首页 2011广东高考英语__书面表达_基础写作_指导



2011广东高考英语__书面表达_基础写作_指导辅导材料15 2011广东高考英语书面表达基础写作指导 Basic Writing 请根据以下的情景说明, 使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。 标题为 My English Learning 【情景说明】 我学英语已经六年了,在英语学习上有了一定的进步,但总是觉得英语难学,尤其是英语中的一些习惯用法。自己今后一定要努力学习这门有用的外语, 争取早日掌握这门语言。 Basic Writing 从上述例子同学们可以明白什么样的句子叫“规范的英语句子”。 其实, “规范的英语句子”就是我们经常讲的三种句子: ...

辅导材料15 2011广东高考英语书面表达基础写作指导 Basic Writing 请根据以下的情景说明, 使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。 标 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 为 My English Learning 【情景说明】 我学英语已经六年了,在英语学习上有了一定的进步,但总是觉得英语难学,尤其是英语中的一些习惯用法。自己今后一定要努力学习这门有用的外语, 争取早日掌握这门语言。 Basic Writing 从上述例子同学们可以明白什么样的句子叫“规范的英语句子”。 其实, “规范的英语句子”就是我们经常讲的三种句子: A) Simple sentence: 听到这个消息他很高兴。 B) Compound sentence A: 他给我一本书但我忘记带回家了。 C) Compound sentence B: 他所做的事与我无关。 Here are 3 ways to make sentences: I.巧妙运用短语,写出规范的简单句: 1)借助名词短语做同位语 如:李立,男,19岁,1986年生;籍贯:广东。 2)借助介词短语做定语 如:李飞,男,10岁,棕色短发,身穿白色茄克。 3)借助介词短语做状语 如:有了Tom的帮助,我们很快就找到了他们的村子。 4)借助非谓语动词短语做定语或状语 如:他们站在大树下,等待着总统的到来。 II. 巧用连接词,写出规范的并列句: 如:他给我钱,我不要。 He gave me a lot money but I refused. 如:我刚到拐角处,就见到你啦。 I was just walking down the street corner when I saw you. III. 用好从句和引导词,写出规范的复合句: 1) 名词性从句 如:老师生气。原因:王力迟到。 2) 定语从句 如:中国,地处亚洲东部;特点:地大物博、人口众多。 3) 状语从句 如:雷锋还活在我们心中,我深受感动。 实战练习1. [情景说明] 请根据以下的情景说明, 使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。 通知: 新光中学高三年级学生将于9月9日去体检。 体检地点:第一人民医院 体检时间:9月9日,星期六 注意: 1、7:45在医院门口集合,可以骑车或步行前往; 2、体检前空腹; 3、在医院要保持安静,听从医生和护士的安排。 实战练习2 理清答题思路 写作内容: 第25届潍坊国际风筝节将于2008年4月在山东潍坊举行,请你以导游的身份写一篇介绍潍坊基本情况的5句话短文。 地理位置 位于山东半岛,总面积1.59万平方 公里,人口863万。 气候 宜人的气候,春季风多雨少,年平均气温摄氏12.3度。 资源 悠久的历史,富饶的矿产和水资源,是中国优秀旅游城市。 风筝节历史 1984年开始举办国际风筝节, 一年一度。 I.Useful words and expressions: 位置 占地面积 平方公里 人口 宜人的气候 多风 雨少 年平均气温 悠久的历史 富饶的 矿藏 水产 旅游城市 举办城市 一年一度 国际风筝节 II.Translate the following sentences: 潍坊位于山东半岛中部。 潍坊的总面积1.59万平方公里。 潍坊的人口863万。 潍坊气候宜人。 潍坊春季风多雨少。 潍坊的年平均气温摄氏12.3度。 潍坊有着悠久的历史。 潍坊有富饶的矿产和水产资源。 潍坊是中国优秀旅游城市。 潍坊自1984年开始举办一年一度的国际风筝节。 III.Combine the sentences : How to write complex sentences? How to make it fluent? 分词(定语,主语,状语) / with结构 1. 潍坊位于山东半岛中部,总面积1.59万平方公里, 人口863万。 How to write complex sentences? 分词(定语,主语,状语) / with结构 / 从句(定语,状语……) ​ 潍坊气候宜人,春季风多雨少。年平均气温摄氏12.3度。 How to write complex sentences? 分词(定语,主语,状语) / with结构 / 从句 / as (作为) ​ 潍坊有着悠久的历史,富饶的矿产和水产资源,是中国优秀旅游城市。 How to write complex sentences? 分词(定语,主语,状语) / with结构 / 从句 / as ​ 潍坊自1984年开始举办一年一度的国际风筝节。 ​ 组织成文: How to improve our writing? Read the texts frequently and loudly. Not only remember the grammar, but use it! Not only remember the new words and expressions , but use them! Follow the steps of writing. 2011广东高考英语书面表达基础写作指导 答案 Basic Writing 注:所给情景有时是中文要点,有时是表格。 ①I have been learning English for over 6 years. ②I have made some progress in my English. ③But I always feel English is hard to learn, especially some English idioms are difficult. ④I will work hard at this useful foreign language. ⑤I will try hard to grasp this foreign language. My English Learning ① It is six years since I began to learn English. ② With the help of my teachers and classmates, I have made progress in my English. ③ Now I’m doing well both in writing and reading in English. ④ But I still find it hard to learn English, such as some difficult idioms. ⑤Difficult as it is, I have made up my mind to master this useful language by my hard work. A) Simple sentence: Hearing the news, he was happy. B) Compound sentence A: He gave me a book but I forgot to bring it back home. C) Compound sentence B: What he is doing has nothing to do with me. Here are 3 ways to make sentences: I.巧妙运用短语,写出规范的简单句: 1)Li Li, a boy of 19, was born in Guangdong in 1986. 2) Li Fei is a ten-year-old boy with short brown hair and a white jacket. 3)With the help of Tom, we soon found their village. 4)They are standing under the big tree, waiting for the president. II. 巧用连接词,写出规范的并列句: He gave me a lot money but I refused. I was just walking down the street corner when I saw you. III. 用好从句和引导词,写出规范的复合句: 1) 名词性从句That Wang Li came late to school made the teacher very angry. 2) 定语从句China, which lies in the east of Asia, is a great country with a large area and population as well as rich natural resources. 3) 状语从句I was deeply moved by this, because I know Lei Feng is still living in our hearts. 实战练习1. Notice ① The students in Senior Three of Xinguang Middle School will go to have a physical examination in the First People’s Hospital on Saturday, 9th Sept. ② We’ll meet at the hospital gate at 7:45. ③ You may either walk there or go there by bike. ④ We are not allowed to eat or drink anything before the examination. ⑤ Please keep quiet and listen to the doctors and nurses when you are there. 实战练习2答案 I.be located in cover an area of square kilometers a population of a pleasant climate windy little rain a long history be rich in mineral resources seafood products tourist city host city annual yearly average temperature International Kite Flying Festival II.1. Weifang is located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula. 2. Weifang covers an area of 15.9 thousand square kilometers. 3. Weifang has a population of 8.63 million. 4. Weifang has a pleasant climate. 5. Weifang has a windy spring with little rain. 6. The yearly average temperature of Weifang is 12.3°C. 7. Weifang has a long history. 8. Weifang is rich in mineral resources and seafood products. 9. Weifang is an outstanding tourist city in China. 10. Since 1984, Weifang has been the host city of the annual International Kite Flying Festival. III.1. Located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula, Weifang covers an area of 15.9 square kilometers with a population of 8.63 million. 2.The climate here is pleasant and enjoyable, especially in spring when it is windy and has little rain. 3.The average temperature of Weifang is 12.3°C 4. As an outstanding tourist city with a long history in China, Weifang is rich in both mineral resources and seafood products. 5. Since 1984, Weifang has been the host city of the annual International Kite Flying Festival. Welcome you to Weifang! Located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula, Weifang covers an area of 15.9 square kilometers with a population of 8.63 million. The climate here is pleasant and enjoyable, especially in spring when it is windy and has little rain,and the average temperature of Weifang is just 12.3°C. What’s more, as an outstanding tourist city with a long history in China, Weifang is rich in both mineral resources and seafood products. Therefore, Weifang has been the host city of the annual International Kite Flying Festival since 1984. I wish you a pleasant stay here! 教师版 2011广东高考英语书面表达基础写作指导 Basic Writing 请根据以下的情景说明, 使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。 标题为 My English Learning 【情景说明】 我学英语已经六年了,在英语学习上有了一定的进步,但总是觉得英语难学,尤其是英语中的一些习惯用法。自己今后一定要努力学习这门有用的外语, 争取早日掌握这门语言。 Basic Writing 注:所给情景有时是中文要点,有时是表格。 ①I have been learning English for over 6 years. ②I have made some progress in my English. ③But I always feel English is hard to learn, especially some English idioms are difficult. ④I will work hard at this useful foreign language. ⑤I will try hard to grasp this foreign language. My English Learning ① It is six years since I began to learn English. ② With the help of my teachers and classmates, I have made progress in my English. ③ Now I’m doing well both in writing and reading in English. ④ But I still find it hard to learn English, such as some difficult idioms. ⑤Difficult as it is, I have made up my mind to master this useful language by my hard work. 从上述例子同学们可以明白什么样的句子叫“规范的英语句子”。 其实, “规范的英语句子”就是我们经常讲的三种句子: A) Simple sentence: 听到这个消息他很高兴。Hearing the news, he was happy. B) Compound sentence A: 他给我一本书但我忘记带回家了。He gave me a book but I forgot to bring it back home. C) Compound sentence B: 他所做的事与我无关。What he is doing has nothing to do with me. Here are 3 ways to make sentences: I.巧妙运用短语,写出规范的简单句: 1)借助名词短语做同位语 如:李立,男,19岁,1986年生;籍贯:广东。1)Li Li, a boy of 19, was born in Guangdong in 1986. 2)借助介词短语做定语 如:李飞,男,10岁,棕色短发,身穿白色茄克。2) Li Fei is a ten-year-old boy with short brown hair and a white jacket. 3)借助介词短语做状语 如:有了Tom的帮助,我们很快就找到了他们的村子。3)With the help of Tom, we soon found their village. 4)借助非谓语动词短语做定语或状语 如:他们站在大树下,等待着总统的到来。4)They are standing under the big tree, waiting for the president. II. 巧用连接词,写出规范的并列句: 如:他给我钱,我不要。He gave me a lot money but I refused. 如:我刚到拐角处,就见到你啦。I was just walking down the street corner when I saw you. III. 用好从句和引导词,写出规范的复合句: 1) 名词性从句 如:老师生气。原因:王力迟到。That Wang Li came late to school made the teacher very angry. 2) 定语从句 如:中国,地处亚洲东部;特点:地大物博、人口众多。China, which lies in the east of Asia, is a great country with a large area and population as well as rich natural resources. 3) 状语从句 如:雷锋还活在我们心中,我深受感动。I was deeply moved by this, because I know Lei Feng is still living in our hearts. 实战练习1. [情景说明] 请根据以下的情景说明, 使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。 通知: 新光中学高三年级学生将于9月9日去体检。 体检地点:第一人民医院 体检时间:9月9日,星期六 注意: 1、7:45在医院门口集合,可以骑车或步行前往; 2、体检前空腹; 3、在医院要保持安静,听从医生和护士的安排。 Notice ① The students in Senior Three of Xinguang Middle School will go to have a physical examination in the First People’s Hospital on Saturday, 9th Sept. ② We’ll meet at the hospital gate at 7:45. ③ You may either walk there or go there by bike. ④ We are not allowed to eat or drink anything before the examination. ⑤ Please keep quiet and listen to the doctors and nurses when you are there. 实战练习2 理清答题思路 写作内容: 第25届潍坊国际风筝节将于2008年4月在山东潍坊举行,请你以导游的身份写一篇介绍潍坊基本情况的5句话短文。 地理位置 位于山东半岛,总面积1.59万平方 公里,人口863万。 气候 宜人的气候,春季风多雨少,年平均气温摄氏12.3度。 资源 悠久的历史,富饶的矿产和水资源,是中国优秀旅游城市。 风筝节历史 1984年开始举办国际风筝节, 一年一度。 I.Useful words and expressions: 位置 占地面积 平方公里 人口 宜人的气候 多风 雨少 年平均气温 悠久的历史 富饶的 矿藏 水产 旅游城市 举办城市 一年一度 国际风筝节 II.Translate the following sentences: 潍坊位于山东半岛中部。 潍坊的总面积1.59万平方公里。 潍坊的人口863万。 潍坊气候宜人。 潍坊春季风多雨少。 潍坊的年平均气温摄氏12.3度。 潍坊有着悠久的历史。 潍坊有富饶的矿产和水产资源。 潍坊是中国优秀旅游城市。 潍坊自1984年开始举办一年一度的国际风筝节。 III.Combine the sentences : How to write complex sentences? How to make it fluent? 分词(定语,主语,状语) / with结构 1. 潍坊位于山东半岛中部,总面积1.59万平方公里, 人口863万。 How to write complex sentences? 分词(定语,主语,状语) / with结构 / 从句(定语,状语……) 潍坊气候宜人,春季风多雨少。年平均气温摄氏12.3度。 How to write complex sentences? 分词(定语,主语,状语) / with结构 / 从句 / as (作为) ​ 潍坊有着悠久的历史,富饶的矿产和水产资源,是中国优秀旅游城市。 How to write complex sentences? 分词(定语,主语,状语) / with结构 / 从句 / as ​ 潍坊自1984年开始举办一年一度的国际风筝节。 ​ 组织成文: 实战练习2答案 I.be located in cover an area of square kilometers a population of a pleasant climate windy little rain yearly average temperature a long history be rich in mineral resources seafood products tourist city host city annual International Kite Flying Festival II.1. Weifang is located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula. 2. Weifang covers an area of 15.9 thousand square kilometers. 3. Weifang has a population of 8.63 million. 4. Weifang has a pleasant climate. 5. Weifang has a windy spring with little rain. 6. The yearly average temperature of Weifang is 12.3°C. 7. Weifang has a long history. 8. Weifang is rich in mineral resources and seafood products. 9. Weifang is an outstanding tourist city in China. 10. Since 1984, Weifang has been the host city of the annual International Kite Flying Festival. III.1. Located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula, Weifang covers an area of 15.9 square kilometers with a population of 8.63 million. 2.The climate here is pleasant and enjoyable, especially in spring when it is windy and has little rain. 3.The average temperature of Weifang is 12.3°C 4. As an outstanding tourist city with a long history in China, Weifang is rich in both mineral resources and seafood products. 5. Since 1984, Weifang has been the host city of the annual International Kite Flying Festival. Welcome you to Weifang! Located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula, Weifang covers an area of 15.9 square kilometers with a population of 8.63 million. The climate here is pleasant and enjoyable, especially in spring when it is windy and has little rain,and the average temperature of Weifang is just 12.3°C. What’s more, as an outstanding tourist city with a long history in China, Weifang is rich in both mineral resources and seafood products. Therefore, Weifang has been the host city of the annual International Kite Flying Festival since 1984. I wish you a pleasant stay here! How to improve our writing? Read the texts frequently and loudly. Not only remember the grammar, but use it! Not only remember the new words and expressions , but use them! Follow the steps of writing.
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