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unit2+book2nullnullnullLearning a foreign language means learning the ways in which the language reflects the ideas, customs, and behavior of that society. Unit 2 Communication ProblemsnullTask 1 Word ExercisesDirections: Listen to the instruction. This is an examp...

nullnullnullLearning a foreign language means learning the ways in which the language reflects the ideas, customs, and behavior of that society. Unit 2 Communication ProblemsnullTask 1 Word ExercisesDirections: Listen to the instruction. This is an example. Put the letter B in Box 1. Put the letter E in Box 3.What do you think the word is? Here is some help. We put the letter R in Box 2. What do you think the word is? Here is some help. We eat it. The answer is “bread”. Now put letters in the boxes and make more words.BREnullListen and put letters in the boxes to make words.FRUITSHOESJUICEBILLSCLOCKRALESHIPTFILMSMPUSCIDOORASDVCIEANSERWnullTask 2. Telephone ChainsDirections: The whole class will be divided into several groups. The first student of each group will be given a message by the teacher. The message should be whispered from one student to the next. The last person should repeat the message aloud. Compare with that of the first student.null1) Let’s put our heads together and solve this problem. 2) Do you still remember where we first met each other? 3) My sister-in-law is a cook in a Hotel of America. 4) Mary told me that our math teacher had scolded her yesterday. 5) The Christmas tree was decorated with lights and colored papers.nullIn the above task, you may have tasted the magic of English words. Now try to follow the example in the next slide to make some jigsaw puzzles for your classmates to guess, and enjoy the fun brought by the magic of words!Task 3 Word Game—Jigsaw GuessingnullDirections: The following sentences are clues for your guessing. Firstly, try to get a word from what each sentence tells you, then make a word from the first letters of those words you get. Task 3 Word Game—Jigsaw GuessingnullTask 3 Word Game—Jigsaw GuessingSentence 1. When you ask a question, you usually get an…Sentence 4. It’s a deep feeling of fondness between two people.Sentence 2. In the sky at night, big and bright.Sentence 3. You write with it.Make a word from the first letters of these words. The hint: It gives you light.answermoonpenloveThe answer: lampnullSentence 1. Jingle Bells, Big World and Lemon Tree are… Sentence 2. You need a fork, a… and a spoon for eating. Sentence 3. The first word in a letter. Sentence 4. Number between ten and twelve. The hint: A piece of furniture.songsknifedearelevenThe answer: desknullyawneatrideaccidentSentence 1. You do it when you are tired. Sentence 2. You cannot… milk or tea, but you can… apples, bread, cake and chocolate. Sentence 3. You do it on horses and bicycles. Sentence 4. When two cars crash into each other, they have an… The hint: A period of time.The answer: yearnulloldteaIndiansnameThe answer: intoSentence 1. Not young but… Sentence 2. A hot drink, sometimes is made in bags. Sentence 3. They were in North America before the Europeans came. Sentence 4. You are called by it. The hint: A preposition.nullTask 4 Video ClipSuccessful language learning requires hard training and continuous practice. My Fair Lady will show you how to improve English pronunciation. After seeing the video, exchange good language learning experiences with your classmates.nullTask 4 Video ClipClick to stop and click again to continuenullTask 5 Proverbs and SayingsBe swift to hear, slow to speak.By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it.A word spoken is past recalling.读书使人充实,交谈使人精明。听宜敏捷,言宜缓行。 一言既出,驷马难追。null1. Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook if a good cook could cook good cookies. 2. Paul called from the hall that he had slipped on the floor and couldn’t get to the door.Task 6 Tongue TwistersnullTask 6 Tongue TwistersMr. See owned a saw. And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now See’s saw sawed Soar’s seesaw Before Soar saw See, Which made Soar sore. Had Soar seen See’s saw Before See sawed Soar’s seesaw, See’s saw would not have sawed Soar’s seesaw. So See’s saw sawed Soar’s seesaw. But it was sad to see Soar so sore Just because See’s saw sawed Soar’s seesaw! nullnull 1. One of the secrets of success in dealing with relationship is the good communication between Martians and Venusians. (Para. 1)2. How did they communicate well though they spoke different languages? (Para. 2) 3. People from Mars and people from Venus experienced a trust and acceptance that we rarely experience today. (Para.3) 1. Men and women seldom mean the same things even when they use the same words. ( Para. 4) 2. Ten common complaints that are easily misinterpreted. (Para. 5—9)nullnullSo when communication problems emerged, they assumed it was just one of those expected misunderstandings and that with a little assistance they would surely understand each other. (Line 14)此句中,assume 后跟了两个宾语从句,一句为 it was just one of those expected misunderstandings, 另一句为 that with a little assistance they would surely understand each other。 nullSo when communication problems emerged, they assumed it was just one of those expected misunderstandings and that with a little assistance they would surely understand each other. (Line 14)nullIt is not to be taken as if it were factual information. (Line 22)as if 所引导的从句的谓语动词多用虚拟语气, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示所叙述的情况与事实相反。null具体用法如下: 谈论现在情形,动词用过去时。 a) Why is she looking at me as if she knew me? 她为什么那样看我?像是认识我似的。b) He behaves as if he owned the house. 他表现出来的样子好像这个房子是属于他的。null 谈论过去情形的动词形式有以下几种:1) 过去时,表示过去的状态,如:He stood there looking at me and laughing, as if to fool me was the best joke in the world. 他站在那里,望着我哈哈大笑,好像愚弄我是天底下最开心的事儿似的。Mr. Coleman always talked as if he knew everything. 科尔曼先生说话时总是一副无所不知的样子。 但是,如果状态动词带有持续时间状语, 则用过去完成时:They talked as if they had been friends for years. 他们说话的样子仿佛是多年的朋友。null过去完成时,表示过去的动作先于主句动词而发生或完成,如: “I remember,” she tells her children now, “how wild her white hair looked—as if it had been electrified.”她现在给她的孩子们说:“我还记得她那白色的头发有多么凌乱——好像过了电似的。”null 必须注意的是,在指过去的动作时,即使主句是现在时,as if 从句中的动词也要用过去完成时。a) She looks as if she had seen a ghost. 她好像是见了鬼似的。 He talks about Rome as if he had been there himself. 他讲起罗马的情况来就好像他去过那里似的。null 如果as if 后面的从句所表示的情况是真实的或很可能是真实的,则动词可以用陈述语气,在 feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste 之后尤其如此。第一句表示“他已经醉了”,第二句则表示“他没有醉”。null不要把它当作真实的意思来理解。It is not to be taken as if it were factual information. (Line 22)nullA man’s literal translation of “I don’t feel heard” leads him to take the woman’s complaint lightly. (Line 47)take sth. lightly/seriously 把······不当回事/认真对待······null联合国敦促各金融机构更加认真对待水资源短缺问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。UN urges financial institutions to take water scarcity more seriously.当今时代,世界上还有一半人口遭受着饥荒, 健康状况不良以及生活质量低下,我们决不能再轻视人口问题。At a time when half of the world is suffering from starvation, poor health and a low standard of living we cannot simply take lightly the population problem. nullA man’s literal translation of “I don’t feel heard” leads him to take the woman’s complaint lightly. (Line 47)nullnull情景造句:Describe your process of pursuing success.Encountering difficulties in the process of pursuing success is quite normal. 在追求成功的过程中遇到困难是很正常的事情。That Muslim ______________________________________ on his way to Mecca to make a pilgrimage. 在前往麦加朝圣的路上,那位穆斯林意外地遇到了一位来自中国的老友。encountered an old friend from Chinanull___________________________________ resulted in a serious injury in the American soldier’s left arm. 与敌人一分支遭遇致使那位美军士兵左臂受重伤。An encounter with a branch of enemynull我可以帮你什么忙吗? Can I be of any assistance to you?Chinese government is prepared to ___________________ to that quake-stricken African country. (提供经济援助)The identity of world champion _____________________ Liu Guoliang to become one of the youngest head coaches of Chinese national table tennis team. (有着很大的帮助)give financial assistanceis of great assistance fornull 他乐意帮助那些单亲家庭的孩子重返校园。He is willing to assist those children from the single-parent families to go back to school. null这是一场严重的争执,有可能导致武装冲突。 This is a serious dispute, and could lead to armed conflict. There is a growing conflict of interest between her position as a politician and her business activities.她从政者的身份和她的商务活动之间的利益冲突日益严重。null他的陈述明显与其他证据相抵触。His statement was apparently in conflict with other evidence. 他们对于那起车祸原因的报告与我们的报告出入很大。Their account of the road accident conflicts with ours. nullThat disarming young man________ _______________________ to show to the two strangers in the same carriage. (Adapted from Feng Xiaogang’s 2005 new year movie A World Without Thieves) 那个毫无戒心的年轻人从包里拿出自己所有的钱给同车厢的两个陌生人看。(编自冯小刚2005年贺岁片《天下无贼》)pulled out all his money from his bagnull情景造句:拔牙You’d better have that bad tooth pulled out tomorrow.情景造句:拔掉瓶子的盖子 Pulling out the lid of that bottle needs great strength. null太阳从云后出现。 The sun emerged from behind the clouds.他才是杀人凶手的事实在审问(interrogation)中被暴露出来。 That fact that he was just the murderer emerged from the interrogation. 讨论中没有出现新的想法。 No new ideas emerged during the discussion. nullappear与emerge 这两个词都是不及物动词。均可指人或事物的出现或显露,也可以指抽象概念,如思想观念的暴露,事实或问题的揭露等等。 emerge 后常接介词from。有时表示经过调查、询问之后才使事实、思想或问题暴露出来;appear 在作系动词时,与seem用法相似,表示“看起来”、“显得”等意思,其后可接不定式、形容词或介词短语。null请选择 appear 或 emerge 的适当形式填空。appears emerged appeared emerged nullAmerican national basketball team is not as unconquerable as you assumed it to be. 美国国家篮球队并不像你想象的那样不可战胜。我们先假定他的说法是可信的。Let us first assume his statement to be believable. nullHer father ______________________ in that state-owned enterprise. (担任领导职务)You should ________________________ of what you have done. (承担所有的责任)assumes a leading positionassume all the responsibilitiesnullassume, guess, imagine与suppose 这几个词都表示对客观情况在未证实以前就做出主观的推断或提出自己的看法与设想。 suppose (vt.) 表示“想”、“认为”时,可以接从句或者复合宾语(补足语多为 to be, 其他情况多用不定式的完成时或进行时)。1) I suppose (that) we’ll meet him at that hotel. 我想我们将在那家酒店见他。2) Few people supposed that young man (to be) innocent. 没多少人认为那个年轻人是清白的。3) His brother was supposed to have already left for England. 大家以为他的弟弟已经动身去了英格兰。null suppose 的设想还有某些根据,而 guess (vt./vi.)则有随意性,只是随便的猜测,其后也可接从句。如果guess后接answer, riddle, thought等词,可作“猜着了”理解。1) Can you guess my age? 你能猜出我的年龄吗?2) Guess what I am doing. 猜猜我在做什么。3) The little girl guessed the right answer immediately. 那个小女孩儿立刻猜着了正确 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 。 imagine (vt.) 是指思想中形成的图景,想象或猜想某事物可能发生或存在,往往没有什么根据和把握。其后的宾语除名词和代词外,还可接动名词、复合宾语和从句。null1) Can you imagine her becoming a famous hostess of CCTV? 你能想象她成了中央电视台的著名主持人吗?2) You cannot imagine how happy I was to know that my daughter was still alive. 你无法想象当我得知女儿还活的时候有多么高兴。 assume (vt.) 的“假设”往往强调以某种设想或条件(并未证明)作根据进行推论,用法较正式。其后可接复合宾语和that从句。e.g. She assumes that you always get up at the same time. 她想你总是在同一个时间起床。null请选择 assume, guess, imagine 或 suppose 的适当形式填空。guesssupposedimaginesupposedassumednull那场商业演出的意义被明显夸大了。 The significance of that commercial performance ___________________________. The deadly earthquake and tsunami breaking out in Southeast Asia in December 2004 was so serious that the final death toll _______________________ at first.2004年12月发生在东南亚地区的地震和海啸非常严重,以致于死难者总人数乍听起来都略显夸张。has been obviously exaggeratedsounded a bit exaggeratingnull情景造句:水资源短缺问题 People all over the world should not ignore severe water shortage problems.情景造句:她不理睬我I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely. 情景造句:驾驶员 闯红灯A good driver never ignores a red light. null我将不得不把那个坏消息告诉他。 I will have to convey that bad news to him.The leaders of the local government _____________ _______________ to the relatives of that sacrificial fireman.当地政府领导向那位牺牲的消防员的家属表示了最深切的慰问。deepest sympathyconveyed theirnullThose trucks had secretly conveyed weapons to the local anti-US forces.那些卡车已经把武器秘密地运给了当地的反美武装部队。A bus conveyed the passengers from the city to the airport. 公共汽车把旅客从城里运送到了机场。nullHer husband’s death almost pushed her ___________ ___________________. (精神崩溃的边缘)Zhao Benshan’s humorous performance even made his serious-looking father _____________________. (差点儿笑出来)of emotional collapseon the verge of laughing Famous singer Kris Phillips is _________________. (年近50了)on the vergeon the verge of fiftynullnull go to sb. for assistance / helpSpeech is a means of conveying information.I don’t feel heard. to take his words lightly They are on the verge of arguing. null学生反映表述不清的主要问题:1. 使用了多余的词、不必要的从句和短语,使意思重复、行文罗嗦、表达累赘。2. 使用修饰语时,因修饰语所处位置不当而产生歧义。3. 追求难词怪句,以为这种句子能得高分。4. 汉化英语令读者不知所云。null同一层次、相关的意思用同一种句型表达,适当合并“同类项”。2. 使用修饰语时,一定要把修饰词、短语或从句与它真正被修饰的词靠近。 3. 真正的经典名句都是用朴实无华的语言揭示生活哲理。学生选取寻常的表达式,同样可传达真知灼见。不要想当然地杜撰;要想方设法利用自己有把握的表达手段清晰准确地表述。null你在写下面这篇作文时,将如何运用上面的方法写出表述清晰的文章? Directions: Write a composition on the topic: How to Avoid Misunderstandings. Your composition should be no less than 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1. 误解在日常生活中十分普遍; 2. 要避免误解有许多 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 ; 3. 只要注意,很多误解可以避免。没有误解,生活会更美好。nullHow to Avoid Misunderstandings? Misunderstandings may frequently occur in our everyday life. For example, there is a misunderstanding when people use the same words but do not mean the same things. Misunderstanding may also arise between people who behave differently. Misunderstanding each other may cause a lot of trouble in our daily life. Many a quarrel has come about through misunderstanding. Generation gaps appear because of misunderstandings. A serious misunderstanding fractures (使······破裂) friendship. When a couple misunderstand each other badly, marriage is likely to break up. Misunderstanding can lead to great problems for both teachers and students. Then how can we clear up misunderstandings? null Misunderstandings can be avoided in many ways. Here are some tips. To begin with, don’t use ambiguous (有歧义的) words. Speak plainly, clearly and directly. Next, highlight your important points. Make sure that others know what your major concerns are. Besides, be honest and modest. Claim to know what you know, don’t claim to know what you don’t know, and this is wisdom. (知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。) Moreover, when you do not comprehend others fully, don’t feel ashamed to ask, “Pardon, I didn’t catch your meaning.” or “I’m sorry. Would you please explain it again?” Finally, be aware of cultural differences. It is always smart to talk about misunderstandings and respect mutual (相互的) differences.null Though it is impossible to eliminate all misunderstandings, if you keep all the tips above in mind, you will, to the greatest extent, avoid many potentialmisunderstandings and understand each other better. Without misunderstandings among people, the world will be a better one, and everyone can enjoy a harmonious (和谐的) and happy life.nullDirections: Work in pairs to complete the following summary according to the information you get from the passage. Martians and Venusians encountered many of the problems with relationships we have today. Because they recognized they were 1)_________, they were able to solve these 2)__________. One of the secrets of their success was good 3)_____________. When communication problems emerged, they assumed that with a little assistance of a 4)___________ they would surely understand each other. That’s why they experienced a 5) ______ and 6)__________ that we rarely experience today. differentproblemscommunicationtranslatortrustacceptance1. Summarynull Men and women seldom mean the same things even when they use the same words. Women would tend to 7)__________ the facts a little bit for effect and use various 8)_____________, 9)________________, and 10)__________________. Men commonly react in an 11)____________ manner, because they mistakenly take these expressions 12)________. So it is important to 13)________ or 14)___________ what they have heard to avoid misunderstanding. exaggeratesuperlativesmetaphorsgeneralizationsunsupportiveliterallyrethinktranslatenullDirections: Read the following statements carefully and decide whether they are true or false. Put a “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided. Check the answers with your partner. ____ 1) Martians and Venusians refer to people from different countries. ____ 2) Martians and Venusians were able to understand each other even though they spoke different languages. ____ 3) Misinterpreting was not common between Martians and Venusians. F TF2. Specific Informationnull____ 4) It’s easy for men and women to misunderstand each other. ____ 5) When a woman says “We never go out”, she implies that she want to go out more often. ____ 6) It is mainly women’s fault when men and women fail to understand each other. ____ 7) To understand women, men shouldn’t take women’s complaints literally. ____ 8) The number one complaint is that women feel men don’t fully understand what they really mean to say. TTTTFnull____ 9) It can be inferred from the passage that men are more factual than women. ____10) It’s important for men to think about what women really mean before getting into an argument.TTnull Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary. 1) Your books and magazines are almost in a _____ (杂乱). Go and put them in order. 2) History will not ________ (重复) itself. 3) Don’t let his friendly manner ________ (引入歧途) you into trusting him. 4) Erna _______ (打算) to take short rests every two hours. 5) People under stress ______ (有某种倾向) to express their full range of potential. 4. Vocabulary-1messrepeatmisleadintendstendnull 6) People will not believe a person who always ____________. (夸大) 7) After three hours’ ___________ (令人沮丧的) delay, the train at last arrived. 8) The driver ______________ (误解) the policeman’s signal and turned in the wrong direction. 9) She won ___________ (接受) by the King family only through extraordinary diligence. 10) We ______ (信任) him because we know he has never deceived anyone.exaggeratesfrustratingmisinterpretedacceptancetrustnull Column A Column B 1) encounter a. help 2) recognize b. express 3) assistance c. realize 4) conflict d. respond 5) ignore e. importanceDirections: Match each of the words in Column A with an appropriate explanation from Column B. fcaki4. Vocabulary-2 Step Onenull 6) emphasis f. meet 7) emerge g. way 8) assume h. appear 9) manner i. pay no attention to 10) convey j. think 11) react k. disagreement eh j gbdnullDirections: Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word from Column A. Change the form if necessary. Check the answers with your partner. 1) The expression on Bill’s face ________________ his thoughts. 2) Teachers can’t give pupils any ____________ in exams. 3) When did you first ___________ these problems? 4) There was a lot of _________ between him and his father when he was young. conveyed/conveysassistanceencounterconflictStep Twonull 5) I hope you would give this idea extra _________ in your report. 6) David ________ to what I said by leaving the room. 7) I _________ that I may have been wrong. 8) Anne finished her work in a diligent _________. 9) He was with an elderly man, whom I _______________ was his grandfather. 10) The sun ________________ from behind the clouds. 11) It would be unwise to _________ the growing dissatisfaction with the policies.emphasisreactedrecognizemannerassumed/assumeemerged/emergesignorenull Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb. 1) He pulled ____ a knife and opened the box with it. 2) The amount you pay depends ____ where you live. 3) We finished writing the report ______ the assistance of two experts. 4) Undoubtedly, radio and television are important means ____ communication. 5) ____ her hurry she forgot to leave her address with Jane.outonwithofInVocabulary-3null 6) Why are you talking ____ such a strange manner? 7) The bank has offered a reward for any information leading ____ the arrest of the men. 8) Scientists are ____ t
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