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全球五大宝藏 全球五大宝藏 六月底,由退休法官和神庙工作人员这些看起来不太像探险者的人士组成的一个团队打开了斯里帕德玛纳巴史瓦米神庙(Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple)的地下密室。他们都没有想到居然会发现那么多黄金珠宝,根据初步估计,这些珍宝价值约 220 亿美 元。这是一座建于 16 世纪的印度教神庙,一份有关庙中所有器物的完整清单将于本周递交印度高等法院。 Associated Press 位于印度喀拉拉邦(Kerala)的斯里帕德玛纳巴史瓦米神庙(Sree Padmanabhas...

全球五大宝藏 六月底,由退休法官和神庙工作人员这些看起来不太像探险者的人士组成的一个团队打开了斯里帕德玛纳巴史瓦米神庙(Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple)的地下密室。他们都没有想到居然会发现那么多黄金珠宝,根据初步估计,这些珍宝价值约 220 亿美 元。这是一座建于 16 世纪的印度教神庙,一份有关庙中所有器物的完整清单将于本周递交印度高等法院。 Associated Press 位于印度喀拉拉邦(Kerala)的斯里帕德玛纳巴史瓦米神庙(Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple) 伴随这一发现,这座位于印度喀拉拉邦(Kerala)的神庙得以跻身全球最大宝藏之列。在令探险家和考古学家困惑疑难了数年之后,人们终于在隐蔽的地库、 密室和洞穴中找到了这些宝藏。 以下就是我们列出的全球五大宝藏名单,还有一个是我们希望被发掘但实际上并不存在的秘密宝藏: 1. 埃及图坦卡蒙(Tutankhamun)法老墓。 谈到宝藏,这座埃及法老墓可说是无出其右。它的发掘过程充满了无畏的探险活动所具备的一切元素:一位老派的英国考古学家(霍华德口卡特(Howard Carter))、关于诅咒的传说、数量极其巨大的财宝(以至于花费了大约十年时间才搬空这座墓室)。 Agence France-Presse/Getty Images 埃及图坦卡蒙(Tutankhamun)法老墓中发现的一口镀金石棺。 探险队在埃及的国王谷搜索了七年时间,才在 1922 年发现了这座法老墓。在那里,卡特发现了几个密室,里面藏有镀金塑像、金棺和法老下葬时佩戴的 标志 禁止坐卧标志下载饮用水保护区标志下载桥隧标志图下载上坡路安全标志下载地理标志专用标志下载 性面具,目前这个面具陈列在位于开罗的埃及博物馆内。这一发现激发了大众的想象力,引发了全球对埃及古文明的兴趣,还催生了一系列木乃伊 电影。 2. 以色列的《死海古卷》(Dead Sea Scrolls)。 Agence France-Presse/Getty Images 在以色列一个实验室,一位专家在检查《死海古卷》的碎片。 这个古卷系列记载了目前已知的最古老的希伯来文圣经经文,最早出土于 1947 年,是贝都因牧羊人在死海西北部的洞穴里发现的,如今,这里被称为以 色列西岸。在随后几年里,总共有大约 900 卷经 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 被发掘出来。《死海古卷》为我们提供了关于公元一世纪时期宗教生活的最为详尽的描述,公元一世 纪是基督教和现代犹太教发展的关键时期。现在还不清楚这些经卷最早是由谁创作的;专家认为,这些经卷属于当时生活在这些洞穴附近的一个或几个 犹太教派别。现在,人们可以在耶路撒冷的以色列博物馆中看到这些经卷。 3. 阿富汗大夏金器(Bactrian Gold)。 Agence France-Presse/Getty Images 阿富汗大夏金器 1978 年,一位苏联考古学家率领的考古队在阿富汗北部偶然发现了藏有金器的古墓群,这些金器可以追溯至大夏时期,这是一个被亚历山大大帝征服的 游牧文明。但是,在阿富汗陷入战乱后,这些最初保存在喀布尔国家博物馆中的财宝被转移到总统府的一个地下保险库中,并由一位名叫阿莫拉丁口阿 斯卡扎(Ameruddin Askarzai)的央行官员负责看管。在随后的几十年时间里,他毅然承担起保护这批大夏金器的责任。他故意把这个地下保险库的锁损 毁并谎称里面藏的是其他东西,以防止塔利班官员劫掠这批财宝。2004 年,这些金器终于重见天日,在开锁专家的帮助下,阿斯卡扎在多国学者和阿富 汗新政府官员面前打开了这个地下保险库。这批曾经四处漂泊的宝藏目前存放在喀布尔国家博物馆内。 4. 意大利金宫(Domus Aurea)。 Agence France-Presse/Getty Images 意大利金宫 当包括拉斐尔(Raphael)在内的一群文艺复兴时期的年轻艺术家钻进罗马阿温廷山(Aventine)的一个洞室时,他们没有想到自己竟是进入了古罗马皇帝尼 禄(Nero)的宴会别墅。Domus Aurea 在拉丁语中是“金屋”的意思,它铺张地采用大理石、马赛克、壁画和粉饰灰泥做装饰,是目前已知的古罗马时 期规模最大的宫殿。在用于装饰 壁的大部分壁画被湿气破坏以前,这些艺术家有足够的时间把它们临摹了下来。公元 64 年,一场大火几乎烧毁了整座 罗马城,随后尼禄开始兴建这座金宫。在尼禄死后,他的继位者不想留下任何关于这座宫殿的痕迹,于是把它掩埋起来。 5. 伊拉克尼姆鲁德宝藏(Treasure of Nimrud)。 1988 年,一位伊拉克考古学家发掘出了黄金珠宝、装饰品和其他珍贵的亚述时期器物。它们只在巴格达的国家博物馆展出了几个月,然后伊拉克入侵科 威特,这批财宝不得不被转移隐藏到一个秘密的场所。从此以后,这批财宝几乎杳无音讯。许多人担心它们已被人劫掠、售卖或者被导弹炸毁。直到 2003 年 6 月,一个由博物馆工作人员和美国官员组成的代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 团才在被炸毁的央行大楼地下室里找到了这批财宝,它们被完好无损地装在五个浸饱了水的木板 箱中。这批亚述财宝将在全球巡回展出五年,然后重返伊拉克,永久陈列于巴格达的伊拉克博物馆(Iraq Museum)中。 还有一个是根本不存在的宝藏:艾尔口卡彭(Al Capone)的秘洞。这个宝藏也值得一提。1986 年 4 月,美国脱口秀主持人杰拉尔多口里维拉(Geraldo Rivera)向世人宣布,他已经发现了芝加哥黑帮老大艾尔口卡彭藏匿赃物的秘洞。结果他搞错了,他找到的不过是一个满是垃圾的洞穴而已,这一事件也 就成了电视史上最轰动的虎头蛇尾事件之一。 The World's Top Five Treasure Troves When a team of unlikely explorers, including former judges and temple officials, started opening the vaults of a Kerala temple last week, they didn't expect to find gold and precious stones worth $22 billion, according to preliminary estimates. A complete inventory of the artifacts found in the 16 century Hindu temple is expected to be filed to India's Supreme Court next week. With the findings, Kerala's Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple joins the ranks of the world's top treasure troves. After eluding explorers and archeologists for years, these were found stashed in hidden vaults, secret chambers and caves. Here is our list of the world's top five, plus one we wish had been found: 1. Tutankhamun's tomb, Egypt. When it comes to treasure troves, it's hard to beat the tomb of this Egyptian pharaoh. Its discovery had all the ingredients of the intrepid expedition: an old-school British archaeologist (Howard Carter), rumors of a curse, and a treasure so vast that it took about a decade to empty the tomb. It was unearthed in 1922 after a seven-year hunt in Egypt's Valley of Kings. There, Carter found several secret chambers containing gilded statues, gold coffins and the pharaoh's iconic burial mask, which is now displayed at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The finding caught the popular imagination, sparking a global interest in Egypt's ancient civilization and inspiring many a mummy movie. 2. The Dead Sea Scrolls, Israel. The collection of scrolls, which include several of the oldest known Hebrew biblical texts, was first discovered in 1947 by Bedouin shepherds in caves northwest of the Dead Sea, in what today is Israel's West Bank. A total of around 900 scrolls were found in later years. The Dead Sea Scrolls offer the most extensive testimony of religious life in the first century, a crucial time for the development of Christianity and modern Judaism. It is still unclear who was responsible for creating the scrolls in first place; experts argue that they belonged to one or several Jewish groups who lived near the caves at the time. They can now be viewed at Jerusalem's Israel Museum. 3. Bactrian Gold, Afghanistan. In 1978 a group led by a Soviet archaeologist stumbled upon burial mounds in northern Afghanistan containing golden artifacts that were traced to Bactria, a nomadic civilization which surrendered to the armies of Alexander the Great. But as the country slid into war, the treasure -- originally kept at Kabul's National Museum -- was shifted to a vault in the presidential palace and controlled by a central bank official, Ameruddin Askarzai. He took it upon himself to protect the Bactrian Gold in coming decades, purposely breaking the lock of the vault and lying about its content to prevent Taliban officials from looting it. The treasure was rediscovered in 2004 when Mr. Askarzai, with the help of a locksmith, opened the vault to a group of international scholars and officials from the new Afghan government. The hoard, which has traveled extensively, is based in Kabul's National Museum. 4. The Domus Aurea, Italy. When a group young Renaissance artists, including Raphael, lowered themselves in a grotto in Rome's Aventine hill, they didn't expect find themselves in the party villa of an ancient Roman emperor, Nero. Lavishly decorated with marbles, mosaics, frescos and stuccos, the Domus Aurea, Latin for golden house, is the largest palace known to have been build in ancient Rome. The artists had enough time to draw replicas of the frescos that decorated its walls before humidity got the best of them. Emperor Nero started building the Domus Aurea after 64 A.D., when a fire almost wiped out the city in its entirety. After his death, his successors wanted to leave no trace of the palace and buried it. 5. Treasure of Nimrud, Iraq. In 1988 an Iraqi archeologist unearthed golden jewelry, ornaments and other precious Assyrian artifacts. They were exhibited at Baghdad's National Museum for just a few months before Iraq invaded Kuwait and the treasure had to be stashed away in a secret location. After that, little was known of the treasure. Many feared it had been looted, sold or blown up in missile strikes. It wasn't until June 2003 that a delegation of museum staff and U.S. officials found the treasure, intact, in five waterlogged wooden crates in a basement of a bombed out building of the central bank. The Assyrian treasure is set to tour the world for five years before returning to Iraq, where it will be placed on permanent display in Baghdad's Iraq Museum. And the treasure that never was: Al Capone's vault. This one deserves a mention. In April 1986 U.S. talk show host Geraldo Rivera announced to the world he had found the vault where Chicago gangster Al Capone stashed away his booty. He was wrong, and the debris-filled vault the he revealed is now remembered as one of the greatest anticlimaxes in television history. Margherita Stancati
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