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如何撰写科学论文nullnullHow to Write a Scientific Paper 如何撰写科学论文 nullTitle In preparing a title for a paper, the author would do well to remember one salient fact: That title will be read by thousands of people. 题目 作者在准备论文题目时,应该记住一个明显的事实:论文的题目将被成千上万人读到。 Perhaps few peopl...

nullnullHow to Write a Scientific Paper 如何撰写科学论文 nullTitle In preparing a title for a paper, the author would do well to remember one salient fact: That title will be read by thousands of people. 题目 作者在准备论文题目时,应该记住一个明显的事实:论文的题目将被成千上万人读到。 Perhaps few people, if any, will read the entire paper, but many people will read the title, either in the original journal or in one of the Secondary(abstracting and indexing) services. 如果有能够完整地读完整篇论文的人的话,也可能只是少数几个人。大多数读者或者会通过原始期刊,或者会通过二次文献(文摘或索引)阅读到论文的题目。 nullTherefore, all words in the title should be chosen with great care, and their association with one another must be carefully managed. 因此,题目中的每一个词都应该仔细地推敲,词与词之间的关系也应该细心处理。 The meaning and order of the words in the title are of importance to the potential reader who sees the title in the journal table of contents. 对于可能阅读期刊目录中论文题目的读者来说,题目中每个词的含意和词序是很重要的。 nullBut these considerations are equally important to all potential users of the literature, including those(probably a majority) who become aware of the paper via secondary sources. 这对于所有可能使用文献的人,包括通过二次文献查找论文的人(可能是大多数)也同样重要。 Thus, the title should be useful as a label accompanying the paper itself, and it also should be in a form suitable for the machine-indexing systems used by The Engineering Index, Science Citation Index, and others. 因此,题目不仅仅作为论文的标记,它还应该适合于工程索引、科学引文索引等机器索引系统。 nullMost of the indexing and abstracting services are geared to “keyword” systems. 大多数索引和摘要都采用“关键词”分类法。 Therefore, it is fundamentally important that the author provide the right “keys” to the paper when labeling it. 因此,在确定论文题目时,最重要的是作者应该提供能够正确 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达文章内容的“关键词”。 That is, the terms in the title should be limited to those words that highlight the Significant content of the paper in terms that are both understandable and retrievable. 也就是说文章的题目用词应该限于既容易理解,又便于检索,还能使文章的重要内容突出的那些词。 nullAbstract An Abstract should be viewed as a mini-version of the paper. The Abstract should provide a brief summary of each of the main sections of the paper. 摘要 摘要应该是论文的缩写版本。它应该是论文各主要章节的简要总结。 A well-prepared abstract enables readers to identify the basic content of a document quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests, and thus to decide whether they need to read the document in its entirety. 一篇写得好的摘要能使读者迅速而又准确地了解论文的基本内容,以决定他们是否对此论文感兴趣,进而决定他们是否要阅读全文。 nullThe abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be designed to define clearly what is dealt with in the paper. 摘要一般不超过250个单词,并应该清楚地反映论文的内容。 Many people will read the Abstract, either in the Original journal or in The Engineering Index or one of the other secondary publications. 许多人会阅读原始期刊或工程索引或者另外一种其他二次出版刊物上刊登的摘要。 nullThe Abstract should (a) state the principal objectives and scope of the investigation, (b) describe the methodology employed, (c) summarize the results, and (d) state the principal conclusions. 摘要应该:(a)阐述该项研究工作的主要目的和范围;(b)描述所使用的方法;(c)总结研究成果;(d)阐述主要结论。 The importance of the conclusions is indicated by the fact that they are often given three times: once in the Abstract, again in the introduction, and again (in more detail probably) in the Discussion. 结论通常会被提出来三次:在摘要中提一次,在引言中提一次,在讨论中再提一次(可能会更详细些),这可以表明结论的重要性。 nullThe Abstract should never give any information or conclusion that is not stated in the paper. 摘要决不应该提及论文中没有涉及的内容或结论。 References to the literature must not be cited in the Abstract (except in rare instances, such as modification of a previously published method). 在摘要中不要引用与该论文有关的参考文献(在极少的情况下除外,例如对以前发表过的方法的改进)。 nullIntroduction The first section of the paper should, of course, be the Introduction. 引言 当然,论文的第一部分应该是引言。 The purpose of the Introduction should be to supply sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without needing to refer to previous publications on the topic. 引言的目的是向读者提供足够的背景知识,使读者不需要阅读过去已经发表的有关此课题的论文,就能够了解和评价目前的研究成果。 nullThe Introduction should also provide the rationale for the present study. 在引言中也应该提出该项研究工作的理论基础。 Above all, you should state briefly and clearly your purpose in writing the paper. 最重要的是,你应该简要地说明写这篇论文的目的。 Choose references carefully to provide the most important background information. 应该慎重地选择参考文献以提供最重要的背景资料。 null Suggested rules for a good Introduction are as follows: 一篇好的引言,应该遵守下列原则: (a) It should present first, with all possible clarity, the nature and scope of the problem investigated. (a)首先应该尽可能清楚地提出所研究问题的性质和范围; (b) It should review the pertinent literature to orient the reader. (b)为了适应读者的需要,应该对有关文献进行评; null(c) It should state the method of the investigation. If deemed necessary, the reasons for the choice of a particular method should be stated. (c)应该阐述研究方法,如果认为有必要的话,则应该阐述选择特定方法的理由; (d) It should state the principal results of the investigation. (d)应该阐述研究的主要成果;null(e) It should state the principal conclusion(s) suggested by the results. (e)应该阐述由结果得出的主要结论。 Do not keep the reader in suspense; let the reader follow the development of the evidence. 不要给读者留有悬念,应该让他们知道论证的由来。 nullExperimental Procedure In the first section of the paper, the Introduction, you stated the methodology employed in the study. 实验过程 在论文的第二节即“引言”中,你叙述了研究工作中所使用的方法。 If necessary, you also defended the reasons for your choice of a particular method over competing methods. 如果需要的话,还可以对你所选择的某一种特定方法的理由加以说明。 nullNow, in Experimental Procedure, you must give the full details. 在“实验过程”一节中,你应该提供详细的实验细节。 The main purpose of the Experimental Procedure section is to describe the experimental design and then provide enough detail that a competent worker can repeat the experiments. “实验过程一节”的主要目的是描述实验过程和提供足够的细节,以使有能力的研究人员可以重复这个实验。 null If your method is new (unpublished) you must provide all of the needed detail. 如果你的方法是新的(从未发表过的),那你就应该提供所需要的全部实验细节。 However, if a method has been previously published in a standard journal, only the literature reference should be given. 然而,如果这个实验方法已经在正规的期刊上发表过,那么只要给出参考文献就可以了。 nullMany readers of your paper will skip this section, because they already know (from the Introduction) the general methods you used and they probably have no interest in the experimental detail. 许多读者可能会略过这一节不看,因为他们在引言中已经知道了你所使用的一般性方法,也可能他们对实验细节不感兴趣。 nullHowever, careful writing of this section is critically important because the cornerstone of the scientific method requires that your results, to be of scientific merit, must be reproducible; and, for the results to be adjudged reproducible, you must provide the basis for repetition of the experiments by others. 但是,认真撰写这一节是非常重要的,因为科学方法的核心就是要求你的研究成果不仅有科学价值,而且也必须是能够重复的。为了判断研究成果能否重复,就必须为其他人提供进行重复实验的依据。 nullThat experiments are unlikely to be reproduced is beside the point; the potential for producing the same or similar results must exist, or your paper does not represent good science. 不太可能重复的实验是不可取的,必须具有产生同样或相似结果的可能性,否则你的论文的科学价值就不大。nullWhen your paper is subjected to peer review, a good reviewer will read the Experimental Procedure carefully. 当你的论文受到同行们的审核时,一个好的审稿人会认真地阅读“实验过程”这一节。 If there is serious doubt that your experiments could be repeated, the reviewer will recommend rejection of your manuscript no matter how awe-inspiring your results are. 如果他确实怀疑你的实验能够被重复,不管你的研究成果多么令人敬畏,这个审稿人都会建议退回你的稿件。 nullResults So now we come to the core of the paper, the data. 结果 现在我们进入论文的核心部分——数据。 This part of the paper is called the Results section. 论文的这部分被称为“结果”。 There are usually two ingredients of the Results section. “结果”一节通常由两部分组成。 nullFirst, you should give some kind of overall description of the experiments, providing the “big picture,” without, however, repeating the experimental details previously provided in Experimental Procedure. 首先,你应该对实验作全面的叙述,提出一个“大的轮廓”,但不要重复已经在“实验过程”一节中提到的实验细节。 Second, you should present the data. 其次,你应该提供数据。 nullOf course, it is not quite that easy. 当然,这部分的写作不是一件很容易的事。 How do you present the data? 你会如何提供数据呢? A Simple transfer of data from laboratory notebook to manuscript will hardly do. 通常不能直接将实验笔记本上的数据抄到稿件上。 Most important, in the manuscript you should present representative data rather than endlessly repetitive data. 最重要的是,在稿件中你应该提供有代表性的数据,而不是那些无限重复的数据。 nullThe Results need to be clearly and simply stated, because it is the Results that comprise the new knowledge that you are contributing to the world. “结果”一节应该写得清晰和简练,因为“结果”是由你提供给世界的新知识组成。 The earlier parts of the paper (Introduction, Experimental Procedure) are designed to tell why and how you got the Results; the later part of the paper(Discussion) is designed to tell what they mean. 论文的前几部分(“引言”、“实验过程”)告诉人们你为什么和如何得到这些结果的;而论文后面的部分(“讨论”)则告诉人们这些结果意味着什么。 nullObviously, therefore, the whole paper must stand or fall on the basis of the Results. 因此,很明显,整篇论文都是以“结果”为基础的。 Thus, the Results must be presented with crystal clarity. 所以“结果”必须以确切而清晰的形式给出。 nullDiscussion The Discussion is harder to define than the other sections. 讨论 与其他章节相比,“讨论”一节所写的内容更难于确定。 Thus, it is usually the hardest Section to write. 因此,它是最难写的一节。 And, whether you know it or not, many papers are rejected by journal editors because of a faulty Discussion, even though the data of the paper might be both valid and interesting. 不管你知道与否,在许多论文中尽管数据正确,而且能够引起人们的兴趣,但是由于讨论部分写得不好也会遭到期刊编辑的拒绝。nullEven more likely, the true meaning of the data may be completely obscured by the interpretation presented in the Discussion, again resulting in rejection. 甚至更为可能的是,在“讨论”中所作的阐述使得数据的真正含义变得模糊不清,而使论文遭到退稿。 nullWhat are the essential features of a good Discussion? 一个好的“讨论”章节的主要特征是什么呢? I believe the main components will be provided if the following injunctions are heeded: 我认为它应该包括以下几个方面: (1) Try to present the principles, relationships, and generalizations shown by the Results. And bear in mind, in a good Discussion, you discuss—you do not recapitulate the Results. 设法给出“结果”一节中的原理、相互关系和归纳性解释。应该记住,一个好的“讨论”应该对“结果”进行讨论和论述,而不是扼要重述。 null(2) Point out any exceptions or any lack of correlation and define unsettled points, Never take the high-risk alternative of trying to cover up or fudge data that do not quite fit. (2)要指出任何的例外情况或相互关系中有问题的地方,并应该明确提出尚未解决的问题。决不要冒着很大的风险去采取另一方式,即试图对不适合的数据进行掩盖或捏造。 (3) Show how your results and interpretations agree(or contrast) with previously published work. (3)要说明和解释你的结果与以前发表过的研究结果有什么相符(或者不相符)的地方。 null (4) Don’t be shy; discuss the theoretical implications of your work, as well as any possible practical applications. 要大胆地论述你的研究工作的理论意义以及任何可能的实际应用。 (5) State your conclusions as clearly as possible. 要尽可能清晰地叙述你的结论。 (6) Summarize your evidence for each conclusion. 对每一结论要简要叙述其论据。 nullIn Showing the relationships among observed facts, you do not need to reach cosmic conclusions. 在描述所观察的事物之间的相互关系时,你并不需要得出一个广泛的结论。 Seldom will you be able to illuminate the whole truth; more often, the best you can do is shine a spotlight on one area of the truth. 你很少有能力去解释全部真理。通常,你尽最大努力所做的就是像探照灯那样照耀在真理的某一方面。 null Your one area of truth can be buttressed by your data; if you extrapolate to a bigger picture than that shown by your data, you may appear foolish to the point that even your data-supported conclusions are cast into doubt. 你在这个方面的真理是靠你的数据来支持的,如果你将你的数据外延到更大的范围,那就会显得荒唐,这时甚至连你的数据所支持的结论也可能会受到怀疑。 nullWhen you describe the meaning of your little bit of truth, do it simply. 当叙述你的这一点点真理的意义时,应该尽可能地简单。 The simplest statements evoke the most wisdom; verbose language and fancy technical words are used to convey shallow thought. 最简单的语言可以表达最多的学识;哕嗦的语言或者华丽的技术术语常常只表达肤浅的 思想 教师资格思想品德鉴定表下载浅论红楼梦的主题思想员工思想动态调查问卷论语教育思想学生思想教育讲话稿 。 null
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