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平面照片排法 Before&After ® XiBAmagazine.com U Continued  Picture your group 0663 Have a dozen or more mug shots? A grid of squares gets that gang of yours looking good—together. Continued  Picture your group ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN STATE UNIV...

Before&After ® XiBAmagazine.com U Continued  Picture your group 0663 Have a dozen or more mug shots? A grid of squares gets that gang of yours looking good—together. Continued  Picture your group ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN STATE UNIVERSITY Connect. Motivate. Have Fun. Before&After ®    2 of 9  XiBAmagazine.com U Picture your group 0663 Picture your group Have a dozen or more mug shots? A grid of squares gets that gang of yours looking good—together. Equal divisions yield page- shaped fields. This has two assets: 1) The photos have a familiar, portrait shape, and 2) every shape including the page is identical. Downside: Letter-shape proportions are visually ambiguous. Divide the page into a grid. Two types: Square divisions are sym- metrical, simple (all four sides are the same) and unambigu- ous. This imparts an unusually sharp, intentionally designed look. Downside: Square mugs are harder to crop. We people are social creatures. We congregate. We work together, attend school together, form clubs together. We network. We rub elbows. We’re reaching out to touch someone, it seems, all the time. And yet for all our similarities, we look plenty differ- ent. We have different faces, hairstyles, body builds, clothing. Put us together on a page, and we can make a motley herd. So how do we picture a group of us? The key to a great design is to get uniform. Get the scale, cropping and backgrounds of your photos as similar as possible, then arrange the results on a neat grid. A few ideas: 81/2” 11” Before&After ® Picture your group 3 of 9    3 of 9  XiBAmagazine.com U Picture your group 0663 Scale and crop for uniformity The first step is to get your photos looking as similar as possible. Heads should be the same size, eyes at the same level, backgrounds smooth as possible. After Start with the most closely cropped original (above, left), then scale and crop the others to match. Center each face in its frame, and put everyone’s eyes on the same level. Male and female adult heads should be pretty much the same size. Head shape, hairstyle and tilt affect the perceived size, so make small adjustments by eye. Except for your school pictures, a group of photos is rarely taken under uniform conditions and so will benefit from post-production work. Lighting is key; adjust it as well as you can. The things to avoid (left, left to right) are heavy shadows (the kind a flash makes against a wall), washed out highlights (often from a flash), odd color casts and blurry images. Similarly, a dark photo in a field of light ones, or vice-versa, will draw unwanted attention. Before Well-lit photos taken at different view- ing distances. Start with the image that has the least cropping room, and make the others match. Before&After ® Picture your group 4 of 9    4 of 9  XiBAmagazine.com U Picture your group 0663 Faces inward (mostly) Distribute by value Soften with color Place your photos Place your photos on the grid, facing the perimeter photos inward (mostly) and distributing the dark-light values as evenly as you can. Adding a dark field will lower the contrast, which softens the message. The dark also makes a canvas out of which to reverse our name (left). Snap your photos to the grid. Face the perimeter photos inward or straight ahead. Where possible, distribute the dark- light values evenly (note the lighter images are highlighted above). Once grouped, look for things you missed earlier—for example, are all the faces centered, and are they really the same size? Make small scale and cropping adjustments. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN STATE UNIVERSITY Connect. Motivate. Have Fun. Note the alignment.Centered. Before&After ® Picture your group 5 of 9    5 of 9  XiBAmagazine.com U Picture your group 0663 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN STATE UNIVERSITY Connect. Motivate. Have Fun. Variation 1 Big images One or two big images in a field of small ones can add emphasis or context. Be sure to maintain the visual balance of the layout. A mug shot enlarged One mug shot bigger than the others will draw special attention. Square format is retained. Offset Similar-but-different image will broaden the story and lessen the impact of the first image. Different proportions and absence of alignment help it remain different. A different kind of image Completely different images give the mug shots context. The page now conveys sev- eral stories in one. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN STATE UNIVERSITY Connect. Motivate. Have Fun. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN STATE UNIVERSITY Connect. Motivate. Have Fun. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN STATE UNIVERSITY Connect. Motivate. Have Fun. Before&After ® Picture your group 6 of 9    6 of 9  XiBAmagazine.com U Picture your group 0663 Variation 2 Add words Replace some photos with colored squares, which can function as a table of contents, highlights or links. Centered words mimic the centered faces. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN STATE UNIVERSITY Classmate Search Sponsored Events Alumni Groups Career Services Reunions & Societies Membership Services Student Programs Connect. Motivate. Have Fun. Center focus The strength of a square is its natural pull into the center. Centered faces and text take advantage of that and yield a sharp, repetitive design of real clarity. Note the tiny shadow behind the text. Reunions & Societies Reunions & Societies A single color flattens the page (Left) Distributing photos yields an interesting checker- board pattern, but same-color squares flatten the design— note how they “connect” and form a single field. (Right) Bring the design to life by eyedroppering from the photos a palette of desaturated colors (below). Note how the squares no longer connect but form a vibrant tapestry. Before After Before&After ® Picture your group 7 of 9    7 of 9  XiBAmagazine.com U Picture your group 0663 Variation 3 Subtract It’s the same grid, but here the white field shapes the design. It’s now full of dynamic forces that move the eye left, right, up and down, full of energy, very modern. Put the focal point on the axis Who says white space is passive? Here, it’s incred- ibly active, pressing in on all four sides and defining the central shape, which radiates out from the center logo like a pinwheel. LINCOLN COMMUNITY COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN STATE UNIVERSITY Connect. Motivate. Have Fun. Hard and soft edges The higher the contrasts, the more energy a design has. (Above, left) Against white, the photos’ hard edges actively move the eye left, right, up and down. (Above, right) Dark field has soft edges, and what a difference! It’s the same layout, but the page is much quieter. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN Connect. Motivate. Have Fun. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN Connect. Motivate. Have Fun. Before&After ®    8 of 9  XiBAmagazine.com U Picture your group 0663 Picture your group 8 of 9 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN STATE UNIVERSITY Connect. Motivate. Have Fun. Typefaces 1 (a–b) ITC New Baskerville Italic a) 18/18 pt, b) 16 pt 2 ITC New Baskerville Bold 28/28 pt Images 3 (a–j) iStockphoto.com | a b c d e f g h i j k All others are from www.rubberball.com Article resources Colors C50 M45 Y70 K20 C65 M55 Y55 K30 C58 M55 Y78 K50 C50 M55 Y75 K40 C42 M52 Y82 K25 C36 M78 Y100 K45 C65 M60 Y70 K55 C45 M40 Y70 K40 C0 M25 Y100 K5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 122 3g 3h 3f 3e 1b 3i 1a 3a 3b 3c 3d 4 6 85 7 9 10 11 12 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD LINCOLN STATE UNIVERSITY Classmate Search Sponsored Events Alumni Groups Career Services Reunions & Societies Membership Services Student Programs Connect. Motivate. Have Fun. 3k 3j Before&After ®    9 of 9 | Printing formats  XiBAmagazine.com U Picture your group 0663 Picture your group 9 of 9Picture your group 9 of 9 Before & After magazine Before & After has been sharing its practical approach to graphic design since 1990. Because our modern world has made designers of us all (ready or not), Before & After is dedicated to making graphic design understand- able, useful and even fun for everyone. John McWade Publisher and creative director Gaye McWade Associate publisher Dexter Mark Abellera Staff designer Before & After magazine 323 Lincoln Street, Roseville, CA 95678 Telephone 916-784-3880 Fax 916-784-3995 E-mail mailbox@bamagazine.com www http://www.bamagazine.com Copyright ©2007 Before & After magazine ISSN 1049-0035. All rights reserved You may pass along a free copy of this article to others by clicking here. You may not alter this article, and you may not charge for it. You may quote brief sections for review; please credit Before & After magazine, and let us know. To link Before & After magazine to your Web site, use this URL: http://www.bamagazine.com. For all other permissions, please contact us. Subscribe to Before & After Subscribe to Before & After, and become a more capable, confident designer for pennies per article. To learn more, go to http://www.bamagazine.com/Subscribe E-mail this article To pass along a free copy of this article to others, click here. Join our e-list To be notified by e-mail of new articles as they become available, go to http://www.bamagazine.com/email Before&After ®    Back | Paper-saver format  XiBAmagazine.com U For paper-saver format Print: (Specify pages 11–15) For presentation format Print: (Specify pages 1–9) Print Format: Landscape Page Size: Fit to Page Save Presentation format or Paper-saver format Before & After is made to fit your binder Before & After articles are intended for permanent reference. All are titled and numbered. For the current table of contents, click here. To save time and paper, a paper-saver format of this article, suitable for one- or two-sided printing, is provided on the following pages. B e fo re & A fte r | w w w .bam agazine.com 1 of 5 P ictu re yo u r g ro u p 0663 0663 P ictu re yo u r g ro u p H ave a d ozen or m ore m u g sh ots? A grid of sq u ares gets th at gan g of you rs lookin g good — togeth er. Picture your group A L U M N I A S S O C IA T IO N B O A R D L IN C O L N S TATE U N IV E R S ITY C onnect. M otivate. H ave Fun. E q u a l d ivisio n s yield page- shaped fields. This has tw o assets: 1) The photos have a fam iliar, portrait shape, and 2) every shape including the page is identical. D ow nside: Letter-shape proportions are visually am biguous. D ivid e th e p a g e in to a g rid . Tw o typ e s: S q u a re d ivisio n s are sym - m etrical, sim ple (all four sides are the sam e) and unam bigu- ous. This im parts an unusually sharp, intentionally designed look. D ow nside: Square m ugs are harder to crop. W e p eo p le are so cial creatu res. W e con gregate. W e w o rk to geth er, atten d sch o o l to geth er, fo rm clu b s to geth er. W e n etw o rk. W e ru b elb ow s. W e’re reach in g o u t to to u ch so m eo n e, it seem s, all th e tim e. A n d yet fo r all o u r sim ilarities, w e lo o k p len ty d iffer- en t. W e h ave d ifferen t faces, h airstyles, b o d y b u ild s, clo th in g. P u t u s to geth er o n a p age, an d w e can m ake a m o tley h erd . So h ow d o w e p ictu re a gro u p o f u s? T h e key to a great d esign is to get u n ifo rm . G et th e scale, cro p p in g an d b ackgro u n d s o f yo u r p h o to s as sim ilar as p o ssib le, th en arran ge th e resu lts o n a n eat grid . A few id eas: 8 1/2 ” 11 ” B e fo re & A fte r | w w w .bam agazine.com 2 of 5 P ictu re yo u r g ro u p 0663 0663 P ictu re yo u r g ro u p S cale an d cro p fo r u n ifo rm ity T h e fi rst step is to get yo u r p h o to s lo o kin g as sim ilar as p o ssib le. H ead s sh o u ld b e th e sam e size, eyes at th e sam e level, b ackgro u n d s sm o o th as p o ssib le. A fte r Start w ith the m ost closely cropped original (above, left), then scale and crop the others to m atch. C enter each face in its fram e, and put everyone’s eyes on the sam e level. M ale and fem ale adult heads should be pretty m uch the sam e size. H ead shape, hairstyle and tilt affect the perceived size, so m ake sm all adjustm ents by eye. Except for your school pictures, a group of photos is rarely taken under uniform conditions and so w ill benefit from post-production w ork. Lighting is key; adjust it as w ell as you can. The things to avoid (left, left to right) are heavy shadow s (the kind a flash m akes against a w all), w ashed out highlights (often from a flash), odd color casts and blurry im ages. Sim ilarly, a dark photo in a field of light ones, or vice-versa, w ill draw unw anted attention. B e fo re W ell-lit photos taken at different view - ing distances. Start w ith the im age that has the least cropping room , and m ake the others m atch. Faces inw ard (m ostly) D istribute by value Soften w ith color P lace yo u r p h o to s P lace yo u r p h o to s o n th e grid , facin g th e p erim eter p h o to s in w ard (m o stly) an d d istrib u tin g th e d ark-ligh t valu es as even ly as yo u can . A dding a dark field w ill low er the contrast, w hich softens the m essage. The dark also m akes a canvas out of w hich to reverse our nam e (left). Snap your photos to the grid. Face the perim eter photos inw ard or straight ahead. W here possible, distribute the dark- light values evenly (note the lighter im ages are highlighted above). O nce grouped, look for things you m issed earlier— for exam ple, are all the faces centered, and are they really the sam e size? M ake sm all scale and cropping adjustm ents. A L U M N I A S S O C IA T IO N B O A R D L IN C O L N S TATE U N IV E R S ITY C onnect. M otivate. H ave Fun. N ote the alignm ent. C entered. Variation 2 A d d w o rd s R ep lace so m e p h o to s w ith co lo red sq u ares, w h ich can fu n ctio n as a tab le o f co n ten ts, h igh ligh ts o r lin ks. C en tered w o rd s m im ic th e cen tered faces. A L U M N I A S S O C IA T IO N B O A R D L IN C O L N S TATE U N IV E R S ITY C lassm ate Search Sponsored Events A lum ni G roups C areer Services R eunions & Societies M em bership Services Student Program s C onnect. M otivate. H ave Fun. C e n te r fo cu s The strength of a square is its natural pull into the center. C entered faces and text take advantage of that and yield a sharp, repetitive design of real clarity. N ote the tiny shadow behind the text. R eunions & Societies Reunions & Societies A sin g le co lo r fl a tte n s th e p a g e (Left) D istributing photos yields an interesting checker- board pattern, but sam e-color squares flatten the design— note how they “connect” and form a single field. (R ight) B ring the design to life by eyedroppering from the photos a palette of desatu- rated colors (below ). N ote how the squares no longer connect but form a vibrant tapestry. B efore A fter B e fo re & A fte r | w w w .bam agazine.com 3 of 5 P ictu re yo u r g ro u p 0663 0663 P ictu re yo u r g ro u p A L U M N I A S S O C IA T IO N B O A R D L IN C O L N C onnect. M otivate. H ave Fun. Variation 1 B ig im ag e s O n e o r tw o b ig im ages in a fi eld o f sm all o n es can ad d em p h asis o r co n text. B e su re to m ain tain th e visu al b alan ce o f th e layo u t. A m u g sh o t e n la rg e d O ne m ug shot bigger than the others w ill draw special attention. Square form at is retained. O ffse t Sim ilar-but-different im age w ill broaden the story and lessen the im pact of the first im age. D ifferent proportions and absence of alignm ent help it rem ain different. A d iffe re n t k in d o f im a g e C om pletely different im ages give the m ug shots context. The page now conveys sev- eral stories in one. A L U M N I A S S O C IA T IO N B O A R D L IN C O L N S TATE U N IV E R S ITY C onnect. M otivate. H ave Fun. A L U M N I A S S O C IA T IO N B O A R D L IN C O L N C onnect. M otivate. H ave Fun. A L U M N I A S S O C IA T IO N B O A R D L IN C O L N C onnect. M otivate. H ave Fun. B e fo re & A fte r | w w w .bam agazine.com 4 of 5 P ictu re yo u r g ro u p 0663 0663 P ictu re yo u r g ro u p Variation 3 S u b tract It’s th e sam e grid , b u t h ere th e w h ite fi eld sh ap es th e d esign . It’s n ow fu ll o f d yn am ic fo rces th at m ove th e eye left, righ t, u p an d d ow n , fu ll o f en ergy, very m o d ern . P u t th e fo ca l p o in t o n th e a x is W ho says w hite space is passive? H ere, it’s incred- ibly active, pressing in on all four sides and defining the central shape, w hich radiates out from the center logo like a pinw heel. L IN C O L N A L U M N I A S S O C IA T IO N B O A R D L IN C O L N S TATE U N IV E R S ITY C onnect. M otivate. H ave Fun. H a rd a n d so ft e d g e s The higher the contrasts, the m ore energy a design has. (A bove, left) A gainst w hite, the photos’ hard edges actively m ove the eye left, right, up and dow n. (A bove, right) D ark field has soft edges, and w hat a difference! It’s the sam e layout, but the page is m uch quieter. A L U M N I A S S O C IA T IO N B O A R D L IN C O L N C onnect. M otivate. H ave Fun. A L U M N I A S S O C IA T IO N B O A R D L IN C O L N C onnect. M otivate. H ave Fun. A L U M N I A S S O C IA T IO N B O A R D L IN C O L N S TATE U N IV E R S ITY C onnect. M otivate. H ave Fun. Typ e fa ce s 1 (a –b ) ITC N ew B askerville Italic a) 18/18 pt, b) 16 pt 2 ITC N ew B askerville B old 28/28 pt Im a g e s 3 (a –j) iStockphoto.com | a b c d e f g h i j k A ll others are from w w w .rubberball.com A rticle re so u rce s C o lo rs C 50 M 45 Y 70 K20 C 65 M 55 Y 55 K30 C 58 M 55 Y 78 K50 C 50 M 55 Y 75 K40 C 42 M 52 Y 82 K25 C 36 M 78 Y 100 K45 C 65 M 60 Y 70 K55 C 45 M 40 Y 70 K40 C 0 M 25 Y 100 K5 456789101112 2 3g3h 3f 3e 1b 3i 1a 3a 3b 3c 3d 4 6 8 5 7 9 10 11 12 A L U M N I A S S O C IA T IO N B O A R D L IN C O L N S TATE U N IV E R S ITY C lassm ate Search Sponsored Events A lum ni G roups C areer Services R eunions & Societies M em bership Services Student Program s C onnect. M otivate. H ave Fun. 3k 3j B e fo re & A fte r | w w w .bam agazine.com 5 of 5 P ictu re yo u r g ro u p 0663 0663 P ictu re yo u r g ro u p B e fo re & A fte r m a g a zin e B efo re & A fter h as b een sh arin g its p ractical ap p ro ach to grap h ic d esign sin ce 1990. B ecau se o u r m o d ern w o rld h as m ad e d esign ers o f u s all (read y o r n o t), B efo re & A fter is d ed icated to m akin g grap h ic d esign u
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