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英语每日学习20110524XBfHUTiRC3TXmimCsqvJIEvyAXyEgyrCwQb38TutrQXmdgX8KwDQ1HIllxRGPPMHqweiC8YOQV16lPFYYwlp0Cr1iZ8M5e7ylYeCCUvsnaI7SvqHweXvxvKvtn6ytTsRSTlv4HRb5mnb XBfHUTiRC3TXmimCsqvJIEvyAXyEgyrCwQb38TutrQXmdgX8KwDQ1HIllxRGPPMHqweiC8YOQV16lPFYYwlp0Cr1iZ8M5e7ylYeCCUvsnaI7SvqHweXvxvK...

XBfHUTiRC3TXmimCsqvJIEvyAXyEgyrCwQb38TutrQXmdgX8KwDQ1HIllxRGPPMHqweiC8YOQV16lPFYYwlp0Cr1iZ8M5e7ylYeCCUvsnaI7SvqHweXvxvKvtn6ytTsRSTlv4HRb5mnb XBfHUTiRC3TXmimCsqvJIEvyAXyEgyrCwQb38TutrQXmdgX8KwDQ1HIllxRGPPMHqweiC8YOQV16lPFYYwlp0Cr1iZ8M5e7ylYeCCUvsnaI7SvqHweXvxvKvtn6ytTsRSTlv4HRb5mnb   发行日期:2011年5月24日   流行女装推荐   潮流男装推荐   过往期刊查看 本期目录 1.新概念英语 视频教程全套(1-4)册 DVD 1元1册 清晰完整版 2.一天一句话地道美语 不要这样看着我!~用英语怎么说 3.男性冲动购物比女性花费更多 4.施瓦辛格承认因私生子与妻子分居 5.和同事和睦相处有助长寿 6.【网购知识普及】淘宝各种频道大搜罗 7.威廉大婚英国公主“马桶帽”网上拍卖 8.研究:太快乐的人容易早死 9.奥普拉脱口秀25年全剧终 “告别秀”星光云集 新概念英语 视频教程全套(1-4)册 DVD 1元1册 清晰完整版 【内容简介】 由北京外国语大学和北京大学具有丰富教学经验的英语教授和讲师,按照教材特点进行同步辅导与讲解。 《新概念英语》(新版)针对中国学生学习英语过程中的重点、难点、疑点问题提供详尽的指导,并对词汇、语法、听力、口语、写作等英语能力进行全方位的训练,帮助学习者打下扎实的语言基本功,尽快提高英语的综合应用能力。 新概念英语 视频教程全套(1-4)册 DVD 1元1册 清晰完整版 点击查看详情 一天一句话地道美语 不要这样看着我!~用英语怎么说 Don't look at me that way.不要这样看着我。 look at: 看 that way: 那样.?? 有的人看别人的眼神,就是让人觉得不舒服 男性冲动购物比女性花费更多 Modern men spend more on impulse buys than women do, research has revealed. 调查显示,现代男性冲动购物比女性花费更多。    A study found that men regularly shell out an average of £25-a-week on items they bought on a whim, while women spend close to £19-per-week. 一项调查发现,男性平均每星期在冲动购物上花费25英镑,而女性花费近19英镑。    Food, beer and DVDs are the most common treats for males while clothes, magazines and wine topped the list for women along with books, shoes and toiletries. 男性冲动购物最常买的是食物、啤酒和DVD,而女性冲动购物买得最多的是衣服、杂志和红酒,还有书、鞋子和化妆品。    The poll of 2,000 customers found that over a typical adult lifetime around £70,217.28 will be frittered away purely to satisfy the overwhelming urge to shop. 这项涵盖了2000名消费者的调查发现,成年人一生中因一时兴起而消费的东西平均会花掉约7.02万英镑。    Researcher Emily Stag said: 'Twenty pounds a week might not seem a lot, but can add up to a huge amount over a lifetime. 研究人员艾米丽?斯泰格说:"每周20英镑也许看起来不是很多,但一辈子这么积累起来数额就相当大了。"    'For £70,000 you could easily put a large deposit on a house, pay off all your debits or buy a sports car. "有7万英镑你可以轻松地给房子付巨额首付,偿还所有的欠款,或是买辆跑车。    'General consensus would suggest consumers are trying to save every penny at the moment, but our research shows we still like to treat ourselves or our loved ones.' "人们普遍都认为消费者在日常购物中会能省则省,但是我们的研究显示,我们依然愿意花钱满足自己或爱人。"    The study found triggers such as receiving birthday money, coming into an unexpected windfall such as cash back from a company, or a small win on the lottery often result in spur of the moment purchases. 研究发现,收到生日礼金、或是得到一些意外之财,例如公司返还现金或中了小额彩票等,这些通常都会诱发冲动消费。    Six out of ten women admit they regularly give in to temptation if there is a sale on and six out of ten also cited retail therapy as the main reason for shopping on impulse. 十分之六的女性承认自己经常抵制不住特价促销的诱惑,另外还有十分之六的女性说她们冲动消费的主要原因是通过购物让自己开心。    Only four out of ten men said the same thing. 只有十分之四的男性是因为上述原因冲动购物的。    It also emerged one in three girls admit they don't bother telling their other half about their recent purchases. 研究还发现,三分之一的女性承认,她们不会告诉另一半自己最近买了什么东西。    Furthermore one in five couples argue as a direct result of overspending each week. 另外,五分之一的夫妇会因为每周花费过多而吵嘴。 施瓦辛格承认因私生子与妻子分居 Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, newly estranged from his wife of 25 years and seeking to resume his Hollywood career, has acknowledged fathering a child more than a decade ago with a member of his household staff. 美国加州前州长阿诺德?施瓦辛格近日承认,自己在十几年前与一位女管家有染,两人育有一个私生子。施瓦辛格前不久宣布和结婚25年的妻子分居,他目前正寻求重返好莱坞。    The revelation came a week after Schwarzenegger, the Austrian-born former bodybuilder turned film star, and his wife, Maria Shriver, a broadcast journalist and member of the Kennedy dynasty, jointly announced their marital split. 施瓦辛格和妻子共同发表分居声明一周后曝光了这一消息。施瓦辛格出生在奥地利,曾是一名健美运动员,后转行成为影星。他的妻子玛丽娅?施莱弗是一位电视记者,属于肯尼迪家族。    "After leaving the governor's office I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago," Schwarzenegger said in replying to the Times. A Schwarzenegger spokesman later gave a copy of the statement to reporters. 施瓦辛格在给《时代》的回复中说:"卸任加州州长后,我把隐瞒了十几年的真相告诉了妻子。"他的发言人随后还把声明复印件交给了记者。    "I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. There are no excuses, and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused. I have apologized to Maria, my children and my family. I am truly sorry," Schwarzenegger, 63, said in the statement. 63岁的施瓦辛格在声明中说:"我很清楚自己让亲友感到愤慨和失望,这是我应得的下场。没有任何借口,我对我所造成的伤害负全部责任。我已向玛丽娅、我的孩子和家人道歉。真的很对不起。"    Shriver, 55, in a statement to People magazine released on Tuesday, asked for compassion and privacy. 施莱弗现年55岁。她在本周二写给《人物》杂志的声明中请求得到同情,并希望外界尊重隐私。    "This is a painful and heartbreaking time," she said. "As a mother, my concern is for the children. I ask for compassion, respect and privacy as my children and I try to rebuild our lives and heal. I will have no further comment." 她说:"这是个令人痛苦和心碎的时刻。作为母亲,我很担心孩子们。我请求大家能给我和我的孩子们一些同情,尊重和隐私,让我们可以重建生活,治愈伤痛。今后我不会再回应这件事了。"    As one of the most high-profile but improbable couples in American public life -- a powerful Republican politician and a stalwart Democrat -- the pair endured years of persistent allegations about Schwarzenegger's extramarital dalliances and sexual misconduct. 施瓦辛格和施莱弗堪称美国公众生活中最高调、但也最离奇的夫妻组合--有权势的共和党丈夫和坚定的民主党妻子。这些年施瓦辛格一直遭到婚外情和性丑闻指控。 和同事和睦相处有助长寿 Getting along with your work colleagues could actually help you live longer, new research has shown. 新研究显示,和同事和睦相处有助于延长你的寿命。    A study of 820 men and women showed those with good peer-to-peer relationships had a lower risk of mortality than those did not chime with their co-workers. 这项涵盖了820名男性和女性的研究显示,那些和同事关系好的人比和同事合不来的人死亡率要低。    The link between a positive workmate relationship and the risk of mortality was most notable among those aged between 38 and 43. 与同事建立积极关系和死亡风险之间的联系在38到43岁人群当中最为显著。    However, positive support from managers or others in senior positions was shown to have no effect on mortality. 不过,研究显示,从经理或上级那里得到正面支持对死亡风险没有影响。    The study, published by the American Psychology Association, found that 'peer social support, which could represent how well a participant is socially integrated in his or her employment context, is a potent predictor of the risk of all causes of mortality.' 美国心理学会发布的这一研究发现,"是否得到来自同事的社会支持,表明一个人在自己的职场环境中能否较好地融入社会。它有力地预示着各种原因导致的死亡风险。"    Factors contributing to positive working relationships included helping others to solve problems and friendliness. 帮助他人解决问题,以及友好对待他人,这些因素都有助于和同事建立积极的工作关系。    The research was conducted over 20 years, between 1988 and 2008, at the University of Tel Aviv, in Israel. 该研究是1988年到2008年在以色列的特拉维夫大学进行的,时间跨度长达20年。    The case studies were chosen from some of the country's largest finance, insurance, public utilities, health care and manufacturing firms working on average 8.8 hours a day. 研究所采用的案例来自以色列的一些大型金融、保险、公共事业、医疗和制造业公司,这些公司平均每天工作时间是8.8小时。    One-third of the participants were female while 80 per cent were married with children and 45 per cent had at least 12 years of formal education. 参与该研究的人当中,三分之一是女性,80%已婚有小孩,45%至少受过12年的正规教育。    The report, in this month's APA journal Health Psychology, also discovered that male longevity was increased by control and decision authority. 这一研究 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 发表在本月的美国心理学会核心杂志《健康心理学》上。研究还发现,男性拥有控制权和决定权将会延长寿命。    However, the same responsibilities in the female sample were found to have the opposite effect, showing an increased risk of mortality. 但是,研究发现,拥有控制权和决定权的女性反而死亡风险会增加。 【网购知识普及】淘宝各种频道大搜罗 综合频道:集结淘宝最丰富的强势类目,精选最优质的卖家和商品,达到最广泛的买家覆盖率。      商城频道:淘宝商城,亚洲最大最全最专业的网上购物网站--淘宝网打造的在线B2C购物平台。 淘宝商城频道集合了全球最知名的品牌包括联想、惠普、迪士尼、Kappa、乐扣乐扣、JackJones等,给买家带来全新的一站式购物体验。      秒杀及满立减:各种最新打折活动大放送。    饰品鞋包:淘宝最权威的鞋包配饰风向标,集合了淘宝最热卖的优质商品,让买家了解每季最时尚的配饰。    美容频道:淘宝美容馆,我的美容管家。精选商品、疯狂畅销、打造买家自己的美容小馆。    居家玩具:打造第一居家达人馆,网罗更多创意极品和居家商品,为你共同打造属于你的浪漫满屋!    数码频道:引领淘宝数码时尚,为你带来淘宝最受追捧的新潮数码产品,让你追随时尚永不out!    女人频道:淘宝最权威的女装风向标,集合了淘宝最热卖的优质商品,给买家带来全新的购物体验。    淘宝皇冠店铺精选:淘宝皇冠店铺精选,集合了高人气高满意度的皇冠店铺。    男人频道:淘宝男人频道,精选淘宝网热销男装,让你永远不做欧特曼(out man)!    机票频道:足不出户轻轻一点,网上最低价机票轻松到手。    特卖频道:淘宝特卖频道,精选淘宝网最热卖的促销商品,保证让你网购多买东西少花钱。    家装频道:集合淘宝商城最大牌的商家和最优质的产品,从家装服务到建材、家具、入住、保养,应有尽有,是买家放心家装的首选!    电器城频道:正品行货保证!精选电器城最优品牌商品,让您有亲临商城的优良购物体验。    台湾馆频道:想看宝岛台湾的时尚动态吗,想观宝岛台湾的潮流前沿吗,一切尽在台湾馆频道,精彩不容错过!    淘宝风云榜:搜罗淘宝最具人气的时尚宝贝,精选淘宝卖家最渴望的宝贝需求,为淘宝卖家提供最佳最便利的购物导向。 威廉大婚英国公主“马桶帽”网上拍卖 The much-mocked hat worn by Princess Beatrice to Britain's royal wedding last month -- widely described as looking like a "toilet seat" -- is up for sale on eBay where bids have reached 18,400 pounds ($29,940). 英国公主比特莱斯近日在易趣网公开拍卖自己上月参加王室婚礼时所戴的一顶帽子,价格已升至1.84万英镑(合29940美元)。这顶帽子曾备受嘲讽,不少人认为它看起来像"马桶圈"。    The tea rose, silk hat was "the most talked about hat of the whole occasion" Harold Tilman, Chairman of the British Fashion Council, said on eBay. 英国时装协会主席哈罗德?提尔曼在易趣网上说,这顶茶玫瑰色的丝绸帽子是"这场王室婚礼中最受关注的帽子"。    The fuss over the hat worn to the royal wedding of her cousin Prince William to longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton seems to have taken Beatrice -- who is the daughter of William's uncle Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson -- by surprise too. 公众对这顶帽子的关注也令比特莱斯公主本人大吃一惊。比特莱斯公主是威廉王子的叔叔安德鲁王子和前妻莎拉?佛格森的女儿,她戴这顶帽子参加了威廉王子和相恋多年的女友凯特?米德尔顿的婚礼。    "I've been amazed by the amount of attention the hat has attracted," Beatrice said on the auction site. "I hope whoever wins the auction has as much fun with the hat as I have." 比特莱斯公主在拍卖网站上说:"我很惊讶这顶帽子受到这么大的关注。我希望无论谁拍得了这顶帽子,都能和我一样为此很开心。"    Money raised by the sale of the hat will be equally split between two charities: UNICEF and Children in Crisis. 拍卖帽子所得的善款将平分捐赠给联合国儿童基金会和"救助危机中的儿童"公益项目。    The hat, by milliner Philip Treacy, was given a starting price of 5,000 pounds and 32 bidders have placed 60 bids in the last six days. 这顶帽子由女帽设计师菲利普?崔西设计,起拍价为五千英镑,在过去六天已有32名竞拍者进行了60轮竞拍。    The eBay site has linked the auction to Facebook where members of the public have celebrated the hat design. 易趣网将这次竞拍关联至Facebook网站,网站上有很多公众夸赞了帽子的设计。    Treacy said he was "delighted, flattered and touched by HRH Princess' Beatrice's decision to donate the hat to charity." 崔西表示,"比特莱斯公主殿下拍卖帽子捐赠善款的决定让我很高兴、很荣幸、也很感动。"    The auction continues until May 22. 拍卖将持续至5月22日。 研究:太快乐的人容易早死 People who are too happy die younger than their more downbeat peers, claims new research. 新研究称,太快乐的人比悲观的同龄人死得早。    A study which followed children from the 1920s to old age showed that people who were rated 'highly cheerful' by teachers at school died younger than their more reserved classmates. 一项跟踪调查20世纪20年代的小孩的研究显示,那些在学校被老师评价为"非常开朗"的人比其他较内向的同学死得更早。    This was because people who were too happy were more likely to suffer from mental disorders such as bipolar, making them less fearful and more likely to take risks that increase the chance of having a fatal accident. 这是因为太快乐的人更可能遭受两极情感障碍等精神疾病的困扰,他们比较不容易恐惧或担心,更爱去冒险,因而发生致命意外事故的几率也增加了。    Being too cheerful - especially at inappropriate times - can also rouse anger in others, increasing the risk of a person coming to harm. 一个人如果表现得太开心--特别是在不合时宜的时候--还会激怒他人,从而增加被伤害的风险。    Researchers from a variety of universities worldwide also discovered that trying too hard to be happy often ended up leaving people feeling more depressed than before, as putting an effort into improving their mood often left people feeling cheated. 来自世界范围内多所大学的研究人员还发现,通常情况下,一个人如果过于努力地想使自己快乐起来,结果反而会感觉更郁闷。因为努力改善情绪的结果经常会让人有受骗的感觉。    And magazine articles offering tips on how to be happy were also blamed for worsening depression. 研究人员还认为那些介绍如何让人快乐的杂志文章也会让人更加抑郁。    One study saw participants asked to read an article offering ways to improve your mood, and follow one of the tips to see how effective it was. 一项研究让参与者阅读一篇关于如何改善情绪,然后让他们遵从其中一条建议,看这种建议的效果如何。    Participants then took the advice offered - such as watching an upbeat film - often concentrated too hard on trying to improve their mood rather than letting it lift naturally. 于是参与者采纳了文中的建议,比如去看一场欢快的电影,结果参与者往往过于集中注意力去改善情绪,而不是让自己的心情自然地好起来。    This meant that by the time the film had ended, they often felt angry and cheated by the advice given, putting them in a far worse mood than when they had started watching. 这意味着,在电影结束时,他们大多会因听取建议而感到愤怒,而且会有受骗的感觉。这让他们的心情比看电影前更糟了。    However, results of the study, published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, revealed that the key to true happiness was much more simple: meaningful relationships with friends and family members. 然而,这一发表在《心理科学展望》杂志上的研究揭示,通往真正幸福的秘诀要简单得多:就是和朋友、家人建立深厚的关系。    Study co-author Professor June Gruber, from the department of psychology at Yale University in the United States, said of people who actively tried to be happy: 'When you're doing it with the motivation or expectation that these things ought to make you happy, that can lead to disappointment and decreased happiness. 该研究报告的作者之一朱恩?格鲁伯告诉那些努力想使自己快乐起来的人说:"当你期待你所做的事让自己快乐起来时,结果会让你失望,并让你更不开心。"格鲁伯是美国耶鲁大学心理学系的教授。    'The strongest predictor of happiness is not money, or external recognition through success or fame. It's having meaningful social relationships.' "决定幸福与否最有力的因素不是金钱,也不是成功或名气带来的外界的认可。获得幸福的关键是拥有有意义的社会关系。"    She added: 'That means the best way to increase your happiness is to stop worrying about being happy and instead divert your energy to nurturing the social bonds you have with other people.' 她说道:"这意味着让自己更快乐的最佳 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 就是不再为是否快乐而烦恼,转而将精力投入到增强和他人的社会纽带上。" 奥普拉脱口秀25年全剧终 “告别秀”星光云集 Oprah Winfrey wiped away tears as celebrity after celebrity surprised her during a farewell double-episode taping of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" that will precede her finale. 奥普拉近日录制了告别秀特别节目《奥普拉惊喜巨献》,分为两期,将在最后一期脱口秀之前播出。录制期间,众多一线明星接连登场,让奥普拉流下了感动的泪水。    "Thank you is not enough, but thank you," Winfrey told the crowd of 13,000 gathered at Chicago's United Center on Tuesday night for "Surprise Oprah! A Farewell Spectacular." "For your love and your support, thank you." 温弗瑞告诉在场的一万三千名嘉宾和观众:"'谢谢'两个字远远不够,但还是衷心感谢你们。谢谢你们给我的爱和支持。"特别节目的录制于本周二晚在芝加哥联合中心举行。    The crowd gave Winfrey a standing ovation when she first walked on the stage. Then the stars came out, with Winfrey's producers making good on their promise of the biggest celebrities of movies, music and television. 温弗瑞登场时,观众起立鼓掌致意。之后大牌明星纷纷亮相。温弗瑞的节目制作人兑现了承诺:影视、音乐、电视明星星光云集。    Aretha Franklin sang "Amazing Grace." Tom Hanks acted as host for the evening. Michael Jordan, who led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA championships during the 1990s, told Winfrey she inspires him. Tom Cruise, famous for his couch jumping on Winfrey's show, was there. And Madonna said she is among the millions of people who are inspired by Winfrey. 艾瑞莎?弗兰克林演唱了《奇异的恩典》。汤姆?汉克斯成为当晚的主持。迈克尔?乔丹告诉温弗瑞,她激励了自己。乔丹曾在上世纪90年代率领芝加哥公牛队夺取六次NBA冠军。汤姆?克鲁斯也赶来捧场,他曾经在《奥普拉脱口秀》上"跳沙发",引起轰动。麦当娜说温弗瑞激励了数百万人,也包括自己。    Winfrey announced in November 2009 that she would end her popular talk show after 25 years. Tuesday's taping will air May 23 and 24, before Winfrey's final show on May 25. 温弗瑞在2009年11月宣布,将停播自己已经主持了25年的脱口秀节目。本周二录制的特别节目将在5月23日和24日播出。最后一期脱口秀将于5月25日播出。    Maria Shriver, the TV journalist and Kennedy heiress, appeared on the same day it was revealed her husband, Arnold Schwarzenegger, fathered a child with a woman on his household staff more than a decade ago. Shriver did not mention her husband during the taping. 电视主持人、肯尼迪家族成员玛丽亚?施莱弗也前来捧场。节目录制当天,她的丈夫阿诺德?施瓦辛格宣布自己十几年前和一位女佣有染,两人还育有一个私生子。施莱弗在节目录制中没有提到自己的丈夫。    "You have given me love, support, wisdom and most of all the truth," Shriver told Winfrey. "And I know I'm not alone in receiving those gifts from you." 施莱弗告诉温弗瑞:"你给了我爱、支持、智慧,最重要的是让我了解了真相。我知道很多人都接受了你的这些礼物。"    Beyonce sang her song "Run the World (Girls)" backed by dozens of dancers. Rascal Flatts performed too. 碧昂斯在几十人的伴舞下演唱了自己的歌曲《掌控世界(女孩)》。"流氓弗拉德乐队"也在现场表演。    Winfrey also received messages from some less-famous admirers. Female American soldiers gave a taped message from Iraq and three female fans from countries around the world came on stage. The show was interspersed with clips of Winfrey's fans and flashbacks of previous episodes. 温弗瑞还收到了一些平民仰慕者的信息。美国驻伊拉克女兵在录制的带子中表达了对她的爱戴。还有来自全球各地的三名女粉丝登台捧场。节目中不时插播温弗瑞粉丝的视频片段,以及往期脱口秀的精彩回放。    Fans started lining up outside hours before the taping started. The content of the final episode of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" is still under wraps. 粉丝们早在录制前几小时就排队等候。最后一期《奥普拉脱口秀》的节目内容还未公布。 订阅退订详细说明 订阅方法(一): 1.新建一封空白的邮件 2.收件人填写:english365+subscribe@googlegroups.com 3.主题填写订阅命令:subscribe 4.在正文内的第一行填写订阅命令:subscribe 5.点击发送邮件 6.恭喜你!订阅成功!明天你就可以翘着二郎腿阅读《每日英语学习》了。    订阅方法(二):  请发邮件至 english365-subscribe@yahoogroups.com 主题和正文都写 subscribe 稍后你将收到一封系统发送的确认邮件,不需理会里面的内容,直接回复这封邮件即可订阅成功!    退订方法:   要退订此杂志,请发邮件至 english365+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com 主题和正文都写 unsubscribe        订阅或退订遇到问题: 请发邮件到sailon0525@gmail.com,说明你的要求,小编将手工帮您订阅或退订。 版权声明 本邮件列表的内容均来自网络或者朋友的邮件。此邮件列表是本人兴趣发送,是一个公益、非以盈利为目的的个人邮件列表,如邮件列表中的文章有侵犯你版权的地方,请马上和我们联系,我们会发布一些补充说明来保障与您相关内容部分的权力。本邮件列表只适用个人私下阅读,任何公司及个人不得用做它用,否则可能会侵犯其它版权人的权利!!!
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