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罗宾斯《管理学》第九版题库_14Toward Explaining and Predicting Behavior Chapter 14 – Foundations of Behavior True/False Questions ATTTITUDES 3. Attitudes are evaluative statement concerning objects, people, or events. True (moderate) 4. When an employee says, "I make less money at this com...

Toward Explaining and Predicting Behavior Chapter 14 – Foundations of Behavior True/False Questions ATTTITUDES 3. Attitudes are evaluative statement concerning objects, people, or events. True (moderate) 4. When an employee says, "I make less money at this company than I could earn at another company," he/she is reflecting the cognitive component of an attitude. True (difficult) 5. The behavioral component of an attitude is made up of the beliefs, opinions, knowledge, or information held by a person. False (moderate) 6. The term "attitude" usually refers to the affective component. True (moderate) 7. 8Job involvement is the degree to which an employee identifies with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her job performance to be important to his or her self-worth. True (moderate) 89. Cognitive dissonance theory seeks to explain the correlated relationship between the affective, cognitive, and behavioral components of attitudes. False (moderate) 9. The satisfaction-performance correlations are strongest for higher-level employees. True (moderate) 10. Being happy at work results in employees being productive workers. False (moderate) PERSONALITY 11. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a person who rates strongly as a "perceptive" would likely be spontaneous. True (moderate) 12. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator lacks evidence to support its validity. True (moderate) 13. In the Big Five Model, emotional security was positively related to job performance. False (difficult) 14. The Big Five Model found that calm and secure workers performed better than nervous ones. False (difficult) 15. Employees with high self-esteem tend to be more satisfied with their jobs than low SEs. True (moderate) 16. A person who believes that if he works hard, he will be successful, would be described as having an internal locus of control. True (easy) 17. A person who rates as being high in Machiavellianism would accomplish her task regardless of what it takes. True (moderate) 18. A low self-monitoring employee would not adjust well to self-sent signals, but responds well to signals in his/her external environment. False (difficult) 19. According to Holland's Typology, enterprising types tend to be self-confident, ambitious, energetic and domineering. True (moderate) 20. According to Holland's Typology, a realistic personality type might be well suited to be an economist. False (moderate) 21. People from Middle Eastern countries believe they can dominate their environment. False (difficult) 22. U.S. workers, more than Iranian workers, would likely have an external locus of control. False (moderate) 23. According to Holland's Vocational Preference Inventory, farming is considered a conventional job type. False (moderate) PERCEPTION 24. Perception is a process by which individuals give meaning to their environment by organizing and interpreting their sensory impressions. True (moderate) 25. Attribution is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. False (easy) 26. Distinctiveness refers to whether an individual displays a behavior in many situations or whether it's particular to one situation. True (moderate) 27. In stereotyping, the observer’s perception of others is influenced by the observer’s own characteristics than by those of the person observed. False (moderate) 28. Your human resource director believes that married employees are more stable than single persons are. This is an example of the halo assumed similarity. False (moderate) 29. If a manager thinks that all attractive employees are also productive employees, the manager is committing an error based on a halo effect. True (moderate) 30. Operant conditioning argues that behavior is a function of its consequences. True (easy) Multiple Choice A MANAGER’S DILEMMA 31. According to the boxed feature, “A Manager’s Dilemma,” what is the dilemma facing Kelman at Plumtree? a.​ determining how to expand the business. b.​ determining how to properly implement the strategic plan. c.​ determining how to balance personal and business issues with his roommates. (moderate) d.​ determining how to source additional capital. WHY LOOK AT INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR? 32. Which of the following are the two major areas on which organizational behavior focuses? a. individual behavior, group behavior (moderate) b. managerial behavior, employee behavior c. traits, environments d. macro personality traits, micro personality traits e. cognitive, behavioral outcomes 33. Which of the following is not associated with the study of individuals? a. attitudes b. motivation c. roles (difficult) d. perception e. learning 34. Which of the following is associated with the study of individuals? a. norms b. roles c. team building d. perception (moderate) e. conflict 35. The goals of organizational behavior are to ______________ and ______________ behavior. a. understand; control b. impact; change c. explain; predict (moderate) d. categorize; simplify e. understand; counsel 36. The four common behaviors typically studied in organizational behavior are employee productivity, absenteeism, turnover, and the attitude of ______________. a. job satisfaction. (moderate) b. pay satisfaction. c. individualism. d. risk taking. e. creativity. ATTITUDE 37. Which of the following reflects an attitude? a. The building is tall. b. The movie was fun. (difficult) c. I get paid more than my spouse. d. Ice cream is cold. e. I work from 8 to 5. 38. The three components that make up an attitude are ______________. a. cognitive, affective, behavioral. (easy) b. traits, behavioral, emotional. c. knowledge, opinion, individual history. d. intention, opinion, environment. e. pre-opinion, experience, evaluation. 39. In the statement, "The highway is very busy at 5 p.m. and is scary to drive on, so I'll wait until 7 p.m. to go home," the phrase, "The highway is very busy," represents which component of an attitude? a. cognitive (difficult) b. behavioral c. emotive d. affective e. judgmental 40. In the statement, "The highway is very busy at 5 p.m. and is scary to drive on, so I'll wait until 7 p.m. to go home," the word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 "scary" represents which component of an attitude? a. cognitive b. behavioral c. emotive d. affective (difficult) e. judgmental 41. In the statement, "The highway is very busy at 5 p.m. and is scary to drive, so I'll wait until 7 p.m. to go home," the phrase, "so I'll wait until 7 p.m. to go home," represents which component of an attitude? a. cognitive b. behavioral (difficult) c. emotive d. affective e. judgmental 42. Usually, the term attitude refers only to the ______________ component. a. cognitive b. emotive c. judgmental d. behavioral e. affective (easy) 43. A management trainee working for a bank who says, "Working in this industry is just not who I am as a person," probably lacks ______________. a. job satisfaction. b. self perceptions. c. organizational commitment. d. job involvement. (difficult) e. pay satisfaction. 44. Which of the following terms is defined as "an employee's orientation toward the organization in terms of his/her loyalty, identification, and involvement"? a. job satisfaction b. self perception c. organizational commitment (easy) d. job involvement e. pay satisfaction 45. ______________ refers to any inconsistency that an individual might perceive between two or more of his/her attitudes or between his/her behavior and attitudes. a. Behavioral inconsistency b. Affective dissonance c. Cognitive dissonance (moderate) d. Attitude adjustment e. Emotive disfunctioning 46. The cognitive dissonance theory proposed that the desire to reduce dissonance is determined by ______________. a. importance, influence, and rewards. (difficult) b. economics, politics, and organizational structure. c. stability, position, and power. d. awareness, status, and punishments. e. authority, responsibility, and relevance. 47. Which of the following cases contains an element that may lead a politician to correct cognitive dissonance? a.​ A politician does not really care if the spotted owl lives or becomes extinct. b.​ The politician has the power to pass legislation to keep the spotted owl from extinction. (difficult) c.​ The politician will get re-elected for ignoring the needs of the spotted owl. d.​ The politician grew up in the city. e.​ The politician is a male. 48. What does the research evidence suggest about the statement, "Happy workers are productive workers"? a. It's false; instead, productive workers are least happy. b. There is strong supportive evidence since the Hawthorne studies. c. There is a small positive relationship between the two variables. (moderate) d. Actually, there is no relationship between the two variables. e. It is true for the manufacturing sector but not the service sector. 49. Where does the "happy worker/productive worker" relationship seem to be most strong? a. higher-level employees (moderate) b. lower-level employees c. service industry employees d. manufacturing sector employees e. entry-level employees 50. Which of the following is true about organizationally committed and satisfied employees? a. lower rates of turnover and absenteeism (easy) b. higher rates of voluntary turnover c. higher rates of cognitive dissonance d. much higher pay levels e. less risk taking PERS0NALITY 51. When we describe someone as "shy," "aggressive," "extroverted," or "loyal," we are talking about his or her ______________. a. attitude. b. behavior. c. personality. (easy) d. emotion. e. ability. 52. According to the text, an individual’s ______________ is the unique combination of the psychological traits used to describe that person. a.​ moral b.​ attitude c.​ behavior d.​ personality (moderate) e.​ perception 53. Which of the following is not one of the four dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator? a. extrovert or introvert b. sensing or intuitive c. agreeableness or disagreeableness (moderate) d. feeling or thinking e. perceptive or judgmental 54. The first dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator concerns your level of ______________. a. preference for gathering data. b. preference for decision making. c. social interaction. (difficult) d. style of decision making. e. internal or external orientation. 55 The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator categorizes preference for gathering data as ______________. a. extrovert or introvert. b. sensing or intuitive. (moderate) c. feeling or thinking. d. agreeable or disagreeable. e. perceptive or judgmental. 56. If you are a person who dislikes taking time for precision work, such as completing tax returns, you would probably score high on what aspect of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator? a. extrovert b. feeling c. intuitive (difficult) d. judgmental e. sensing 57. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assesses preferences for decision making as ______________. a. extrovert or introvert. b. sensing or intuitive. c. feeling or thinking. (moderate) d. agreeable or disagreeable. e. perceptive or judgmental. 58. As a manager, if you prefer to have a harmonious work environment, and dislike reprimanding your subordinates, you would probably score high on which of Myers-Briggs indicators? a. introvert b. sensing c. intuitive d. feeling (moderate) e. perceptive 59. The MBTI assesses style of making decisions as ______________. a. extrovert or introvert. b. sensing or intuitive. c. feeling or thinking. d. agreeable or disagreeable. e. perceptive or judgmental. (moderate) 60. If your boss could be described as flexible, adaptable, and tolerant, he/she would probably score high on which Myers-Briggs indicator? a. extrovert b. sensing c. feeling d. perceptive (moderate) e. intuitive 61. In the Myers-Briggs assessment, if you are a good planner, you would probably score high on which scale? a. extrovert b. intuitive c. thinking d. perceptive e. judgmental (difficult) 62. The Big-Five Model of personality includes all of the following EXCEPT a. extroversion. b. agreeableness. c. conscientiousness. d. emotional stability. e. social interaction. (difficult) 63. The degree to which someone is responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement oriented is described as which of the following big five personality traits? a.​ extraversion b.​ agreeableness c.​ conscientiousness (moderate) d.​ emotional stability e.​ openness to experience 64. Results of a study of the Big-Five Model include ______________. a. emotional security was positively related to job performance. b. calm workers perform better than nervous ones. c. conscientiousness predicted job performance. (difficult) d. introversion predicted performance in managerial positions. e. openness to experience was unimportant in predicting training competency. 65. ______________ is the degree to which people believe they are masters of their own fate. a. Machiavellianism b. Self-esteem c. Self-monitoring d. Locus of control (easy) e. Risk taking 66. According to the text, an ______________ locus of control is one in which people believe that they control their own destiny. a.​ external b.​ internal (moderate) c.​ superficial d.​ imaginary e.​ diagonal 67. Employees who have a high internal locus of control exhibit all but which of the following? a. more satisfaction with their jobs (moderate) b. more alienated from their work setting c. less involved in their jobs d. blame their bosses for poor performance e. blame co-workers for their poor performance 68. ______________ is a measure of the degree to which people are pragmatic, maintain emotional distance, and believe that ends can justify means. a. Machiavellianism (easy) b. Self-esteem c. Self-monitoring d. Locus of control e. Risk taking 69. A person who believes that "the ends justify the means" would describe a person who has a high level of what personality trait? a. Self-confidence b. Machiavellianism (moderate) c. Locus of control d. Self-monitoring e. Self-perception 70. Which of the following is true about people with high self- esteem? a. They have low expectations for success but are happy with themselves. b. They take fewer risks than others. c. They choose more unconventional jobs. (moderate) d. They are susceptible to external influence. e. They change jobs more often. 71. ______________ is a personality trait that measures an individual's ability to adjust his or her behavior to external situational factors. a. Machiavellianism b. Self-esteem c. Self-monitoring d. Locus of control (easy) e. Risk taking 72. A person who can adapt and adjust her behavior to external factors would describe which of the following personality traits? a. low self-esteem b. internal locus of control c. high self-monitoring (moderate) d. high risk-taking e. low authoritarianism 73. A manager who takes very little time to make a decision probably could be described by what personality trait? a. high self-esteem b. external locus of control c. low self-monitoring d. high risk taking (moderate) e. high authoritarianism 74. Which of the following is true about high risk takers? a.​ They make slower decisions than low risk takers and have a higher level of accuracy. b.​ They make quicker decisions than low risk takers but have about the same level of accuracy. (difficult) c.​ They make slower decisions than low risk takers but have a lower level of accuracy. d.​ They make quicker decisions than low risk takers but have a lower level of accuracy. e.​ There is a different relationship between risk taking and accuracy for men and women. 75. Which of the following is true concerning personality types and national cultures? a.​ There is no relationship between nationality type and cultures. b.​ Middle Eastern countries believe they can dominate their environment. c.​ You would find many people with an internal locus of control in the U.S. and Canada. (difficult) d.​ North Americans believe life is essentially predetermined. e.​ The U.S. rates high in power distance. 76. Which psychologist is associated with a well-documented personality-job fit theory? a. Bandura b. Adams c. Holland (moderate) d. Skinner e. Volker 77. Which of the following is not one of Holland's personality types? a. realistic b. investigative c. artistic d. extroverted (moderate) e. social 78. A biologist would be a good occupational match for what personality type? a. realistic b. investigative (moderate) c. social d. enterprising e. artistic 79. A person who rates high on Holland's social scale would probably find a good match with which of the following jobs? a. farmer b. painter c. teacher (difficult) d. economist e. bank teller 80. A person rating high on the conventional personality type would have a good job match for all but which of the following jobs? a. accountant b. corporate manager c. mathematician (difficult) d. bank teller e. file clerk 81. According to Holland, becoming a lawyer would be a good job match for someone with what type of personality type? a. realistic b. investigative c. conventional d. enterprising (moderate) e. social 82. Writing would be a good job match for a(n) ______________ personality type, according to Holland. a. realistic b. investigative c. social d. enterprising e. artistic (moderate) PERCEPTION 83. ______________ is the process of organizing and interpreting sensory impressions to give meaning to the environment. a. Attribution b. Selection c. Learning d. Conditioning e. Perception (easy) 84. ______________ theory explains how we judge people differently depending on what meaning we attribute to a given behavior. a. Perception b. Behavior c. Attribution (moderate) d. Social contrast e. Intuitive meaning 85. If only 6 out of 20 managers completed their subordinate performance appraisals on time, we would probably attribute manager non-completion to which of the following? a. other managers b. an external source (difficult) c. one manager d. an internal source e. a personality flaw 86. ______________ refers to whether an individual displays a behavior in many situations or whether it's particular to one situation. a. Consistency b. Distinctiveness (easy) c. Attribution d. Selection e. Perception 87. If we are attempting to decide whether a particular behavior of an individual is unusual or not, we are making judgment on what factor of attribution theory? a. consensus b. distinctiveness (difficult) c. repetitiveness d. consistency e. control 88. If a person who is always late for work is late once again and blames it on a train, co-workers would probably attribute that person's lateness to ______________. a. the train. b. an external source. c. the individual. (easy) d. the car. e. bad luck. 89. ______________ refers to whether a person responds the same way over time. a. Consistency (easy) b. Distinctiveness c. Attribution d. Selection e. Perception 90. The fact that individuals, when observing others, tend to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors is called ______________. a. blame theory. b. self-serving bias. c. external consistency bias. d. internal favoritism. e. fundamental attribution error. (moderate) 91. We tend to attribute our own successes to ______________., while putting the blame for our failures on ______________. a. luck; the environment b. ability; luck (moderate) c. power; other people d. our parents; ourselves e. our bosses; co-workers 92. "Speed reading" others is related to what kind of perception shortcut? a. assumed similarity b. selective perception (moderate) c. stereotyping d. halo effect e. contrast effect 93. In ______________, the observer’s perception of others is influenced more by the observer’s own characteristics than by those of the person observed. a.​ stereotyping b.​ self-serving bias c.​ assumed similarity (moderate) d.​ halo effect e.​ selectivity 94. When people judge someone on the basis of the perception of a group they are a part of, they are using the shortcut called ____________
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