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专八模拟试题(改错篇)  专八模拟试题(改错篇1)   Ancient man attempted to change the weather by using magic. While experience taught him this was impossible, __1__ he tried to forecast weather conditions. Even earlier in __2__ 1000 B.C.there were weather seers in Babylon----and priests cleve...

  专八模拟试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (改错篇1)   Ancient man attempted to change the weather by using magic. While experience taught him this was impossible, __1__ he tried to forecast weather conditions. Even earlier in __2__ 1000 B.C.there were weather seers in Babylon----and priests clever enough to denounce as frauds those predicted __3__ the weather a year in the advance. Some forecasters used __4__ methods that seemed to take no connection with the actual __5__ factors controlled the weather. Chickens and other animals __6__ were sacrificed and their intestines poked to find signs indicating rain and drought. Somewhat more scientific were __7__ predictions based on vegetation:"Onion’s skin very thin ,mild weather coming in. Onion’s skin thick and tough, coming weather is cold and rough." Insects and animals were also __8__ favorite weather clues: "Before the glowworm lights his __9__ lamp , then the air is always damp ." "If spiders their cobwebs forsake , the weather will for certain break ." "If frogs remained in pools , the weather will be fine . If they were seen on rocks, __10__ rain and cold were due." It’s difficult to say whether this rhyme should be taken seriously : " Hark , I hear the asses bray . Me thinks we’ll have some rain today ."    答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 详解:   1.While—When或After.本句的this指代的是to change the weather by using magic. when/after 引导时间状语   2.in—than.earlier是early的比较级,其后应有than   3.those之后加who.who引导定语从句   4. 删除advance前的the.in advance为习语   5. take—have.have connection with 为习语   6. controlled—controlling或在controlled前加that/which.controlling the weather 或that/which controlled the weather做定语修饰the actual factors   7. and—or.rain和draught只能是二者之一   8. 删除is.与上文平衡,均为省略句   9. before—when/if.条件句   10. will—would.if引导的是条件句用的是remained一般过去时   专八模拟试题(改错篇2)   It is difficult to think of a nation as an abstract collection of people living on a patch of territory. It is easier to think of as a person. This is why we sometimes call Great Britain __1__ "Britannia" and the United States "Columbia", and think of it as stately women. We also use masculine symbols in our __2__ personification of nations. In 1712 John Arbuthont, a Scot,wrote a political satire in that the characters were supposed __3__ to be typical members of different nationalities. The Englishman was John Bull. This name, which was sufficient flattering to be __4__ adopted generally, combined the most common English first name with a last name indicated strength. John Bull is usually __5__ pictured as a partly businessman with a Union Jack on his hatband.   After the American War of Independence began in 1783, the United __6__States was knownfor "Brother Jonathan". Jonathan was a biblical __7__ name associated with simple people from rural areas, and it seemed fitting since the United States is rural and unsophiscated, and since __8__American considered their type of simplicity a virtue compared to __9__ the wickedness of European cities. It is possible, however, that the name was originated with President George Washington, who would __10__often say, when faced with a hard problem, "Let us consult Brother Jonathan", referring to his secrectary, Johnathan Trumbull.   答案详解:   1. of和as之间加上it.代替前文的a nation   2.it—both.指代上文的US和Great Britain   3.that—which   4.sufficient—sufficiently.修饰形容词用副词   5. indicated—indicating 来源:考试大   6.began—ended.根据历史知识,美国独立战争开始于1776年7月4日(《独立宣言》发 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ),直到1783年英国正式承认美国独立才结束。   7. for—as.be known for意为“因......而众所周知”   8. is—was.美国过去曾是一个rural and unsophisticated的国家   9.to—with.compare to 意为“把......比作.......”compare with意为“与......比较,与.......匹敌,与......竞争”   10. 删掉name和originated之间的was 专八模拟试题(改错篇3)   About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could be avoided if women had used family planning methods to prevent high risk ____1   pregnancies, according to a report publishing recently by the Johns Hopking University. ____2   The report indicates that 5.6 million infant deaths and 2,000,000 maternal Deaths could be prevented this year if women chose to have theirs children ____3    within the safest years with adequate intervals among births and limited their ____4   families to moderate size.   This amounts to about half of the 9.8 million infant and 370.000 maternal deaths in developing countries, excluded China, estimated for this year by ____5    the United Nation’s Children’s Fund and the US Centers for Disease Control respectably. China was excluded because very few births occur in the high risk categories. ____6   The report says that evidences from around the world shows the risk of ____7   maternal or infant ill and death is the highest in four specific types of ____8   pregnancy; pregnancies before the mother is 18 year old; those after the ____9   mother is 35 years old; pregnancies after four births; and those lesser than two years apart.____10   答案详解:   1. 将 had used 改为 used。   因为此句是虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反,故条件从句中应使用一般过去时。例如:   Many would be wise if they did not think themselves wise. 许多人原本会成为聪明人-如果他们不自以为聪明的话。   2. 将 publishing 改为 published   report和publish时逻辑动宾关系,故应使用publish的过去分词短语来修饰report。例如:   Any discovery that we may make, however small, will remain acquired knowledge. 任何可能的发现,不管多么微不足道,都将成为知识宝库中的一部分。   3. 将 theirs 改为 their    4. 将 among 改为 between   在两次怀孕期间留出足够的间隔时间,故用between。   5. 将过去分词 excluded 改为介词 excluding   excluding意为“不包括……”   6. 将 respectably 改为 respectively   respectively 意为 “分别地 ”,符合句子的意思。而respectably意为“可敬的,值得尊敬地 ”。   7. 将 evidences 改为 evidence   evidence是不可数名词。   8. 将ill改为illness   9. 将 year 改为 years   10. 将 lesser 改为 less 专八模拟试题(改错篇4) "Home, sweet home" is a phrase that express an essential attitude in the United States. Whether the reality of life in the family house is sweet or no sweet, the cherished ideal of home _____1   has great importance for many people.   This ideal is a vital part of the American dream. This dream, dramatized in the history of nineteenth century European settlers of American West, was to find a piece of place, build a house _____2   for one’s family, and started a farm. These small households were _____3   portraits of independence: the entire family- mother, father, children,even grandparents-live in a small house and working together to ___4   support each other. Anyone understood the life-and-death importance _____5   of family cooperation and hard work. Although most people in the United States no longer live on farms, but the ideal of home ownership _____6   is just as strong in the twentieth century as it was in the nineteenth.   When U.S soldiers came home before World WarⅡ, for example, _____7   they dreamed of buying houses and starting families. But there was _____8   a tremendous boom in home building. The new houses, typically in the suburbs, were often small and more or less identical, but it satisfied _____9   a deep need. Many regarded the single-family house the basis of their way of life._____10   1. 将 no 改为 not    2. 将 place 改为 land    place是可数名词,作“地方”讲,而land意为“土地,田地”是不可数名词。例如:   Solitude is a good place to visit but a poor place to stay.   当你偶尔光顾时,独处是一个美妙的境地,但是如果久留,它却是一个糟糕的地方。   There is a vacant piece of land near the house; we can build there.   3. 将 started 改为 start   start应使用不定式,以和前面的find, build一致。   4. 将 working 改为 work   work应该用第三人称复数,和live一致。另外,family在这里作“家人”讲,是复数。   5 将 anyone 改为 everyone   这里是要用everyone 指每个人,而不是要用anyone泛指。   6. 将 but 删除    7. 将 before 改为 after   根据上下文判断,这里要表达的是二战之后。   8. 将 But 改为 And   根据语意,这里要表达的是递进关系,而不是转折关系。例如:   When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. And that’s my religion.   当我行善事,我感到坦然;当我行恶时,我感到内疚。这就是我的人生之道。   9 将 it 改为 they   10 在house the中间加入介词 as   regard...as 作“把……当作……”讲。 专八模拟试题(改错篇5)  We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about science, but I would say _____1   that there are not 5 percent of the people who are equipped with school, including college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are more ignorant of science as people _____2   with comparable education in Western Europe.There are a lot of kids who know everything about computers—how to build   them, how to take them apart, and how to write programs for games. So if you ask _____3   them to explain about the rinciples of physics that have gone into creating the _____4   computer, you don’t have faintest idea. _____5   The failure to understand science leads to such things like the neglect of human _____6   creative power. It also takes rise to blurring of the distinction between science and _____7   technology. Lots of people don’t differ between the two. Science is the production of _____8   new knowledge that can be applied or not, and technology is the application of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or the like. The two are really different, and people who have the faculty for one very seldom have a faculty for the others. _____9   Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as soon as it can provide technology,it’s not necessarily harmful. No society has yet earned to forecast the consequences of new technology, which can be enormous._____10   1. 在 which 前加 in,或将 which 改为 where   在这里which引导限制性从句,修饰先行词the society。in which 在从句中作状语,当然也可以用关系副词where引导定语从句,并在从句中作状语,例如:Money is a bottomless sea, in which honor, conscience, and truth may be drowned.   2. 将 as 改为than    3. 将 So 改为 But 或者 However 或者 Nevertheless   因为这里上下文是转折关系。   4. 将 about 去掉   因为explain是及物动词。   5. 将 you 改为 they   6. 将 like 改为 as   因为such as 是固定搭配。   7. 将 takes 改为 gives   give rise to表示“引起,导致”之意。   8. 将 differ 改为 distinguish    牵着表示“有区别”。后者表示“区分,找出……的差别”。   9. 将 others 改为 other   这样the other就和上文的one构成固定搭配,表示在两个中“一个……;另外一个……”   10. 将 harmful 改为 harmless,只有这样才可以表达上下文的对比关系。 专业八级人文知识英美文学及作品WORD下载 [下载]英国文学史笔记(上外) 英语专业八级人文知识汇总 英语专业八级人文知识精讲(精美PDF版) 英语国家概况笔记趣味记忆 专八人文知识 英美文学及作品 英国文学史刘炳善版[下载]人文知识必读:《欧洲文化学习指南》全 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf PDF四百页 美国文学简史 专业八级必看内容之美国文学 专业八级必看内容之英国文学 英美文学老师PPT课件下载 改错 专八改错练习及答案解析百篇下载 大学专业八级改错练习及答案解析54篇电子书下载 专八改错练习及答案解析35篇电子书下载 专八改错练习汇总(更新中) 词汇与语法   专八语音词汇MP3及文字下载   《新编英语语法教程》(章振邦版)答案(共145页WORD) 800个有趣句子帮你记忆7000个单词 专业英语八级词汇背诵卡片[下载]专八词汇记忆经典:《8000英语难词近义分类速记》近500页 [下载]八级英语基础同义词近义词、短语辨析(实用性极强) [下载][八级词汇背诵]2008新东方英语词根词缀记忆大全(整理打印版) [下载]牛津实用英语语法.电子书完全版 闭着眼睛背1000单词共50篇下载 英语语法共128篇下载 英语成语及解析共30篇电子书下载 英语词汇搭配及解析共33篇电子书下载 英语词汇趣谈共16篇电子书下载
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