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国家宝藏上台词Grandpa National Treasure 1 Ben:Grandpa! Grandpa:You're not supposed to be up here,looking at that. 你不该上来这里偷看那个 Ben:I just wanted to know. 我只是想弄清楚 Grandpa:Well, you're old enough, I suppose. You should know the story. OK, here we go. 我想你已经够大了, 也该知道这故事. 听好了 Gra...

Grandpa National Treasure 1 Ben:Grandpa! Grandpa:You're not supposed to be up here,looking at that. 你不该上来这里偷看那个 Ben:I just wanted to know. 我只是想弄清楚 Grandpa:Well, you're old enough, I suppose. You should know the story. OK, here we go. 我想你已经够大了, 也该知道这故事. 听好了 Grandpa:It was 1832 On a night much like this. 那是在1832年在一个类似今晚的夜里 Yah! Charles Carroll was the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was also a member of a secret society known as the Masons. And he knew he was dying.He woke up his stable boyin the middle of the night and ordered him to take him to the White House to see Andrew Jackson. because it was urgent that he speak to the president.查尔斯卡洛是最后一位仍在世的独立宣言签署者也是神秘的共济会会员。当时他知道自己来日不多便在半夜唤醒马夫载他前往白宫觐见杰克逊总统,因为他有急事要向总统报告 Ben:Did he talk to him? 见到总统了吗? Grandpa:No. He never got the chance. The president wasn't there that night. But Charles Carroll had a secret.So he took into his confidence the one person he could,my grandfather's grandfather,Thomas Gates.没有,并没有见到,总统不在.但查尔斯卡洛保有一个秘密 所以他只好就近告诉一个人,我爷爷的爷爷 Ben:-What was the secret? Grandpa:-A treasure.A treasure beyond all imagining. A treasure that had been fought over for centuries by tyrants. Pharaohs.emperors. Warlords.And every time it changed hands it grew larger. And then suddenly...it vanished.It didn't reappear for more than a thousand years. when knights from the First Crusade discovered secret vaults beneath the Temple of Solomon. You see. The knights who found the vaults believed that the treasure was too great for any one man -not even a king. They brought the treasure back to Europe and took the name "the Knights Templar. " Over the next century they smuggled it out of Europe and they formed a new brotherhoodcalled the Freemasons in honor of the builders of the great temple.. 一个超乎想像的宝藏.千百年以来人们互相争夺暴君、法老、帝王、军阀随着每次易主,它就益加庞大 之后,突然间却消失无踪一千多年后.东征的十字军骑士发现了所罗门王圣殿的地底密室,找到密室的骑士们认为这伟大的宝藏不该为人所独有 就连帝王也一样.他们把宝藏带回欧洲并组成圣殿骑士团.一个世纪后他们将宝藏运出欧洲并组成一个新的盟会同济会以纪念圣殿的建造者 War followed.By the time of the American Revolution the treasure had been hidden again. By then the Masons included George Washington.Benjamin Franklin. Paul Revere.They knew they had to make sure the treasure would never fall into the hands of the British. So they devised a series of clues and maps to its location. Over time the clues were lost or forgotten,until only one remained -and that was the secret that Charles Carroll entrusted to young Thomas Gates. Charlotte."The secret lies with Charlotte."独立战争爆发时,宝藏又被藏起来.当时共济会的成员包括了华盛顿、富兰克林、里维尔 他们必须确保宝藏不会落入英国人之手,他们 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 了许多藏宝线索与地图.随着时间流逝,线索都已被遗忘唯一仅存的线索就是卡洛托付给汤玛斯盖兹的秘密.夏洛特。秘密与…夏洛特同在 Ben:Who's Charlotte? Grandpa:Oh... not even Mr. Carroll knew that. 这点连卡洛也不知道 Grandpa:Now look here, Ben.The Freemasons among our Founding Fathers left us clues.Like these.The unfinished pyramid.The all-seeing eye. Symbols of the Knights Templar,guardians of the treasure. They're speaking to us through these. 乖孙,你看共济会员,我们国家的创建者留下了这样的线索未完成的金字塔、全知之眼 宝藏守护者圣殿骑士团的象征 他们透过这些象征在跟我们说话 Dad: You mean laughing at us. You know what that dollar represents?The entire Gates family fortune. Six generations of fools..chasing after fool's gold.是嘲笑我们吧!. 知道那张钞票代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 什么吗?代表整个盖兹家族的财产.六代的傻子,追寻不存在的宝藏 Grandpa:It's not about the money,Patrick. It's never been about the money. 这跟钱无关一直都跟钱无关 Dad:Come on, son. Time to go.You can... say your goodbyes. Ben:Grandpa?Are we knights? Grandpa:Do you want to be?All right. Um... kneel.Benjamin Franklin Gates,you take upon yourself the duty of the Templars, the Freemasons and the family Gates.Do you so swear? 你想当吗?好吧,跪下.班杰明盖兹你愿接受此神圣职责肩负骑士团共济会与盖兹家族的重任你是否愿郑重立誓?Ben:I so swear. 我郑重立誓 Ben: I was thinking about Henson and Peary,crossing this kind of terrain with nothing more than dog sleds and on foot. 我刚刚在想探险家汉森和皮里(最早到达北极点的人)拉着狗雪撬或徒步横越这种荒原 Ben:- Can you imagine? Ian:- It's extraordinary. We getting closer? Riley:Assuming Ben's theory's correct and my tracking model's accurate,we should be getting very close. But don't go by me -I broke a shoelace this morning. It's... it's a bad omen如果班的理论正确 而我的追踪仪器又够精确那就应该很接近了.但是别听我的,今天早上我弄断了一根鞋带,那可不是好兆头 Ian:- Shall we turn around and go home? 那我们该不该打道回府? Ben:Or we could pull over and just throw him out here. 或是把他扔出去就好了Riley:OK. Ben:Riley, you're not missing that little windowless cubicle we found you in? 莱利,你想回那间烂公司吗? Riley:No, no. Absolutely not. Shaw:Why are we stopping?I thought we were looking for a ship. - I don't see any ship. Ben :- She's out there. 她就在那里 Shaw:Look... this is a waste of time. How could a ship wind up way out here? 这根本就是浪费时间 Riley:Well, I'm no expert, but...it could be that the hydrothermic properties of this region produce hurricane-force ice storms that cause the ocean to freeze and then melt and then refreeze, resulting in a semisolid migrating land mass that would land a ship right around here.呃,虽然我不是专家不过有可能是此区的地热现象引发飓风级的冰风暴让海洋冻结、融化又冻结 ,结果形成一块飘移的大陆船只是有可能会撞进来的 Ben:Hello, beautiful. Ian: Have Viktor check the fuel in the generators. 叫维多检查汽油 Ben:Two years ago, if you hadn't shown up,hadn't believed the treasure was real,I don't know if I ever would have found Charlotte. 两年前,要不是你相信真有宝藏我就不会找到夏绿蒂 Ian:You would have found it, I have no doubt. That's why I didn't think it was as crazy an investment as everyone said.我相信你会找到的,所以我不认为这是疯狂的投资 Ben: I'm just relieved that I'm not as crazy as everyone says. Or said my dad was. Or my granddad. Or my great-granddad.很高兴能证明我跟我父亲都不是疯子,- 还有我爷爷、曾祖父- (chuckling) Ben:OK!Let's go! Ian:- Let's go find some treasure.- Yeah, bring us back something. 来去找宝藏吧 好耶,带点宝藏回来吧 Urgh. Riley: (terrified gasps) Oh, God! Ben:You handled that well.你找到了。 This is it.就是这里 It's the cargo hold. 货舱 Riley:Do you think it's in the barrels? 宝藏装在木桶里?Ian:Gunpowder. 火药 Riley:Ooh! Ooh! OK... Ben:Why would the captain be guarding this barrel? I found something! 船长为什么死守这个小木桶?我找到些东西。 Riley:What is it? Ben:Do you guys know what this is? Riley:Is it a billion-dollar pipe? Ian:It's a meerschaum pipe. Ah, that is beautiful这是海泡石雕制的烟斗,真漂亮。 Ben:Look at the intricacy of the scrollwork on the stem. 你看这柄上复杂的图案 Riley:- Is it a million-dollar pipe?ben:- No, it's a clue. 这是只价值百万的烟斗吗?不,这是线索 Ben:Let me see that. Riley:No, don't break it! Ben:We are one step closer to the treasure,gentlemen. 我们又向宝藏迈进了一步 Ian:Ben, I thought you said that the treasure would be on the Charlotte. 你说过宝藏在夏绿蒂这里 Ben:No, "The secret lies with Charlotte. "I said it could be here. “秘密与夏洛特同在”我是说宝藏可能在这里 It's Templar symbols. "The legend writ." "The stain effected." "Fifty-five in iron pen." "The key in Silence undetected." "Mr. Matlack can't offend."是共济会的徽号“写下的传说” “污痕现其踪” “钥匙沉默隐其中“55人铁笔直书” “麦特列也难损伤” It's a riddle.I need to think."The legend writ.""The stain effected."What legend? There's the legend of the Templar treasure,and the stain effects the legend. How? "The key in Silence undetected."Wait.The legend and the key...Now there's something. A map. Maps have legends, maps have keys. It's a map, an invisible map.So now...这是谜语我要想一想“写下的传说”“污痕现其踪”什么传说?共济会的宝藏传说污痕显现传说…怎么显现? “钥匙沉默隐其中”等等,传说和钥匙…这里面有玄机。地图描绘传说,也是钥匙是一幅地图,隐形地图 Ian:Wait a minute. What do you mean,"invisible" - "an invisible map"?等等,什么意思?隐形地图? Ben:"The stain effected"could refer to a dye or a reagent used to bring about a certain result. Combined with "The key in Silence undetected,"the implication is that the effect is to make what was undetectable detectable. Unless.."The key in Silence" could be... “污痕现其踪”指的是染料或是能测出 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 的试剂结合“钥匙沉默隐其中”暗指沉默隐形的线索也能显现,除非…沉默的钥匙是指 Shaw:Prison. Riley:Albuquerque.See, I can do it too. Snorkel.爱伯克奇,瞧,我也知道,通气管 Shaw:That's where the map is.Like he said, "Fifty-five in iron pen." "Iron pen" is a prison.地图就在那里就是他说的 “55枝铁笔”铁笔就是监狱。 Ben:Or it could be, since the primary writing medium of the time was iron gall ink,the "pen" is... just a pen. But then why not say a pen?Why... why say "iron pen"?或者,当时的主要书写工具就是用铁蘸墨水,而笔…就是指笔,但为何要说是“铁笔” ? Shaw:'Cause it's a prison. Ben:Wait a minute. "Iron pen" - The "iron"does not describe the ink in the pen,it describes what was penned. It was "iron" -it was firm, it was mineral...No, no, no, that's stupid. It was... It was firm,it was adamant, it was resolved. It was resolved.等一下,铁笔 铁不是用来修饰哪笔和墨的,而是用来修饰写下来的东西的。它是铁的,结实的,金属的。不对不对,那样不对。坚固、牢不可破,那代表决心,代表决心. "Mr. Matlack can't offend."Timothy Matlack was the official scribe of the Continental Congress.Calligrapher, not writer. And to make sure he could not offend the map,it was put on the back of a resolution that he transcribed, a resolution that 55 men signed.The Declaration of Independence. “麦特列也难损伤”麦特列是大陆会议的官方书记他是书法家,不是作家为了确保他不会损及地图地图就画在他誊写的决议背后.这份决议由55人签署,是独立宣言 Ian:Oh! Riley:Come on, there's no invisible map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. 独立宣言背后没有什么隐形地图 Ian:That's clever, really.A document of that importance would ensure the map's survival. And you said there were several Masons signed it, yeah?一份重要的文件能确保地图无恙. 你说过有几位共济会员也签了名 Ben:Yeah. Nine, for sure.可以确定的就有九位 Ian:We'll have to arrange a way to examine it. 那就得想办法看看 Ben:This is one of the most importantdocuments in history.They're not just gonna let us waltz in there and run chemical tests on it. 那是最重要的历史文件之一不可能公然用化学药品来检测 Ian:- Then what do you propose we do? Ben :- I don't know! Ian:-We could borrow it. Ben :-Steal it?I don't think so. Ian:- Ben...the treasure of the Knights Templar is the treasure of all treasures. 骑士团宝藏是最伟大的宝藏 Ben:Oh, I didn't know that. Really? 我不知道,是吗? Ian:Look, Ben... I understand your bitterness.I really do.You've spent your entire life searching for this treasure,only to have the respected historical community treat you and your family with mockery and contempt.You should be able to rub this treasure in their arrogant faces, and I want you to have the chance to do that.我明白你的痛苦,真的你耗费毕生精力寻找这个宝藏却只得到大家对你和你家族无比的嘲笑和鄙视,你该拿这宝藏羞辱他们我要你有机会这么做 Ben:How? Ian:We all have our areas of expertise.You don't think mine are limited to writing checks, do you? In another life...I arranged a number of operations of...questionable legality. 我们有各方面的专家,你以为我只会签支票吗? 我过去…安排过不少行动,不太合法的行动 Shaw:I'd take his word for it, if I were you.我作证他没有骗你。 Ian:So don't worry.I'll make all the arrangements. 所以不用担心,我会安排 Ben:No. Ian:I'd really need your help here. Ben:lan... I'm not gonna let you steal the Declaration of Independence. 我不会让你去偷独立宣言的 Ian:OK. Ian:From this point on all you're going to be is a hindrance. 从现在起,你只是个累赘 Ben:Hey!What are you gonna do?Are you gonna shoot me, Shaw?Well, you can't shoot me.There's more to the riddle.Information you don't have. I do.I'm the only one who can figure it out,and you know that.你要干什么?要杀了我吗,肖恩?但是你不能这么做,还有更多的谜语,我有不知道的信息,我知道如果没有我,你是无法解开的。 Ian:He's bluffing. 他在唬人(虚张声势) Ben:We played poker together, lan.You know I can't bluff. 我们打过牌,你知道我不会唬人 Ian:Tell me what I need to know, Ben,or I'll shoot your friend.Riley:Hey! Shaw:Quiet, Riley!Your job's finished here. Ben:Look where you're standing.All that gunpowder. You shoot me,I drop this, we all go up. 看看你们四周全都是火药,你杀了我,我一松手大家就一起死 Ian:Ben..What happens when the flare burns down?Tell me what I need to know, Ben. 等它燃烧殆尽会怎样?把我该知道的告诉我 Ben:You need to know...if Shaw can catch. Ian:Nice try, though.Get out, Shaw! Fool! Ben:Riley, get over here! Riley:- What is this?- Smuggler's hold. Get in! 走私夹层,快进去 Ian:Move! Get out of here! - What?- Move! Get out! Follow me.Let's go, let's go!She's gonna blow! 快跑!快!要爆炸了 Ben:Get down. Ian:OK, let's go.Before someone sees the smoke. 快走,趁别人还没看到烟雾 (Riley coughing and spluttering) Ben:There's an Inuit village about nine miles east of here. It's popular with bush pilots. 往东走九英里有个伊努特村落那里可能有导航员Riley:- All right. (Riley pants exhaustedly) Ben:- Then what are we gonna do? - Start making our way back home. 我们该怎么做?开始设法爬回家 Riley:No, I meant about lan. He's gonna steal the Declaration of Independence, Ben. 我是说伊恩他打算去偷独立宣言 Ben :We stop him. Riley:Is it really so hard to believe that someone's gonna try to steal the Declaration of Independence? 有人要偷独立宣言…真有那么难以相信吗? Ben: The FBI gets 10,000 tips a week.They're not gonna worry about something they're sure is safe. 调查局每天收到成千上万个消息,绝对不会费神去担心他们认为铁定安全的东西 Riley:But anyone that can do anything is gonna think we're crazy. Anyone crazy enough to believe us isn't gonna want to help. 有权阻止的人都会把我们当疯子,疯到会信我们的人却帮不上忙, Ben:We don't need someone crazy. But one step short of crazy, what do you get? 我们不需要疯子 快疯的人还能接受,你有什么? Riley:Obsessed. 满脑妄想Ben:Passionate. 充满热情 Excuse me.- Dr. Chase can see you now, Mr. Brown . Ben :- Thank you. Riley : (softly) Mr. Brown? Ben:The family name doesn't get a lot of respect in the academic community. 我的姓不太受人敬重 Riley :Huh.. Being kept down by the man ,A very cute man老被学者们唾弃,你真狡猾。 Abigail:Thank you. Abigail:- Good afternoon, gentlemen. Riley:- Hi. Abigail:- Abigail Chase. Ben:- Paul Brown. Abigail- Nice to meet you. Riley:- Bill. Abigail:Nice to meet you, Bill. How may I help you? 请问有何贵干? Ben:- Your accent. Pennsylvania Dutch?你的口音,是宾州荷裔吗? Abigail:- Saxony German. Ben :- Oh! 德国萨克逊人 Riley :- You're not American? Abigail:- Oh, I am an American.I just wasn't born here.Please don't touch that! Ben:Sorry. A neat collection.George Washington's campaign buttons. 抱歉,很棒的收藏,华盛顿的竞选钮扣 You're missing the 1789 inaugural, though. I found one once 你漏了1789年宣誓就职那颗我找到过- Abigail:- That's very fortunate for you.-- -你真幸运 Abigail:Now, you told my assistant that this was an urgent matter. 你说有件事很紧急 Ben:Ah. Yes, ma'am.Well, I'm gonna get straight to the point.Someone's gonna steal the Declaration of Independence. 是的,我就直截了当的说了.有人打算偷独立宣言. Riley:It's true. Abigail:I think I'd better put you gentlemen in touch with the FBI. 你们应该去跟调查局报告 Ben : We've been to the FBI. Abigail :- And? --去过了--结果呢? Riley:They assured us that the Declaration cannot possibly be stolen. 他们说不可能被偷的 Abigail: They're right. -他们说得很对 Ben:- My friend and I are less certain.However, if we were given the privilege of examining the document...we would be able to tell you for certain if it were actually in any danger. 我们可没那么有信心,要是我们能获准检视那份文件,就能确定它是否有危险 Abigail:What do you think you're gonna find? 你认为你会找到什么? Ben:We believe that there's an...encryption on the back. 我们相信那上面有一份…密码在背面 Abigail:- An encryption, like a code? Ben:- Yes, ma'am. --密码,就像代号?--是的 Abigail:Of what? Ben:Uh... a cartograph. 什么的代号?--一个图 Abigail: A map. Ben: Yes, ma'am. Abigail:A map of what? Ben:The location of... (nervously clears throat)...of hidden items of historic and intrinsic value. 颇具历史意义的…稀世珍宝的地点 Abigail:- A treasure map? Riley: That's where we lost the FBI. --藏宝图?--调查局就不信这点 Abigail:You're treasure-hunters, aren't you? 你们是寻宝猎人吗? Ben:We're more like treasure-protectors. 我们更像是宝藏守护者 Abigail:Mr. Brown, I have personally seen the back of the Declaration of Independence,and I promise you, the only thing there is a notation that reads, "Original Declaration of Independence,dated... 我本人亲自看过独立宣言背面,我保证,那背面只有一段记载“独立宣言正本, 日期…” Ben: "Four of July, 1776." Yes, ma'am. Abigail:But no map. Ben:(exasperated sigh) It's invisible. Abigail:Oh! Right. Riley:And that's where we lost the Department of Homeland Security. 国安局听到这个就把我们赶走了。 Abigail:What led you to assume there's this invisible map? 你们凭什么认定有隐形地图? Ben:We found an engraving on the stem of a 200-year-old pipe.我们在一个200年前的烟斗根部发现了一些铭刻 Riley:Owned by Freemasons.这烟斗曾经为共济会所有 Abigail: May I see the pipe? Riley: Uh, we don't have it. Abigail: Did Big Foot take it? Ben: It was nice meeting you. --被大脚怪抢走了?--很高兴能见到你 Abigail:Nice to meet you, too. Ben:And, you know,that really is a nice collection. Must have taken you a long time to hunt down all that history. 那套收集确实不错,你一定花了很多时间才找到这些 Riley:If it's any consolation,you had me convinced. 如果这些都是安慰的话,你也得让我相信才行。 Ben:It's not. 不是 Riley:I was thinking, what if we go public,plaster the story all over the Internet?It's not like we have our reputations to worry about.Although I don't think that's exactly gonna scare lan away. 我在想如果我们把这个故事通过互联网传出去,会怎么样?反正我们的名声也够糟了,不过这样还是吓不跑伊恩 Ben:180 years of searching,and I'm three feet away. 180年的搜寻,如今就在眼前 Of all the ideas that became the United States,there's a line here that's at the heart of all the others. "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,pursuing invariably the same object,evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism,it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and provide new guards for their future security."尽管满篇都是关于自由的宣言,但有一句话的地位远比其他重要 “但是当大量出现滥用权力,巧取豪夺,始终追求同一目标,表明政府企图把人民置于专制暴政之下时,他们有权利,有义务抛弃这样的政府,为他们以后的安全提供新的守卫” People don't talk that way anymore. 人们再也不会这么说了。 Riley:Beautiful, huh? No idea what you said 很美,嗯.但是我不太了解 Ben: It means, if there's something wrong,those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action. I'm gonna steal it.如果有恶性发生,那些有能力的人就有怎人采取行动。我要把它偷走。 Rilay: (scoffs) What? Ben:I'm gonna steal the Declaration of Independence.我要偷独立宣言。 Riley:Uh... Ben?This is... huge.It's prison huge. You are gonna go to prison,you know that? 这可是…大事,能进监狱的大事你会进监狱的,你知道吗? Ben: Yeah, probably. Riley:So that would bother most people.大部分的人是会怕的 Ben:lan's gonna try and steal it. And if he succeeds, he'll destroy the Declaration. The fact is, the only way to protect the Declaration is to steal it. It's upside down. I don't think there's a choice. 伊恩会下手偷它他若成功,一定会毁了独立宣言。事实上,保护宣言的唯一办法就是偷走它反过来也一样,我别无选择 Riley:Ben, for God's sakes,it's like stealing a national monument. OK?It's like stealing him.It can't be done. Not shouldn't be done.It can't be done. Let me prove it to you. 班,看在上帝的份上,这就像是国家纪念碑,就像偷他一样,不可能成功的。不是该不该的问题,是不可能.我会证明给你看 OK, Ben, pay attention.I've brought you to the Library of Congress.Why? Because it's the biggest library in the world.Over 20 million books.And they're all saying the same exact thing:listen to Riley. 班,注意听了我为什么要带你到国会图书馆?因为这是世上最大的图书馆,藏书超过二千万册。这些书全都说同一句话:“乖乖听莱利的 What we have here, my friend,is an entire layout of the archives. Short of builders' blueprints. You've got construction orders, phone lines,water and sewage - it's all here.我们面前的是国家档案馆里的全部资料,我的朋友。只欠建筑师的蓝图记载以施工顺序、电话线配线,水管和下水道配置图,全在这 Now, when the Declarationis on display, OK,it is surrounded by guards and video monitors and a little family from lowa and little kids on their eighth-grade field trip. And beneath an inch of bulletproof glass is an army of sensors and heat monitors that will go off if someone gets too close with a high fever.独立宣言在展示时 四周布满警卫、录影监视器,外地观光客、校外教学的小学生。在一英吋厚的防弹玻璃下是一堆感应器和热感测器。如果有发烧的人靠太近,警报就会启动 Now, when it's not on display,it is lowered into a four-foot-thick concrete, steel-plated vault...that happens to be equipped with an electronic combination lock and biometric access-denial systems. 至于在非展示时间它会被降下放入一个墙厚四英尺,用水泥与钢板建造的保管室上面装有电子密码组合锁,以及生物特征门控系统 Ben:You know, Thomas Edison tried and failed nearly 2,000 times to develop the carbonized cotton-thread filament for the incandescent light bulb. 爱迪生失败了近两千次才用碳纤维做出灯泡 Riley :Edison? When asked about it,he said, "I didn't fail,I found out 2,000 ways how not to make a light bulb."But he only needed to find one way to make it work有人问他,他说,我没失败,我找到两千种不能做灯泡的方法。他只需要找到一个成功的方法 The Preservation Room.Enjoy. Go ahead. Do you know what the Preservation Room is for? 保存室,好好看看吧。你知道保存室是干嘛用的? Riley:Delicious jams and jellies? 存放果酱? Ben:No. That's where they clean,repair and maintain all the documents and the storage housings when they're not on display or in the vault.Now, when the case needs work they take it out of the vault, directly across the hall and into the Preservation Room. 文物非展示期间清理修复、保养,存放展示框都会送到这里,展示框需要检验时 他们会把它从展示厅,运到保存室 The best time for us. Or lan. To steal it would be during the gala this weekend when the guards are distracted by the VIPs upstairs.But we'll make our way to the Preservation Room, where there's much less security. 我们或伊恩动手的绝佳时机就是在周末的庆祝晚会,到时警卫会分神留意宾客。我们就设法摸进保存室,那里的保全措施会较松散 Riley:Huh.Well, if lan...Uh..Preservation... Hm.The gala, huh?This might be possible. 要是伊恩…保存室,庆祝晚会。这可能会成功 Riley:It might. 是很有可能 Riley:Ah..And we are in.There you are.(British accent) Hello.The hallway. 走廊That's what I want.Game on.好啦,我们进去了,找到了,你好啊,走廊,这就是我要找的。游戏开始。 Ben:I'll buy that. Riley:Cool. Woman:This just came for you. Abigail:I hope it's not from Stan. 希望不是史丹送的 "For the woman who has everything else... Thanks for listening. Paul Brow
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