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模联文件写作模联文件写作 模联文件写作 摘要: 模联会议的目的,就是在各国代表的共同努力下对某一国际重点问题达成一致并最终生成一份具有实际效力的文件(决议草案),因此通过一份决议案是模联会中最激动人心的时刻。那么它是如何诞生的?写作时模联中重要的组成部分之一,文件写作贯穿始终,每位代表都应具有优秀的文件写作能力。 模联中的文件: 立场文件(Position Paper) 工作文件(Working Paper) 决议草案/指令草案(Draft Resolution/Draft Directives) 修正案(Amendment)...

模联文件写作 模联文件写作 摘要: 模联会议的目的,就是在各国代表的共同努力下对某一国际重点问题达成一致并最终生成一份具有实际效力的文件(决议草案),因此通过一份决议案是模联会中最激动人心的时刻。那么它是如何诞生的?写作时模联中重要的组成部分之一,文件写作贯穿始终,每位代表都应具有优秀的文件写作能力。 模联中的文件: 立场文件(Position Paper) 工作文件(Working Paper) 决议草案/指令草案(Draft Resolution/Draft Directives) 修正案(Amendment) 1、​ 立场文件(有几个议题写几份立场文件) 什么是立场文件?——表明一国在某一问题上的基本观点和立场的文件 作用及意义——归纳总结会前研究成果,明确表达国家的基本观点和立场 ——为会场上的正式辩论准备基本材料 ——通过立场文件了解其他国家的立场,方便会上沟通与合作 Sample Position Paper(正式格式) Country the United States of America (国家名) Committee United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(委员会全称) Topic Adaption to Sea Level Rise(议题) Delegate Name Zhang San(代表名) Delegate School Wonderful High School(代表学校) In recent years the world has witnessed the troubles which result from global warming. As the greenhouse gas emission grows and the temperature keeps moving up, the Sea Level Rise (SLR) has become one of the most negative effects of climate change. According to the report printed by one of the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize of this year, the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC), the scientists estimate that the global average sea level will rise between 0.3 and 2.9 feet (0.09 to 0.88 meters) in the next century , which means some Small Island Developing States (SIDS) will disappear, and so many important cities like New York, London, Tokyo, Shanghai etc. will be severely threatened. Otherwise, the ramifications of SLR, for instance, food and water security, land loss, extreme disasters, economic and social disruption etc. should be taken into consideration. (简要阐述议题,说明代表国认为这个议题对于本国和国际社会的重要性) As the United States has roughly 20,000 km (12,400 miles) of coastline and more than 32,000 km (19,900 miles) of coastal wetlands, the citizens are potentially exposed to the negative effect of SLR. No citizens of US will forget the horrible “Hurricane Katrina” in the August of 2005, which claimed hundreds of lives and it costs over $100 billion to rebuild the city. From then on, US had realized the importance of enhancing higher level of adaptation to SLR. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicates that the costs of adapting to even a one meter sea level rise in the US would amount to US$156 billion (3 percent of GNP) ii. In spite of the high cost, US government and State governments have planned several solutions of adaptation to SLR. For example, some of the states prohibit new houses in areas likely to be eroded in the next 30-60 years, and some of the states have implemented some version of “rolling easements” in which people are allowed to build, but only on the condition that they will remove the structure if and when it is threatened by an advancing shoreline iii. On the international level, US gratefully regards the IPCC as a active leading research group of climate change, and US armly believes if all the nations can follow the advises of IPCC, the world will have a better condition in the tough battle against SLR. However, US feels sorry to see some nations still remain in the low level of awareness of SLR, indulging in drastic development in economy, ignoring the basic human rights of inhabitants in coastal zones. In that case, US suggests that the United Nations offer sanction to those nations because their negligence can affect widely around the region, and the negative effect will spread globally. (联合国与本国在该问题上已作出的行动及本国看法) There is no doubt that the fanancial problem is still the most critical barrier to implement of adaptation to SLR. In order to solve this, the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) should take part in the National Adaptation Programs of Action (NAPAs). For the sake of the Developing Countries, US suggests integrating adaptation objectives into the broader goals of sustainable national development. The US and also other developing countries is willing to supply basic fanancial aids to those in need nations, however, the purpose of money using should be carefully supervised. Moreover, some nations, as Russia, they have benefited from SLR because of increasing arable land from which former frozen land transformed, is obliged to support more aids to suffering countries, especially those SIDS. Another barrier comes to the communication of information. Though recent reports of IPCC and other international organizations including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have involved comprehensive information and options of adaptation to SLR, some remote nations still can not get the suitable information they in urgent need of. Since the appropriate mechanism for implementation depends on the particular situation, the US encourages IPCC and other international organizations can summon some subgroups for each nation to identify suitable options of adaptation to SLR. Moreover, conference of adaptation to SLR should be hold yearly, or monthly if need in order to communicate with information and experience. On the national level, the government has to bridge the gap between the research community and policy makers, such as striving for the widest possible participation of stakeholders so that policies will reflect the priorities of diverse range of interest groups. In this case, a democratic government can engage more stakeholders, and the policy will be implemented smoothly.In addition, adaptation to SLR requires a broad range of effort including building protecting objectives, formulating new protocols and conventions, setting forecasting systems and water desalination systems, reducing population around the coastal zone and etc. The US especially reminds all the countries to pay great attention to the terrorists who will probably try to destroy the infrastructure of protection to SLR. The US also will do its utmost to prevent the terrorists from threatening the coastal zone.(重点:本国的立场和对于该问题的解决方法与措施,并提供一定理由) 无需要特别阐述该国家详细信息 尽量使文体显得官方与正式,注意措辞 与主题相关的必要时提供数据 举出实例与具体措施,而不是空谈政策与态度 引用资料时用脚注和尾注标出 表示本国的态度政策时使用第三人称 表达尽量简洁明了,立场明确,该坚定时坚定,该具体时具体 注意详略,第一~三段都不需详写,篇幅应不多于2页 如无特殊要求,一份立场文件只讨论一个议题 2、​ 工作文件 是什么——工作文件是代表们进行游说与结盟后,根据已有信息,草拟出针对某一问题的看法观点和初步的解决方法的文件,可理解为决议草案的雏形。 作者与提交——其作者可以是一国代表也可多国。工作文件完成后要提交给主席团,经审查通过后打印出来交给全场代表,此时提交国可以动议有组织核心磋商讨论该文件。 篇幅格式——提交国数量没有限制,是大家想法的书面表达,可以算是各种会议文件中最不正式的一种,作用相当于我们国家开会时领导印发的会议材料。虽不正式,但是WP仍然是专业性很强的文件,写作时要克服草率的心态,注意措辞 具体内容可以是段落,文章,罗列观点,或是标准的决议格式,也可以附加图表,但一定要注意清晰整洁,避免语法错误,注意术语的运用得体 表决——工作文件不需要表决 SAMPLE WORKING PAPER   Working Paper 1.1(主席编号) Committee: UN Conference on Trade and Development(委员会名) Topic:Generalized System of Preferences(议题名) Submitted by Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador(提交果) Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador believe that a GSP should be set up so that Lesser-Developed Countries (LDCs) receive preferential treatment from Developed Countries (DCs). To that end we propose:  1. Each DC reduces their tariffs to the lowest level possible. This level will be determined by the below created subcommittee,  2. Bilateral trade agreements should be pursued for further reductions in tariffs.  3. Trade preferences should be granted in the following areas:  Agriculture  Manufactures  Semi-manufactures  Raw materials  4. Decisions on product coverage by preference giving nations must be made in consultation with the affected LDC. Annual re-evaluation of coverage shall take place with the LDC with disputed going to the below-created subcommittee.    5. A subcommittee of UNCTAD should be created with equal membership of developed and developing countries. This subcommittee would have the following powers: a. To mediate disputes between preference givers and receivers b. Make recommendations that all countries should follow c. Serve as a forum for airing grievances relating to the GSP  d. Report regularly to the Secretary-General Membership should be as follows: a. Five permanent nations from the DCs b. Five permanent nations from the LDCs and LLDCs c. Ten members elected annually by UNCTAD 3、​ 决议草案 概念与作用——决议草案及格过代表在会议过程中合作的结果,是对议题中问题的解决办法 作者与提交——一份决议草案的提交国分为起草国( Sponsors )完全同意决议草案内容,不可成为附议国。附议国( Signatories )不完全同意决议草案内容,但认为其值得讨论代表国可以成为多份决议草案的附议国。(起草国与附议国总数应达参会国家的20%)主席批准后将复印件分发給各个代表此时起草国可以动议“引入决议草案”,通过后即可讨论。 格式——由标题,序言性条款(Perambulatory Clauses)和行动性条款(Operative Clauses)。行动性条款陈述该议题的历史,该议题的必要性并回顾在该议题上过去的决议和条约。行动性条款是实质性部分,具体列举解决问题的措施及建议。 表决——有赞同,反对,弃权三种投票选择。通过需三分之二多数。 Sample Draft Resolution Draft Resolution 1.1(编号由主席决定) Committee Commission on Information Regulation (委员会名称) Topic International News flow Imbalance(议题) Sponsors (list of countries)(起草国) Signatories (list of countries)(附议国) The Economic and Social Council,(致敬委员会 开头注明委员会) Recalling its Resolution A/36/89 of 16 December 1981, “The Declaration on Fundamental Principles Concerning the Contribution of the ass Media to Strengthening Peace and International Understanding,”(序言性条款用动名词开头,加下划线,每一条逗号结尾) Recalling also Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Everyone has the right to...receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers,” Recognizing that the problem of news flow imbalance is that two-way information among countries of a region is either nonexistent or insufficient and information exchanged between regions of the world is inadequate, Realizing the e need for all sovereign nations to maintain their integrity and still play an active role in the international system, 1. Recommends that a three-level information interchange system be established on the national, regional, and international levels to(行动性条款用动词单三开头,逐条用阿拉伯数字标明,斜体) Ameliorate the current problems of news flow imbalance, to operate as follows: a. Each region’s member nations will report their national information and receive the information of other nations in their region from the regional level of this interchange system;(分项条款逐条用小写字母标明,每一条用分号结尾) b. Nations will decide the character of the news flow media best suited to the need of their sovereign territory, be this printed, audio, or audio-visual; c. Regional News Gathering Agencies will serve to gather information from the nations in their region, and these boards will have no editorial discretion and will serve to forward all information to the International Board; 2. Urges the establishment of the University of International Communications, which will be based in Geneva, Switzerland, with the following aims: a. a. The University and branches will be established with the express purpose of bringing together world views and facilitating the transfer of technology; b. All member nations of the United Nations will be equally represented at the University; c. Incentives will be offered to students of journalism and communications at the University to return to their countries to teach upon completion of instruction; d. The instructors of the regional education centers will be comprised of a multi-partisan coalition of educators from throughout the world; 3. Calls for the continued use of funds from the International Program for the Development of Communications, Special Account, The United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the UN Development Program, and other sources of funding including national governments and private donors; 4. Recommends that the distribution of funds be decided by the International Program for the Development of Communication (IPDC). 4、​  5、​ 修正案 决议草案提出后,任何代表国都可以通过修正案将其修改。修正案就是在原有决议草案的基础上,对其行动性条款中部分内容进行添加删除与修改。 修正案分为两类 友好修正案:由所有起草国同意并签署的修改。只需经全部起草国签署,并由主席团审核通过后直接执行在所针对的决议草案中 非友好修正案:由部分或所有起草国反对的修改。提交国需要得到全体国家中20%国家代表的签署,经主席团审核通过。提出后,经由辩论和表决(需要三分之二多数)通过,才能执行 决议草案一旦投票通过就不能在此次会议上进行改动,即会议对此项议题的讨论已经正式结束,所以修正案必须提出于决议草案表决之前,决议草案通过后,其附加的通过的修正案亦生效,若未通过,则修正案无效 Sample Amendment Revitalizing Global Economy and Boosting Development Committee Security Council Topic Reactivating the Peace Talks Process Concerning Palestinian and Israeli Situation Sponsors India Signatories (if needed) 1.Replace the word “immediately” to “gradually” in operative clauses, No. 6. 2.Delete the operative clause No. 7. 3.Add as the #nal operative clause “Decides to remain seized of the matter”.
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