首页 2010-11加州大学伯克利分校



2010-11加州大学伯克利分校加州大学博客里分校暑期学校招生简章 加州大学伯克利分校暑期学校招生简章 为进一步加快我校国际化办学步伐,培养学生的跨文化交际能力,拓宽学生的国际化视野,感受世界知名高等学府的氛围,在2010年成功开展加州大学伯克利分校暑期学校项目的基础上,国际学院2011年暑期将继续组织学生前往伯克利学习。 一.学校简介   加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)是加州大学10个分校中历史最悠久、教育质量最好的分校,也是加州大学系统最杰出的代表。伯克利大学为世界学术的知名学府,在众多权威的大学排名里名列前茅。在上海交通...

加州大学博客里分校暑期学校招生简章 加州大学伯克利分校暑期学校招生简章 为进一步加快我校国际化办学步伐,培养学生的跨文化交际能力,拓宽学生的国际化视野,感受世界知名高等学府的氛围,在2010年成功开展加州大学伯克利分校暑期学校项目的基础上,国际学院2011年暑期将继续组织学生前往伯克利学习。 一.学校简介   加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)是加州大学10个分校中历史最悠久、教育质量最好的分校,也是加州大学系统最杰出的代表。伯克利大学为世界学术的知名学府,在众多权威的大学排名里名列前茅。在上海交通大学编制的2008世界大学学术排名中,伯克利大学排名世界第3,仅次哈佛大学和斯坦福大学。美国新闻周刊2006年在其国际版中将伯克利排名至全球第5。2005年,英国的The Times Higher World University Rankings评伯克利大学为世界第六好的大学,仅次哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、牛津大学、斯坦福大学等。 加州大学伯克利分校是全美最好的公立大学,学术声望享誉全球,它的研究院的很多学科在全美排名前3名。 二.项目简介 伯克利大学Summer Sessions已有多年为外国留学生举办暑期班的成熟经验,并获得留学生的一致好评。每年都有许多来自世界各非英语国家的留学生提出申请,希望能够获得进暑期班研修的机会。伯克利下属的各学院向项目学生开放500多门课程,学生可根据自己的专业和兴趣选修课程。课程结束后,伯克利将向学生颁发成绩证明。 2010年暑期,国际学院共组织派出29名学生前往伯克利,学生反响良好。学院将在适当时间组织经验交流会。 三.项目意义 ​ 学分可冲抵南财相应课程学分 ​ 获伯克利的正式成绩单,有助于今后申请美国等海外研究生 ​ 感受世界名校的学习和生活氛围 ​ 体验与世界各地的学生共同学习的经历 ​ 体会美国当地文化和语言 ​ 享受美国加州迷人的风景 ​ 培养学生国际化视野 四.项目时间 根据我校实际情况,可从以下两个时间段选择 1. 六周课程:2011年7月5日—8月12日 (Session D) 2. 三周课程:2010年7月25日—8月12日 (Session E) 五.课程 2011年具体课程将于11月中下旬在伯克利官方网站http://summer.berkeley.edu上公布,请随时关注。2010年暑期课程详见附表一。 一个学分约为每周三课时。学生可根据自己的实际情况选择一到两门课程,最少需修满5个学分,最多可选修10个学分。但根据其他学校经验,选修学分多于5个时,不同课程的上课时间可能发生冲突。 选择课程时,应仔细阅读课程说明及课程要求,选择适合自己知识基础的课程。 六.语言要求 学生应具有一定的英语基础,并在申请时提供英语成绩单。根据2010年的要求,可接受的英语成绩证明包括: 若参加暑期英语语言学院课程,则可不提供语言成绩。 七.食宿 学生可住在校内,单间、两人或三人一间,配有公共浴室等,并可在附近食堂就餐。 八.费用(下表为2010年 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,2011年费用可能有所变化,具体以伯克利官方网站公布为准) 项目 (6周2门课6学分) 美元 人民币(元) 学费 1920(320/学分) 12768 注册费 385 2560.25 国际服务费 300 1995 住宿费 1965(双人间) 13067.25 教材 200 1330 总计 4770 31720.5 注:汇率换算按100美元=665人民币估算 九.报名信息 报名对象:南财全体本科生 预收时间及费用:详见下表 报名地点:仙林校区行政楼1401(马老师) 咨询电话:84028789 邮箱: horsehealthy@yahoo.com.cn 注:申请人需办理VISA / Mastercard等可国际支付的信用卡,或父母有卡的,可办理副卡。用于支付学费等。 十.申请时间表 2010年10月20日—12月31日 ​ 提交报名表 ​ 交纳签证服务费用500元人民币 ​ 校内录取,通知录取情况 2010年2月 ​ 网上选课 2010年3月—6月 ​ 申请宿舍 ​ 提交语言、财务证明及护照 ​ 接收来自伯克利的I-20表格 ​ 交纳SEVIS FEE ​ 办理签证、保险 (由国际学院统一办理) 附件一:课程一览(此为2010年度课程,2011年以伯克利公布为准) Preview of Course Offerings - Summer 2010 The courses listed in this preview are in the Summer Sessions schedule as of the date of publication. This schedule is subject to change. For current information, see the Summer Sessions site or the Online Schedule of Classes. Course Title Units Session African American Studies R1A Freshman Composition 4 A, D R1B Freshman Composition 4 A, D 4B Africa: History and Culture 4 D 119 Black Expression: Literature Fashioning Freedom 3 D 139 African Technology: Encounters in the Black Digital Diaspora 3 D 159 Afrofuturist Cinema: Science(Fiction), Technology, and the African Diaspora 3 D 159 African American Stand-Up Comedy and the Performance of Resistance 3 D American Studies 180A Advertising America 1 E 188D San Francisco Detectives 1 E 188F Race and American Popular Music 1 E Anthropology R5B Reading and Composition 4 D 119 Special Topics in Medical Anthropology 4 D 121AC American Material Culture 4 D 162AC Topics in Folklore 4 D 172AC Special Topics in American Cultures 4 D Art History R1B Reading & Writing About Visual Experience 4 A, D 11 Introduction to Western Art: Renaissance to the Present 4 A, D 32 Korean Art 4 D 190A Asian -- History Of Art 4 D 190F 19th-20th Century 4 D Art Practice 8 Introduction to Visual Thinking 4 A, D 12 The Language of Drawing 4 A, D 23AC Foundations of American Cyber-Culture 4 D 102 Approaches to Painting 4 A, D 132 Approaches to Sculpture: Ceramics 4 D 160 Surveying Post-Nature 4 D 160 Comics & Graphic Novels 4 D N160 Foundations of Digital Photography 4 A, D 171 Digital Video: The Architecture of Time 4 A, D Astronomy 10 Introduction to General Astronomy 4 A, D Business, Undergraduate Business Administration 101B Macroeconomic Analysis for Business Decisions 3 D 102A Introduction to Financial Accounting 3 A, D 102B Introduction to Managerial Accounting 3 A, D 103 Introduction to Finance 4 A, D 105 Introduction to Organizational Behavior 3 A, D 106 Marketing 3 A, D 118 International Trade 3 A, D 120B Advanced Financial Accounting 4 D 122 Financial Information Analysis 3 D 133 Investments 3 A, D 137 Financial Derivatives 3 D 178 Introduction to International Business 3 A, D Chinese 7B Introduction to Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 4 D City and Regional Planning 118AC The Urban Community 4 D Classics 10A Introduction to Greek Civilization 4 D 28 Classic Myths 4 D 36 Greek Philosophy 4 D Cognitive Science 1 Introduction to Cognitive Science 4 D C100 Issues in Cognition 3 A, D College Writing Programs 7 American Studies: American Language and Culture 1 E Comparative Literature N1B English Composition in Connection with the Reading of World Literature 3 D 41E Forms of the Cinema 4 D N60AC New World Contentions 3 D Earth and Planetary Science 20 Earthquakes in Your Backyard 3 A, D 80 Environmental Earth Sciences 2 A, D East Asian Languages and Cultures 101 Catastrophe, Memory, and Narrative: Comparative Responses to Atrocity in the Twentieth Century 4 D 181 East Asian Film: Special Topics in Genre 4 D Education N40AC Experiencing Education: Race and Ethnicity Inside Schools 3 A, D N140 Literacy: Individual and Societal Development 3 D 184 Philosophical Foundations of Education 3 D 190 Current Issues in Education 4 A, D 249A Strategies for Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties 3 D 249B Evaluating Reading Instruction 3 D English N117S Shakespeare 3 D N135 Literature of American Cultures 3 A, D English as a Second Language 8 English as a Second Language 4 D, E 9 English for Special Purposes 3 A, D N9 English as a Second Language (Online) 3 D Ethnic Studies 21AC A Comparative Survey of Racial and Ethnic Groups in the U.S. 4 D 103A Racialization and Empire 4 A, D 122AC Ethnicity and Race in Contemporary American Films 4 A, D Ethnic Studies - Asian American Studies 141 Law in Asian American Community 4 D 171 Asian Americans in Film and Video 4 D 172 Asian American Literature 4 A, D Ethnic Studies - Chicano Studies 172 Chicanos and the Educational System 4 D Ethnic Studies - Native American Studies R1A Native American Studies Reading and Composition 4 A, D R1B Native American Studies Reading and Composition 4 A, D Film Studies R1A The Craft of Writing - Film Focus 4 A, D R1B The Craft of Writing - Film Focus 4 A, D 25B The History of Film 4 D 100 History of Film Theory 4 D 108 Superhero 4 D 151 Chaplin/Woody Allen 4 D French 118A Eighteenth-Century Literature 4 D Gender and Women's Studies 50AC Gender in American Culture 3 D 111 Women and Hip-Hop! 3 D Geography 4 World Peoples and Cultural Environments 4 D 30 The Ocean World 4 D 138 Political Ecology of the Third World 4 D German 1 Elementary German 1 5 A, D 2 Elementary German 2 5 D R5B Reading and Composition 4 A, D 155 Kafka 3 D History 5 European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present 4 D 7B From the Civil War to the Present 4 D 100 Latin American History through Film 4 D 124B The United States, 1941 to 1980: from WWII to the Vietnam Era 4 D 127AC California 4 D 158C Old and New Europe, 1914-Present 4 D Interdisciplinary Studies Field Major 110 Environment and Development in Cities of the Global South 4 D 110 Food, Democracy, and Climate Change 4 D International and Area Studies 107 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory 4 D 160 Berkeley Summer Institute for the Global Generation 4 E Italian Studies 30 Dante (in English) 3 D Japanese 7B Introduction to Modern Japanese Literature and Culture 4 D Latin American Studies 150 Culture and Political Economy of Drug Trafficking in Latin America 4 D Legal Studies 161 Law in Chinese Society 4 D Linguistics 5 Language and Linguistics 4 D 55AC The American Languages 4 D Mathematics 32 Precalculus 4 C, D Media Studies C104C History of Information 3 D Molecular and Cell Biology 63 Introduction to Functional Neuroanatomy 3 D Music 26AC Music in American Culture 4 A, D 74 Introduction to Selected Musics of the World 4 A, D 128D Introduction to the Music of Bach 3 D 128DM J.S. Bach 3 D 128R History of Jazz in America 3 A, D 128RM History of Jazz in America 3 A, D 139 Music of Cuba 4 D Near Eastern Studies R1B Reading and Composition in Ancient Near Eastern Texts 4 D 190I Film in Iran 4 D Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology 10 Introduction to Human Nutrition 3 A, D Peace and Conflict Studies 119 Special Topics in Peace and Conflict Issues 4 A, E 127 Human Rights and Global Politics 4 D Philosophy 2 Individual Morality and Social Justice 4 A, D 3 The Nature of Mind 4 D 6 Man, God, and Society in Western Literature 4 D 12A Introduction to Logic 4 A, D 25A Ancient Philosophy 4 A, D 25B Modern Philosophy 4 A, D 108 Contemporary Ethical Issues 4 D 153 Chinese Philosophy 4 D Physical Education 1 General Conditioning .5 D 1 Resistance Training .5 D 1 Yongmudo/Judo .5 D 1 Beginning/Low Intermediate Basketball .5 D 1 Beginning/Low Intermediate Tennis .5 D Plant and Microbial Biology 104L Discovery-Based Research in Microbiology 2 B Political Economy of Industrial Societies 100 Classical Theories of Political Economy 4 A 101 Contemporary Theories of Political Economy 4 A, D 150 Advanced Study in Political Economy of Industrial Societies 4 A Political Science 3 Introduction to Empirical Analysis and Quantitative Methods 4 D 145A South Asian Politics 4 D 149C Ethnicity, Nationalism, & Violence in the Contemporary World 4 D Psychology 1 General Psychology 3 A, D 110 Introduction to Biological Psychology 3 A, D C120 Basic Issues in Cognition (cross listed with Cognitive Science C100) 3 A, D 130 Clinical Psychology 3 A, D 140 Developmental Psychology 3 A, D 150 Psychology of Personality 3 A, D 160 Social Psychology 3 A, D 166AC Cultural Psychology 3 D 192 Special Topics in Psychology: Sex and the Brain 3 D Public Health 141 Introduction to Biostatistics 5 D Religious Studies C124 The Renaissance and the Reformation 1 D Rhetoric R1A The Craft of Writing 4 A, D R1B The Craft of Writing 4 A, D 20 Rhetorical Interpretation 4 D 103B Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory II 4 D 128 Novel into Film 4 D 160 Introduction to the Rhetoric of Legal Discourse 4 D Scandinavian R5B Reading and Composition 4 A, D School of Information C103 History of Information 3 D 153 Web Architecture and Information Management 3 D 155 Introduction to High-level Programming 3 D Slavic Languages and Literatures R5B Reading and Composition 4 A, D Social Welfare 20 Confronting America's Social Problems 2 D 116 Forensic Social Work 2 A 148 Substance Abuse Treatment 2 D 175AC The Dialogue of Diversity: Deciphering the Cues and Codes of Intercultural Communication 3 D Sociology 130 Social Inequalities 4 D 133 Sociology of Gender 4 D 160 Sociology of Culture 4 D South and Southeast Asian Studies N113 Music of India 4 D 120 Ayurveda-The Traditional Healing System of Ancient India 4 D 120 The Politics of Sex in Vietnamese Literature 4 D 120 The Life of Krishna in Indian Culture, History, and Art 4 D 120 Topics in South and Southeast Asian Studies 4 D South Asian R5A Great Books of India 4 D R5B India in the Writer's Eye 4 A, D 124 Modern Indian Literature 4 D 140 Hindu Mythology 4 D 152 Literature Nation and Film 4 D Southeast Asian Studies 10B Introduction to the Civilization of Southeast Asia 4 D Spanish 135 Studies in Hispanic Literature 3 D Statistics 100 Introduction to the SAS System for Data Analysis 1 E Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies 25AC The Drama of American Cultures: An Introduction to Our Theater 3 D
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