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深圳 Tel: 0755-33683760 E-mail:RoHS.SZ@cti-cert.com 天津 Tel: 022-24983390 E-mail:RoHS.TJ@cti-cert.com 上海 Tel: 021-51921234 E-mail:RoHS.SH@cti-cert.com 顺德 Tel: 0757-28877183 E-mail:RoHS.SD@cti-cert.com 声明敬请垂询 © 明 同 意 授 权CTI使 用 的 第 三 方 内 容 外 , 版 权 均 属 CTI所有。非经CTI事先书面授权,禁止引用或引证 本刊内的任何信息。对本刊内容或外观的任何未经 授权的变更、伪造、窜改均属非法,违反者将追究 其法律责任。本刊仅限参考使用,并不取代任何法律 规定或适用规章;仅为CTI就所涉及专题提供的技术性 信息,而非对此类专题的详尽 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 述。所述信息均按原 样提供,CTI不担保该等信息准确无误或者满足任何特 定标准。 2009 CTI, 版 权 所 有 。 本 刊 所 有 内 容 , 除 注 RHS-TM-10003 高关注物质(SVHC)候选清单更新 更多详细资料,请与我们联系:http://www.cti-cert.com No. 物质名称 EC No. 可能的用途 1 蒽油 292-602-7 用于生产蒽和炭黑,还用于冶炼高炉中的还原剂,作为煤仓中的一部分用以灌注、密封和防止腐蚀。 2 蒽油,蒽糊,轻油 295-278-5 用于生产蒽和炭黑,还用于冶炼高炉中的还原剂,作为煤仓中的一部分用以灌注、密封和防止腐蚀。 3 蒽油,蒽糊,蒽馏分 295-275-9 用于生产蒽和炭黑,还用于冶炼高炉中的还原剂,作为煤仓中的一部分用以灌注、密封和防止腐蚀。 4 蒽油,含蒽量少 292-604-8 用于生产蒽和炭黑,还用于冶炼高炉中的还原剂,作为煤仓中的一部分用以灌注、密封和防止腐蚀。 5 蒽油,蒽糊 292-603-2 用于生产蒽和炭黑,还用于冶炼高炉中的还原剂,作为煤仓中的一部分用以灌注、密封和防止腐蚀。 6 邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯 201-553-2 用作硝化纤维、纤维素醚、聚丙烯酸酯等的增塑剂,与其他增塑剂结合使用时的胶凝辅助剂,在塑料、油 漆、黏合剂、爆炸材料和指甲油中广泛使用。 7 2,4-二硝基甲苯 204-450-0 用于制成生产柔性聚氨脂泡沫的原料甲苯二异氰酸酯,及塑化剂来生产爆发性混合物(如汽车中的气囊) 8 煤沥青,高温 266-028-2 应用于工业电极中,少量应用于特殊的防腐蚀用途,铺设特殊块石路面,以及其他物质或者飞碟靶的制造 9 三(2-氯乙基)磷酸酯 204-118-5 主要作为添加塑剂和黏度调节剂或者阻燃剂应用于丙烯酸树脂、聚亚安脂、聚氯乙烯和其他聚合物之中; 也可以应用于胶黏剂、涂层、耐火材料以及漆中。工业上最广泛的应用于家具、纺织物和建筑工业。 10 硅酸铝,耐火陶瓷纤维 1 11 锆硅酸铝,耐火陶瓷纤维 2 12 铬酸铅;C. I.颜料黄 34 215-693-7 作为染料,油漆及涂层剂使用在如橡胶,塑料,油漆,涂料和油漆行业中。应用包括农机设备,车辆和飞 机,以及道路和机场跑道线绘图。该物质还在国防领域用于伪装或弹药标记。 13 钼铬红;C. I.颜料红 104 235-759-9 作为染料,油漆及涂层剂使用在如橡胶,塑料,油漆,涂料和油漆行业中。应用包括农机设备,车辆和飞 机,以及道路和机场跑道线绘图。 14 铬酸铅;铬黄 231-846-0 用于制造颜料和染料,作为颜料或涂层剂用在工业和海洋涂料产品或防腐/恢复的艺术产品中。进一步的潜 在用途,包括作为洗涤剂和漂白剂,感光材料和制造烟火粉。 陶瓷纤维主要应用于工业中的耐高温材料(工厂锅炉及设备表面,自动飞行器以及航天工业中)和耐火材 料(建筑行业和工厂设备防火) 索引号 650-017-00-8 注 .满足以下两种情况:a) Al2O3和SiO2浓度在以下范围内:• Al2O3: 43.5 – 47 % w/w, 且SiO2: 49.5 – 53.5 % w/w,或• Al2O3: 45.5 – 50.5 % w/w, 且 SiO2: 48.5 – 54 % w/w,b) 纤维的加权几何平均直径不到两个标准或少于6微米(μm)几何误差长度。 (2).满足以下两种情况:a) Al2O3, SiO2 和 ZrO2浓度在以下范围内:• Al2O3: 35 – 36 % w/w,且• SiO2: 47.5 – 50 % w/w,且• ZrO2: 15 - 17 % w/w,b) 纤维的加权几何平均直径不到两个标准或少于6微米(μm)几何误差长度。 (1) CTI解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 CTI可针对第一批及第二批SVHC候选清单中的所有物质,为企业提供全面、准确的测试服务。同时,依托自身强 大的技术力量、国际先进的设备条件,及汇聚众多专家的专业团队,CTI将为企业提供应对REACH法规的整体解决方案。 2010年1月14日,欧洲化学品管理局正式向高关注物质候选清单中加入14种物质。此前在2009年12月7日ECHA公布 将加入SVHC候选清单的15种物质中,丙烯酰胺此次被推迟加入。 丙烯酰胺已经被ECHA确认为SVHC(见2009年12月7日,press release_ECHA/PR/09/15),但由于涉及到一起案件 的审理(CaseT-1/10 R),欧盟最高法院首席法官做出一项临时规定——暂缓将丙烯酰胺加入SVHC候选清单及后续可 能加入REACH附件14的进程,直到案件审理结束。 候选清单官方地址请见:http://echa.europa.eu/chem_data/authorisation_process/candidate_list_table_en.asp Shenzhen Tel: 0755-33683760 E-mail:RoHS.SZ@cti-cert.com Tianjin Tel: 022-24983390 E-mail:RoHS.TJ@cti-cert.com Shanghai Tel: 021-51921234 E-mail:RoHS.SH@cti-cert.com AnnounceContact Us Shunde Tel: 0757-28877183 E-mail:RoHS.SD@cti-cert.com © 200 9 CTI . Al l rights reserved. This is a publ ication of CTI , except for 3rd parties 'contents use by CTI . Do not quote or refer any informat ion without pr ior written consent. Any unauthorized al terat ion, forgery or falsi fication is unlawf ul and offenders may be prosecuted to the ful les t extent of the law.This publ ication is intended to prov ide technica l informat ion and shal l not be exhaustive . It is st rict ly educat ional and does not rep lace any legal requi remen ts or appl icable regulat ions.The informat ion is prov ided "as is" and CTI does not war rant that it wi ll be error -free or wi ll meet any particu lar cr iter ia of performanc e or qual ity. RHS-TM-10003 More information, please do not hesitate to contact us:www.cti-cert.com REACH CANDIDATE LIST OF SVHC GROWS Solution by CTI CTI will provide the comprehensive and accurate testing service of all the SVHC in the first and second candidate list. By our leading international equipment and professional team composed of several experts, CTI can also help you to optimize the total solutions of REACH regulation. Note(1).Fulfil the two following conditions: a) Al2O3 and SiO2 are present within the following concentration ranges:• Al2O3: 43.5 – 47 % w/w,and SiO2: 49.5 – 53.5 % w/w,or • Al2O3: 45.5 – 50.5 %w/w, and SiO2: 48.5 – 54 % w/w, b) fibres have a length weighted geometric mean diameter less two standard geometric errors of 6 or less micrometers (μm). (2).Fulfil the two following conditions:a) Al2O3, SiO2 and ZrO2 are present within the following concentration ranges:• Al2O3: 35 – 36 % w/w, and • SiO2: 47.5 – 50 % w/w, and • ZrO2: 15 - 17 % w/w,b) fibres have a length weighted geometric mean diameter less two standard geometric errors of 6 or less micrometers (μm). No. Substance Name EC No. Potential Uses 1 Anthracene oil 292-602-7 2 Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, distn. Lights 295-278-5 3 Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, anthracene fraction 295-275-9 4 Anthracene oil, anthracene-low 292-604-8 5 Anthracene oil, anthracene paste 292-603-2 6 Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) 201-553-2 used as plasticiser for nitrocellulose, cellulose ether, polyacrylate and as a gell ing aid in combination with other plasticisers, which are widely used for plastics, lacquers, adhesives, and nail polish. 7 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 204-450-0 to produce toluene diisocyanate, which is used for the manufacture of flexible polyurethane foams. And also used as gelatinizing-plasticizing agent to produce explosive mixtures (e.g. for airbags in cars). 8 Coal tar pitch, high temperature 266-028-2 to produce electrodes for industrial applications. Smaller volumes are dedicated to specific uses such as heavy duty corrosion protection, special purpose paving, and the production of clay targets. 9 Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (TCEP) 204-118-5 mainly used as an additive plasticiser and viscosity regulator with flame-retarding properties for acrylic resins, polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride and other polymers. And also adhesives, coatings, flameresistant paints and varnishes, used as the furniture, the texti le and the building industry. 10 Aluminosil icate, Refratory Ceramic Fibres 1 11 Zirconia Aluminosil icate, Refratory Ceramic Fibres 2 12 Lead sulfochromate yellow (C.I. Pigment Yellow 34) 215-693-7 used as a colouring, painting and coating agent in sectors such as the rubber, plastic and paints, coatings and varnishes industries. Applications comprise the production of agricultural equipment, vehicles and aircraft as well as road and airstrip painting. The substance is further used for camouflage or ammunition marking in the defence area. 13 Lead chromate molybdate sulfate red (C.I. Pigment Red 104) 235-759-9 used as a colouring, painting and coating agent in sectors such as the rubber, plastic and paints, coatings and varnishes industries. Used in agricultural equipment, vehicles ,craft and airstrip painting. 14 Lead chromate 231-846-0 used for manufacturing pigments and dyes, as a pigment or coating agent in industrial and maritime paint products or for embalming/restoring of art products. And also detergents, bleaches, photosensitive materials and pyrotechnic powder. to produce anthracene and carbon black etc. They may also be used as reducing agents in blast furnances, as components in bunker fuel, for impregnating, sealing and corrosion protection. Refractory ceramic fibres are used for high-temperature insulation, almost exclusively in industrial applications (insulation of industrial furnaces and equipment, equipment for the automotive and aircraft/aerospace industry) and in fire protection (buildings and industrial process equipment). Index No. 650-017-00-8 Today (Jan 14th), the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added 14 chemical substances to the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for authorisation. Acrylamide (EC No 201-173-7 and CAS No 79-06-1) was also identified as a SVHC by ECHA’s Member State Committee (Dec 7 2009, press release_ECHA/PR/09/15). However, pursuant to an Order of the President of the General Court of the European Union, the inclusion of acrylamide in the Candidate List of substances for eventual inclusion in Annex XIV of REACH is suspended until the President of the General Court has made its order terminating the proceedings for interim relief in Case T-1 / 10 R. The official list please refer to:http://echa.europa.eu/chem_data/authorisation_process/candidate_list_table_en.asp 页 1 页 2
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