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实用眼科英语词汇缩写abd┃abdominal 腹部的 ABK┃aphakic bullous keratopathy无晶体性大泡性角膜病变 abn┃abnormal异常 ac┃before meals餐前 AC┃anterior chamber前房 ACC┃accommodation调节 ACG┃angle-closure glaucoma闭角青光眼 ACIOL┃anterior chamber intraocular lens前房型眼内晶体 add┃adduction or reading additional power内收;阅...

abd┃abdominal 腹部的 ABK┃aphakic bullous keratopathy无晶体性大泡性角膜病变 abn┃abnormal异常 ac┃before meals餐前 AC┃anterior chamber前房 ACC┃accommodation调节 ACG┃angle-closure glaucoma闭角青光眼 ACIOL┃anterior chamber intraocular lens前房型眼内晶体 add┃adduction or reading additional power内收;阅读另加屈光力 ad lib┃as desired当需要时 adv┃advanced高度 AIBSE┃acute idiopathic blind spot enlargement急性特发性盲点扩大综合征 AIDS┃acquired immunodeficiency syndrome艾滋病 AION┃arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy动脉缺血性视神经病变┃anterior ischemic optic neuropathy前部缺血性视神经病变 AKS┃ankylosing spondylitis强直性脊椎炎 AL┃argon laser氩激光 ALPI┃argon laser peripheral iridoplasty氩激光周边虹膜成形术 ALT┃argon laser trabeculoplasty氩激光小梁成形术 AMA┃against medical advice违反医疗忠告 ambl┃amblyopia弱视 AMD┃age-related macular degeneration年龄相关性黄斑变性 AMN┃acute macular neuroretinopathy急性黄斑神经视网膜病变 AMPPE┃acute multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy 急性多病灶性盾鳞状色素上皮病变 AMPPPE┃acute multifocal posterior placoid pigment epitheliopathy急性多病灶性后部盾鳞状色素上皮病变 ANA┃antinuclear antibody抗核抗体 ant┃anterior前 APMPPE┃acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy 急性后部多病灶性盾鳞状色素上皮病变 AODM┃adult-onset diabetes mellitus成人(发病)型糖尿病 AP┃anteroposterior前后 APD┃afferent pupillary defect瞳孔传入缺陷 approx┃approximately大约 APTT┃activated partial thromboplastin time激活部分促凝血酶原激酶时间 ARC┃anomalous retinal correspondence异常视网膜对应 ARMD┃age-retinal pigment epitheliitis年龄相关性黄斑变性 ARN┃acute retinal necrosis急性视网膜坏死 ARPE┃acute retinal pegment epitheliitis急性视网膜色素上皮炎 art┃artificial tears人工泪液 AS┃anterior synechia前粘连 ASA┃aspirin(acetylsalicylic acid)阿司匹林 ASAP┃as soon as possible尽快地 ASC┃anterior subcapsular cataract前囊下白内障 ASCVD┃atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease动脉硬化性心血管病 ASHD┃atherosclerotic heart disease动脉硬化性心脏病 astig┃astigmatism散光 ATR┃against-the-rule(astigmatism)逆规性(散光) AU┃anterior uveitis前葡萄膜炎 AVM┃arteriovenous malformation动静脉畸形 A/V┃arteriolar/venous(ratio,nicking)小动脉/静脉(比,压痕) AZOOR┃acute zonal occult outer retinopathy急性区域性隐匿性外层视网膜病变 Bas┃basophils嗜碱细胞 BC┃base curve基底曲线 BCC┃basal cell carcinoma基底细胞癌 BCP┃birth control pill避孕丸 BCR┃base curve radius基底弯曲半径 BCVA┃best corrected visual acuity最佳矫正视力 BD┃base down底向下 BDR┃background diabetic retinopathy背景型糖尿病性视网膜病变 BI┃base in底向内 bid┃twice a day一日两次 bilat┃bilateral两侧性 BIO┃binocular indirect ophthalmoscope双眼间接检眼镜 BK┃bullous keratopathy大泡性角膜病变 bleph┃blepharitis睑缘炎 BM┃basement membrane基底膜 BO┃base out 底向外 BP┃blood pressure血压 BRAO┃branch retinal artery occlusion视网膜分枝动脉阻塞 BRVO┃branch retinal vein occlusion视网膜分枝静脉阻塞 BU┃base up底向上 BUT┃break-up time泪膜破裂时间 BVA┃best visual acuity最佳视力 bx┃biopsy活检 c┃with与 c┃cornea角膜 CA┃carcinoma癌 CABG┃coronary artery bypass graft冠状动脉旁路移植 CAD┃coronary artery disease冠状动脉病 CAI┃carbonic anhydrase inhibitor碳酸酐酶抑制剂 Cap ┃capsule 胶囊 CAR┃cancer-associated retinopathy癌相关性视网膜病变 cat┃cataract白内障 CAT┃computed axial tomography计算机体层摄影术 CB┃ciliary body睫状体 CBC┃complete blood count完全血细胞计数 cc┃with correction矫正(视力) cc┃chief complaint主诉 CCA┃common carotid artery颈总动脉 CCT┃computer-assisted corneal topography角膜地形图仪 C/D┃cup-to-disc ratio杯/盘比 CF┃count fingers数指 CFZ┃capillary-free zone无毛细血管地带 C&F┃cells and flare细胞和光带(闪光) CHF┃congestive heart failure充血性心力衰竭 CHI┃closed head injury闭合性头颅外伤 CHRPE┃congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium先天性视网膜色素上皮肥厚 CK┃conductive keratoplasty传导性角膜成形术 CL┃contact lens,clear接触镜,透明 CME┃cystoid macular edema囊样黄斑水肿 cmv┃cytomegalovirus巨细胞病毒 CN┃cranial nerve脑神经 CNS┃central nervous system中枢神经系统 CNV┃choroidal neovascularization脉络膜新生血管形成 CNVM┃choroidal neovascular membrane脉络膜新生血管膜 c/o┃complaining of主诉 COAG┃chronic open-angle glaucoma慢开角青光眼 cong┃congenital先天性 conj┃conjunctiva结膜 COP┃cicatricial ocular pemphigoid瘢痕性眼类天疱疮 COPD┃chronic obstructive pulmonary disease慢性阻塞性肺病 CP┃cerebral palsy大脑麻痹 CPEO┃chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia慢性进行性眼外肌麻痹 CPR┃cardiopulmonary resuscitation心肺复苏术 CR┃chorioretinal脉络膜视网膜 CRAO┃central retinal artery occlusion视网膜中央动脉阻塞 CRF┃chronic renal failure慢性肾衰竭 CRT┃corneal refractive therapy角膜屈光矫正法 CRVO┃central retinal vein occlusion视网膜中央静脉阻塞 C&S┃culture and sensitivity培养和敏感性 CSCR┃central serous chorioretinopathy中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变 CSF┃cerebrospinal fluid脑脊髓液 CSME┃clinical significant macular edema临床意义性黄斑水肿 CSR┃central serous retinopathy中心性浆液性视网膜病变 csw┃corneoscleral wound角膜巩膜创伤 CT┃cover test遮盖试验┃computed tomography计算机体层摄影 CT scan┃computed tomographic scan计算机体层扫描 CV┃color vision色觉 CVA┃cerebrovascular accident脑中风 CVD┃cardiovascular disease 心血管病 CWS┃cotton-wool spot棉絮斑 Cx┃culture(微生物)培养 CXR┃chest x-ray film胸部X光片 cyl┃cylinder柱镜 d┃days天 D┃diopter or diameter屈光度或直径 D/C┃discontinue停止 D&C┃deep and clear(前房)深而透明 DD┃disc diameter视盘直径 DDx┃differential diagnosis鉴别诊断 DFE┃dilated fundus examination扩瞳检查眼底 D&I┃ dilation and irrigation(泪道)扩张和灌洗 DHD┃dissociated horizontal deviation分离性水平偏斜 dia┃diameter直径 disp┃dispense配药 DM┃diabetes mellitus糖尿病 DR┃diabetic retinopathy糖尿病视网膜病变 DV┃distance vision远距离视力 DVA┃distance vision acuity远距离视力 DVD┃dissociated vertical deviation分离性垂直偏离 DW┃daily wear每日戴(接触镜) Dx┃diagnosis诊断 DX┃Diamox醋氮酰胺 E┃esophoria at far内隐斜(视远) E’ ┃esophoria at near内隐斜(视近) ECA┃external carotid artery颈外动脉 ECCE┃extracapsular cataract extraction白内障囊外摘除术 EDTA┃ethylene dianline tetraacctic acid乙烯dianline tetraacctic酸 EEG┃electroencephalogram脑电图 EF┃eccentric fixation离心注视 EKC┃epidemic keratoconjunctivitis流行性角结膜炎 EKGorECG┃electrocardiogram心电图 ELISA┃enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay酶连结免疫吸收测定 EMM┃epimacular membrane黄斑 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面膜 endo┃endothelium内皮细胞 ENT┃ear,nose,throat耳鼻喉 EOG┃electro-oculogram眼电图 EOM┃extraocular muscles眼外肌 eos┃eosinophil嗜酸型细胞 epi┃epithelium上皮细胞 ER┃emergency room急诊室 ERG┃electroretinogram视网膜电图 ERM┃epiretinal membrane视网膜表面膜 ESR┃erythrocyte sedimentation rate血沉 ET┃esotropia at far内斜视(视远) ET’ ┃esotropia at near内隐斜(视近) E(T)orIET┃intermittent esotropia at far间歇性内隐斜(视近) E(T)’orIET’┃ intermittent esotropia at near间歇性内隐斜(视远) ETOH┃ethyl alcohol乙醇,酒精 EUA ┃examination under anesthesia全麻下检查 EW┃extended wear长期戴用(接触镜) EXT┃external ocular examination外眼检查 exoph┃exophthalmos眼球突出 FA┃fluorescein angiography荧光素血管造影 FAZ┃fluorescein angiography中心凹无血管地带 FB┃foreign body异物 FBS┃fasting blood sugar空腹血糖 FC┃finger count数指 FFA┃fundus fluorescein angiography荧光素眼底血管造影 FHorFHx┃family history家族史 fl┃fluorescein荧光素 FMHx┃family medical history家族病史 FML┃fluorometholone弗米隆 FOHx┃family ocular history家族眼病史 FR┃foveal reflex中心凹反光 FROM┃full range of motion运动范围完整 FTA-ABS┃fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test荧光密螺旋体抗体吸收试验 FTMH┃full-thickness macular hole黄斑全层裂孔 f/u┃follow-up随访 GC┃gonorrhea or gonococcus淋病或淋菌 GCA┃giant cell arteritis巨细胞性动脉炎 gent┃gentamicin庆大霉素 GI┃gastrointestine胃肠 GLC┃glaucoma,glucose青光眼,葡萄糖 fonio┃gonioscopy前房角镜检查 GPC┃giant papillary conjunctivitis巨乳头性结膜炎 gr┃grain 谷(=0.065克) gt or gtt┃drop(Plural,gtt)滴(复数,gtt) GTT┃glucose tolerance test葡萄糖耐量试验 GVF┃Goldmann visual field Goldmann视野 H or hr(hrs) ┃hour小时 HA┃headache头痛 Hb,Hgb┃hemoglobin血红蛋白 HCL┃hard contact lens硬性接触镜 Hct┃hematocrit血细胞比容 HCTZ┃hydrocholorothiazide呋塞米(双氢克尿塞) hem┃hemorrhage出血 HIV┃human immunodeficiency virus人类免疫缺陷病毒 HLA┃histocompatibility locus antigen or human leukocyte antigen组织相容性基因位点抗原或人类白细胞抗原 h/o┃history of历史 HM┃hand motion手动 H&P┃history and physical病史和体格 hs┃at bedtime在就寝时间 HSK┃herpes simplex keratitis单纯疱疹性角膜炎 HSV┃herpes simplex virus单纯疱疹病毒 HT┃hypertropia at far上斜视(远距离) HT’ ┃hypertropia at near上斜视(近距离) HTN┃hypertension高血压 HVF┃Humphrey visual field Humphrey视野 Hx┃history历史 HZO┃herpes zoster ophthalmicus眼带状疱疹 I┃iris虹膜 I&A┃irrigation and aspiration灌注和抽吸 IBx┃incisional biopsy切口性活检 IC┃iridocyclitis虹膜睫状体炎 ICA┃internal carotid artery颈内动脉 ICCE┃intracapsular cataract extraction白内障囊内摘除术 ICE┃inidocorneal endothelial syndrome虹膜角膜内皮综合征 ICG┃indocyanine green吲哚青绿 ICP┃intracranial pressure颅内压 ICU┃intensive care unit监护病房 I&D┃incision and drainage切开引流术 IDDM┃insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus胰岛素依赖糖尿病 IDU┃idoxuridine疱疹净 IFIOL┃iris-fixated intraocular lens虹膜固定眼内晶体 Ig┃immunoglobulin免疫球蛋白 IK┃interstitial keratitis基质性角膜炎 Im┃intramuscular肌内 Imp┃impression印象 inf┃inferior下 inj┃injection注射 INO┃internuclear ophthalmoplegia核间眼肌麻痹 INQ┃inferonasal quadrant鼻下象限 int┃intermittent间歇性 IOFB┃intraocular forergn body眼内异物 IOH┃intraocular hemorrhage眼内出血 IOL┃intraocular lens眼内晶状体,人工晶体 ION┃ischemic optic neuropathy缺血性视神经病变 IOP┃intraocular pressure眼压 IR┃infrared红外线 IRMA┃intraretinal microvascular abnormality视网膜内微血管异常 ITQ┃inferotemporal quadrant颞下象限 iu┃international unit or intermediate uveitis国际单位或中间葡萄膜炎 IV┃intravenous静脉内 JCT┃Juxtacanalicular Tissue管旁组织 JODM┃juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus青少年型糖尿病 JRA┃juvenile rheumatoid arthritis少年类风湿性关节炎 K┃cornea or potassium角膜或钾 KCS┃keratoconjunctivitis sicca干燥性角膜结膜炎 kg┃kilogram公斤 KP┃keratic precipiate角膜后沉着物 L┃left or lens左或晶状体 lab┃laboratory试验室 lac┃lacrimal泪 LASEK┃laser subepithelial keratomileusis激光上皮下角膜磨削术 LASIK┃laser in situ keratomileusis激光原位角膜磨削术 LCG┃light contrast glare光对比炫耀 LCTP┃lateral canthal tendon plication外眦腱折叠术 LI┃laser iridotomy or laser interferometry激光虹膜切开术或激光干涉仪 LK,LKP┃lamellar keratoplasty板层角膜移植术 LIO┃left inferior oblique左眼下斜肌 LIR┃left inferior rectus左眼下直肌 LL┃lower lid or lids and lashes下睑或眼睑和睫毛 LLR┃left lateral rectus左眼外直肌 LMR┃left medial rectus左眼内直肌 LN┃lymph node淋巴结 LP┃light perception,light projection,or lumber puncture光感,光定位,或腰椎穿刺 LPI┃laser peripheral iridoplasty激光周边虹膜成形术 LS┃lid scrubs睑缘擦洗(治疗睑缘炎) LSO┃laser scanner ophthalmolscope激光扫描检眼镜 LSO┃left superior oblique左眼上斜肌 LSR┃left superior rectus左眼上直肌 LTP┃laser trabeculoplasy激光小梁成形术 LTQ┃lower temporal quadrant颞下象限 LVA┃low vision aids低视力辅助 lymph┃lymphocytes or lymphatic淋巴细胞或淋巴 mac┃macular黄斑 mand┃mandibular下颌骨 MAR┃melanoma-associated retinopathy黑色素相关的视网膜病变 max┃maximum or maxillary最大值或上颌骨 MCH┃mean corpuscular hemoglobin 平均血细胞血红蛋白 MCHC┃mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration平均血细胞血红蛋白浓度 MCV┃mean corpuscular volume平均血细胞体积 ME┃macular edema黄斑水肿 MEDs┃medications药物治疗 mERG┃multifocal ERG多区域(多焦)视网膜电图 “Everything suddenly went dark in my right eye. It wasn't painful. But I can see anything through that eye. All I can make out are your fingers” 1 You had a stroke in your eye due to blocked arteries. This is probably a result, of an underlying systemic condition. I need you to close your eyes and I will touch your eyelids in order to massage them. Now hold this paper bag, take a deep breath and hold then breath into the bag. ANTERIOR CHAMBER PARACENTESIS 2 We need to drain a little bit of fluid from your eyes. This procedure may improve your present visual acuity. Are you allergic to numbing drops? Please relax your eyes. I need to numb one of your eye muscles. You will feel a pressure sensation. Just keep your eyes turned towards the side. Look at where my fingers are. 3 Now I need you to take this pill. It helps reduce your eye pressure to prevent further damage. WORK-UP 4 I need to find the underlying cause of your condition. Your vision will not improve. But we need to preserve what remains. Follow-up is important. I also need to refer you to an internist for a complete workup. They will need to run blood tests (FBS, CBC, PT/PTT, ANA, FTA-ABS) and so fourth (Carotid Doppler, ultrasound, ECG). I need to see you back in 3-4 weeks to make sure there are no signs of oxygen deprivation damage. I will have my staff make that appointment for you. BRVO(BRABCH RETINAL ARTERY OCCLUSION) 5 You have a partial stroke to your eye due to blocked artery. This is probably due to an underlying systemic condition. I need to see you back in 3-6 months to monitor your condition. Follow-up is important so please don't forget. CRVO(CENTRAL RETINAL ARTERY OCCLUSION) You have a blockage in the drainage system of blood in your eye. It is causing blood to leak out of vessels, which is the cause of your visual problems. We need to find out the underlying cause. Are you on any. medications such as oral contraceptives? Do you remember the name of your blood pressure pill? I need to discuss with your doctor and see if it's advisable to change your medication. I also need to refer you to an internist for a blood work-up. I recommend we do a fluorescein angiography. It's a special test that will give me better information as to the extent of vessel blockage. I will need to inject this yellow dye into your system. We will then take photos of the back part of your eyes. When you go outside, it is important that you have sun protection and cover your skin because this dye makes your skin more sensitive to the sun. Some patients have even told me when they go to the bathroom, their urine turns yellow. But this won't be permanent. I need to see you back every 4 weeks for these first six months to closely monitor for signs of oxygen deprivation. BRVO(BRABCH RETINAL ARTERY OCCLUSION) 7 You have a partial blockage of the drainage system of blood in your eye. It is causing blood to leak out of vessels, which is causing your visual problems. We need to find out the underlying cause. This is usually related to hypertension (HTN) or diabetes. I need to refer you to an internist for blood testing. I need you to come back every 1-2 months to monitor the blood leakage and for initial signs of oxygen deprivation so we can treat you right away. DIABETIC RETINOPATHY 8 You have a condition called Diabetes (DM), which is increased blood sugar, and this is affecting your vision. We need to refer you to an intemist to control the underlying cause with medications. Regular eye exams are important to monitor for progression. 9 What's your fasting blood sugar level? Do you remember your glycosylated hemoglobin #? It is important to try to keep that number <6.5-7.0%. DIABETES WITHOUT RETINOPATHY 10 Your eyes look great. I don't see any signs of diabetes. Keep up the good job in controlling your blood sugar level. I want to see you back every year looking this way. 11 Since you are just in your first trimester and knowing that you are diabetic, I want to monitor your eyes closely. Everything today looks perfect. Please come back in 6 months so I can check up of things again. DIABETES WITH MILD NPDR 12 I see early signs of diabetes affecting your eyes. If you've had diabetes for over 15 years, it's expected. I need you to come back for a dilated exam in 6 months to monitor your condition. 13 You are just in your first trimester. I do see very mild, trace signs of blood leakage. It is of no major concern at this time. I need to monitor its progression closely. Many 'have shown regression soon alter birth. So I will just need to follow up again when you've reached your second and third trimester. DIABETES WITH MODERATE TO SEVERE NPDR 14 I see early signs of oxygen deprivation at the back of your eyes due to your diabetes. I need to see you back in 3 months to monitor your condition. No treatment is necessary at this time. HIGH RISK NPDR(PREGNANT) 15 I see signs of oxygen deprivation at the back of your eyes. There is a 50/50 chance it will progress. But I’ve seen regression after birth. Please come back next month so I can monitor for any changes. PDR 16 We need to work on how to better control your diabetes. It is affecting your eyes in a way that can result in vision loss. I need to see you back in one month. HIGH RISK PDR/CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT EDEMA(CSME) 17 You need laser beatment to prevent further vision loss. We call it Panretinal Laser Photocoagulation (Focal laser treatment). I am seeing new blood vessels growth at the optic disc (around your retina/iris) which shouldn't be there. It tells me that your eyes are not getting oxygen and your system is creating new vessels in response to that. You are now at very high risk for visual loss. In order to preserve what you have, the laser will kill unnecessary retinal cells to decrease the oxygen demand. To put this another way, picture your retina as a forest. But it's suffering from a draught. There is a special tree inside the center of the forest that you must save. In order to do that, you need to kill rest of the trees around so they won't compete for water. Initially for the first week right after the treatment, you will think things looks worst (dimness of vision). But your eyes will adapt to this change. 18 I need to beat you. but it does not indicate you need to terminate your pregnancy. I need to examine you every month. At around the time of labor, it's Important to monitor your condition. If I continue to see active PDR, I will need to communicate with your doctor. We should discuss about he need for cesarean section because the energy exerted during natural birth may cause hemorrhage inside your eyes which will result in complications of your vision and treatment regimen. HYPERTENSIVE RETINOPATHY 19 Hypertension is usually asymptomatic, so it is important to check your blood pressure daily. We are finding changes related to HTN in your eye. Come back in 2 months for a follow-up so I can see if it resolves or not. ARTERIOSCLEROTIC RETINOPHY 20 You have a condition from long-standing hypertension. You need to be referred to an internist to treat the underlying cause. TEMPORAL ARTERITIS(AION) 21 You have an inflammation of the large and medium sized arteries. The cause is unknown. Medications must be taken to prevent involvement of the ether eye. MACULA CELLOPHANE MACULOPATHY A membrane has grown in the back of your eye. This is not an urgent condition, but it needs to be monitored. Yearly follow-up examinations are a must to monitor the progression of your condition. CSC(CENTRAL SEROUS CHOROIDOPATHY) There is fluid similar to a blister, in the central vision part of the back of your eye. It will go away, but it may take some time (1-6 months). Do your home amsler grid one eye at a time and RTC if you rtotice any changes. There is a very good chance of complete recovery. CME(CYSTOID MACULAR EDEMA) You have a condition in which there is fluid going into the back of the eye, under the retina. When this condition resolves, your vision will improve. You need to be seen by an internist to rule out any underlying cause, usually related to Htn, DM, cataract surgery. AGE RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION(ARMD) NON-EXUDATIVE There are signs of aging in the central part of the back of your eye. I need to monitor this condition for any changes. I recommend you take these vitamin supplements, 4 tablets per day. I need to know if you are still smoking or if you've smoked before. If that is the case, I won't prescribe Vitamin A for you because I don't want to create a new problem (enhance your lung cancer rate). These vitamins will not affect your cataracts. So far there are no cure for this, but we can try to slow down its rate of progression. EXUDATIVE There is a possibility of bleeding in the back of your eye. Your vision will net improve. I want to help you. There are very good Iow vision aids that can help maximize the use of your remaining vision. Your visual loss is Irreversible. But we still need to monitor for retinal detachment. If there is a sudden onset of flashes and: floaters, come into our office ASAP. PERIPHERAL RETINA I see a small area of weakness at the back of your eyes. A very small piece of tissue has been tom away. Usually the treatment for this is to leave it alone. But you must pay careful attention for signs of retinal detachment. If you see flashes and floaters or a curtain in anywhere in your flashes and floaters or a curtain in anywhere in your field of view, RTC immediately. RETINOSCHISIS You have a separation of the layers in the back of your eye. Follow-up is necessary to monitor the progression and prevent permanent vision loss. RTC ASAP if you noticed flashes and floaters. LATTICE DEGENERATION You have thinning of the tissue in the peripheral part of your eye. We need to monitor for retinal detachment. If flashes and floaters are noticed, you need to RTC ASAP. RETINAL DETACHMENT You have a separation in the back part of your eye. The layers have to be reattached to prevent further detachment. Do not do any strenuous activity in the mean time like golfing, weight lifting. CHOROIDAL DETACHMENT You have a separation of the back part of your eye which needs to be monitored, so that further decrease in vision does not occur. TOXOPLASMOSIS There is an infection inside your eye which is usually transferred by cat feces in
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