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光明会议程——即将到来的新秩序光明会议程——即将到来的新秩序 光明会议程——即将到来的新秩序 新世界秩序系统 在光照议程即将到来的新秩序-的PROMIS的白昼和The Oracle 8i数据库   by A. 由 A. True Ott , PhD, ND 真正的奥特 ,博士,禁毒 August 09, 2009 2009年8月9日 from Rense Website 从Rense网站 Increasingly, it would seem that American society is spiraling into chaos. 越来越多...

光明会议程——即将到来的新秩序 光明会议程——即将到来的新秩序 新世界秩序系统 在光照议程即将到来的新秩序-的PROMIS的白昼和The Oracle 8i数据库   by A. 由 A. True Ott , PhD, ND 真正的奥特 ,博士,禁毒 August 09, 2009 2009年8月9日 from Rense Website 从Rense网站 Increasingly, it would seem that American society is spiraling into chaos. 越来越多,看来 , 美国社会陷入混乱加剧。 Financial malfeasance in Government and Big Business has placed millions of Americans into homeless shelters and unemployment lines. 在政府财政渎职和大企业公司已经将无家可归者收容所和失业线数百万美国人。 In many locales, the housing bubble has burst as values plummet. 在许多地方,住房泡沫破裂的价值直线下降。 To many, the news of the "pending" Pandemic of Influenza is just another hinge on the doorway leading to helplessness and hopelessness. 对许多人来说,该“等候”流感大流行的是另一个关键要靠领导的无奈和绝望门口的消息。 To most Americans, the financial malaise gripping this country is completely unrelated to the world's "Pandemic Flu" but those who feel this way are simply naïve and un-informed. 对于大多数美国人来说,金融不适扣人心弦的这个国家是完全无关的世界的“大流行流感”,而是谁这种感觉只是天真和联合国通报。 The truth is, the world's "Power Elite" have engineered both conditions as part of their computer-driven model for their ultimate centralization of power. 事实是,世界的“权力精英”的 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 , 作为电脑的一部分的两个条件,推动它们的最终权力集中模式。 Make no mistake, nothing concerning the economic meltdown and the lab-created flu pandemic is "natural" it is completely and totally happening by DESIGN . 没有错,没有什么关于经济崩溃和实验室创建的流感大流行是“自然”这是完全彻底的设计情况。 Helping them in their quest for unbridled world power and systematic genocide is a new generation of "SUPER-COMPUTERS" utilizing, (if you can wrap your mind around the concept), ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) 帮助他们不受约束的世界强国 , 系统的种族灭绝追求他们是“超级新一代电脑”使用,(如果你可以绕你的思想观念),人工智能(AI) The Hollywood movie, "Eagle Eye" (below video) is based on science fact it is not fiction in the least. 好莱坞的电影,“鹰眼”(以下视频)是基于科学事实是没有任何的小说。   The elitist's level of success in their venture, however, (just as "Eagle Eye" portrays) will depend on a few variables that these "master computers" cannot control nor conclusively predict which is the FREE WILL, INTUITION AND INTELLIGENCE OF THE HUMAN MINDS THEY SEEK TO ENSLAVE. 精英的水平 , 在他们企业的成功,然而,(正如“鹰眼”描写)将取决于几个变量 , 这些“主计算机”无法控制或预测 , 这是决定性的自由意志,直觉和人类头脑益智他们追求的奴役。 This is, after all, the essence of the Human Soul; when everything else is stripped away this is the creation of God that a machine can never truly replicate. 这是,毕竟,人类灵魂的本质,当其他一切都剥夺了 , 这是神的创造 , 一台机器不能真正复制。 Since President Dwight Eisenhower's final days as President, when he WARNED AMERICA about the dangerous "rise of the military-industrialist complex" a very dark and dangerous CANCER has grown and festered in the boardrooms of large multi-national corporations, spilling into the halls of governments-for-hire and which has now spread its slimy tentacles to encompass the entire world. 自从作为总统,他警告说 , 对危险的“军事,工业家情结”崛起合众国总统艾森豪威尔的最后日子里一个非常黑暗和危险的癌症已发展壮大 , 在大型多董事会溃烂进入大厅跨国公司,溢出政府新的待雇和如今已蔓延了泥泞的触角涵盖了整个世界。 In the pages of his amazing book, " Dr. Mary's Monkey ", author and American hero Edward T. Haslam documents the origins of the "medical arm" of this insidious octopus of evil. 在他的惊人的书页,“ 博士玛丽的猴 ”,作者和美国英雄爱德华T哈斯拉姆文件的“医疗武装这个阴险邪恶的八达通”的起源。 He details the origin of a covert group so powerful, and so all-encompassing, that they literally were able to assassinate a sitting US President and a world-famous surgeon and researcher named Dr. Mary Sherman, and escape the public's justice and scrutiny following the foul deeds. 他详细介绍了一组起源秘密如此强大,等等无所不包,他们字面上能够暗杀美国在任总统 , 世界著名的外科医生和玛丽博士命名谢尔曼研究员,逃避公众的正义和审议以下的犯规行为。 This paper will focus and expand on this most heinous form of medical "malpractice" possible: 本文将重点和扩大这种医疗“医疗事故最令人发指的形式”的可能: CREATING DISEASE IN A LABORATORY 建立了一个在实验室疾病 RELEASING IT VIA VACCINE NEEDLES 它通过释放疫苗针 CAPITALIZING AND PROFITING IMMENSELY FROM THE PRESCRIBED REMEDY!! 资本化与获利巨大订明的补救措施! Hopefully, this paper combined with my other writings will provide the fulcrum of force needed to help awaken a slumbering nation of free men and women into filing the ULTIMATE MALPRACTICE AND WRONGFUL DEATH LAWSUIT! 希望这一文件与我的其他著作结合将提供所需的力量支点 , 以帮助唤醒进入备案的终极违规行为 , 非正常死亡诉讼的免费男女沉睡的民族!   FINANCIAL TIES THAT BIND 财政的纽带 The brilliant and capable financial genius, Catherine Austin Fitts is likely the first economic "guru" to tie these two seemingly unconnected stories together. 有能力的辉煌和金融天才, 凯瑟琳奥斯汀菲茨可能是第一经济“大师”,以配合这两个看似无关的故事在一起。 In a paper she authored on July 22, 2009, Fitts declared: 在7月22日 , 她撰写的文件,2009年,费茨宣布: "I believe one of the goals of the swine flu vaccine is depopulation . Perhaps it is the goal of a swine flu epidemic as well, whether bio-warfare or hype around a flu season." “我相信对猪流感疫苗的目标之一就是减少人口 。也许是一个猪流感疫情的目标 , 以及是否生物战或炒作周围的流感季节。” Fitts then goes on to make her case that the GATT and similar " globalist agenda " treaties are primarily nothing more than consolidations of global resources into the control of a select few. 菲茨接着让她的案件的关贸总协定和类似的“ 全球主义议程 ”条约主要只是整合全球资源 , 引进更多的选择了一些控制。 Implemented first during the "Poppy" Bush administration , this corrupt agenda has expanded globally every day since then. 首先在实施“罂粟”布什政府来说 ,这个腐败的议程已经扩大全球此后每天。 Fitts warned Bush in 1991 that such policies would ultimately result in a massive centralization of wealth and natural resources into the hands of an elite minority; as a result, the vast majority of the earth's population would of necessity need to be systematically stripped of food, water, and ultimately, of life itself. 菲茨警告说 , 在1991年布什认为这种政策最终将在财富和自然资源的大规模集中的结果到少数精英手中,这样一来,地球上绝大多数人口必然需要有系统地剥夺了食物,水,并最终对生命本身。 This is where the "engineered pandemic" enters the picture, according to Fitts. 这就是“工程流行病”进入图片,根据费茨。 Fitts explains that she developed a mathematical, (ie logarithm) formula for this 'elitist model' and it showed that the global policies adopted would only mean sustainability of all natural resources for a mere 500 million "elect' individuals. (Just as their monument of evil, the " Guidestones of Georgia " predict.) These residents of the "New Order" would enjoy a very high standard of living, and would want for nothing. 费茨解释说 , 她发明了一个数学(即对数)公式这个'精英的模式',这表明 , 通过全球政策只会意味着只有5.00亿“选'的人。(正如其纪念碑所有自然资源的可持续性邪恶的, 格鲁吉亚的“Guidestones”预测。)“新秩序”,可享有很高的生活水准 , 这些居民,并要求无偿使用。 The constricting and deflation of world currency (beginning with the American dollar) would of necessity, therefore, have to coincide with a concurrent "depopulation" agenda in order for the ultimate "Utopian" agenda to be realized (for the complete Fitts article, see Swine Flu - What I Believe ). 在收缩与世界通货紧缩(首先是美元)将必要,因此,必须同时与“疏”相吻合的议程 , 以便在最终的“乌托邦”议程要实现(有关完整菲茨文章,请参阅猪流感-我认为 )。 Here's a newsflash for you, Mr. David Rockefeller , Mr. Rothschild , and your self-proclaimed "guardians" of planet earth - there's more than enough resources on planet earth for at least 8 billion people to live and survive very well!! 这里为您快讯,先生戴维洛克菲勒先生, 罗斯柴尔德 ,你自称是“地球卫士” -有至少8亿人比地球足够的资源更多的生活和生存非常好! That is, if everyone learns to share and learns to love one another in peace. 也就是说,如果每个人都学会分享和学会热爱和平彼此。 Your world agenda over the last 6 decades has been one of selfishness, hate, and greed fomenting fear, lust, and pestilence. 您在过去6年世界议程一直是一个自私,仇恨,煽动恐惧和贪婪,欲望,和瘟疫。 It is destined to fail. 这是注定要失败的。 Freedom will indeed prevail. 自由确实将占上风。 Your Satanic agenda will not succeed. 您的撒旦议程将不会成功。   ILLUMINATI TOOLS DEVELOPED AND IN USE TODAY 光明工具发展和目前使用的 There is no doubt that we live in an increasingly high-tech world. 毫无疑问 , 我们在一个日益高科技的世界里。 We have incredible information at our fingertips through something called the internet. 令人难以置信的信息 , 我们在通过一种叫做互联网的指尖。 This is one reason, however, why many people fail to grasp the danger the world is in at the present time the wealth portrayed by and through the convenience of "Cyber-Space" often creates a false sense of security generating a false confidence that because of this increased wisdom born of technology, nothing could ever "go wrong". 这是一个原因,但是,为什么很多人未能把握世界的危险是在目前的财富 , 并通过便利“网络空间”,往往造成一种虚假的安全感产生虚假的信心 , 因为描述对这项技术的诞生增加智慧,没有什么能够永远“出问题”。 Billions of innocent people could never succumb and die from a simple "flu" virus, could they?? 无辜的十亿人民决不屈服和死亡 , 从简单的“禽流感”病毒,可以吗?? The stark reality is that with the advent of new "super-computers" the tools to create the ultimate "killer virus" have been utilized. 严峻的现实是 , 随着新的“超级计算机的出现”的工具来创建最终的“杀手病毒”已利用。   KEEPING A PROMIS 饲养承诺未来 According to ex-LAPD drug enforcement officer, Mike Ruppert , this amazing computer software called PROMIS was: 据前洛杉矶警察局缉毒官员, 迈克鲁珀特 ,这个惊人的计算机软件名为的PROMIS是: "Created in the 1970s by former National Security Agency (NSA) programmer and engineer Bill Hamilton, now President of Washington, DC's Inslaw Corporation, PROMIS (Prosecutor's Management Information System) crossed a threshold in the evolution of computer programming. “创建于20世纪70年代由前国家安全局(NSA)程序员和工程师比尔汉密尔顿,现在是华盛顿总统,DC的Inslaw公司的PROMIS(检察官的管理信息系统)在越过计算机编程的发展门槛。 Working from either huge mainframe computer systems or smaller networks powered by the progenitors of today's PCs, PROMIS, from its first "test drive" a quarter century ago, was able to do one thing that no other program had ever been able to do. 无论从巨大的大型计算机系统或通过今天的个人电脑,从第一的PROMIS“试驾”四分之一世纪前,祖细胞的工作动力较小的网络,能够做一件事 , 没有其他的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 已经没有人能够做的。 It was able to simultaneously read and integrate any number of different computer programs or data bases simultaneously, regardless of the language in which the original programs had been written or the operating system or platforms on which that data base was then currently installed." 它能够同时读取和整合不同的计算机的任何程序或数据的军事基地数量同时,不论在原来的计划已书面或操作系统或数据上 , 然后基地的平台目前已安装的语言。“ For purposes of our discussion, however, one needs to know and understand that "PROMIS" software has been modified and greatly expanded from its original 1972 prototype. 对于我们讨论的目的,但是,需要认识和理解“的PROMIS”软件已被修改 , 极大地从原来的1972年原型扩大。 We need to track and document the software's evolution which eventually allowed the MAPPING AND COMPLETE DETAILED SEQUENCING of DNA and RNA strands the very CODE OF LIFE . 我们需要跟踪和记录软件的发展 , 最终使绘图和完整的详细的DNA和RNA链测序的生活非常代码 。 Once this is understood, one can better understand exactly HOW scientists in top-secret US Government labs were able to successfully resurrect the deadly killer virus of 1918, place it in human plasmid cells, and ultimately to a killer, time-released VACCINE . 一旦这样理解,人们可以更准确地了解如何在绝密的美国政府实验室的科学家们成功地在1918年复活致命杀手病毒,发生在人类质粒细胞中,并最终杀手, 一次发布的疫苗 。 Keep in mind, this is not myth, it is not speculation, it is not science fiction. 请记住,这不是神话,它不是投机,这不是科幻小说。 It is all fact and completely documented , even though you may not have heard about it in the mainstream news. 这是有目共睹的事实 , 完全记录 ,即使您可能没有听说这件事在主流新闻。 The PROMIS software eventually evolved into very bio-chemistry-specific versions named " Daylight " and " Oracle8i ". 的PROMIS软件最终演变成非常生物化学命名的特定版本的“ 日光 ”和“Oracle8i的 ”。 This PROMIS software evolution is best understood by reading THE LAST CIRCLE by Cheri Seymour , aka Carol Marshall particularly the 15th chapter . 这个软件进化的PROMIS最好阅读理解的由切里西摩 ,又名卡罗尔马歇尔特别是第15章 末圈 。 This chapter reveals the contents of files provided to Seymour by PROMIS program-modifier Michael Riconosciuto documenting the history of Ft. Detrick's biological warfare development and the stated desire of our nation's top "National Institutes of Health" and CDC scientists to use new computer technologies to create sophisticated "Designer Viruses" for covert CIA use. 本章所提供的显示程序的PROMIS -修饰符迈克尔Riconosciuto西摩堡 , 记载了历史档案的内容。德特里克的生物战的发展和我国最大的“国家卫生研究所表示希望”CDC的科学家们使用新的计算机技术创建复杂的“设计师病毒”的秘密中情局使用。 He also documents the INFILTRATION of ISRAELI AGENTS into the labs of Ft. 他还介绍到堡的实验室的以色列特工渗透 。 Detrick. 德特里克。 Riconosciuto's "modifications" are so "sensitive to national security" that Riconosciuto was placed into forced detention in a high-security federal prison not because any "crime" had been committed but to keep him from being kidnapped by other competing "multi-national group's" interests. Riconosciuto的“修改”,如此“敏感的国家安全”的Riconosciuto被放入被迫羁留在高度安全的联邦监狱 , 因为任何“罪行”的承诺 , 但已经让他不被其他竞争的“多国集团的绑架“利益。 According to Riconosciuto's files, the NEW GENERATON of PROMIS software, today trademarked as DAYLIGHT and ORACLE8i are unbelievably complex, and have exhibited incredible ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE capabilities as portrayed so well in the movie, "Eagle Eye". 据Riconosciuto的文件, 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 管理软件新GENERATON,今天白天和Oracle8i的商标是难以置信的复杂,呈现出令人难以置信的能力 , 人工智能描绘得非常好电影,“鹰眼”。 ORACLE8i not only has the ability to rapidly analyze gene clade sequencing in viruses and bacteria in mere minutes, it can build a model of a complex new viral structure just as quickly, and can calculate to the minutest detail its possible "drift" of mutations after its release. Oracle8i中不仅有能力快速 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 基因分支的病毒和细菌测序 , 只需数分钟,它可以建立一个复杂的新的病毒结构模型同样的速度,并可以计算的 , 最详细的可能“漂移突变”之后其释放。 This software can not only predict the DEATH TOLL the virus would produce, but also the accurate final numbers of its genetic mutations over a given period of time. 本软件不仅可以预测死亡人数病毒会产生,而且准确的最后数的遗传突变在一段特定时期。 In short, this software can indeed control a complex GENOCIDE AGENDA in the form of an engineered, worldwide VIRAL PANDEMIC from beginning to end Alpha to Omega. 总之,该软件的确可以控制在一个精心设计的,全球大流行病的形式病毒性肝炎从开始到结束的欧米茄阿尔法一个复杂的种族灭绝议程。 Evidence suggests that this agenda was indeed systematically set in motion in March of 2009. 有证据表明 , 这一议程的确是系统地提出载于2009年3月。 As powerful as this software system is, there are some limitations, however. The first limitation is that a SAMPLE killer virus needed to be provided first so that ALL PARAMETERS OF HOW AND WHY IT KILLED SO EFFICIENTLY COULD BE DETERMINED BY THE COMPUTER . 由于功能强大的软件系统 , 因为这是,有一些局限性。第一个限制是 , 需要样品杀手病毒首先必须提供使所有参数如何及为何如此有效地杀死可确定由计算机 。 This is what happened when Jeff Taubenberger's team successfully isolated a completely intact sample of 1918 killer virus from a frozen victim of the virus in Brevig Alaska in 1997. 这是发生了什么时 , 杰夫里陶本伯格的研究小组成功地分离出的病毒在布雷维格阿拉斯加冻结的受害者在1997年的1918杀手病毒样本完全不变。 With this "sample" the computer could do its trillions of complex analyses, all that Taubenberger and Terrence M. Tumpey needed to do was keep the CIA and the Israeli MOSSAD bosses informed of the ORACLE's final assessments and projections. 有了这个“样本”计算机可以做复杂的分析其万亿,所有的陶本伯格和汤佩需要做的是保持美国中央情报局和以色列情报机构摩萨德的Oracle的最后评估和预测通知老板。   As Michael Ruppert declares: 正如迈克尔鲁珀特声明: "What would you do if you possessed software that could think, understand every language in the world, that provided peep holes into everyone else's computer 'dressing rooms,' that could insert data into computers without people's knowledge, that could fill in blanks beyond human reasoning and also predict what people would do - before they did it? You would probably use it wouldn't you?" “你会怎么做 , 如果你拥有的软件 , 能想到的,了解世界上每一个语言,也提供到其他人的窥视孔电脑'更衣室,'可以插入没有人民的知识转化为计算机上的数据,可以在空格内填充超出人类推理 , 也预示什么人会做-之前他们呢?你可能会使用它 , 不是吗?“ In the area of WORLD DEPOPULATION and EUGENICS as prescribed by Hitler's financial backers in Wall Street and London such a computer program would be indispensable. 在世界人口减少和优生学面积规定的希特勒的财政支持者在华尔街 , 伦敦等计算机程序 , 缺一不可。 The evidence that this has in fact been accomplished, and the "viral genie" has indeed been released from the bottle, is simply overwhelming. 有证据表明 , 这实际上已经完成,和“病毒精灵”确实已经从瓶子释放,只不过是压倒性的。 Let's examine this evidence. 让我们来看看这方面的证据。   NOVARTIS PHARMA, BASEL SWITZERLAND CONTROLS THE SOFTWARE 诺华制药,瑞士巴塞尔控制软件 Fellow researcher Don Nicoloff has helped immensely in assembling the paper trail of this Artificial Intelligence software called DAYLIGHT and ORACLE8i and in detailing how it is being used to create the ULTIMATE UTOPIA OF THE ILLUMINATED ONES on planet earth. 资深研究员唐Nicoloff已帮助装配这一人工智能软件的文件记录了巨大称为日照和Oracle8i和详细说明它被用来创建对照亮地球的行星的终极乌托邦 。 Not surprisingly, since the world of the Global Elite is really quite small and inter-connected, other, seemingly unconnected world news stories find their way into this massive web of deception. 毫不奇怪 , 因为在全球精英的世界,实在是很小 , 相互联系,其他,看起来毫无联系的世界新闻报导发现这个庞大的网络诈骗的方式。 This trail leads us to a "Dr. Orly Taitz" and her husband, Yosef. 这一线索使我们的“奥利Taitz博士”和她的丈夫约瑟夫。 As Nicoloff declares: 由于Nicoloff声明: "Taitz, a practicing dentist, attorney, and licensed real estate agent who lives in Southern California's posh, coastline community, Mission Viejo, has filed numerous lawsuits and legal motions on behalf of former US Senate candidate Alan Keyes (and others) demanding proof of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.'s (aka Barry Soetoro, et al) citizenship eligibility to serve as president of the United States. Taitz recently published 'proof' that she had standing to practice law before the US Supreme Court and claims to have 'met personally' with Chief Justice John Roberts." “Taitz,执业的牙科医师,律师,房地产经纪人持牌谁在南加州的豪华,海岸线社区,加州Mission Viejo的生活,已经就美国前参议员候选人艾伦凯斯(和其他)的名义 , 要求证明许多诉讼和法律议案巴拉克侯赛因奥巴马,小氏(又名巴里Soetoro等)公民资格担任美国总统。Taitz最近发表的'证据',她站在实践在美国最高法院和债权法有'亲自会见了首席大法官约翰罗伯茨'。“ Nicoloff then writes: Nicoloff接着写道: "Yosef Taitz, the self-described 'CEO' of Daylight Chemical Information Systems , Inc., a private software company located in Mission Viejo, CA, Santa Fe, NM, and Cambridge, England. DCIS, Inc. is intimately involved with Novartis Pharmaceuticals (United States, Switzerland, Germany, France, England), the patent holder of the bird/swine flu vaccination. The 'DayCart' software produced by DCIS, Inc. integrates ongoing research and development by Novartis and others using proprietary Oracle 8i technologies." “约瑟夫,自Taitz所描述的'首席执行官日光化学信息系统 ,公司是一家私营软件公司 , 加州Mission Viejo,加利福尼亚,圣菲,新墨西哥州和英国剑桥。原位癌,公司位于'已经紧密地与诺华公司制药公司(美国,瑞士,德国,法国,英国),鸟的专利持有人/猪流感疫苗。在'DayCart'软件原位癌生产,由诺华公司的整合正在进行的研究和发展以及其他使用Oracle 8i数据库技术专利。“ What Nicoloff fails to mention, however, is the fact that Novartis' patent specifically details that the viral pathogen which the patented vaccine is designed to protect against is a "reverse engineered" designer virus that could only have been created in the labs of Ft. 什么Nicoloff没有提到,但是,事实是诺华的专利具体细节 , 病原体是病毒疫苗的专利是为了防止是“逆向工程”,设计者病毒只能是在创建堡的实验室。 Detrick utilizing ORACLE 8i equipped computers. 德特里克利用Oracle 8i的配备电脑。 This is EXACTLY what Michael Riconosciuto (see The Last Circle ) testified about years earlier concerning the Biological Warfare capabilities of ORACLE 8i software. 这正是迈克尔Riconosciuto( 见最后圈 )早些时候证实大约年关于生物战能力的甲骨文8i软件。 Make no mistake, utilizing their proprietary computer software, NOVARTIS created the very virus now endangering the world, then has manipulated the World Health Organization (which the original PROMIS Software helped to create along with the "World Bank") into issuing "PANDEMIC LEVEL 6" alerts, which in turn created an INSTANT GLOBAL MARKET FOR BILLIONS OF VACCINE DOSES . 不要搞错,利用其专有的计算机软件,诺华公司创造了十分病毒目前世界上危害,则有操纵世界卫生组织(即原来的PROMIS软件帮助创造随着“世界银行”)将发行“流行病6级“警报,这反过来又创造了一个即时全球市场对疫苗十亿美元 。 Clearly, Novartis' investment into ORACLE 8i software is set to pay off very handsomely indeed. 显然,诺华公司的投资到Oracle 8i软件设置为支付非常可观的。 According to the China-based MANUFACTURING ARM of Novartis' International, the Chemical Information Network or ChIN (anagram for "ChINa") we read the following world-wide press release: 根据中国的制造诺华国际的化学信息网或下巴的ARM(字谜为“中国”),我们阅读以下世界各地的新闻稿: DAYLIGHT CIS announces DayCart 日照独联体宣布DayCart Contact: Yosef Taitz DAYLIGHT Chemical Information Systems Tel: +1-949.367.9990 Fax: +1-949.367.0990 Email: yosi@daylight.com www.daylight.com 联系人:约瑟夫Taitz日照化工信息系统电话:+1-949.367.9990传真:+1-949.367.0990邮箱:yosi@daylight.com www.daylight.com DayCart(tm) introduced by DAYLIGHT DayCart(商标)在白天推出 Mission Viejo, Calif. USA - July 14, 2000 加州Mission Viejo,美国加利福尼亚- 2000年7月14日 -- DAYLIGHT Chemical Information Systems, Inc. -日照化工信息系统公司 (USA) today introduces a new addition to the array of DAYLIGHT software products; DayCart(tm), an application using the unique extensibility features of Oracle8i(tm) designed to fully integrate the molecular structures and reactions in an Oracle8i database server environment. (美国)今天推出了以日光一系列新的软件产品增加; DayCart(商标),应用程序利用Oracle8i的独特的可扩展特性(商标),旨在充分整合在Oracle8i数据库服务器环境的分子结构和反应。 As an integrated module DayCart does not require any call-outs or other operations outside of the Oracle server, in order to perform its functions. 作为一个集成模块DayCart不需要任何要求为非甲骨文之外的服务器或其他行动,以履行其 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 。 DayCart delivers the speed, capacity and performance of Daylight tools throughout the organization. DayCart提供了速度,容量和性能的日光工具的整个组织。 Use of DayCart with the Oracle8i server, unlocks the
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