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模具公司质量手册QM-4.0-M5A-E行政管理文件 4.1管理承诺Management Commitment 4.1.1在建立、实施和管理质量管理体系时,最高管理层应进行以下活动: When establishing and implementing quality management system, top management should conduct the following activities 确立符合组织宗旨之设想、方针和战略目标; Establish outlook, policy and strategic objective ...

行政管理文件 4.1管理承诺Management Commitment 4.1.1在建立、实施和管理质量管理体系时,最高管理层应进行以下活动: When establishing and implementing quality management system, top management should conduct the following activities 确立符合组织宗旨之设想、方针和战略目标; Establish outlook, policy and strategic objective that suitable to the company; 通过实例引导组织,以促进其人员之间的相互信任; Ensure effective communication in the organization to promote confidence among employees; 就组织在质量和质量管理体系方面的方向和价值观进行沟通; Promote communication on the perspective and view of point of quality and quality system in the organization. 参与改进项目,寻求新方法,在保持当前业绩和基础上,实现持续改进; Participating in the improvement program to seek new method. Make continual improvement while maintain the current performance; 直接获得有关质量管理体系有效性和效率方面的反馈; Get information on the efficiency and effectiveness of the quality system. 识别能使组织增值的产品实现过程; Identify those processes that can add value to the organization. 识别影响产品实现过程有效性和效率的支持过程; Identify those processes that can impair the efficiency and effectiveness of product realization process. 营造鼓励组织内人员参与和发展的环境; Cultivate an atmosphere to encourage employees to participate and optimize the quality system in the organization. 提供支持组织战略计划实现所必需的结构和资源; Provide necessary labor force and other resources that support the organization to realize its strategic program; 规定组织业绩的测量方法,以便确定是否达到了所 策划 活动策划ppt下载游戏策划下载民宿策划下载游戏策划shu下载英文歌曲大赛策划免费下载 的目标。 Stipulate the method to appraise the organization’s performance to see if the planned goals have been achieved. 4.1.2各级管理者在建立、实施和管理质量管理体系时,应将八项质量管理原则作为首要考虑的事项。在此基础上,最高管理层应在以下活动中发挥领导作用,并证实对这些活动所作出的承诺。 Each level of management staffs should put the 8 quality management principles in the first place when establishing, implementing and maintaining quality management system. In this condition, top management should play a leading role in the following activities and confirm the commitment made to these activities. 始终以客户为关注焦点,识别并关注客户现在和未来的需求和期望; Focus on customer all time, identify and pay attention to the current and future requirements and expectation of customer; 向组织传达满足客户和法律、法规要求的重要性; Inform the organization the importance to satisfy the customer and meet requirements of laws and regulations; 宣传 免费孕前优生健康检查孕期保健知识宣传1冬季预防流感知识宣传手足口病防知识宣传森林防火宣传内容 质量方针和目标,以提高员工的意识、能动性并鼓励参与; Publicize quality policy and quality goal to improve employee’s quality awareness motivation, and encourage them take part in quality activities. 管理评审; Management review; 将持续改进作为过程的永恒目标; Set continual improvement as eternal goal of process; 策划组织的未来并管理变更; Plan the organization’s future and the manage changes; 确定使相关方满意的框架,并予以沟通。 Determine the frame that can satisfy the related parties and communicate it with them. 4.2以客户为中心Customer focus 4.2.1所有员工都应以实现客户满意为工作的永恒目标。 All staffs should take customer’s satisfaction as their eternal goal in work. 4.2.2为满足客户(包括内部客户)之需求和期望,各级管理者应: To meet customer’s requirements and expectations, each level of management staffs should: 理解客户的需求和期望,包括客户潜在的需求和期望; Understand customer’s requirement and expectation, including potential requirements and expectations; 为客户确定产品的关键特性; Determine special characteristics of product for the customer; 识别并评定组织在市场中的竞争能力; Identify and appraise the organization’s competitive ability in the market 识别市场机会、劣势和未来竞争的优势。 Identify the market opportunity, disadvantage and competitive edge in the future; 4.2.3与产品有关的客户之需求和期望包括: customer‘s requirement and expectation related to product —​ 符合性; — 可信性; — 可用性; Conformity Reliability Usability; —​ 交付能力; — 产品实现后的活动; Ability to deliver; Activities after product realization; —​ 产品安全性; — 产品责任; — 价格和寿命周期的费用; Product security; Product responsibility; Price and life cycle cost; — 环境影响。 Environmental effect. 4.2.4每位员工都应明确“客户至上”的意义,主动与客户沟通,以寻求改进的机会。 All staffs should understand the mean of "Customer oriented", communicate with customer actively to seek improvement opportunity. 4.3质量方针 Quality policy 4.3.1公司质量方针是:The company’s quality policy is: 本着“客户至上、质量第一、不断创新、精益求精”的企业精神,依靠科学的管理和先进的技术,我们承诺: 1.​ 以合理的成本,有效而高效地提供客户全面满意的产品和服务; 2.​ 预防质量问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的发生是我们日常工作的重要部分; 3.​ “改良质量、不断进取”是公司的长期目标。 Based on the company spirit of “customer oriented、quality first、innovation driven、strive for excellence”, using scientific management system and advanced technology, we are committed to: 1.​ Provide customer satisfied product and service effectively and efficiently at competitive cost; 2.​ Prevention of quality problem is an important part of the job of every employee; 3. “Continual improvement ” is a long-term goal of the company. 4.3.2董事长及总经理应将质量方针作为领导组织进行业绩改进的一种重要手段: Chairmen and GMs should take the quality policy as an important measure to achieve performance improvement: 质量方针应与本公司的发展战略保持一致,充分体现本公司的根本宗旨、未来前景和长远的战略目标。 The quality policy should be in consistent with this company's development strategy, reflect it’s the basic tenet, the future prospect and long-term strategic goal. 应在组织内向所有员工传达质量方针,并进行必要的沟通,使全体员工都能理解方针的真正内涵并得到认真落实。 Publicize the quality policy in the organization and make necessary communication to enable all staffs understand the policy so that it can be implemented. 方针应在公司各个层次进行展开,使全公司每一层次都对质量作出应有的承诺。 The policy should be deployed at each level of the company. Each level of the company should make a commitment to the policy implementation. 应确保对有关方针 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 的交流渠道和方式畅通、高效。 Ensure communication channel and method for policy fluent and effective. 4.3.3质量方针每年应至少评审一次,以确保其持续的适用性。 Quality policies should be reviewed at least once a year to ensure its continual suitability. 4.4策划Planning 4.4.1质量目标Quality goals (1)​ 应根据公司战略策划和质量方针确立质量目标。 Quality goals should be based on the company’s strategy plan and quality policy. 质量目标应可以测量: The quality goal should be measurable: 目标应有清晰的定义并为所有相关的员工所理解; The goal should be clearly defined and can be understood by all related staff; 测量目标达成状况所依据的数据应明确来源,并确保及时可信。 The origin of the data used to measure the status to achieve goal should be traceable and the data should true. (2)​ 质量目标应以所有相关的成员都能对其实现作出贡献的方式加以传达。 Quality goal should be informed in such a way that each employee could make contribution to the achievement of goals. (3)​ 质量目标展开的职责应予以规定,以确保在过程和活动所涉及的各个管理层次和相关职能均加以展开。 The responsibility for the goals deployment should be defined so that responsibilities be taken timely by pertinent person at every level during the process of goals achievement. (4)​ 应明确并传达实现质量目标的各相关人员的职责,确保各级人员都理解自己在相应层次目标中应处的地位和应尽的责任,并使员工能够将目标转化为各自的实际任务。 The responsibilities of related person to achieve quality goals should be clearly defined and publicized to ensure each person understand his goal and responsibility in the goal achievement process, make each employee turn quality goal into his own daily work. (5)​ 质量目标应规定定期检讨的时间要求,并确保每半年进行一次系统地评审,并检讨其修订的必要性。 The quality goals are supposed to be appraised regularly, ensure to review it half a year and then evaluate the need to revise. 4.4.2质量策划Quality planning 每年底,体系促进部应组织各级管理者针对公司战略、实现质量方针、目标和要求所需的各项活动和资源进行质量策划,特别应对有效和高效地实现质量目标和符合公司战略要求 At the end of each year, System Promotion Department should organize all level management staff to carry out quality planning regarding to the company strategy, activities and resources to achieve quality policy and quality goals, especially to those strategic requirements to achieve quality policy and quality goals effectively and highly efficiently 所需的过程作出规定。为确保质量策划有效和高效,其输入应包括以下内容: To ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of quality plan, its input should include the following items: 公司的战略; Company’s strategy; 已确定的质量目标; Existing quality goal; 已确定的客户和相关方的需求和期望; Existing requirements and expectations of customer and related parties; 对法律法规要求的评估; Evaluation of requirements of related laws and regulations 对产品性能数据的评估。 Evaluate the product performance data 对过程业绩数据的评估; Evaluation of process performance data 过去的经验教训; Past experience 已识别的改进机会; Identified improvement opportunity 相关风险的评估和减轻的数据; Evaluation of related risk and data to lower the risk. (1)​ 质量策划的输出为下列需求提供依据: The output of quality plans should provide evidence for the following items: 所需的技能和知识; Needed skill and knowledge; 实施过程改进计划的职责和权限; Responsibility and authority to carry out the improvement program 所需的资金和基础设施等资源; Needed capital and infrastructure; 评价组织业绩改进成果的指标; Target to evaluate organization performance improvement; 改进需求,如方法和工具; Need for Improvement, such as method and tool; 文件包括记录的需求。 Document including record requirement (2)​ 质量策划的输出由体系促进部组织中高层管理人员进行系统地评审。必要时,当公司的现状发生变化时,应对其予以修订,以确保过程的效率和有效性。 The output of quality planning should be reviewed systematically by top management of System Promotion Department. If necessary, quality planning should be revised to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of process when there’s some change to the company. 4.5职责、权限和沟通Responsibilities, authority and communication 4.5.1职责和权限Responsibilities and authority (1)​ 总经理应确保公司内各部门、各岗位之职责、权限均作出规定,并以有效和高效的方式得到必要的沟通。 The GM should ensure the responsibility and authority of each department and each post be defined clearly and communication of the responsibility and authority be made effectively and efficiently. (2)​ 公司内所有人员都应被赋予相应的职责和权限,从而使他们能够为实现质量目标作出贡献,并使他们树立参与意识,提高能动性和作出承诺。 In the company all personnel should entrust with the corresponding responsibility and the jurisdiction, thus enables them to make the contribution for the realization management goal, and makes them to set up the sense of participation, enhances the activity and makes the pledge. (3)​ 部门和各级人员之职责、权限应以文件形式分别建立“部门职能”和“职位说明书”。 The responsibility and authority of department individual should be defined in the documents of “department responsibility” and “ Synopsis of post”. 4.5.2管理者代表Management representatives (1)​ 董事长任命体系促进总监为管理者代表。 Chairman appoints system promotion department Chief Officer as management representative. 职责和权限:Responsibility and authority: 确保质量管理体系所需的过程得到确立,实施和持续改进; Ensure to establish, implement, maintain and improve processes required by the quality system; 向董事长报告质量管理体系的业绩,包括改进的需求; Report to chairman of the performance of quality system and the need for improvement; 确保在全公司内提高对顾客要求的意识; Ensure to improve the awareness to meet customer’s requirement in the entire company 代表公司与客户和其他相关方沟通体系业绩和改进的需求; Represents the company to communicate with customer and other related party on the performance of quality system and need for improvement.; 就质量管理体系之有关事宜的外部联络。 Act as liaison with outer party on the issue of quality system. 4.5.3内部沟通Internal communications (1)​ 各级管理者应规定并实施一个有效和高效的过程,以便沟通质量方针、质量要求、质量目标及完成状况等信息。 All levels of management staffs should specify and implement an effective and highly efficient process to the communicate quality policy, quality requirement, quality goal, completion status and so on. (2)​ 各级管理者应积极鼓励各不同层次和职能人员进行质量信息的反馈和沟通,并将其作为一种使员工充分参与的手段。 All levels of management staffs should actively encourage each employee to feedback and communicate quality information and take it as a measure to make employees get involved in the quality issues. (3)​ 内部沟通活动包括管理者在工作区域内引导沟通,所采用的方式可包括:小组简报介绍情况、会议、布告栏、内部刊物、员工调查表或建议书以及声像、电子媒体等。 The internal communication channels include information exchange in a working team, conference, bulletin board, internal magazine, employee questionnaire or proposal as well as audio, electronic media, management’s leadership and activities to promote communication in a work place and so on. 4.6管理评审Management Review 4.6.1公司管理评审会议分两层进行: Management review meetings are held at too levels. A、​ 第一层:由董事长组织公司高层进行,每年一次,会议由董事长主持; Level One: The Chairman organizes company’s top management staff to hold the meeting once a year. B、​ 第二层:由总经理组织各职能部门负责人进行,每半年一次,会议由总经理主持。 Level Two: The GM organizes the PIC of each functional department to hold the review meeting, every half a year. 4.6.2管理者代表应规定管理评审之输入要求,并在评审前与各负责人充分沟通,以明确评审所需提交资料,同时对此过程进行监控。 Management representatives should specify the inputs of management review and communicate with each responsible person to clear the data need to submit and monitor the data submitting process. 4.6.3管理评审输入包括: The input of management review include: 质量方针和质量目标; Quality policy and quality goal; 管理评审措施项目之状况; Status of the management review items; 审核结果; Audit result; 过程业绩和产品之符合性; Process performance and product conformity; 供方业绩; Supplier performance; 质量活动的经济效果; Economic benefits of quality activity; 客户反馈; Customer feedback; 改进活动(包括纠正和预防措施)状况; Improvement action (including corrective and preventive measure) status; 可能影响质量管理体系的变化; Potential change that will affect quality system; 新的改进机会。 Improvement opportunity. 4.6.4管理评审输出应向有关人员加以传达,这些输出应包括: Output of management review should be informed to related personnel. Output includes but not limited: 产品和过程的业绩改进目标; Improvement goal for product and process performance; 组织的业绩改进目标; Organization’s performance improvement goal; 组织机构和资源之适宜性及需求; Suitability and need of organization structure and resources; 针对已识别风险所制定预防和减少损失的计划; Make a program to prevent and decrease loss regarding to the identified risk; 有关组织未来需求之战略策划信息。 Information of strategy plan on the organization’s future need; 4.6.5各级管理者应将管理评审输出作为过程改进的输入和识别业绩改进机会的强有力的工具。 Each level of management should take output of management review as input of process improvement and a tool to identify performance improvement opportunity 4.6.6评审报告应在评审会议后五个工作日内完成,分发各与会者。 Management review report should be finished within 5 days after the meeting and distributed to the meeting attendee. 4.6.7评审记录应充分,以便追溯和促进对管理评审过程自身的评价,从而确保其持续有效性和为组织增值。 Management review reports should be complete for trace and appraisal to the process of management review to ensure its effectiveness and adding value to the company; 4.6.8对评审输出之执行状况应定期组织会议进行跟踪检查: Meetings should be organized regularly to follow up the completion status of the actions coming from the output of review meeting. 对于第一层管理评审:由董事长每季度组织跟踪一次; For the level one management review chairman should organize meetings to follow up quarterly. 对于第二层管理评审:由总经理每月组织跟踪一次。 For the level two management review the GM should follow up it monthly. 必要时,应组织相关人员对其执行效果进行再次评审和确认。 If necessary, related staff should be organized to re-review and re-conform the implementation result.
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