首页 龙之纪元—人类贵族初始故事



龙之纪元—人类贵族初始故事 初始故事:人类贵族 Origin story: Human noble 父亲的任务 Father’s assignment 地图 M15:库斯兰城堡 Map M15: Cousland Castle 任务来自:布赖斯·库斯兰(Bryce Cousland) [库斯兰城堡(Cousland Castle)] Received from: Bryce Cousland [Cousland Castle] 和站在[库斯兰城堡-正厅(Cousland Castle – Main ha...

初始故事:人类贵族 Origin story: Human noble 父亲的任务 Father’s assignment 地图 M15:库斯兰城堡 Map M15: Cousland Castle 任务来自:布赖斯·库斯兰(Bryce Cousland) [库斯兰城堡(Cousland Castle)] Received from: Bryce Cousland [Cousland Castle] 和站在[库斯兰城堡-正厅(Cousland Castle – Main hall)](M15,1)的人物对话。你 会见到父亲布赖斯·库斯兰(Bryce Cousland)、豪伯爵(Arl Howe)和邓肯(Duncan) (他稍后才到)。布赖斯让你去找弗格斯。一直向西,找到标志着[库斯兰城堡-中庭 (Cousland Castle – Atrium)]的通道。在这里你会见到埃莉诺(Eleanor)、兰德拉小姐 (Lady Landra)、艾奥娜(Iona)和戴伦(Dairren)(M15,5)。和他们聊几句,继 续任务。 Description: Start off by talking to other characters standing in [Cousland Castle – Main hall] (M15, 1). Your father Bryce Cousland, Arl Howe and Duncan (he’ll arrive later on) are going to be the people you need to meet. Bryce will soon ask you to go and find Fergus for him. Head west until you arrive at a corridor marked as the [Cousland Castle – Atrium]. Here’s where you’ll meet Eleanor, Lady Landra, Iona and Dairren (M15, 5). Have a little chat with them and continue your quest. 最后抵达[库斯兰城堡-弗格斯的房间(Cousland Castle – Fergus’s Room)](M15,6)。 和弗格斯(Fergus)及他的家人-奥利阿纳(Oriana)、奥伦(Oren)对话。稍后布赖 斯·库斯兰(Bryce Cousland)和他的妻子埃莉诺(Eleanor)出现。离开房间结束任务。 Eventually you’ll have to reach a small room marked on your map as the [Cousland Castle – Fergus’s Room] (M15, 6). Talk to Fergus here, as well as to members of his family – Oriana and Oren. Bryce Cousland will show up here in a short while, along with his wife Eleanor. Exit this room to end the first quest of the prologue. 混乱的储藏室 Chaos in the pantry 任务来自:吉尔摩爵士(Sir Gilmore) [库斯兰城堡(Cousland Castle)] Received from: Sir Gilmore [Cousland Castle] 第一个任务结束后朝厨房方向去(M15,2),吉尔摩爵士(Sir Gilmore)会拦住你。他 说你的马巴厘犬在厨房里乱跑,四处破坏。到[库斯兰城堡-厨房(Cousland Castle – Kitchen)]和南(Nan)(M15,3)对话。对话了解情况后可以着手解决问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,也可以 再次和她说话,使用恫吓(intimidation)技能让她平静下来。 Description: Make your way to the kitchen area (M15, 2) before you end the first quest and you’re going to be stopped by Sir Gilmore. He’ll tell you that your mabari is running around the kitchen and wreaking havoc. Go to [Cousland Castle – Kitchen] and talk to Nan (M15, 3). During the conversation you’ll be informed about the problem and you can now focus on solving it or you can talk to Nan again and use intimidation to calm her down. 从附近的门进入[库斯兰-储藏室(Cousland Castle – Pantry)](M15,4)。这里你可 以和你的马巴厘犬(mabari)“对话”,并给它起个名字。你发现其实狗狗是在帮忙— —它在储藏室发现了巨型老鼠(giant rats)。一旦开始攻击这些老鼠,会有更多的老鼠 跑出来。清理完后回到[库斯兰城堡-厨房(Cousland Castle – Kitchen)]向南(Nan)汇 报。吉尔摩爵士(Sir Gilmore)会离队,狗狗会留在你身边——它可是个非常忠实的伙 伴。 Use a nearby door to enter [Cousland Castle – Pantry] (M15, 4). Here you’ll be presented with an opportunity to “talk” to your mabari, as well as to give it a name. You’ll soon find out that your animal was in fact helping, because giant rats can be found in the pantry. Start attacking the rodents and don’t be surprised to see more of them appearing in a short while. Once it’s safe return to [Cousland Castle - Kitchen] and report to the Nan. Sir Gilmore will now leave your team, but thankfully the dog will remain as your faitfhul companion. 豪的背叛 Howe’s betrayal 任务来自:完成父亲的任务后自动激活[库斯兰城堡(Cousland Castle)] Received from: automatically after completing Father’s assignment quest [Cousland Castle] 任务从[库斯兰城堡-你的房间(Cousland Castle – Your room)](M15,7)开始,场景 过后,人物站起来,暂停游戏,进行战斗准备。打开物品栏,把你有的最好装备给你的 人物穿戴上。如果来得及,可以在附近的箱子里找到其他的东西。现在等着豪的士兵 (Howe’s soldier)出现,这样就不会同时被弓箭手(Howe’s archer)攻击了。干掉士 兵后再对付其他的敌人。不要忘记搜他们的尸体,可以得到金币(gold)和短弓(short bow)。 Description: You start in [Cousland Castle – Your room] (M15, 7) and you’ll be presented with a short cut-scene. Wait for the main character to stand up and pause the game before enemy forces show up. Open your inventory and equip your character with the best items you’ve got. If you have a moment you can also open a nearby chest and collect additional things. You should now wait for Howe’s soldier to show up, so you won’t be attacked by Howe’s archer at the same time. Once the soldier is down take care of his colleague. Don’t forget to loot both bodies, because you’ll find gold and a short bow. 出房间后向左,在[库斯兰城堡-大君的房间(Cousland Castle – Teyrn’s room)](M15, 8)前干掉另两个士兵(soldiers),救出你的母亲埃莉诺(Eleanor),她会自动加入队 伍(不要忘记给她装备一把武器)。她丈夫的房间中有个箱子,里面有不错的东西。去 [库斯兰城堡-弗格斯的房间(Cousland Castle – Fergus’s room)](M15,6)看看,会 有惊人的发现。 Exit your room and turn left where you’ll have to defeat two other soldiers. They will be standing in front of [Cousland Castle – Teyrn’s room] (M15, 8). Eliminating them will allow you to save your mother Eleanor and she’ll automatically join your team (don’t forget to give her some kind of a weapon). You can also explore her husband’s quarters, collecting valuable items from one of the crates. Visit [Cousland Castle – Fergus’s room] (M15, 6) if you have a spare moment and you’ll make a shocking discovery. 回到正厅去,沿途有不少敌人(enemies)要消灭。如果你清光敌人后离开再回去,敌 人会重生。建议消灭弓箭手(enemy archers)后再对付其他的士兵(soldiers)。当你 接近中庭(M15,9)的时候,会有一段场景发生。和你的母亲(mother)对话,注意 要问过所有的问题,这样,除了得知有一条秘密通道外,还可以得到宝藏的信息,从而 开始新的支线任务(库斯兰金库(The Cousland treasury))。 You’ll now be moving back to the main hall and it shouldn’t come as a surprise that other enemies will be waiting for you along the way. Some of them will even respawn if you decide to revisit areas you’ve secured in the past. I would always recommend focusing on eliminating enemy archers and only when they’re gone to attack the soldiers. A new cut-scene will be triggered when you’re close to the atrium (M15, 9). Don’t forget to ask your mother all the necessary questions, so aside from finding out about the secret passageway you’ll also find out about the treasures and you’ll start a new subquest (The Cousland treasury). 向东边出发,会遇到一个奴隶(slaves)。你可以说服(persuade)他参战(不参加也没 什么区别)。注意,这里的敌人(enemies)数量很多,还要对付敌人的马巴厘犬(mabari)。 向[库斯兰城堡-正厅(Cousland Castle – Main hall)](M15,1)前进。发现饭厅旁边 的北通道已经被封锁了,转向东南,沿途会经过[库斯兰城堡-图书馆(Cousland Castle – Library)](M15,10)。 Head east where you’ll meet one of the slaves. You can attempt to persuade him to rejoin the battle, but it won’t be a big difference. Be careful, because there are a lot of enemies in the area and for the first time you’ll also be dealing with other mabari. Keep heading towards [Cousland Castle – Main hall] (M15, 1). Notice that the northern passageway near the dining room is blocked, so as a result you’ll have to move south-east, passing by [Cousland Castle – Library] (M15, 10). 你可以对附近所有的房间进行一番探查(包括小教堂)或者径直到[库斯兰城堡-正厅 (Cousland Castle – Main hall)](M15,1)。进入后要帮助吉尔摩爵士(sir Gilmore) 和守卫(guards)一起打败豪的人(Howe’s men)。注意要先尽快处理掉敌人的法师 (mage),这家伙的法术很厉害。干掉法师后再对付其他的敌人。战斗结束后和吉尔摩 对话,询问你父亲布赖斯的情况。 You can now decide to secure all nearby rooms (including the chapel) or you can proceed directly to [Cousland Castle – Main hall] (M15, 1). Once you’re inside you’ll have to assist sir Gilmore and other guards in defeating Howe’s men. It’s extremely important to attack an enemy mage as soon as possible, because otherwise he would start using powerful spells. Once the mage is out of the picture you can attack other hostile units. Talk to Gilmore when it’s safe and ask him about your father Bryce. 从正厅的北出口(M15,13)出去,到通道后到[库斯兰城堡-厨房(Cousland Castle – Kitchen)](M15,3)去。注意沿途会有残余的敌人(enemy units)攻击。进入厨房后 点击通往[库斯兰城堡-储藏室(Cousland Castle – Pantry)]的门(M15,4)。和濒死 的父亲(father)、邓肯(Duncan)对话。即使你拒绝邓肯的征召,他也会强征你加入 灰衣守护者。此任务结束后序章完成。 Choose the northern exit from the main hall (M15, 13) and once you’re in a corridor start heading towards [Cousland Castle – Kitchen] (M15, 3). Be careful, because some of the remaining enemy units may attack you along the way. Once you’re inside the kitchen click on the door leading to [Cousland Castle – Pantry] (M15, 4). Talk to your dying father, as well as to Duncan. You should know that even if you refuse to join the Grey Wardens Duncan will still recruit you by force. Finishing this quest will allow you to end the prologue. 库斯兰金库 The Cousland treasury 任务来自:大君夫人埃莉诺(Teyrna Eleanor) [库斯兰城堡(Cousland Castle)] Received from: Teyrna Eleanor [Cousland Castle] 在和埃莉诺对话中做了正确回答才会激活这个任务。在你第二个任务——豪的背叛 (Howe’s betrayal)中开始后和埃莉诺(Eleanor)对话。埃莉诺会告诉你关于家族金库 的事情,并给你打开金库的钥匙(key)。 Description: In order to activate this quest you must choose the correct answers while talking to Eleanor. This conversation will take place soon after you’ve started the second main quest – Howe’s betrayal. Eleanor will share the knowledge with you about the family vault and she’ll give you a key needed to open it. 要想找到金库,先要到[库斯兰城堡-岗哨(Cousland Castle – Guard post)](M15,11)。 进入岗哨,点击通往[库斯兰城堡-金库(Cousland Castle – Treasury)]的门。可以先检 查一下附近的柱子,也可以径直去开大箱子,拿到两个特殊物品-家传宝剑(family sword)和永高之盾(shield of Highever)(M15,12) In order to get to the vault you must first make your way to [Cousland Castle – Guard post] (M15, 11). Enter the guard post and click on the door leading to [Cousland Castle – Treasury]. You can spend some time examining nearby poles or you can click on the main chest. Collect two unique items – a family sword and a shield of Highever (M15, 12).
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