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绯闻女孩S01E01Gossip Girl学英语 Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot the pilot: 美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程度,以此来决定是否再继续播下去,也可以说是一个开端,第一集,试播 -Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, upper: 上部的,上层的 side: 旁边,侧,方面 sider: 党徒,帮派成员 gossip: 绯闻,流言蜚语 各位富贵闲人,绯闻女友驾到。 and I have the ...

Gossip Girl学英语 Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot the pilot: 美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程度,以此来决定是否再继续播下去,也可以说是一个开端,第一集,试播 -Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, upper: 上部的,上层的 side: 旁边,侧,方面 sider: 党徒,帮派成员 gossip: 绯闻,流言蜚语 各位富贵闲人,绯闻女友驾到。 and I have the biggest news ever. biggest: 最大的(为big的最高级) news: 新闻,消息 ever: 曾经,永远,究竟 我有史上最劲爆新闻跟你们共享。 One of my sources... source: 消息(或证据等)的提供者 我的一个线人... Melanie91... Sends us this... send: 发送,传,寄 Melanie91...发来了这个... Spotted at grand central, bags in hand... spot: 认出,发现 grand: 重大的,宏大的 central: 中心的,中央的;总处 在中央车站,拎着包的... Serena van Der Woodsen Serena van der woodsen. Was it only a year ago our "it" girl 不就是一年前,这位风云人物。 mysteriously disappeared for quote "boarding school"? mysteriously:神秘地 disappear: 消失 quote: 引述,举证 boarding:供膳的,供膳宿的 board: 登(飞机、车、船等) 神秘消失,转到"寄宿学校"就读? And just as suddenly, she’s back. suddenly: 突然地 而突然之间,她又回来了。 Don't believe me? believe: 认为,相信 不相信吗? See for yourselves. 眼见为实。 Lucky for us, Melanie91 sent proof. lucky: 幸运的 proof: 校样,证据,证明 幸运的是,Melanie91发来了证据。 Thanks for the photo, Mel. 多谢了,Mel。 -Rufus: Dan, Jenny, over here! Dan Jenny 这边! -Jenny: Hey, dad! hey: 嗨 嗨,爸爸! -Rufus: Hey, hey, you made it! 你来了! Welcome back. 欢迎回家。 How was your weekend? weekend: 周末 周末如何? How's your mom? 你妈妈怎么样? -Jenny: Fine. She’s good. 蛮好,她不错。 Uh, fine and well. 很好跟不错。 -Dan: She's... She's good and... And fine. 她....蛮好而且不错.... -Rufus: Like, "maybe I never should've left Manhattan" fine, like: 似乎;可以说是 Manhattan: 曼哈顿[美国] 是“也许我不该离开曼哈顿”那种好。 or "taking a time-out from my marriage time-out: 暂停,休息时间 marriage: 婚姻,结婚 还是“脱离我的婚姻透口气”。 was the best idea I ever had" fine? idea: 主意,想法 是我这辈子最明智的决定那种好? -Dan: Dad, you know what? know: 知道,了解,认识 爸,你知道吗? I-I am, uh, I’m starving. starving: 饥饿的 我-我,呃,我饿死了。 -Rufus: let's go home. I'm cooking. cook: 烹饪 走吧,我来做饭。 Caprese salad, a little mozzarella di buffalo. salad: 色拉 mozzarella: 意大利干酪之一 buffalo: 水牛 意大利番茄沙拉,加点水牛芝士。 -Rufus: Yeah, I’m gonna make you guys... gonna: <美> 将要(=going to) guy: (男)人,家伙 我会让你们... -Gossip girl: Spotted... Lonely boy. spotted: [口语]为别人所注意的 spot: 认出,发现 lonely: 孤独的,寂寞的 这位...寂寞的男孩... Can't believe the love of his life has returned... believe: 认为,相信 return: 返回,回来 不敢相信他一生的挚爱回来了... If only she knew who he was. 要是她知道他是谁就好了。 But everyone knows Serena, and everyone is talking. 但人人都认识Serena, 而且每个人都在谈论。 Wonder what Blair Waldorf thinks. wonder: 想知道 不知道Blair Waldorf怎么想。 Sure, they’re b.f.f.s, but we always thought b.f.f.s: best friends forever的缩写永远的好朋友 当然,她俩是铁杆老友,但大家都认为。 Blair's boyfriend Nate had a thing for Serena. Blair的男友Nate对Serena有意思。 -Eleanor: Design a dress for this woman. Blair, design: 设计,计划 dress: 女装,套裙 为这位女士设计了一套服装,Blair。 If you're gonna wear one of my designs, design: 设计成果,产品 如果你要穿我设计的衣服。 tell me so we can at least get it properly fitted. properly: 适当地 fitted: (大小)合适的,按照实物尺寸做的 就跟我说一声, 至少让我把它改合身。 -Blair: Thanks, mom. 谢谢你妈妈。 -Eleanor: Keep that in mind. 要记住了。 -Blair: Great party. party: 聚会,开派对 聚会很棒。 -Eleanor: She is my best advertisement. advertisement: 广告 她是我最好的广告。 -Party Guest: So, Nate, you started thinking about college? college: 学院 Nate 开始考虑上哪所大学了? -Howie: Well, actually, I’m a Dartmouth man. actually: 实际上 Dartmouth: (英国 Devonshire 的)达特茅斯港口) 事实上,我意属Dartmouth学院。 -Nate: Yes, dad’s always spoken very highly of Dartmouth, highly: 高度地,非常赞许地 爸爸对Dartmouth评价很高。 but I'd like to check out west. 但我想看看西海岸的学校。 You know, maybe U.S.C., u.C.L.A.... maybe: 大概,也许 U.S.C: University of Southern California UCLA: University of California at Los Angeles (美国)加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校 你知道,像南加大, 加大洛杉矶分校... -Howie: His mother wouldn't hear of it. 他妈妈根本不会同意。 Dartmouth is far enough away for her. enough: 足够的 Dartmouth对她来说就够远了。 -Nate: Yes, well, Dartmouth is my first choice. choice: 选择 是啊,Dartmouth是我的第一志愿。 -Blair: Excuse me, captain. captain: 船长【这里是指伯父,Nate的爸爸】 打搅下,世伯。 Nate, can I borrow you? borrow: 借,借入,借用 Nate 能跟我来一下吗? -Nate: Uh, sure. Will you excuse me for a second? excuse: 原谅 当然,我能失陪会吗? -Chuck: Nathaniel…Any interest in some fresh air? fresh: 新鲜的,无经验的,淡(水)的 air: 空气,旋律 Nathaniel...想出去吸点“新鲜空气”吗? -Nate: When I get back? 等我回来吧? -Blair: If he gets back. 如果他回来的话。 -Nate: what's going on? 怎么了? -Blair: I wanna do this... 我想做... It... Now. 爱... 现在。 -Nate: now? 现在? -Blair: yeah. 对。 -Nate: I thought you wanted to wait. wait: 等待,等候 我还以为你想等等。 -Blair: Not anymore. anymore: 现在 不想了。 -Gossip girl: Better lock it down with Nate, b. Clock's ticking. lock: 锁,刹车,,水闸 tick: 发出滴答声 尽快跟Nate定下来比较好啊小B,时间不多了。 -Katy: Oh, my god! You'll never believe what's on "gossip girl." never: 从不 believe: 相信 gossip: 绯闻,流言蜚语 天,你不会相信“绯闻女友”上的内容。 -Isabel: Someone saw Serena getting off the train at grand central. 有人在中央车站看到Serena下车了。 -Chuck: Good. Things were getting a little dull around here. dull: 迟钝的,无趣的 好呀,正好最近这有点无聊。 -Serena: Thank you. 谢谢。 -Blair: I love you... 我爱你... Nate Archibald, Nate Archibald。 Always have, always will. 以前爱,以后也爱。 -Nate: I love you, too. 我也爱你。 -Eleanor :Serena van der Woodsen? Serena van der woodsen? Is that you?! 是你啊?! Blair, it’s Serena! Blair Serena来了! -Nate: Serena? Serena? -Blair: Serena's at school. Kiss me. kiss: 亲吻 Serena在学校,亲我。 -Nate: No, I just heard your mom say she's here. 不,你妈说她在这。 Don't you wanna go say hey? wanna: (=want to)仅能用于口语 你不去跟她打声招呼? -Blair: Yeah... 去... Totally. totally: 完全地 当然要去。 -Party Guests: But I heard she was pregnant. pregnant: 怀孕的 听说她怀孕了。 No, but it's rehab. rehab:(drug rehabilitation center)戒毒所 不,是进了戒毒所。 sign me up. she looks good 那个算我一份, 她看起来不错啊。 -Lily: So I told him,” forget it. forget: 忘记 所以我跟他说 "不行。 I don't care if it's murakami. care: 在乎 我不管这是不是村上隆的设计。 It clashes with my sofa." clash: 发生冲突,抵触 sofa: 沙发 它跟我的沙发不配"。 -Serena: mum, mum? 妈妈,妈妈? Hey, good to see you. 见到你真好。 -Lily: Serena, darling. Oh! darling: 亲爱的 Serena 亲爱的,啊! -Serena: Um, so where is he? 他在哪? What, they haven't let him out yet? 什么,他们还不让他出院? -Lily: Oh, let's not discuss that right now, okay? discuss: 讨论 现在别说这个,好吗? I thought you might wanna see some of your friends. 你不想见见你的朋友们吗。 -Serena: Thanks. 谢谢。 -Blair: Serena! Serena! It's so good to see you! 见到你太好了! -Serena: How are you? Good to see you! 你怎么样? 见到你真高兴! -Blair: Come, we’re about to have dinner. dinner: 主餐,晚餐,晚宴 快来,我们正要进餐。 -Eleanor: I'll set a place for you at the table next to Blair. set: 放置,安插 我给你在Blair隔壁那桌加个坐位。 -Serena: Yeah, actually, um, there’s somewhere I have to go. somewhere: 在某处 其实,我还要去别的地方。 -Blair: You're leaving? leaving: 离开 你要走了? -Serena: Yeah, I-I just...I don't feel well. 对,呃,我不太舒服。 I just wanted to come by and say hi. 只是想过来打个招呼。 I'll see you at school tomorrow. tomorrow: 明天 明天学校见。 -Blair: school? So I guess she's back for good. guess: 想,认为 学校?那她会留下来啦。 -Katy: Didn't you know she was coming? 你知道她要回来吗? -Blair: Of course I did. 当然知道。 I just... Wanted it to be a surprise. surprise: 使惊奇 我只是想...给大家个惊喜. -Gossip girl: Word is that s. bailed on b.'S party in under 90 seconds bail: [美国俚语]离开,回去 seconds: 秒,第二 据传 S在B的派对上待了不够90秒。 and didn't even have one limoncello. limoncello: 柠檬酒 连杯柠檬酒都没喝。 Has our bad girl really gone good? 坏女孩真的转性了? Or is it all just part of the act? act: 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演 还是她只是在做戏? -Nurse: Young lady, yo can't be here. lady: 女士 小姑娘,你不能来这。 Visiting hours are over. over: 结束的 已经过了探视时间了。 -Serena: I'm family. family: 家属,亲属 我是家属。 He's my brother. 他是我弟弟。 -Gossip girl: Why'd she leave? 她为什么离开? Why'd she return? 又为什么回来? Send me all the deets. send: 发送 deet: 细节【Deet, Noun, "A Detail". Can also be used as a verb to express desire to gain information-Urban Dictionary】 向我暴料吧。 And who am I? 我是谁? That's one secret I'll never tell... secret: 秘密 这是我不会说出的秘密... The only one. 唯一一个秘密。 X.O.X.O., gossip girl. X.O.X.O.: “拥抱和亲吻”,或者“爱并亲吻”【X是亲吻,O是拥抱从鸟瞰的视角看,O正是两个人张开双臂拥抱对方,而X就像两个人嘴碰嘴。】 亲亲抱抱,绯闻女友。 -Eric: Serena? Serena? Serena? Serena? -Serena: Hey, how are you? 你怎么样? -Erik: You know... 你知道的… I've been better. 我好多了。 -Serena: Eric, I know I've been a terrible sister... terrible: 糟糕的 Eric,我一直是个差劲的姐姐... Oh, I’m just so happy to see you. 见到你我就很开心了 -Eric: Must be a lot of rumors why you're back. rumor: 谣言,传闻 关于你回来的原因, 肯定是谣言满天飞。 -Serena: Yeah, but none of them mention you. mention: 提及,说起 是啊,但都没扯上你。 -Eric: Just like mom wants, huh? 正合妈妈的意,是吧? -Lily: What do I want, baby? 我还能指望什么? -Gossip girl: For Serena to sleep in her own, bed, possibly wearing pajamas. own: 自己的 possibly: 可能地,也许 wear: 穿著 pajamas: 睡衣,宽长裤 也就指望Serena睡她自己的床, 最好还穿着睡衣。 -Serena: Morning, mom. 早上好,妈妈。 Hey, I was just about to ask the doctor 我正要去问医生。 if I could take Eric to breakfast. Wanna come? 能不能带Eric去吃早餐, 你跟我一起去吗? -Lily: Um... No. 嗯,不。 I think what I'll do is go get, him a croissant down the street. croissant: 新月形面包 我想去街上给他买个牛角包。 -Eric: Serena, don’t. Serena 别。 -Serena: Let me guess... 我猜猜... You told everyone Eric's just, visiting grandpa in Rhode Island. grandpa: (口语)爷爷,外公 Rhode: 罗德 island: 岛 你跟大家说Eric去, 罗德岛看爷爷了是吧。 -Lily: Your aunt Carol in Miami. aunt: 伯母,姑,婶,姨 Miami: 迈阿密 是去迈阿密看你姑姑Carol。 -Serena: So you're actually hiding him? actually: 实际上 hide: 隐藏,躲藏 你当真就这么藏着他? He tries to take his own life, life: 命,生命 他想自杀 and you're worried it's gonna cost you "mom of the year"? gonna : <美> 将要(=going to) cost: 代价、价值、费用 【"mom of the year"在这里指评选“年度妈妈”】 而你担心的就是这会让, 别人觉得你不是个好母亲? -Lily: Serena, you’ve been gone, doing, who knows what with god knows who... Serena 你离开了,鬼知道你干了什么好事... -Serena: I told you, boarding school was not like that. 我说过,寄宿学校不是那种地方。 -Lily: Then you know what? As happy as I am to have you home, 你知道吗?尽管你回来我很开心 You have no idea what it's been like. 但你根本不知道发生了什么。 -Rufus: Guess whose dad is cool. cool: 酷的 猜猜谁的老爹最酷, -Jenny: It's a trick question. trick:欺诈的,弄虚作假的 这个问题真难回答。 -Dan: yeah,'cause it can't be ours. 是啊,因为肯定不会是咱家的 Ha ha, ha ha. Look at this. 好好笑,看看这个。 Top ten forgotten bands of the '90s. forgotten: 被遗忘的 band: 队,乐队 90年代十大被遗忘乐队。 -Rufus: Yeah, check out who's number nine. 看看谁是第九名。 -Jenny: He's very proud. mm-hmm. proud: 骄傲的,自豪的 他很以此为傲呢。 -Dan: Hey! Hey, way to be forgotten. 哇!被遗忘了,了不起呢。 -Rufus: But that's how you get remembered. remember: 记得 这样人们才能记住你。 -Jenny: Maybe you'd care if dad's band was on "gossip girl." care: 在乎 maybe: 大概,也许 也许你在意的是老爸的乐队, 上没上“绯闻女友”。 -Dan: what? 什么? I don't read "gossip girl." that's... That's for chicks. chick: 小孩,少女 我不看绯闻女友, 那是女孩看的玩意。 -Jenny: So that wasn't your laptop open to it last night laptop: 便携式电脑,膝上型电脑 那昨晚你没用笔记本上那个网页吗? reading all about Serena Van Der Woodsen? 看Serena van der Woodsen的事? -Dan: Rolling stone? Wow. rolling stone: (在英国曾风靡一时的)滚石乐队 roll: 卷,滚动 滚石? 哇 Let me take a look at this again, dad.cool. cool: 极好的,极妙的 让我再看看,老爸,真厉害。 Lincoln hawk...Number nine. Lincoln Hawk乐队...排第九 -Rufus: Hey, at are you working on? 你忙什么呢? -Jenny: It's called the kiss on the lips party. lip: 嘴唇 唇吻派对。 Everyone's going. 大家都要去参加。 -Dan: You were invited to that? invite: 邀请 你收到邀请了? Well, no offense if I sound surprised offense: 冒犯,伤感情,攻击 sound: 听起来 surprised: 感到吃惊的 不是要冒犯你,我有点吃惊。 since l've never been invited. 因为我从来没被邀请过。 -Jenny: One of the girls in my art class saw my calligraphy, art: 艺术 calligraphy: 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 法 美术科上的一个女生, 看到了我的书法。 and she said that if I addressed all the invitations address: 在(信封和包裹)上写(收件人)姓名地址,致(函等) invitation: 请帖;请柬;邀请函 她说如果我写好所有的请贴。 that I could have one. 就邀请我出席。 -Rufus: Sounds very fair. The sweatshops could learn a thing or two. fair: 公平的,晴朗的,美丽的 sweatshop: 血汗工厂(工作条件恶劣而工资低的) learn: 学习,获悉,记住 听起来很公平, 黑工厂真该学学。 -Jenny: Dad, this is not a platform for one of your anticapitalist rants. platform: 平台;论坛;提供机会的地方 anticapitalist: 反对资本主义的 anti: 反对的 capitalist: 资本家,资本主义者 rant: 激昂的言辞 爸,你不能借此抨击资本主义。 -Rufus: Yes, it is. 我可以。 -Jenny: Besides, you make us go to private school. besides: 除...之外,此外 private: 私人的,私立的 而且,是你要我们上私立学校的。 -Rufus: That's for your education. education:教育,培养 那是为了你们的教育。 -Jenny: So we should just be anonymous losers who eat lunch alone anonymous: 匿名的,无名的 loser: 失败者,遗失者 lunch: 午餐 alone: 单独地 所以我们就该成为独自吃午餐, 默默无名的小人物? and never get invited to parties? 永远不获邀参加派对? -Dan: Works for me. work: 起作用 我没问题 -Jenny: Mom thinks it's a good idea. 妈妈觉得这是个好主意。 -Rufus: And her judgment is always sound, right? judgment: 判断,看法 sound: 理由充足的,合情合理的 她的判断总有道理,是不是? Jenny, you wanna go to that party, you should go. Jenny,你想参加就去吧。 You kids could use some fun. kid: 小孩 fun: 乐趣,玩笑,有趣的人或事物 你俩该好好玩玩。 -Serena: Nate? Nate? -Nate: Uh, your mom told me you guys were staying here at the palace. guy: (男)人,家伙 palace: 宫殿,豪华住宅 你妈妈告诉我你们暂住在皇宫酒店。 -Serena: Yeah, uh, we're renovating again. renovate: 修补,整修 对,家里又在装修。 You know my mom... 你知道我妈... If it's not broke, break it. break: 打破,断掉 如果没烂,就砸烂吧。 So what are you doing here? 你来这干吗? -Nate: Oh, I just wanted to see how you were. 只是来看看你怎样。 You seemed kind of upset last night. seem: 看上去,觉得 upset: 烦乱的,不高兴 昨晚你好像不太开心。 -Serena: I-I gotta get going and anger for school. , I'm gonna be late. gotta: <美俚> (=have got to) 必须 anger: 触怒,激怒 我要去换衣服上学了, 我会迟到的。 -Nate: Serena… Serena... -Serena: No… 别.. -Nate: But you're back now... 但你回来了... -Serena: I didn't come back for you. 我不是为了你才回来的。 Look, Blair's my best friend, and you're her boyfriend, and she loves you. 听着,Blair是我最好的朋友, 你是她的男朋友,而且她爱你 That's the way things are supposed to be. 事情就该这样。 -Taxi Driver: Hey, watch where you're going! watch: 当心 小心看路! -Chuck: Serena looked effing hot last night. effing: [俚语、委婉语] [用以加强语气]该死的,他妈的 hot: 时髦的,火辣的,性感的 Serena昨晚看起来超正点。 There's something wrong with that level of perfection. level: 程度,级别 perfection: 完美,完善 那种完美特别别扭。 It needs to be violated. violate: 冒犯,亵渎,侮辱 就该被人破坏掉。 -Nate: You are deeply disturbed. deeply: 深深地 disturbed: 有精神病的;心理不正常(或失常)的 你真是有病。 -Chuck: And yet, you know I'm right. 尽管如此,你知道我说的对。 You're telling me if you had the chance... chance: 机会,意外 你是说,如果你有机会... -Nate: I have a girlfriend. girlfriend: 女朋友 我有女朋友。 -Chuck: You guys have been dating since kindergarten date: 约会 since: 自从 kindergarten: 幼儿园 从幼儿园时代就开始交往。 and you haven't sealed the deal. seal: 决定,确定,使(交易等)成交 deal: 交易,协定 到现在你都没"搞定她"? -Nate: Who says,"seal the deal"? 谁说"搞定她"这种话啊? -Chuck: Come on. 来吧。 -Chuck: Are you following us or something? follow: 跟踪 你是在跟踪我们吗? -Dan: No, I-I go to your school. 不,我跟你同一个学校。 Identical uniforms? identical: 相同的,同一的 uniform: 制服 一样的校服? Is that kind of a tip-off? tip-off: 密告,暗示,警告 这算提示了吧? -Nate: That's funny. funny: 滑稽的,有趣的 搞笑。 -Dan: So you guys wanna sit together at lunch? together: 一起 午餐要一起吗? -Blair: So cute! cute: 可爱的,聪明的,俐伶的 真可爱! -Isabel: These should be framed or something. frame: 给(镜子、照片等)装框子(或架子) 真该裱起来。 -Blair: Not bad work. 干得不错。 And here's yours, as promised. promise: 允诺,约定 说好的,这是你的, 正如我们说好的。 -Jenny: Thanks. 谢谢。 -Serena: Here you guys are. 你们在这呢。 I looked all over the dining hall for you. dining: 就餐 hall: 大厅,礼堂 我在餐厅里到处找你们。 Oh, hi, I’m Serena. 你好,我是Serena。 -Jenny: I know. I mean, hi, I’m Jenny. 我知道,我是说,你好,我是Jenny。 -Serena: When's the party? 派对什么时候举行? -Blair: Saturday. 周六。 And... 还有... You're kinda not invited... kinda: 有一点,有几分(=kind of) 你不在受邀之列... Since until 12 hours ago, since: 因为,既然 因为直到12小时前, everyone thought you were at boarding school. 人人都以为你在念寄宿学校。 Now we're full, and, uh, Jenny used up all the invites. full: 充满的,满员的 invite: [口语]邀请;请柬 现在人满了,请贴给Jenny用光了。 -Jenny: Um, actually... actually: 事实上,其实 其实... -Blair: You can go now. 你可以走了。 Sorry. 对不起。 -Serena: No, that’s okay. 不,没事。 I got a lot of stuff to do anyway. stuff: 东西 anyway: 不管怎样 反正我事情也很多。 -Blair: Well, we should get going then. 那好,我们该走了。 Unless you want us to wait for you. unless: 除非 除非你要我们等你。 Looks like you got a lot of yogurt left. yogurt: (=yoghurt) 酸奶酪,酵母乳 看起来你还有不少酸奶没吃呢。 -Serena: No, go ahead. 不,你们现走吧。 Blair, think we could meet tonight? meet: 见面 tonight: 今晚 Blair,今晚能见面吗? -Blair: I'd love to, but I'm doing something with Nate tonight. 我也想,但今晚我约好Nate了。 -Serena: The palace. 8:00? palace: 宫殿,豪华住宅 皇宫酒店 8点? Nate will wait. Nate可以等。 -Gossip girl: Spotted on the steps of the met... spotted: [口语]为别人所注意的 spot: 认出,发现 step: 阶梯,台阶 met: meet的过去式,遇见 在大都会美术馆的阶梯上... An s. And b. Power struggle. power: 权力,力量 struggle: 竞争,争斗S跟B的较劲。 -Blair: I could probably do a half-hour. probably: 大概,或许 我大概有半小时时间吧。 -Gossip girl: Did s. Think she could waltz home, waltz: 华尔滋,以轻巧的步伐走 S认为她可以这么施施然的回来。 and things would be just like they were? 一切都会和以前一样吗? -Serena: Thanks for making the time. 谢谢你抽时间见我。 -Blair: You're my best friend. 你是我最好的朋友。 -Gossip girl: Did b. Think s.Would go down without a fight? fight: 斗争,战斗 B认为S会这么束手就擒? Or can these two hotties work it? hottie: <口>辣妹 还是这两个辣妹, 能设法和平共处? There's nothing gossip girl, likes more than a good catfight, gossip: 绯闻,流言蜚语 catfight: 激烈的争吵;(尤指)女人吵架 绯闻女友最爱的就是, 女生间的勾心斗角。 and this could be a classic. classic: 经典的,不朽的 而这有可能成为经典的一战。 -Dan: Uh, you know... You know, dad, 你知道,爸爸你知道。 There’s this thing called my space where, you can post all this information online. space: 空间 post: 公告;宣告 information: 信息 online: 联机,在线,上网 有个网站叫Myspace, 可以把这些信息都放那上面发布。 Save some trees. Have a blog. save: 救护,保护 blog: 网络随笔,日志,博客 保护树木,注册个博客吧。 -Rufus: Maybe if musicians got off their blogs musician: 音乐家 如果音乐家少上他们的博客, and picked up their guitars, guitar: 吉他 多花时间玩玩吉他。 the music business would be in better shape. business: 职业,行业 shape: 明确的形式;有条理的安排 音乐界的现状可能会更好点。 -Dan: Spoken like a true relic. true: 真的,真实的,正确的 relic: 遗物,遗迹,纪念物 这话真像个老古董说的。 -Rufus: Thanks, son. son: 儿子 谢谢你,儿子。 -Dan: Hey, dad, listen, um, I gotta run. Are you gonna be okay? 爸爸,我要走了,你能应付得来吗? -Rufus: Yeah. Yeah, your mom will be back. 没事,你妈妈会回来的。 She's always been a free spirit. free: 自由的 spirit: 精神;(具有某种品格的)人 她总是那么无拘无束。 That's one of the reasons I fell for her in the first place. reason: 理由,原因 当初我就是爱上她这一点。 -Dan: I meant with the fliers. flier: 传单(又做flyer) 我说的是传单。 -Rufus: luckily, staple guns are old school. luckily: 幸运地,幸亏 staple: 订书机 gun: 枪,炮 还好,钉书机是旧式古董啊。 go. I'm gonna be fine. 去吧,我没事。 -Serena: I talked to the nurse, and I'm kidnapping you. nurse: 护士 kidnap: 绑架,诱拐 我跟护士说过了, 你准备给我劫走吧。 -Eric: We're going shopping, aren’t we? 要去购物,是不? -Serena: We're going to bendel's, just for an hour, though, I swear. though: 尽管,虽然 swear: 发誓,宣誓 去Bendel's,就逛1小时,我保证, (位于第五大道上针对年轻女孩的高级商店)。 I had a really bad day. 我今天很不爽。 -Eric: really? 'Cause I had a great day... really: 真正地,实在 真的吗?我今天过得很好。 A couple of pills, bunch of Rorschach tests. pill: 药丸 Rorschach: 罗夏克墨迹测验的 test: 测试,试验 几片药,做了罗尔沙赫氏测验, (视对墨渍图案反应而 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 其性格的实验)。 They had this green jell-o for lunch. jell-o: <美>吉露果子冻 午餐有绿果冻呢。 -Serena: Mmm! Why didn't you save me any? save: 保留,留下 你怎么不给我留点? Come on, let’s go. 快,走吧。 We gotta get you out of here before mom shows up. 得在妈妈来之前出去。 -Dan: Jenny, what is it? Jenny 怎么了? What's wrong? 出什么事了? -Jenny: Do you like this on me? 我穿这个好看吗? -Dan: Wait... Wait a second. 等...等一下。 Is that why you need me? need: 需要,必需 你找我就为这个? I thought this was an emergency. emergency: 紧急情况,突发事件 我以为有什么紧急状况呢。 -Jenny: A fashion emergency. fashion: 流行,风尚,时装 时尚告急嘛! I mean come on, I’ve never, been to a big dance before. dance: 舞会 我从来没出席过大型舞会啊。 -Dan: Neither have I. neither: 既非,,既不 我也没有。 -Jenny: Yeah, but mom's gone, and dad’s, allergic to department stores. allergic: 过敏的 department: (企业单位负责特定活动的、零售商店中专售某类商品的)部门;部 store: 商店 对,但老妈不在, 老爸对百货公司又不感冒。 -Dan: well, you look good, Jen. 你看起来很漂亮 Jen。 You do, really. 真的? -Jenny: Thanks. 谢谢。 I mean, too bad it's more than our rent, rent: 租金 我的意思是,比我们的租金还贵。 but I think I can sew something like it. sew: 缝纫,缝制 不过我可以自己做一件这样的。 Oh, my gosh, it’s Serena. gosh: [美国英语]天哪,哎呀[表示惊讶等的感叹词;God的委婉词] 哦,天,那是Serena。 Hi, Serena! 嗨,Serena。 -Serena: hey. Jenny,,right? 嘿,Jenny,对吗? -Jenny: yeah,hi, 恩,嗨, -Serena: This is my... 这是我... -Eric: Stylist and personal shopper Eric. Hi. stylist: 时装设计师 personal: 私人的,个人的 shopper: 采购员 造型师兼私人选购 Eric 你好。 -Jenny: Um, this is my brother. 呒,这是我哥哥。 Or... 可能... -Serena: Um, so is... Is that your dress, for the kiss on the lips party? dress: 女装,礼服 kiss: 亲吻 lip: 嘴唇 party: 派对 我...这是你参加派对的礼服吗? -Jenny: Sort of. 差不多吧。 Speaking of that, um, here. 说到这个,给。 I made you one during free period, during: 在...期间 free: 空闲的 period: 时期 我课余时间给你做了张。 but if anyone asks where you got it, I know nothing. 但如果有人问起,我什么也不知道。 -Serena: Thanks. 谢谢。 -Jenny: Dan? Dan? Dan? Dan? -Serena: Jenny? Jenny? That dress would look even better in black. 那件礼服黑色的更漂亮。 -Jenny: Black. Cool. Thanks. 黑色,酷,谢谢你。 -Chuck: this is some good stuff. stuff: 材料,物品 这可是个好东西。 -Nate: Yeah, I'm gonna need it. 恩,我也会需要的。 Blair's mom's at the country house. country: 农村(的) Blair的妈妈去了乡下度假屋。 -Chuck: Yeah? Well, then maybe I sh
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