $9m. The regulator, who reports to the planning minister, responded that TGN should pay the excess. (The government now says TGN's estimate was too low.) Second, according to court documents Skanska was instructed to do business with Infiniti by the government agency responsible for the trust fund. 政府指出,此事牵涉到私营企业,但尚无证据表明官员收受了贿赂。不过仍有诸多疑点。在 Skanska中标的那次竞标过程中,TGN曾多次写信给监管部门,抱 怨它原先估计此次工程 投标总额不会超过 350万美元,结果却达近 900万美元。由 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 部长直管的该部门答复表示, TGN应负责支付超出数额。(现在政府表示 TGN的估算过低。)再有就是庭审文件认为, Skanska公司与 Infiniti的交易,来自于信托基金政府 主管部门的授意。 (4)There are fears of a cover -up.Last year there was a fire in the tax office where documents relating to the case were kept. The investigating judge had previously requested police protection for those offices, but the interior ministry declined to provide it. On March 27th three armed men entered the house of Carlos Russo, the journalist who broke the story, and stole papers containing much of his work. 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 很多人还担心有人 故意掩盖事实。去年,存放此案相关文件的税务局发生了一起火灾,而 此前负责调查的法官曾要求警方保护好那些办公室,但遭到了内政部的拒绝。3月 27日, 三 名武装男子闯入披露此事的记者卡洛斯 •鲁索(Carlos Russo)家中,偷走了许多相关文 件资料。 But investigations continue. Tax officials have searched 22 offices of firms from which Skanska obtained fake receipts. It transpires[5] that Infiniti had over 130 clients for its non-existent services. Esteban Bullrich, an opposition congressman, estimates that at least $25m of the $285m cost of the pipeline was corruptly diverted. 不过调查并没有中止。税务官员搜查了为 Skanska提供虚假发票的各公司的 22个办事处, 发现 Infiniti “子虚乌有的”服务客户超过 130家。反对党议员埃斯特班•布尔里希(Esteban Bullrich)估计,管道工程耗费的 2.85亿美元中,至少有 2500万美元被挪作他用。 Mr Bullrich and another congressmen have asked the courts to investigate three senior officials at the planning ministry in connection with the case. The minister, Julio de Vido, is Mr Kirchner's closest aide. His ministry has grown swiftly, and now oversees spending of $4.6 billion a year. On taking office Mr Kirchner appointed Mr de Vido's wife to a senior post in the government's internal audit agency. 布尔里希和另一名议员已请求法院对计划部涉案的三名高级官员进行调查。计划部长胡里奥 •德•维多(Julio de Vido)是基什内尔总统最亲近的助手,他所领导的计划部发展十分迅速, 每年监管的开支现已达 46亿美元。基什内尔刚刚就职总统时便任命德•贝多的妻子出 任政 府内部审计处的一名高官。 The courts are taking a close interest in the ministry's spending. Lavish bus and train subsidies, as well as road tolls, are the subject of some 15 judicial probes. Prosecutors are now scrutinising all public-works projects financed by trust funds similar to the one used for the pipeline. 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 法院对计划部的开支情况兴趣越来越浓厚。公共汽车和火车补贴以及公路收费过高等问题是 15项左右司法调查的重点。检察人员目前正在对所有由信托基金提供资金的公共建设项目 进行审查。 (5) Mr Kirchner has often criticised what he sees as the sleaze[6] during the government of Carlos Menem in the 1990s. At the time, Argentines were tolerant of such allegations because the economy was growing strongly. The government must hope they are again in forgiving mood. 基什内尔认为上世纪 90年代卡洛斯•梅内姆(Carlos Menem)政府执政期间存在一些“不光 彩的事情”,并常常予以抨击。由于适逢经济蓬勃发展,阿根廷民众对他这种指摘并不在意。 这回政府必须再一次寄希望于人民“心胸豁达”了。 [QUIZ] 英译汉(请将划线部分英文翻译成中文): (OXFORD) 1. trickle out慢慢流出;(消息)逐渐传出 2. sully v. 弄脏,玷污 3. front company为隐瞒秘密或非法活动而建立的合法公司 4. tip-off n. 密报 5. transpire v.与 it和 that从句结合使用; 通常不用于进行时态.(指事情、秘密等)公开, 为 人所知 6. sleaze n.不道德的行为(尤指与性、谎言有关) 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 TEXT 143 Bhutan's mock election 不丹模拟选举 Voting for the thunder dragon 投雷龙一票(译/陈继龙) Apr 26th 2007 | PUNAKA AND THIMPUFrom The Economist print edition Happy with their king's absolute rule, most Bhutanese wonder why he is giving them democracy. A minority wonders why it is being left out 在国王的绝对统治下,大多数不丹人都感到幸福,他们搞不清为什么国王要给他们民主, 而少数族裔却为自己被冷落而感到困惑 IF ONE man could have been expected to support the democratic change sweeping Bhutan, a remote and eccentric Himalayan kingdom, it was Kunzang Wangdi. But as the chief election commissioner queued to vote in Thimpu on April 21st, in a practice run for an inaugural[1] election due next year, he looked mildly reluctant. 位于喜马拉雅山、与世隔绝的偏远王国不丹举国上下正在经历一场民主改革,如果期望有人 支持这场改革,那就是孔章•汪迪(Kunzang Wangdi)了。但是,这位首席选举专员 4月 21 日在首都廷布排队等候投票、参加为明年首届大选举行的预演时,看上去有些勉为其难。 Could it be that even Mr Wangdi would prefer to remain under the heel of King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, who ruled Bhutan for 34 years before, last December, passing his throne to one of his sons and handing power to the people? (1)“Yes, personally, because you can't have leaders like that from the people,” said Mr Wangdi, absent-mindedly acknowledging the bows of queuing commoners. For an official of his rank, this is a stiff-legged stoop, with fingers outstretched to mid-shin. 国王吉格梅•辛格•旺楚克已经统治不丹 34年,去年 12月他传位于自己的儿子,并将权力移 交给人民。有没有可能连汪迪本人也宁愿继续听命于国王吉格梅 •辛格 •旺楚克呢? “就我 而言,这是有可能的,因为民众中选不出这样的领袖。”汪迪一边说,一边心不在焉地向鞠 躬的平民队伍致意。给他这种级别的官员鞠躬,腿要绷直,然后俯 身将手指伸到小腿中部。 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 12 King Wangchuck—who warrants a special bow, with both hands raking[2] the ground—had an impressive reign. At his accession[3], the average Bhutanese died at 40 after a life of uneased toil. Continuing a modernisation begun by his father, and underwritten by foreign aid, the king oversaw a transformation. Life expectancy for the 700,000 Bhutanese is now 64 years. The economy grew by 12% last year; GDP per person is reckoned to be $1,400—twice that of India. (2)These are remarkable successes for a monarch committed to the pursuit, in his phrasing, of Gross National Happiness—a policy most constructively defined as favouring sustainable development over growth at any cost. 旺楚克国王——对他要行特殊的鞠躬礼,即双手触地——的统治给人们留下了深刻的印象。 他刚登基时,不丹人的生活很艰苦,平均寿命只有40岁。在外国的援助 下,他沿着父亲开 辟的现代化道路,促使不丹逐步发生了转变:70万不丹人的平均寿命现已达到64岁;去年经 济增长12%;人均 GDP大约为1400美元, 是印度的两倍。对于一个君主政权而言,这样的 成就非同凡响。他们始终坚持将国民幸福总值(Gross National Happiness)【注1】作为追求 目标——这是一项极具建设性的政策,强调为了可持续发展要不惜任何代价。 For most Bhutanese, King Wangchuck's imposition of democracy is therefore unwelcome. Only 125,000 people voted in the mock election, around 28% of the total eligible. Most turned out—in the elegant knee-length tunics[4] and full-length dresses that Bhutanese must wear in public—because they were told the king wished it. Of the four fictitious[5] parties they were asked to choose between, Druk (“Thunder Dragon”) Yellow, which stands for “culture and tradition” and bears the royal colour, won by a landslide[6]. “It's too soon to bring democracy,” said Thinlay Dorjee, a businessman queuing to vote in Thimpu, a capital of finely-tiled roofs, monasteries and, by next year, the world's biggest statue, of the Buddha. “We should stay beneath our king who has given us so much.” 因此,大多数不丹人都不欢迎旺楚克国王强行推行民主,只有 12.5万人在模拟选举中投了 票,约占合格选民总数的 28%。大多数人——身着长及膝盖的优雅短袍 或长及脚踝的长裙, 这也是不丹人在公共场合必需的衣着——之所以投票,是因为他们知道这是国王的心愿。在 四个可供选民选择的虚拟政党中,代表“文化与传 统”、体现王室色彩的“黄雷龙”(Druk Yellow)党获得了压倒性的胜利。“现在引入民主还为时过早。”在首都廷布排队投票的商人 廷莱•多吉如是说。廷布的房顶上都铺着漂亮的瓦,僧院随处可 见,并且明年这里还将竖起 世界上最大的佛像。多吉说:“国王给我们带来如此多的恩惠,我们应当继续效忠国王。” In fact, Mr Dorjee will more or less have his wish. Bhutan's modernisation programme is incremental and royally -guided. At some point, its people were likely to demand reform.(3)But by controlling the pace of change, King Wangchuck has done better than the discredited 沪江英语 www.yeshj.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 King Gyanendra of Nepal, another Himalayan kingdom, whose absolute rule was swept away by protests last year. 实际上多吉或多或少也会有自己的愿望。不丹的现代化建设项目越来越多,而且都由王室进 行指导。从某种意义上看,不丹人民可能是希望进行改革,不过旺楚克国王 通过调控改革 的步伐,其成就已然超过了另一个喜马拉雅山王国——尼泊尔国王贾南德拉,去年他的绝对 统治权在抗议声中土崩瓦解。 Since 1998 Bhutan has been run by a council of royally approved ministers. Laws have been passed by a parliament whose members are either elected, or Buddhist clergy or picked by the king. Even after next year's election, the new king, Jigme Khesar Wangchuck, an Oxford-educated 27-year-old, will control the army and appoint key functionaries[7]. The head of the new (genuine) main party, the People's Democratic Party, is his uncle. The king will be impeachable—with the support of two-thirds of an elected parliament—but this is currently unimaginable. 1998 年以来,不丹一直都处于国王钦命部长的控制之下,立法由议会负责,而议会的组成 人员中,有的是民选的,有的是僧侣,还有的是国王挑选的。即便到了明年大选 之后,毕 业于牛津大学、今年 27岁的新任国王吉格梅•科萨尔•旺楚克仍将掌控军队并主掌重要官员 的任命,而他的叔父则是新成立的主要政党(并非虚拟)—— 人民民主党的领袖。只要得 到三分之二多数的支持,民选议会就可以弹劾国王,但从目前来看,这几乎不可能。 Young King Wangchuck and his clan will also keep a grip on the economy. Two more royal uncles head the country's two biggest conglomerates. Otherwise, the private sector is tiny. Growth is driven by state-owned hydroelectric power generation; the sale of surplus power to India accounts for 87.5% of Bhutan's exports. Last month saw the opening of an Indian-funded 1,020MW power station, more than tripling total generation. Yet this remains a small fraction of Bhutan's hydropower po
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