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Spring_Festival(new)nullnullHappy New Year Spring Festivalfolk-customnulllucky moneynullred packetsnullActivitiesActivitiesnullspring festival scrolls /couplets 春 联(羊皮纸)卷轴; (纸)卷 买年货 do Spring Festival shopping 买年货 do Spring Festival shopping null 剪纸 paper-cuts 年画...

nullnullHappy New Year Spring Festivalfolk-customnulllucky moneynullred packetsnullActivitiesActivitiesnullspring festival scrolls /couplets 春 联(羊皮纸)卷轴; (纸)卷 买年货 do Spring Festival shopping 买年货 do Spring Festival shopping null 剪纸 paper-cuts 年画 New Year painting nullpay a New Year call give New Year's greetings; New Year's visit null汉语中吉祥话的英语翻译恭喜发财繁荣, 旺盛;岁岁平安吉祥如意心想事成步步高升Wishing You ProsperityMay All Your Wishes Come TruePromoting To A Higher Position Everything Goes Well Peace All Year RoundnullnullPeople buy new clothes and special food.Thousands of people go to the flower markets.They buy fruit trees and beautiful flowers.null农历 正 月除夕初一lunar calendar lunar January the first month by lunar calendarNew Year's Eve eve of lunar New Yearthe beginning of New Year大年初二Lunar year January 2nd. 日历 calendar 烟花 firework 烟花 firework nullset off fireworks / firecrackers 燃放烟花爆竹nullthe dinner on New Year‘s Eve 年夜饭 family reunion dinner 团圆饭Food namesFood names饺子 汤圆 年糕 红枣 西瓜子 糖dumpling Tang-yuan; Nian-gao; rise cake; New Year cake red dates water melon seed candy nullSpring Festival Entertainment Programme null舞狮 lion dance 舞龙 dragon dance 守岁 staying-up nulltemple庙会: temple fair null拜年 pay New Year's call; give New Year's greetings; New Year's visit 去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune 祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one's ancestors 辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year 扫房 spring cleaning; general house-cleaning nullThe New Year decorations are beautiful.nullRatOx Chinese Zodiac 生肖 Rat comes first in the Chinese Zodiac.nullTiger Rabbit Dragon SnakenullHorse Goat Monkey RoosternullDog Pig 中国各地过年习俗中国各地过年习俗北京过年有段谚语:“(农历十二月,即腊月)廿三(日)糖瓜儿粘;廿四(日)扫房日;廿五(日)糊窗户;廿六(日)炖大肉;廿七(日)杀公鸡;廿八(日)把面发;廿九(日)蒸馒头;三十(日)晚上熬一宿;大年初一扭一扭。” 农历正月初五这一天叫“破五”,不到“破五”不能用生米做饭。正月初七日称“人日”、“人胜节”,或曰“七元”。春节期间,北京人爱逛庙会,大钟寺庙可以敲永乐大钟,白云观庙会可以摸石猴、打金钱眼,厂甸庙会可饱览古玩、字画、字帖、珠宝、翡翠等稀奇玩意儿和高跷、太平鼓、小车会、五虎棍等花会 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演。 中国各地过年习俗中国各地过年习俗台湾称除夕为“二九暝”、“三十暝”,依农历十二月的大小而别。“暝”即岁暮之意。天色未晚之前,家家准备供品,像甜橘、甜米果(年糕)、“春饭(盛得尖尖的米饭上插上剪纸的春字)”、“压岁钱”等。还在大门后面竖放两根连须带叶的甘蔗,叫“长年蔗”。吃年夜饭“围炉”时,八仙桌下安放新炭炉和一把新葵扇,扇上和炉上贴有红纸 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 写的“春”和“福”字。年夜饭过后便是守岁。进入初一,人们就集合老少,用红白米糕来敬祀神明,祭拜公妈(即祖公祖婆),然后燃放鞭炮,以迎春接福。 中国各地过年习俗中国各地过年习俗上海腊月廿四为“灶神”上天奏事之日,故廿三之夜,家家户户要“送灶”、“祭灶”,庆新年由此拉开序幕。腊月廿五为诸神下界之日。按传统,各家各户里里外外掸尘扫除。廿六至廿九,家家户户开始磨粉、包汤圆、制年糕,准备新的衣帽鞋,并且买春联、年画和“门神”。除夕之夜,各家长幼齐集户内,在灯火下团坐一起同吃年夜饭,故名“合家欢”。年夜饭后,围炉守岁。至天微明,男女老少皆穿上新衣新帽新鞋,在堂上拜天祭祖。然后少幼齐向家长拜年,家长向小孩散给年前已准备好的压岁钱。 中国各地过年习俗中国各地过年习俗香港除夕,家家户户在一起吃团年饭。团年饭的多数菜名都含有吉利的意思。吃过团年饭后,人们通常会到年宵市场去逛花市。大年初一,人们开始正式庆祝新年,贴春联(挥春)、年画,舞龙,舞狮等,还会走亲友拜年。 中国各地过年习俗中国各地过年习俗澳门年俗别有风情。“谢灶”是澳门保存下来最传统的中国年俗之一。腊月二十三日送灶神,澳门人谓之“谢灶”。澳门人过年从腊月二十八开始。除夕夜,守岁和逛花市是澳门人辞旧迎新的两件大事。守岁是打麻将,看电视,叙旧聊天;澳门在年宵兴办花市,多是桃花,水仙、盆竹、盆橘,花开富贵,兆示着新年的美好前程。春节(大年初一)这天,澳门人讲究“利市”,以示吉利。“利市”就是红包,这天老板见到员工,长辈见到晚辈,甚至已婚人见到未婚人都得“利市”。澳门人把大年初二叫作“开年”,要吃“开年”饭,必备发菜、生菜、鲤鱼,意在取其生财利路。 null元宵节 the Lantern Festivalreviewreviewnull汉语中吉祥话的英语翻译恭喜发财岁岁平安吉祥如意心想事成步步高升Wishing You ProsperityMay All Your Wishes Come TruePromoting To A Higher Position Everything Goes Well Peace All Year Roundnull农历 正 月除夕初一lunar calendar lunar January the first month by lunar calendarNew Year's Eve eve of lunar New Yearthe beginning of New Year大年初二Lunar year January 2nd. 日历 calendarActivitiesActivities春联 剪纸 年画 烟花 爆竹 舞狮 舞龙 灯谜 灯会 守岁 Spring Festival couplets paper-cuts New Year paintings fireworks firecrackers lion dance dragon dance riddles written on lanterns exhibit of lanterns staying-up nullThe Chinese character "fu" (meaning blessing or happiness) is a must. The character put on paper can be pasted normally or upside down, for in Chinese the "reversed fu" is homophonic with "fu comes", both being pronounced as "fu dao le." What's more, two big red lanterns can be raised on both sides of the front door. BlessingBlessingTreasures(财富) fill the home Business flourishes(兴隆) Peace all year round Wishing you prosperity(繁荣、昌盛) Harmony(和谐) brings wealth May all your wishes come true Everything goes well The country flourishes and people live in peace Money and treasures will be plentiful Wishing you every success Promoting(提升) to a higher position(地位)
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