首页 氨基酸周期表



氨基酸周期表 His Histidine H 155.16 137.14 C6H9N3O2 Arg Arginine R 174.20 156.19 C6H14N4O2 Lys Lysine K 146.19 128.17 C6H14N2O2 Ile Isoleucine I 131.18 113.16 C6H13NO2 Phe Phenylalanine F 165.19 147.18 C9H11NO2 Leu Leucine L 131.18 113.1...

His Histidine H 155.16 137.14 C6H9N3O2 Arg Arginine R 174.20 156.19 C6H14N4O2 Lys Lysine K 146.19 128.17 C6H14N2O2 Ile Isoleucine I 131.18 113.16 C6H13NO2 Phe Phenylalanine F 165.19 147.18 C9H11NO2 Leu Leucine L 131.18 113.16 C6H13NO2 Trp Tryptophan W 204.23 186.21 C11H12N2O2 Ala Alanine A 89.09 71.08 C3H7NO2 Met Methionine M 149.21 131.20 C5H11NO2S Pro Proline P 115.13 97.12 C5H9NO2 Cys Cysteine C 121.16 103.14 C3H7NO2S Asn Asparagine N 132.12 114.10 C4H8N2O3 Val Valine V 117.15 99.13 C5H11NO2 Gly Glycine G 75.07 57.05 C2H5NO2 Ser Serine S 105.09 87.08 C3H7NO3 Gln Glutamine Q 146.15 128.13 C5H10N2O3 Tyr Tyrosine Y 181.19 163.17 C9H11NO3 Asp Aspartic Acid D 133.10 115.09 C4H7NO4 Glu Glutamic Acid E 147.13 129.11 C5H9NO4 Thr Threonine T 119.12 101.10 C4H9NO3 Periodic Chart of Amino Acids www.bachem.com Ser Serine S 105.09 87.08 C3H7NO3 1-Letter Amino Acid Code Relative Molecular Mass Mr – H20 Molecular Formula 3-Letter Amino Acid Code Chemical Structure Chemical Name Basic Non-polar (hydrophobic) Polar, uncharged Acidic Common Fmoc-Strategy SPPS* Protecting Groups Fmoc 9-Fluorenylmethyloxy- carbonyl Mr = 223.25 Mtt 4-Methyltrityl Mr = 257.36 Pmc 2,2,5,7,8-Pentamethyl- chroman-6-sulfonyl Mr = 267.37 EP 0 293 073 B1 US Patent 4,946,971 owned by Bachem tBu t-Butyl Mr = 57.12 Fluorophore ExcitationWavelength Emission Wavelength Abz (2-Aminobenzoyl or Anthraniloyl) 320 nm 420 nm N-Me-Abz (N-Methyl-anthraniloyl) 340 - 360 nm 440 - 450 nm AFC (7-Amido-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin) 395 - 400 nm 495 - 505 nm AMC (7-Amido-4-methylcoumarin) 360 - 380 nm 440 - 460 nm Dansyl (5-(Dimethylamino)naphthalene-1-sulfonyl) 342 nm 562 nm EDANS (5-[(2-Aminoethyl)amino] naphthalene-1- sulfonic acid) 340 nm 490 nm FITC (Fluorescein isothiocyanate) 490 nm 520 nm Mca ((7-Methoxycoumarin-4-yl)acetyl) 325 nm 392 nm 4MβNA (4-Methoxy-β-naphthylamide) 335 - 350 nm 410 - 440 nm βNA (β-Naphthylamide) 320 - 340 nm 410 - 420 nm Trp (Tryptophan) 280 nm 360 nm Chromophore ExtinctionWavelength Molar Extinction Coefficient pNA (p-Nitroanilide) 405 nm 410 nm ε405 nm = 9450 M-1cm-1 ε410 nm = 8800 M-1cm-1 Common Boc-Strategy SPPS* Protecting Groups Boc t-Butyloxycarbonyl Mr = 101.13 Tos Tosyl Mr = 155.20 Mbzl 4-Methylbenzyl Mr = 105.16 Bom Benzyloxymethyl Mr = 121.16 2-Chloro-Z 2-Chlorobenzyloxy- carbonyl Mr = 169.59 For Formyl Mr = 29.02 Bachem. 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