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英语写作常用句型第一章 文章开头句型 I.对立法 1.​ When asked about …, the vast majority of people believe that …. But other people view … as …. I view quite differently. 当问起…,大多数的人认为…。但是另外一些人则把…看作是…。我的观点却截然不同。 2.​ When it comes to …, some people think that …. Others argue that the opposit...

第一章 文章开头句型 I.对立法 1.​ When asked about …, the vast majority of people believe that …. But other people view … as …. I view quite differently. 当问起…,大多数的人认为…。但是另外一些人则把…看作是…。我的观点却截然不同。 2.​ When it comes to …, some people think that …. Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth in both statements, but … 当说到…,一些人认为…,另一些人则持反面意见。这两种观点可能都有道理,但… 3. There is a the of …. Those who … that …. They believe that …. But people who …, on the other hand, that …. 当今就…问题正展开一场大讨论。那些反对…的人认为,他们说…。但是另一方面,那些支持…的人认为…。 4. Now, it is commonly that …. They claim that …. But I doubt whether …. 如今,人们普遍认为…。他们认为…。但我怀疑是否…。 II.现象法 1. Recently the problem of … has 最近,有关…的问题已经引起了公众的广泛关注。 2.​ Recently the issue of …has been in the limelight. 最近,有关…的问题已成为人们议论的中心。 3.​ In recent years, many cities have witnessed /undergone the serious problem of …. 近年来,许多城市一直面临着…的问题。 4.​ One of the hottest topics many people talk about now is …. 许多人现在谈论的最热门的话题之一就是…。 5. Now most undesirable for our society is the tendency of … which is obvious /pervasive in …. 现在我们的社会最不欢迎的是…的趋势。这种趋势在…领域是显而易见的。 6. With the …., more and more …. 随着的…显著改善,越来越多的…。 7. there is a …. 如今,人们越来越意识到…。 8. IN recent years, there is a sharp /dramatic increase /growth /decline in…. According to a(n) recent , …. 最近几年,…有了显著的增加。根据最近的一次调查,…。 III. 观点法 1.​ Nothing is more undesirable than … (which is commonly held by …). 没有什么比…更不受欢迎。 2.​ Perhaps we should have a fresh look at the attitude that …. 可能我们应当以全新的眼光看待对…的态度。 3.​ “Genius is 2 percent inspiration and 98 percent perspiration.” Such is the opinion of Edison. This view has been shared now by more and more people. “天才是百分之二的灵感加百分之九十八的汗水。” 这是爱迪生的观点。这个观点已被越来越多的人所接受。 IV. 比较法 1.​ Until recently … was viewed as …. But that is changing now. With the growing demand for …, people …. 不久前,…还被认为是…。但是这种态度正在发生变化。随着对…的需求日益增加,人们…。 第二章 文章结尾句型 I. 结论性 1. , we may the that …. 从上面的讨论中我们可以得出这样的结论: 2.​ In conclusion, it is more important …. 总之,…更重要。 II. 后果性 1. Any person who ignores the lesson would pay a heavy price. 无论是谁对这一教训坐视不理,都会付出沉重的代价。 III.号召性 1.​ It is essential that effective measures should be taken to end the tendency. 有必要采取有效的措施来结束这种趋势。 2. There is no denying that attention must be paid to the problem of…. 毫无疑问我们应关心…的问题。 IV. 建议性 1.​ It is suggested that persistent efforts should be made /exerted to attain the goal. 人们建议应努力实现这一目标。 2. While it is affected by many factors, still there are ways. The most important is …. Another way is …. Still another one is…. 虽然受多种因素影响,还是有办法的。最重要的办法是…。另一个办法是…。还可以…。 V. 方向性 1. No effective solution can be to the problem of …. But the public awareness of the necessity of … might be the first step on the right way. 现在还没有找到解决…问题的办法。但是让大家都意识到…的必要性可能是解决问题的第一步。 2. It is , therefore, that the task of …, deserves . 因此,很显然,…的任务值得注意。 VI. 意义性 1.​ The importance of … cannot be overvalued. it will …. 的重要性再重视也不为过。它会…。 第三章 原因结果句型 I. 基本原因 1. There are probably reasons for this in …. First…. Second …. 为什么…有显著的增长?这里可能有几个原因。首先,…。第二,…。 2. Why …? …. …. Perhaps the reason is …. 为什么?一方面,…。另一方面,…。其主要原因可能是…。 3. It is no easy job to offer the reasons offer this phenomenon which involves several complicated factors. 要找出…的原因并不是件容易的事,因为它是一个复杂的现象。 4.​ The answer to this problem involves several interrelated factors. For one thing, …. For another, …. Still another …. 这个问题有几个相互关联的原因。一方面,…。 另一方面,…。 5.​  … 由于… 6. The mainly stems /arises from the facts …. 这种增长主要是由于…。 7. … partly because …, partly because …. …,部分愿意在于…,部分原因在于…。 8. One may attribute the increase to …. 人们会把这种增长归咎于…。 9. this can account for …. 这就是为什么…。 10. A number of factors could the of …. First, …. Second, … 有好多因素可以解释…的变化。首先,…。 第二,…。 11. Several factors weigh heavily …. 由几个有利于…的因素。 II. 另一原因 1.​ One of the most widespread reasons for … is that …. …的主要原因之一是…。 2.​ Part of the explanation for the trend is …. 这一趋势的部分原因在于…。 3.​ Of course, the change is not the sole reason for …. 当然,这一变化并不是的…唯一原因。 III. 后果影响 1. It will exert a on … 这将会给…带来深刻的影响。 2. It may bring about a in … 它将给…造成相当大的增长。 4.​ The effect of … has not been confined to …. It also …. …的影响并非只涉及到…。它也…。 5. It may a of problems. 这会造成一系列的问题。 第四章 比较对照句型 I. 两者比较 1. The advantages A the A的一点远远超过B的一点。 2.​ Although A enjoys a considerable advantages over …, it can’t compete with B in …. 尽管A在…方面有相当大的优点,但是在…方面比不上B。 3. There are advantages …. The advantages is that …. …有许多优点。最大的优点是…。 4. Indeed, A bears much weight compared B. 当然,与相比,A有很大的影响。 5.​ A may be superior to B, but it poses problems for those who … For one thing, …. For another… A 可能比B优越,但是也给那些…的人带来问题。一方面,…。另一方面,…。 6. In spite of the disadvantages B has, it ahs its compensating advantages. 尽管B有它的缺点,但是它也有自身的优点。 7. There is no doubt that it has both as well as 毫无疑问,它既有优点也有缺点。 8. However, it is not without weaknesses. The principal one is … Besides, …. 然而,它也并非没有缺点。其主要缺点就是…。此外,…。 II. 两者相同 1. A B . A不比B更…。 2. A bears many striking resemblances to B. A和B有许多显著的相似之处。 There are some resemblances between A and B. A和B有些相似之处。 III. 两者不同 1. A…, B…. A…,而B…。 2. There are some marked differences between A and B. Unlike B, A …. A和B有一些显著的差别。与B不同,A…。 3.​ Both A and B …, Both …, but they are markedly different in …. Unlike B, A …. …和…都,两者都…,但是在…方面两者有明显的差别。与B不同,A…。 第五章 批评驳斥句型 I. 直接驳斥 1. Although the popular belief is that .., a recent survey indicates that …. 虽然大多数人认为…,但是最近的调查表明…。 2. Although it is that …, it is unlikely to be true that … 尽管大多数人认为…,…却不一定是事实。 3. Many people claim that …. But this argument may be questioned. 许多人都认为…。但是这种观点值得怀疑。 4.​ They may be right in asserting that …, but they seem to fail to take into account the fact that …. 他们说…可能是对的,但是他们似乎没有把这一事实考虑进去:…。 5. …, but that …. 确实,…,但是这并不意味着…。 6. Some people assume that …. But this argument doesn’t work. 有些人认为…。但是这种观点行不通。 7. Closer examination, however, suggests that the claim may not be supported by the fact. 然而仔细检查一下就会就会发现这种说法并没有事实依据。 8. Despite the belief that …, it is common knowledge that … more often does the exact opposite. 尽管有人认为…,但是众所周知,…往往是适得其反。 9. As opposed to the widely held belief that …, new studies challenge the view. 与大多数人对…的想法相反,新的研究对这一观点表示质疑。 10. There are those who hold that …. And on the other hand, there are those who argue that …. Both positions are very popular. But I cannot accept either view. 有人认为…,然而也有人认为…。这两种观点都很普遍。但是这两种观点我都接受不了。 11. People are opposed to the ides on the grounds that … 许多人反对这一观点,因为…。 II. 批评分析 1.​ the main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant of the bare fact …. 这一观点的问题在于许多人不了解这一基本事实:…。 2.​ The obvious drawback in the view is that it fails to take … into consideration. 这一观点明显的不足在于它没有把…考虑进去。 3.​ There is absolutely no reason for us to accept that …. 没有有理由去接受…。 4.​ It would be possible to believe that …. It would be also possible to think that …. Yet I am not sure that … 可以认为…,也可以认为…。但是我不敢肯定…。 5.​ It is one thing to believe that …, it is quite another to say that …. 认为…是一回事,但是说…是另外一回事。 第六章 推理分析句型 I. 分析判断 1.​ It seems quite (un)likely that …. 似乎很有可能…。 2.​ The chances are that …. 有可能…。 3.​ It is evident that …. 很显然,…。 4. It seems that /to …. …似乎是值得的。 4.​ It is pretty certain that …. 可以相当肯定地说,…。 5.​ Unfortunately it is likely to be the case that …. 不幸的是,事实上很可能是…。 6.​ There is no doubt that …. 毫无疑问,…。 7.​ The essential point is that …. 基本的事实是…。 8.​ There is much to be said in favour of the view …. 有许多理由可以支持之意观点:…。 II. 推理论说 1.​ It makes no difference whether …. 是否…不是主要的。 第七章 细节支持句型 I. 举例说明 1. A good case in point can be best provided by …. 最典型的例子就是…。 2. The most striking example of this is …. 最能说明这一问题的例子是:…。 3. …, for example, …. …,例如,…。 4. Suppose that …. 假设…。 6.​  has it that …. 据说,…。 II. 事实说明 1.​ No one can deny the hard fact that …. 没有谁可以否认是一严峻的事实:…。 2. There is evidence … 没有什么证据能驳斥…。 3. Recent surveys conducted by doctors indicate that …. 最近医生所做的调查表明:…。
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