首页 广东统计年鉴(2011年)excel1818b



广东统计年鉴(2011年)excel1818b 普通高等学校 指按照国家规定的设置标准和审批程序批准举办,通过国家统一招生考试,收高中毕业生为主要培养对象,实施高等教育的全日制大学、独立设置的学院和高等专科学校,高等职业学校和其他机构。 成人高等学校 指按照国家有关规定审批、招收通过全国成人高教统一招生考试的具有高中毕业或同等学历的在职从业人员利用脱产、半脱产、业余或函授等多种形式对其实施高等学历教育,培养高等教育专科或本科毕业水平的专门人才,修业年限、课程设置和总学时的数按高等学历教育要求付诸实施的学校。包括广播电视大学、职工高等学校、农民高等学...

普通高等学校 指按照国家规定的设置标准和审批程序批准举办,通过国家统一招生考试,收高中毕业生为主要培养对象,实施高等教育的全日制大学、独立设置的学院和高等专科学校,高等职业学校和其他机构。 成人高等学校 指按照国家有关规定审批、招收通过全国成人高教统一招生考试的具有高中毕业或同等学历的在职从业人员利用脱产、半脱产、业余或函授等多种形式对其实施高等学历教育,培养高等教育专科或本科毕业水平的专门人才,修业年限、课程设置和总学时的数按高等学历教育 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 付诸实施的学校。包括广播电视大学、职工高等学校、农民高等学校、管理干部学院、教育学院、独立设置的函授学院等。 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 学龄儿童入学率 指调查范围内已入小学学习的学龄儿童占校内外学龄儿童总数(包括弱智儿童在内,但不包括盲聋哑儿童)的比重。 科技活动 是指在所有科学技术领域内,即自然科学、农业科学、医学科学、 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 与技术科学、人文科学与社会科学中,与科技知识的产生、发展、传播和应用密切相关的全部的、有组织的、系统的科技活动。所谓有组织的、系统的科技活动,是指在一个机构的范围之内,并列入这一机构的工作计算,由这一机构的人员有计划地进行的科技活动。目前,我们统计的科技活动,是指调查范围内有组织有系统开展的科技活动。它包括三类活动(1)研究与试验发展活动;(2)研究与试验发展成果应用活动;(3)科技服务活动。 研究与发展活动 指为增进知识,及利用这些知识去开创新的用途而进行的系统的创造性工作。它具备四种基本因素:(1)创造性的因素;(2)新颖性或创新的因素;(3)科学方法的运用;(4)新知识的产生。它包括三种类:(1)基础研究;(2)应用研究;(3)实验发展。 科技活动统计单位 指制度调查范围内的调查单位个数,对于自然科学领域、社会与人文科学领域的科学研究与技术开发机构(含县属研究与开发机构)、科学技术情报与文献机构是以一个机构为一个调查单位;对于高等学校,是以一个学校为一个调查单位;对于企业是以一个企业为一个调查单位。 科技活动机构 是指调查范围内有建制的从事科技活动科研机构。包括国有独立核算的科学研究与技术开发机构自然科学领域、社会与人文科学领域)(含机构、大中型工业企业附属的技术开发机构。全日制附属科技活动机构,是指经学校及上级主管部门正式批准的以科技活动为主,相对稳定的开展科技活动机构;大中型工业企业附属的技术开发机构是指企业自办、或与外单位合办、管理上同生产系统相对独立的,或单独核算的专门技术开发机构(如企业办研究所或开发中心开发部等专门技术开发机构)。 从事科技活动人员 指报告期内调查单位中从事科技活动的人员。调查单位中从事科技活动人员为直接从事科技活动和科技活动提供直接服务,累计时间占全年工作时间10%以上的人员。 科学家和工程师 具有大学本科以及以上学历的和不具备上述学历但有高、中级职称的人员。 技术员 指具有大、中专学历和不具备大、中专学历,但有初级职称的人员。 研究与发展人员 指报告期内从事研究与发展活动的人员。调查单位直接从事研究与发展课 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 活动以及院、所等从事科技行政管理、科技服务等工作为研究与发展课题活动服务,累计时间占全年工作时间 10%以上的人员。人员数为全时人员数加非全时人员数之和。 科技活动经费筹集总额 指报告期内调查单位从各种渠道筹集到的科技活动经费(含科研基建费)。包括政府资金、自筹资金、银行贷款、其他经费。 科技活动经费使用总额(内部支出) 指报告期内调查单位用于科技活动的实际支出。包括劳务费、科研业务费、科研管理费、非基建投资购建的固定资产、科研、基建支出以及其他用于科技活动的支出。但不包括生产性活动支出、归还贷款支出及转拨外单位支出。 研究与发展经费支出 指报告期内用于研究与发展课题活动(基础研究、应用研究、试验发展)的全部实际支出。包括用于研究与发展课题活动的直接支出,还包括间接用于研究与发展活动的一切支出(院、所管理费,维持院、所正常运转的必需费用和与研究发展有关的基本建设支出)。 省级以上获奖成果 指科技活动单位在本年度内从省以上政府科技管理部门获得的各种科技成果奖。 由于几个单位合作获得的科技成果奖,为防止重复,仅由第一完成单位填报,多次获奖的成果只填一个。获奖成果包括:国家级奖、省部级奖和地市级奖。国家级奖:指国家自然科学奖、国家发明奖、国家科技进步奖、国家星火奖等。省、部级奖:指以国务院各部门和省、自治区、直辖市名义颁发的重大科技成果奖和科技进步奖。 科技机构内课题(项目)个数 指调查单位列入科研计划或已为本单位科研管理部门认可,可作为本单位科研工作任务,并在当年开展活动的研究与发展、研究与发展成果应用、科技服务课题(项目)数。包括当年新开课题和上年尚未完成,在统计年度内继续进行的课题。 文化事业机构 指从事专业文化工作和为专业文化工作服务的独立建制的单独核算的单位。不包括这些单位另外举办独立核算的其他机构和各部门的业余文化组织。 艺术 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演团体 指从事戏曲、音乐、舞蹈、杂技等专业艺术表演,有独立帐户,实行单独核算的团体。不包括半工半艺、半农半艺和民间职业剧团。 电影放映单位 指具有放映机器设备、固定或不固定的放映场所与专职或兼职的放映技术人员,经有关部门登记批准,经常为一定的观众对象放映电影的机构。包括经批准对外开放进行营业,并与电影发行放映管理机构分帐的专用放映单位和军委系统租片单位。 艺术表演观众人数(人次) 指售票、包场演出或民族地区免费演出的艺术表演观众人次数。不包括彩排审查和内部观摩演出的观看人次数。 Regular Institutions of Higher Education refer to educational establishments set up according to government standards and evaluation and approval procedures, mainly enrolling graduates from senior secondary schools through uniform national matriculation examinations and providing higher education. Such institutions include full-time universities, independent colleges, technical colleges, professional colleges, and other institutions. Institutions of Higher Learning for Adults refer to educational establishments approved according to relevant government rules, enrolling staff and workers with senior secondary or equivalent education through uniform national matriculation examinations, and providing them with regular higher education in various forms such as full-time, part-time, spare-time and correspondence courses in accordance with requirements of regular higher education in years of education, curricula, and total learning hours, so that they meet the standards for graduation of universities or junior colleges Institutions of higher learning for adults include radio and TV universities, colleges for staff and workers, colleges for farmers, colleges for management cadres, teachers' colleges, and independent correspondence colleges. Enrollment Rate of Primary School-age Children refers to the proportion of school-age children enrolled at primary schools in the total number of school-age children both in and outside schools (including retarded children, but excluding blind, deaf and dumb children). Scientific and Technological Activities refer to all those organized and systematic activities of science and technology which are closely connected with the emergence, development, diffusion and application of scientific and technological knowledge in all scientific and technological fields, such as natural sciences, agricultural science, medical science, engineering and technical science, humanities and social sciences. Organized and systematic activities refer to activities within the range of an institution, regarded as regular work of the institution and organized in a planned way by the personnel of the institution. At present, scientific and technological activities include activities in an organized and systematic way within the survey coverage, classified into three categories: (1) activities of research and development; (2) applied activities of research and development; (3) service activities of science and technology. Activities of Research and Development refer to the systematic and creative work with the aim of widening knowledge and creating new uses for knowledge They entail four basic factors: (1) creative factor; (2) novel or innovative factor; (3) application of scientific methods; (4) emergence of new knowledge. They include three types: (1) basic research; (2) applied research; (3) experiments and development. Surveyed Units of Scientific and Technological Activities refer to the number of survey units within the survey coverage. As for research and development institutions (including those under county administration) and scientific and technological information and literature institutions in natural sciences, social sciences and humanities,one institution constitutes a survey unit; as for institutions of higher education, one university or college accounts for a survey unit; as for enterprises, one enterprise is a survey unit. Institutions of Scientific and Technological Activities refer to organic institutions engaged in scientific and technological activities within the survey coverage, including state-owned research and development institutions with independent accounting system (in the field of natural sciences, social sciences and humanities), including technological development institutions affiliated to institutions and large and medium-sized industrial enterprises. Full-time affiliated institutions of scientific and technological activities refer to those mainly and relatively stably engaged in technological activities with formal ratification of educational institutions and higher authorities. Technological development institutions affiliated to large and medium-sized industrial enterprises refer to special development institutions solely run by enterprises or jointly run with other units but keeping relatively independent administration from production system, or having their independent accounting system (such as research institutions or development departments of development centers run by enterprises). Personnel Engaged in Scientific and Technological Activities refer to all the persons in the survey units engaged in scientific and technological activities during the reference period, i.e. those who are directly engaged in such activities or provide direct services to such activities with over 10% of their annual working hours devoted to scientific and technological activities. Scientists and Engineers refer to persons who have completed regular undergraduate or higher level education and persons with senior or medium professional titles but without the aforesaid educational background. Other Technical Personnel refer to persons involved in science and technology with secondary specialized education or junior college education and persons with junior professional titles but without the aforesaid educational background. Personnel of Research and Development refer to persons who are engaged in research and development activities during the reference period, i.e. those in the survey units who are directly engaged in R & D activities or provide services to R & D activities in such forms as administration and technical services with over 10% of their annual working hours devoted to such activities It is the sum of full-time personnel and non-full-time personnel. Total Funds for Scientific and Technological Activities refer to the funds for scientific and technological activities (including capital construction funds for scientific research) raised by the survey units from various channels during the reference period, including government funds, self-raised funds, bank loans and other funds. Total Expenditure for Scientific and Technological Activities (Internal Expenditure) refers to the actual expenditure made for scientific and technological activities by the survey units during the reference period, including service expenses, operating expenses for scientific research, management expenses for scientific research, purchases of fixed assets with investment in non-capital construction, capital construction expenditure for scientific research and others, but excluding expenditure for productive activities, expenditure for return of loans and expenditure transferred to other units. Total Expenditure on Research and Development refers to all actual expenditure made for R & D (basic research, applied research and experimental development) in the reference period, including direct expenditure on R & D activities and indirect expenditure on R & D activities such as management expenses, administrative expenses and investment in capital construction related to R & D. Number of Prizes Won at and above Provincial Level refers to the number of various prizes in scientific and technological research won by the units engaged in scientific and technological activities from administrative departments for science and technology in provincial or central governments in the current year. If a prize is won in a cooperative way, it is reported only by the first listed unit so as to avoid duplication. As for achievements that have won several prizes, only one prize is reported Prizes won by achievements include all those at state level, provincial level and city (prefecture) level. State-level prizes are National Prize for Natural Sciences, National Invention Prize, National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology and National Spark Prize Prizes at provincial and ministerial level refer to major achievements and progress in science and technology awarded by the departments of the state council, provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. Number of Research Tasks (Projects) of Scientific and Technological Institutions refers to the number of research tasks (projects) on R & D, application of R & D and scientific and technological services, which are listed in the plans of scientific research or approved by administrative departments of the survey units and launched in the current year. It includes those newly started and those uncompleted in the preceding year but continued into the current statistical year. Cultural Institutions refer to units which have their own organizational system and independent accounting system and specialize in or serve cultural development. They exclude other establishments with independent accounting system run by these cultural institutions and amateur cultural groups established by various departments. Art Troupes refer to troupes which are engaged in drama, opera, music, dance, acrobatics or other art performances, open independent accounts with banks with independent accounting system, excluding troupes which are engaged partly in industrial or agricultural activities and partly in art performance and folk professional troupes. Film Projection Units refer to units with film projection equipment, full or part-time projectionists, permanent or non-permanent cinemas, approved by and registered with related administrative departments to show films regularly for certain groups of audience, including film projection units which have been approved to give commercial shows and share profits with administrative agencies of film circulation and projection, as well as film renting units of the military system. Number of Spectators at Art Performance (person-time) refers to the number of attendants at commercial shows, completely booked shows or free shows given in minority national areas, excluding the number of spectators at rehearsals for examination and internal shows for study. 554 553
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