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TOEIC單字--辦公室篇ability ability n. 能力 Candidates will be required to write a brief test to assess their ability. 應徵者會被要求寫一份簡短的測驗,以證實他們的能力。 The ability to work well as a team member is necessary for this position. 這個職位需要良好的團隊工作能力。 abundant adj. 大量的;充沛的 Jobs in the field of com...

ability ability n. 能力 Candidates will be required to write a brief test to assess their ability. 應徵者會被要求寫一份簡短的測驗,以證實他們的能力。 The ability to work well as a team member is necessary for this position. 這個職位需要良好的團隊工作能力。 abundant adj. 大量的;充沛的 Jobs in the field of computer technology are abundant right now. 現在電腦科技領域的工作機會有很多。 The recruiter was confident that they would receive an abundant number of applications for the position. 這名招募員工者很有信心這個職務可以收到很多應徵信。 access n. 進入的權利;使用 v. 取出(資料);使用;接近 I don't have access to my company e-mail when I am away from the office. 我離開辦公室就無法使用公司的電子郵件。 If you have the password, you can access your account from any location. 如果你有密碼的話,你可以在任何地方使用你的帳號。 accomplishment n. 成就;實現 After completing her first independent project, Shari had a huge feeling of accomplishment. 莎瑞首次完成獨立計畫後,覺得很有成就感。 For her numerous accomplishments, Stephanie was rewarded with a hefty promotion. 史蒂芬妮因數項成就而獲得升職獎勵。 achievement n. 達成;成績 His most shining achievement in life was not his twenty years of service to the company, but the successful parenting of his children. 他生平最亮眼的成就不是在公司服務二十年,而是成功地養育他的子女。 Dr. Rosenquist's achievements in medical research have laid the groundwork for many new discoveries. 羅森吉思特博士在醫學研究上的成就奠定了許多新發現的基礎。 affordable adj. 負擔得起的;不太貴的 We provide reliable, affordable advice to all our clients. 我們提供可靠、價格合理的建議給所有的客戶。 We would like to purchase an affordable yet efficient computer system for our office. 我們會為辦公室購買價格合理,卻有效率的電腦系統。 apply v. 申請;請求 Heather decided to apply for the job even though she didn't possess all of the listed qualifications. 希瑟決定應徵這份工作,儘管她並沒有符合所有的資格條件。 Don't forget to include your writing samples when you apply for the position of reporter. 當你應徵記者的職務時,別忘了附上文字作品。 appreciation n. 賞識;鑑識;感謝 In appreciation of all your hard work, a banquet will be held Saturday at six. 為了感謝你們辛勤的工作,週六六點將舉行一場宴會。 Your appreciation of the situation gave us the insight we needed to solve the problem. 你對情勢的評估讓我們暸解該如何解決這個問題。 as needed 有需要時;必要時 Feel free to stock up on extra office supplies as needed. 若有需要就儘量採買額外的辦公室用品。 Please run a virus check on your computer as needed. 必要的時候請進行電腦掃毒檢查。 assemble v. 集合;收集 The computer needed to be assembled before the letters could be written. 寫信前得先組裝電腦。 You must carefully read the instruction sheet before attempting to assemble your new computer. 在試著組裝你的新電腦前,必須仔細閱讀操作說明書。 aware of 知道;意識到;察覺 I am not aware of any reason why I shouldn't hire you for the job. 我不知道有何理由不該雇用你做這份工作。 The president was aware of the CEO's feelings of ambivalence toward him. 總裁意識到執行長對他的矛盾情緒。 background n. 出身背景資料 His background is in biology, but he would like to go into politics. 雖然是生物學的背景,他卻想要從事政治。 Matt has a strong engineering background, combined with experience in contract management. 麥特有很紮實的機械背景,還有合約管理的經驗。 basis n. 主要原因或理由;基礎 On the basis of my hard work and dedication, I feel that I deserve an increase in my monthly salary. 基於我勤勉工作與專心致力的理由,我覺得我加薪是應該的。 The CEO didn't have any basis for rejecting the requests of the employees. 執行長沒有任何立場拒絕員工的要求。 benefit n. 益處;優點 v. 得益;受惠 Does this job offer employee benefits, such as a dental plan? 這份工作有提供員工福利嗎,例如牙醫醫療給付? Everyone benefits from the success of the company. 每個人都因公司成功而受惠。 bring in v. 聘顧;增員;出現 The manager suggested bringing in a new freelancer for the project. 經理建議這個計畫增聘一名新的外發人員。 The research and development team expect this new product to bring in high revenues. 研發部門預期這個新的產品可以帶來很高的營收。 bring together v. 參與;聚集 Each year, the company brings together its top sales representatives from across the country for a motivational weekend. 每年,公司會聚集全國各地的頂尖業務代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 參加週末激勵會。 Top recruiters from every major city were brought together at the annual job fair. 來自各大城市的頂尖徵才公司參加了年度徵才會。 call in v. 召喚;召開 Theresa was very excited when she was called in for a second interview. 特瑞莎接到第二次面試通知時非常的興奮。 If the human-resources manager is satisfied with your application, she may call you in for an interview. 如果人力資源經理對你的申請表內容感到滿意的話,她可能會請你來面試。 candidate n. 候選人 I believe that with my qualifications and experience, I am the ideal candidate for this position. 我相信憑著我的資歷與經歷,我是這個職位最理想的人選。 All eligible candidates are required to submit a resume and reference letters at their preliminary interview. 所有合格的候選人在首次面試時都需要交付履歷與介紹信。 capacity n. 容量;生產力;效能 This photocopier has the capacity to collate fifteen-page notebooks. 這台影印機的自動分頁功能是每一份文件最多十五頁。 This elevator has an eleven-person capacity. 這台電梯可以容納十一個人。 casually adv. 偶然地;無意地;若無其事地 Derek casually told his assistant that he was quitting his job and moving to Hawaii. 德瑞克若無其事地告訴他助理,他要離職搬去夏威夷。 The president casually slung his jacket over his shoulder and strolled out of the boardroom. 總裁輕鬆地將外套甩到肩膀上,走出會議室。 code n. 規則;規範 Our company code states that we must wear proper business attire at all times when at work. 我們公司明文規範,上班時一律穿著合宜的正式服裝。 Our employee code dictates that personal leave must be requested at least one month in advance. 我們的員工規範要求,請事假必須至少在一個月前提出。 come up with 想出;趕上 The CEO decided to hold a brainstorming session to come up with an effective recruiting campaign. 執行長決定舉辦一個動腦會議,想出一個有效增員的宣傳活動。 Wendy knew that she would have to come up with a good reason for missing her job interview. 溫蒂知道她得想出個好理由解釋為什麼錯過了求職面試。 commensurate adj. 同量的;相稱的 In most cases, the salary offered for a given job is commensurate with the candidate's qualifications and experience. 大多數的情況,工作的薪水會與應徵者的資歷與經歷相符合。 The number of paid vacation days allotted to each employee is commensurate with the number of weeks they have worked. 每個員工可獲得的給薪休假日數與他們實際的工作週數相符。 compatible adj. 相容的;可共處的 My new computer is not compatible with my old printer. 我的新電腦無法與我的舊印表機相容。 I need to find a keyboard that is compatible with my old operating system. 我需要找一個可以與我現有的操作系統相容的鍵盤。 compensate v. 酬報;補償 Don't try to compensate for your lack of diligence by bringing gifts to your boss. 不要試圖送禮給老闆來彌補你欠缺的努力。 You will be compensated for your personal expenses at the end of the month. 這個月底會支付你個人的花費。 conduct n. 行為;品行 v. 帶領;實施;表現 The bus driver was fired for inappropriate conduct and lewd behavior. 公車司機因不當的行為與猥褻的舉止被開除。 Please conduct yourselves accordingly when clients are touring the facility. 客戶在參觀設施時,請適當的表現。 confidence n. 自信;信心 You must always try to answer the interviewer's questions with confidence and honesty. 你必須保持自信且誠實地回答面試者的問題。 During the interview, the interviewer will be attempting to assess the candidate's level of confidence. 面試時,面試者會試著評估應徵者的自信程度。 constantly adv. 不斷地;時常地 That company is constantly advertising for new employees. They have a very high turnover rate. 那間公司時常在刊登徵人廣告,他們的流動率很高。 Elliot checked his phone constantly to see if anyone was calling him for an interview. 艾略特不斷地檢查電話查看是否有人打電話來要他去面試。 contribute v. 貢獻;捐助 We ask that each staff member contribute a few dollars per month to the coffee fund. 我們要求每個員工每個月捐獻一些錢當作咖啡基金。 The president is most appreciative of everyone who contributed to the success of this project. 董事長非常感謝每一個對此項計畫成功有貢獻的人。 courier n. 信差;快遞員 The letter will be delivered to your office this afternoon by courier. 快遞會在今天下午將信送到你的辦公室。 The courier service promises to deliver the package by 9 a.m. tomorrow. 快遞服務承諾會在明天早上九點前將包裹送達。 disk n. 磁碟片 The disk had been corrupted and was no longer useful. 這張磁碟片受損了,再也不能用了。 The disk was stuck in the drive and the computer was frozen. 磁片卡在軟碟槽中,結果電腦當機了。 display v. 顯示;展出 n. 展覽;陳列 The monitor will display the correct time in the lower-right-hand corner. 螢幕的右下角會顯示正確的時間。 When my computer is running on battery power, the monitor display isn't bright enough. 當我的電腦是使用電池供電的時候,螢幕的顯示會不夠亮。 duplicate v. 使加倍;複製 n. 副本 Before photocopiers, secretaries used to use carbon paper to duplicate documents. 在有影印機前,秘書會用複寫紙複寫文件。 I need an exact duplicate of the original to be signed by the client. 我需要一份正確的副本讓客戶簽名。 durable adj. 持久的;耐用的 Leather office chairs are far more durable than plastic ones. 皮革的辦公椅遠比塑膠椅子持久耐用。 All our laptop computers come with a durable vinyl carrying case. 我們所有的筆記型電腦都附有一個耐用的聚氯乙烯手提箱。 eligible adj. 有資格當選的;法律上合格的 With your five year's of service, you will be eligible for three week's paid vacation this year. 以你五年的年資,你今年有三週的給薪年假。 As an employee of this company, you are eligible for a twenty percent discount on any of our products. 身為本公司員工,你有資格以八折價購買任何產品。 expert n. 專家 The manager has decided that we require the services of an expert in finance to sort out our accounts. 經理已經決定我們需要一個財務專家來解決我們的帳目問題。 Donna was hired by the firm due to the fact that she was an expert in contract law. 這家公司雇用唐娜因為她是合約法的專家。 expose v. 接觸到;曝光 The annual trade show will expose new sales consultants to the industry. 在年度商展中將會讓新銷售顧問認識到該產業。 The CEO likes the new trainees to be exposed to as many different customer-service situations as possible. 執行長想要新的受訓者儘可能接觸到各種不同的客服狀況。 express adj. 快遞的;高速的 We sent the parcel via express mail. You should receive it this week. 那個包裹我們是用快遞郵寄。這週你應該就可以收到。 The express train is thirty minutes faster than the commuter train. 高速火車比通勤火車快三十分鐘。 facilitate v. 使容易;促進;幫助 In order to facilitate operations, we will be hiring more staff. 為使運作更為順暢,我們會雇用更多員工。 The manager attempted to facilitate the registration process by putting more clerks on the desk. 經理指派了更多的辦事員參與,試圖使登記流程更為順暢。 failure n. 失敗;疏忽;故障 Your failure to save your documents before the power outage resulted in a waste of time and money. 你在電力中斷前沒有儲存文件,結果就是浪費時間與金錢。 We are currently experiencing an operational systems failure with our recording equipment. 現在我們的錄音設備運作系統故障。 figure out 理解;解決 If I keep searching through the operator's manual, I am confident I will figure out the problem with our computer. 如果我搜尋使用者手冊,我有信心我會解決我們電腦的問題。 We need to figure out how that hacker got into our web site so we can block him from doing it again. 我們得找出那個駭客是如何進入我們的網站,才可以阻擋他再度入侵。 follow up v.(把.....)進行到底;堅持完成 follow-up n. 後續行動 Don't forget to follow up with the employer one week after your interview. 別忘了在面試後一週再度聯絡雇主。 It is appropriate to e-mail or call your interviewer one week after meeting as a follow-up. 適合的做法是在會面一週後再寫電子郵件或是打電話給面試者做追蹤。 glimpse n. 瞥見;一瞥 The company web site affords consumers a glimpse at the operations of Microtech. 公司的網站提供消費者一探微科的運作。 Silvia caught a glimpse of the elusive owner of the company as he disappeared into his sleek automobile. 席維雅在公司那個難以捉摸的老闆坐進他那輛豪華的汽車前見到了他的身影。 hesitant adv. 遲疑的;躊躇的 Daria was hesitant to call the contact person again as she didn't want to appear desperate. 達麗雅猶豫是否要再打電話給聯絡人,因為她不想要表現得太急切。 Tim appeared hesitant to answer when asked if he was willing to work weekends. 在被詢問到是否願意在週末工作時,提姆顯得遲疑的樣子。 hire n. 租用;雇用;雇員 v. 租用;雇用 Carol was a temporary hire to cover employee holidays for the summer. 卡蘿是個臨時僱員,是來填補夏日休假員工的空檔。 Mr. Bradshaw wanted to hire a new assistant to handle all of his scheduling responsibilities. 布瑞德修先生想要雇用新的助理處理他所有的行程安排。 in charge of 對…有責任;有管理監督之權 Glenn is in charge of ordering the inventory at Marks & Spencer. 格藍在瑪莎百貨負責訂購存貨。 Dale Smith is in charge of the sales department at Anderson Advertising. 戴爾.史密斯在安得森廣告公司管理銷售部門。 initiative n. 主動;創新的才能;率先 Darren showed real initiative when he made a proposition to the client. 達倫在對客戶提案的時候,表現得很主動。 Our software initiative will corner the market when it hits the streets. 我們的軟體上市時,其首創性將會壟斷市場。 keep up with v. 趕得上 It is important to keep up with changes in the industry by updating your skills. 隨時更新自己的技能趕上產業的變化是很重要的。 Top executives take part in annual training seminars in order to keep up with their peers. 高階主管參與年度訓練研討會目的在於能趕得上同儕。 layout n. 版面設計;安排 The layout of this ad needs to be changed as it is not very eye-catching. 這張廣告的版面設計需要修改,因為它並不是非常搶眼。 Please change the layout of the letter to fit the size of paper. 請改變字母的編排方式以符合紙張的大小。 look forward to v. phr. 期待 I am really looking forward to my summer vacation with my family. 我很期待要和家人一起共度暑假。 I am looking forward to meeting you at our company dinner. 我希望在公司的晚宴上見到你。 look to v. 依賴;依靠 I have always looked to my mother for guidance and support when faced with problems in my life. 當我的人生面臨問題時,總是有賴我母親給我指引與支持。 Please look to your supervisor for assistance if you encounter any obstacles on this assignment. 若你在這個任務上遇到任何困難,請向你的主管尋求協助。 look up to v. 尊敬 Julie had always looked up to her boss as an example of what she could become someday. 茱麗將她的老闆視之為自己未來可能達成的典範一直很尊敬 他。 You should treat your employees with fairness and respect if you want them to look up to you. 如果你希望員工能夠尊敬你,你對待員工就應該公平且尊重。 made of adj. 構成;組成 We need to get our product out on to the streets and show the competition what we're made of. 我們需要讓我們的產品上市,給對手看我們的實力。 Great businessmen are made of confidence, charisma, and character. 成功的生意人有自信、領導力,與高尚的品德。 mention n. 提到;說及 v. 提到;簡述 There was no mention of last week's telephone conversation in the letter received today by our office. 今天公司收到的信中並未提及上週電話訪談一事。 Don't forget to mention my name when you talk to your boss about potential candidates. 當你和你的老闆談到有潛力的應徵者時,不要忘了提及我的名字。 merit n. 功績;價值 You will be judged on the merit of your work and not on your popularity or appearance. 我們會以你工作表現來評價,而非你受歡迎的程度或是外表來 評斷。 This company is known for producing work that is of great merit to the industry. 這間公司以其產品領先業界聞名。 negotiate v. 談判;協商;洽談 Every manager should plan an annual evaluation meeting with their employees to discuss their work efforts and negotiate their pay raise. 每位經理都應該安排年度評議會,與安排員工會談他們的工作表現並商談加薪幅度。 We need someone with a strong ability to negotiate on our bargaining team. 我們的議價團隊需要一個協商能力很強的人。 network v. 連絡;在廣播網(或電視網)聯播 n. 電腦網絡;網狀物;廣播網 Jason regularly went to a social club to network with his peers. 傑森定期參加社交社團來連絡同儕感情。 A large network of web sites is accessible to consumers. 消費者可使用無遠弗界的網路。 on track 步入正軌 We must keep this meeting on track or we will run over time. 我們必須讓這個會議步入正軌,否則我們時間會不夠。 It is important to avoid distractions and keep on track at work or you will miss your deadline. 工作時很重要的是避免分心且方向正確,否則你會錯過截止時間。 out of 缺少;用光;賣完 William reported that the printer was out of ink again. 威廉回報印表機的墨水又用完了。 Tara noticed that she was out of minutes on her phone and stopped to buy a new card. 塔拉注意到她電話卡的時數已經用完,於是停下來買一張新的。 outdated adj. 舊式的;過時的 The computers at the newspaper office are old and outdated. 在剪報室的電腦老舊且過時了。 Jeff noticed that Sandra was using an outdated system and offered to help her update it. 傑夫注意到珊德拉使用過時的系統,提議要幫她升級。 petition n. 請願書 v. 請願;懇求 The activists were circulating a petition to stop the seal hunt. 激進份子正在流傳一份停止獵殺海豹的請願書。 We can let the authorities know how the public feels by petitioning the government on the matter. 藉由跟政府請願我們可以讓官員們知道民眾對此事的感受。 popularity n. 流行;聲望 The popularity of portable CD players has waned with the arrival of the iPod. iPod的出現讓CD隨身聽退了流行。 The CEO increased his popularity by instigating a series of monthly rewards incentives for top producers. 執行長因為提倡頒發一連串月業績獎金給頂尖生產者而聲名大噪。 process v. 處裡;加工 n. 過程;程序 The information is processed by the receiver before it is sent to the speaker. 資訊在給演講者前,收信者已經先處理過了。 The correct installation process involves inserting the new software and restarting the computer. 正確的安裝過程包含安裝新的軟體以及重新開機。 profile n. 分析資料的圖表;(報紙,黨視)人物簡介 The job profile called for a person with a background in engineering and computer science. 這份工作是要找有 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 及電腦背景的人。 Henry's profile described him as energetic and outgoing, hard working, and ambitious. 亨利的個人資料中撰述了他是個有活力、直率、工作認真,且有企圖心的人。 promote v. 升遷;宣傳 He is hoping that the boss will promote him if he does well on this assignment. 他希望如果他在這個任務上表現優異,老闆會給他升職。 We would like to promote your efforts in a press release to the media. 我們願意在一份媒體新聞稿中表揚你的努力。 proof v. 校對;證實 n. 證據 The editor had to proof the correspondence before putting it in the mail. 編輯在發新聞稿前得先校對。 We need proof of conspiracy before we can contact the authorities. 我們必須先證實叛亂一事才能與官方當局連絡。 provider n. 供應者;提供者 Ask your Internet service provider for more information about mobile messaging. 要求你的網路電信業者提供更多傳手機簡訊的資訊。 Our cable provider has a special offer for wireless Internet services this month. 我們的有線電台業者這個月無線網路有特別的優惠。 qualification n. 資格證書;能力 List your transferable skills and qualifications on your resume along with your education and experience. 在你的履歷表上列出轉移性技能與資歷,以及你的學歷與經歷。 Ellen had more than enough qualifications for the position, so the recruiter arranged for an interview the very next day. 艾倫具備的資歷超過這項工作所需,所以徵才者就在隔天安排了面試。 raise n. 加薪 v. 提升 Martin felt that after a year of steady and dedicated service to the company, he was deserving of a pay raise. 馬丁覺得在公司穩定且勤勉的工作一年後,他值得加薪。 The manager has raised his expectations of the new office assistant since learning that she has a university degree. 經理自從知道辦公室新助理有大學學位後,對她的期待提高了。 ready for 準備好 After reading the company web site, Olivia felt that she was ready for her job interview. 看過該公司的網站後,奧麗維雅覺得自己準備好可以參加工作面試。 The applicant wasn't ready to do the editing test that was part of the interview. 應徵者沒有準備好要做面試一部份的編輯測驗。 recognition n. 認可;表揚 He served the company devotedly for thirty years with little or no recognition for his efforts. 他為公司犧牲奉獻三十年幾乎沒有得到任何表揚。 It is important to give recognition when an employee has done good work. 當員工表現良好時給予表揚是很重要的。 recruit v. 徵募(新人)n. 新人 Many companies find that they save time and money by hiring agencies to recruit new employees for them. 許多公司發現他們雇用人力公司招募新員工省時又省力。 The new recruit was chosen for his experience and qualifications. 這名新人因為他的經驗和適任而獲選。 recur v. 再發生;復發 Our sales team has been experiencing a recurring problem with cancellations. 我們的業務團隊再次遇上取消訂單的問題。 We are taking precautionary measures to ensure that these problems do not recur. 我們採取預防 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,以確保這些問題不會再發生。 reduction n. 減少;下降 With a twenty percent reduction in staff over the holiday season, our office will be seriously understaffed. 放假季少了百分之二十的員工,我們辦公室裡的人力嚴重缺乏。 We experienced a ten percent reduction in sales during the month of February. 二月份我們少了百分之十的業績。 register v. 登記;註冊 n. 名單;紀錄 Don't forget to register your vote on election day. 選舉日不要忘記投票。 The register was signed by all attendees of the annual general meeting. 所有年會的出席者都在名單上簽了名。 reinforce v. 增強;支援 It is important to regularly reinforce safety guidelines for employees. 定時加強員工的安全守則是很重要的。 Top-level executives reinforced their training with annual seminars. 高階主管利用每年的研討會加強自我訓練。 reject n. 被拋棄的東西;瑕疵品 v. 拒絕;駁回 Put these job applications in the pile of rejects; the candidates do not have the necessary qualifications for the job. 將這些工作申請表放在拒絕夾中,這些應徵者不具備要求的資歷。 If you reject this job offer, it may be some time before you find another one. 如果你拒絕這個工作,要找到另外一個工作可能還需要一點時間。 replace v. 取代;把…..放回原處 If you replace the old unit with a new one, you will get much better results. 如果你用新的零件取代舊的,結果會好很多。 Please replace the user manual when you are finished with it. 用完使用者手冊請放回去。 retire v. 退休 My mother hopes to retire by the time she is sixty years old. 我母親希望在六十歲時退休。 After retiring, my father kept busy by working on his boat and looking after his garden. 我父親退休後,仍繼續忙著他的船上工作和照顧他的花園。 revise v. 修改;校訂 This document must be revised before it will be ready for signature. 文件簽署必須修改才可以。 Wendy decided to revise the agreement to make it more palatable to the client. 溫蒂決定修改合約,讓客戶更能接受。 search n. 探索;調查 v. 仔細檢查;搜索 In our search for the perfect computer, we tried models from Japan and Taiwan. 我們採用了日本與台灣的電腦進行研究一部最佳性能的電腦。 If you search on the Internet, you will find all of the related web sites. 如果你搜尋網路,你會找到所有相關的網站。 set up v. 建立;創立 Ted was firmly set up in his corner office in the new building. 泰德斷然在新大樓設立了他的角落辦公室。 It is important to have the computer set up before the new secretary arrives. 新秘書來之前就把電腦設立好是很重要的。 skill n. 技能;技巧;熟練 Our new technician acquired his skills through years of education and experience in the industry. 我們的新技師需要有學歷與在相關產業服務過的經歷。 It requires a lot of skill to rewire complicated electronics equipment. 在複雜的電器設備上重新裝線需要許多技術。 software n. 電腦軟體 The new software allows us to download music on a shared system. 新的電腦軟體讓我們可以在資源分享系統裡下載音樂。 Many software programs are compatible with all laptop computers. 許多軟體系統能相容於各種筆記型電腦。 stay on top of 獲知最新的…;了解(事情的)進展 We need to stay on top of the situation by watching the sales figures carefully. 我們得仔細觀察銷售數字以獲取最新的情勢。 In order to stay on top of the market, we need to conduct regular consumer reports. 為了獲知市場最新資訊,我們得定期進行消費者報告。 stock v. 儲存 n. 庫存 The office manager stocks the inventory room with new supplies everyseason. 辦公室經理將每一季的新貨放在庫存室。 Our stationery stock is low; I will be placing an order this week. 我們的文具庫存不
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