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陈娜的最后论文论 文 专 用 纸 论 文 专 用 纸 ……………………. ………………. ………………… A Study of the Techniques of Advertisement Translation Author: CHEN Na Supervisor: LI Zhiling Professor (College of Foreign Languages, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018) Abstract: In the modern co...

论 文 专 用 纸 论 文 专 用 纸 ……………………. ………………. ………………… A Study of the Techniques of Advertisement Translation Author: CHEN Na Supervisor: LI Zhiling Professor (College of Foreign Languages, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018) Abstract: In the modern commercial society of ours, advertisement has permeated into every aspect of people’s daily life. Though they are of different varieties, they own the same characteristics in that their functions are to persuade people to buy the commodities they promote. Thus, the form, language and content of the advertisement must be attractive, popular and impressive. However, due to the differences in language and culture, an excellent advertisement is perhaps not very successful to other nation in another language. If translated into the target language in a word-to-word way, we will not reach the original effect, but turn to an even worse situation. To assure that the translation version is as expressive and persuasive as the original version, the translator should abide by the following three principles: aesthetic principle, value principle and cultural principle. In this paper, the author will, firstly, expound the aesthetic principle through explaining beauty in brevity, pronunciation, wording and phrasing in trademark translation, and beauty in rhetoric methods used in the headline of advertisements. Secondly, stress value principle by explaining the social functions of advertisements. Thirdly, clarify the cultural principle by analyzing cultural image transfer in advertisement translation and national favorites and taboos. At last, draw a conclusion that advertisement is a trans-nation and trans-culture activity, the translator should possess innovation to enable advertisements to be the real carrier of culture and service. Keywords: advertisement translation; aesthetic principle; value principle; cultural principle 广告翻译中的技巧初探 摘要:现代社会中,广告已经渗透到人们生活的各个方面,尽管广告的种类不同,它们却有着共同的特点,即它们的功能都是为了说服人们购买正在推出的产品。为此,广告的形式,语言, 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 必须要引人注目,通俗易懂,而且要使人印象深刻。然而,由于语言文字的差异,一则优秀的广告对其他民族的读者来说未必是成功的。如果一字不动地译成目的语不一定能达到原来的效果,有时甚至适得其反。为了确保广告翻译能像原文一样富有 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现力和说服力,译者必须遵循以下三个原则:美学原则,价值原则和文化原则。本论文通过商标词翻译中体现的简洁之美,发音之美,遣词造句之美和广告标 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的修辞之美,阐释了美学原则;通过广告的两大社会功能:提供商品信息和激发消费欲望,阐释价值原则;通过广告翻译中文化形象的转换及民族喜好和禁忌 装 订 线 ……………….……. …………. …………. …… 第 1 页 论 文 专 用 纸 ……………………. ………………. ………………… 的分析,阐释文化原则。最后,本文指出,广告翻译是跨国界,跨文化的活动,译者在翻译过程中也须有创新意识,使广告真正成为文化和服务的载体。 关键词:广告翻译;美学原则;价值原则;文化原则 I. Introduction There are many researches in advertisement translation at home and abroad. Most of them emphasize on the commercial object of advertisement, namely, widely occupy the market and increase sales volume, but overlook the academic value of advertisement translation, such as linguistic features, cultural values and aesthetic values. On the basis of analyzing the current situation, this thesis below will first clarify the three principles widely followed in the translation of advertisements in detail and also try to show how one can stick to these principles with relevant examples. II. The aesthetic principle, the value principle and the cultural principle of the translation of advertisements The aesthetic principle is a concept in art. Here we mention it aims to the linguistic value, cultural value and artistic value in advertisement. Advertisement is not only the unity of era spirit, nation spirit and science spirit, but also the unity of social function and aesthetic sense. The value principle is aimed at the social functions of advertisements, which is stimulate consumption and distinguish between different commodities and provide information about commodities. Thus, we should give prominence to its social value when translating. The culture principle refers to the relationship between culture and translation. Translation is a process through which the cultural information was transmitted from the source language to the target language. The advertisement is associated with language, while language is the carrier of culture, so each advertisement is based on a certain cultural background. Therefore, culture principle plays an important role in advertisement translation. 2.1 The aesthetic principle and the techniques to stick to this principle 2.1.1 Beauty of brevity Beauty in brevity refers to that when translating an advertisement to another version, we should make the version as brief as possible, try to attend the goal of “Easy to read and memorize and then easy to popularize”. To reach this standard, the translation, as well as the original version of an advertisement, should be succinct and to the point. Three methods are usually adopted: 1. Omit syllable or translate the consonant phoneme in accordance with the common translation practice. For example: Sara Lee(Cake): The widely accepted translated version of this brand is ---莎莉, instead of a more complete version like “莎娜莉”。Because “莎莉” is briefer than “莎娜莉”, and it is easy to read and populate. McDonald’s (fast food )----麦当劳, not as the completed as the original translation “麦克唐纳”. Because “麦克唐纳” is so awkward-sounding, while “麦当劳” is agreeable 装 订 线 ……………….……. …………. …………. …… 第 2 页 论 文 专 用 纸 ……………………. ………………. ………………… to people’s taste, just like the food it stands for. 2. Omit an individual word For example: Solvilet Tituss (watch )----铁达时, not “苏维利特·铁达时”. The reason is similar to the example above. 3. Choose component sounds of the pronunciation of the original version. For example: Hewlett-Packave Co. (Computer Corporation )----惠普. In contrast to the translated name of the original pronunciation “休利特-帕卡特公司”, it is brief and easy to read and memorize. If the foreign trademark is translated according to its original pronunciation, it is redundant and difficult to read and memorize. We all have the same experience that when we are reading a foreign novel, it is very difficult for us to memorize the whole name of the character. Similarly, when we translate foreign trademarks, we should make them as brief as possible. On most occasions, we can condense them to two or four Chinese characters. 2.1.2 Beauty in Pronunciation Here we mentioned “Beauty in pronunciation” means not only pleasing to ears, but also attractive to the customers, leading them to actively respond to the commodities in advertisement. English is alphabetic writing. When the advertisers design trademarks, they usually make advantage of features particular to English, such as onomatopoeic motivation, sound symbolism and echoism, as their constituents’ basis in sense of hearing and mentality. When translated into Chinese, trademark words similarly need to strive for beauty in pronunciation, making them fluent to the tongue and pleasing to the ears. As a result, certain kinds of methods making pronunciation beautiful used in Chinese is utilized to translate English trademark words, such as level and oblique tunes or four tonal categories of Chinese associated with sound intensity, and alliteration and vowel rhyme associated with sound identity. For example: Level and oblique tones or four tones Dunhill(Fshionable dress)---“登喜路” Squibb(agricultural pesticide )---“施贵宝” Dalmane(Medicine for sleeping )---“带尔眠” Librium(Medicine )---“利必安” Level tones alternated with oblique tones made speech sounds raise and fall, expressing a beauty in undulation. When analyzing the tone structure of three-character Chinese names, Zhang Yanchun pointed out that, “Generally speaking, level tones alternated with oblique tones in names sounds sonorous and forceful, which was outstanding in most cases of Chinese names containing tone unit such as ‘get rid of the first tone or the second tone ”. Advertisement trademark is similar to nomination, they both strive for beauty in rhyme, because to a great degree, the previous one is written for calling, calling for sounding, like the latter.” 装 订 线 ……………….……. …………. …………. …… 第 3 页 论 文 专 用 纸 ……………………. ………………. ………………… Alliteration and vowel rhyme Safeguard (fancy soap)----“舒肤佳” Coca Cola (beverage) -----“可口可乐” Maiden form (underwear) ---“媚登峰” Crest (toothpaste)------“佳洁士” Pampers (Diaper) ----“帮宝适” Rolex(watch )----“劳力士” In the examples above, “舒肤” (sufu ) in “舒肤佳”, “登峰”(dengfeng ) in “媚登峰”,“力士”(lishi ) in“劳力士” use vowel rhyme. Meanwhile, “劳力”(laoli ) in“劳力士”, “帮宝”(bangbao ) in “帮宝适”,“佳洁”(jiajie ) in“佳洁士” use alliteration. Due to the flexible description of vowel in pronunciation translation of trademark, the phenomenon of vowel rhyme is widely popular in English-Chinese trademark translation. The utilization of alliteration and vowel rhyme in trademark translation males it sweet—sounding and rhythmic. 2.1.3 Beauty in wording and phrasing English advertisements are always brief and powerful, and they have the following three characteristics: 1.​ Avoid the use of redundant and complex long sentences. 2.​ Omission sentences, imperative sentences, and sentence sections are largely used. 3.​ Adoption of oral style. The vocabularies used in English translation are affected by popular type of writing, sentences are consisted of monosyllables and compound words, such as “come, get, make, give, keep, see, great, fresh, easy, new, crisp, rich, first—class, brand—new, economy—size, home—made, warm-hearted, record-breaking” and so on. Besides usage of innovated words, coinages and foreign loans are also common. These words are legible, attractive and novel, which constitute the main part of advertisement. Advertisements in Chinese tend to use “four-character” phrase, including set phrases and non-idioms, to achieve the goal of refining language. In contrast to English advertisement, Chinese advertisements are more elegant, succinct. For example, the translation version of advertisement of Maxwell House Coffee (Good to the last drop) “滴滴香浓,意犹未尽” becomes household words. Four-character phraseology phrase is an expression particular to Chinese, with the features of short frame, profound connotation and summarization in high degree. For example: 1. Fresh up with Seven-up. 君饮“七喜”, 醒脑提神。(Seven-up beverage) 2. Connecting people.(科技)以人为本。(NOKIA telecommunication products) 3. Born to run. 天生奔驰。(Benz Car) The above examples of translation version have the characteristics of short frame, brief language and oral expression, which are inciting to the customers. When translated into Chinese, if not dealt with four-character phraseology, it seems that it is very difficult to reach the same goal as the original version 装 订 线 ……………….……. …………. …………. …… 第 4 页 论 文 专 用 纸 ……………………. ………………. ………………… The continuing use of four-character phraseology can form antithesis, which can be used to solve the problem of symmetry of words in advertisement translation. For example, Let us make things better. (没有最好, 只求更好。) (Philips illuminated products). The original version has neat structure and brief language. So, when it is translated into Chinese version, we should choose proper words and also have innovation to sustain the neat antithesis, and also make change to let the words brief. The adoption of four-character phraseology can gain good effect; well solve the problem of the unity of form, content and style, which is considered the most difficult problem in advertisement translation. 2.1.4 Beauty in rhetorical methods used in the headline of an advertisement As we all know, an English advertisement is usually composed of a headline, a sub-headline, a body copy and a tag line. Among these four parts, the headline is the most important one. Because it is the first station to convey product and service information, meanwhile, it is the exact expression of the whole subject, and the key to keep the customer’s reading interest. Whether the reader have interest in a certain advertisement depends on whether the headline is attractive or not, to a large extent. Therefore, the advertisement complier would not only search and choose the novel and original expression of words and sentences, but also make efforts in rhetorical methods, striving for distinction, focalization, summarization and inducement. Generally speaking, the following rhetorical methods are widely used in advertisement headline composition, including simile, metaphor, personification, pun, repetition, chiasmus, rhyme, parody, contrast, metonymy, hyperbole and irony. The function of rhetoric is to make the original expression more attractive and persuasive, bringing people the enjoyment of beauty. Consequently, when translated into Chinese, the translator should pay attention to the rhetorical case. It is important to sustain its original flavor, one the other hand, make relevant changes to make it appreciated by people in target language. Below are the good examples: Simile: ⑴.Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud. (Garment)----轻如微风, 柔如浮云。 ⑵. Looks like a pump, feels like a sneaker. (Easy spirit Shoes)-----看上去像跳舞鞋,穿起来似运动鞋。 In the example (1), the advertisement designer looked the garments to be soft as breeze and cloud. The customers are attracted and looking forward to this soft, light and comfortable feeling. So is the example (2). Metaphor: ⑶.Newsweek------Tomorrow’s High Tech Office. (Magazine)----《新闻周刊》----明天的高科技办公室。 ⑷.CRC Department Store offers you “a whole bag of satisfaction”-----(CRC Department Store)------华润百货给你“一篮子的满意。” Examples above, directly describe the subject A as B, is connotative, leading readers to ruminate 装 订 线 ……………….……. …………. …………. …… 第 5 页 论 文 专 用 纸 ……………………. ………………. ………………… and understand the implication. Personification: ⑸.Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart. (Interflora flowers)-----鲜花诉衷肠。 ⑹.Come sit with me a while. (Scenic spots)-----请与我小坐片刻。 Examples above, things are personified and endowed with human touch, bring a feeling of cordiality, easy to get close, thus narrow the distance between readers and commodities to be promoted. The translation versions are brief and to the point, making the things easy to popularize. Pun: ⑺.I am “More” satisfied! (“More” Tobacco)-----“摩尔”令我更满意! ⑻.The unique spirit of Canada: we bottle it. (Canada wine)----举世无双的加拿大精神尽在瓶中! The use of homophone “More” and “spirit”, makes the headline humorous and vivid. At the sight of it, the reader will smile and then think over. Repetition: ⑼.Extra taste. Not extra calories. (Food)----滋味无穷,热量正好。 ⑽.Childhood is not childhood without it. (Childhood Color Crayon)-----没有它就没有童年。 ⑾.Hero meets hero. (Job application advertisement)------英雄识英雄。 Repetition is a figure speech that emphasizing meaning of a certain subject, expressing a strong feeling, deepening impression by repeating some words and phrases or sentences. Here, extra, the repetition of extra, childhood and hero is for this target. Chiasmus: ⑿.Give a Timex to all, and to all a good time. (Timex watch)------Timex 送万家,万家好时光。 ⒀.Deliciously simple. Simply delicious. (Fast food)---美味便捷,美味至极。 Chiasmus is one of repetition, emphasize the excellent feature of these commodities by intersect repeat certain words and phrases. It reads fluent, winding and tinkling. Rhyme: ⒁.Cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth. (Toothpaste)----洁齿,清气两相宜。 ⒂.Feel good; fast food. (top shell fast food)—求快感,吃快餐。 In the example ⒁, alliteration of cleans/cleans turns up for two times, end rhyme of breath/ teeth turns up also for twice, making language smooth and winding, easy to recite and memorize. So excellent is the translation version. Parody: ⒃.Not all mobile phones are created equal. (Telecommunication equipment)-----并非所有的移动电话都出类拔萃。 ⒄.Practice really does make perfect. (Watch)----实践真的创造完美。 Parody is an expression that creates a different format by loaning a certain set format. The first example is borrowed from the famous line “all men are created equal” by American president Abraham 装 订 线 ……………….……. …………. …………. …… 第 6 页 论 文 专 用 纸 ……………………. ………………. ………………… Lincoln in Gettysburg address. It reverses the original meaning to indicate that other mobiles are common but our product is outstanding. The reader will by nature to ask such questions: In contrast to other mobiles, what advantage does this kind of mobile phone have? Then they will further read the advertisement to get more information and maybe want to buy one for try. The second example is borrowing from the English proverb “Practice makes perfect”. Furthermore, the use of “really” and “does” further intensify the meaning of “perfect”. The customer will be certain that this kind of watch is really perfect from design to function. Contrast: ⒅.Do more. Work less. (Apple Computer)---取得更多,工作更少。 ⒆.Once an imperial palace—now a luxury hotel. (Beijing VIP hotel)---昔日帝王宫殿,如今豪华宾馆。 The example ⒅ compares “more” to “less” with indication that apple computer can do more work for you and you leave less work. You can enjoy leisure and relaxation by owning such a high-efficient tool? Who will say no? Who can resist the temptation? No one! The example ⒆compares “the ancient imperial palace” with “today’s sumptuous hotel”, to those foreign tourists who have great interest in the ancient Chinese palace culture, living here means noble and graceful. Such feeling is perfect! Metonymy: (20). A business in million, a profit in pennies. (Business Corporation)---万贯生意,分毫薄利。 (21). A world of visiting cards, a universe of duplication. (Copying store)-----名片世界,复印天地。 These two advertisements reflect a dense commercial phenomenon. The translation version makes use of parallel noun phrases with brief language, well-proportioned structure and powerful tone to display distinctive meaning and grand spirit in business. Hyperbole: (22). We have hidden a garden full of vegetable where you would never expect. In a pie. (Vegetable pie)----在一个你意想不到的地方, 我们珍藏了满园的蔬菜,就在一个小小的馅饼里。 (23). Little wonder they don’t build cars like they used to. Building a pen is difficult enough. -----难怪他们不像以前那样制造汽车了,制造一支钢笔就已经够难的了。 Examples above make use of hyperbole to describe the very rich variety of vegetable and complicated and exquisite pen-made crafts. Irony: (24). If people keep telling you to quit cigarettes, don not listen----they are probably trying to trick you into living.(Advertisement for getting rid of smoking)-----如果有人苦口婆心地劝你戒烟, 不要理他们---他们大概是想骗你活得长久些! 装 订 线 ……………….……. …………. …………. …… 第 7 页 论 文 专 用 纸 ……………………. ………………. ………………… This advertisement can be said marvelous beyond expression. The talker mix severity with humor and jocularity, making “the hearer” comprehend that “smoking is really harmful to health.” So we should get rid of tobacco. Rhetorical question (25). What more could you ask for in a toothpaste? (toothpaste)-----用过这种牙膏,难道你还会有其他要求吗? (26). Does smoking really make you look more grown up? (Advertisement for getting rid of smoking)-------吸烟真能使你更显老成吗? Examples above make use of rhetorical questions, whose goal is not to explain the question nor look for answers, but motivate people or readers to make response and convey the intensive feeling in sentences. That is: you will not have other request after you use this brand of toothpaste. And smoking did not make you look more grown up, but it do harm to your health. 2.2 Value Principle and the techniques to stick to this principle The trademark is used to stimulate consumption, distinguish between different commodities, and provide information on commodities on the basis of its social functions. The translation version of the trademark is anther way to denominate the commodities or the enterprise, which embodies the trademark's basic function - distinguish commodities. The quality of the translation version lays great importance on stimulating consumption and providing information about the products. 2.2.1 Providing Information The translation version of the trademark reflects some attributes or characteristics of the product or the enterprise to that effect that consumers are able to know something of the product and are well impressed at the first sight. Examples are as follows: Varemoic(Medicine curing for piles)---为痔谋; Liby(Toothpaste)---立白; Anacin(Medicine curing for inosomnia)---安乃神; Angel(Cycle)---安骑儿; Coldrex(Medicine)---可立治; Elastolastt (Medicine)---易理妥; Delicious(Ham)---得利斯; Shi
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