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流萤集(中英文)泰戈尔 《流萤集》 My fancies are fireflies, — Specks of living light winkling in the dark. 我的梦幻恰是一团萤火——在幽暗中闪烁着灵动的流光。 The voice of wayside pansies, that do not attract the careless glance, murmurs in these desultory lines. 幽径边,紫罗兰的情愫难以招徕那无心的一瞥,只得吟诵着零乱的诗句喃喃责怨。 In the dr...

泰戈尔 《流萤集》 My fancies are fireflies, — Specks of living light winkling in the dark. 我的梦幻恰是一团萤火——在幽暗中闪烁着灵动的流光。 The voice of wayside pansies, that do not attract the careless glance, murmurs in these desultory lines. 幽径边,紫罗兰的情愫难以招徕那无心的一瞥,只得吟诵着零乱的诗句喃喃责怨。 In the drowsy dark caves of the mind dreams build their nest with fragments dropped from day’s caravan. 在静寂阴暗的心之幽穴,梦想以昼之旅队遗失于大漠的断章来营筑栖巢。 Spring scatters the petals of flowers that are not for the fruits of the future, but for the moment’s whim. 春天抛撒着花瓣,不是为来日的累累硕果,而是因瞬间的妙想遐思。 Joy freed from the bond of earth’s slumber rushes into numberless leaves, and dances in the air for a day. 欢乐自酣寐之尘世释逸而出,流涌入芳菲叶海,日日在风中摇曳漫舞。 My words that are slight may lightly dance upon time’s waves, when my works heavy with import have gone down. 我的语言无足轻重,然而,当我的作品因蕴意深刻而沉淀时,它们却能够踏着岁月的浮波翩跹舞蹈。 Mind’s underground moths grow filmy wings and take a farewell flight in the sunset sky. 生着轻薄纱翼的心之蛾,在落日洒金的碧落中漫舞着离愁。 The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough. 蝴蝶细数的并非月份,而是瞬间,她的时光因之而富足。 My thoughts, like sparks, ride on winged surprises, carrying a single laughter. The tree gazes in love at its own beautiful shadow which yet it never can grasp. 我的思想宛如焰火,纯朴地微笑着,骑跨于惊羡之羽翼。 树木脉脉情深地凝注着它美丽的倩影,却永远无法将它捉住。 Let my love, like sunlight, surround you and yet give you illumined freedom. 让我的爱如阳光般将你拥抱,并赠你璀璨的自由。 Days are coloured bubbles that float upon the surface of fathomless night. 白昼是色彩缤纷的浮沫,于深邃的夜色中浮荡。 My offerings are too timid to claim your remembrance, and therefore you may remember them. 我的祭奉因你的铭记而羞惭,而你却因此将其铭记。 Leave out my name from the gift if it be a burden, but keep my song. 假如我的名字成了负累,就将它从这礼物上拭去吧,但请保留我的诗歌。 April, like a child, writes hieroglyphs on dust with flowers, wipes them away and forgets. 四月,像个顽皮的孩子,用鲜花把难懂的字句写在泥土上又抹去,随即忘于脑后。 Memory, the priestess, kill the present and offers it heart to the shrine of the dead past. From the solemn gloom of the temple children run out to sit in the dust, God watchs them play and forget the priest. “记忆”这个女祭司,她损毁了“现在”,用它的心祭奠那已消逝的旧日祭坛。 孩子们从那庄严肃穆的庙宇中雀跃而出,坐在尘埃中,上帝看着他们嬉戏,忘记了那位祭司。 My mind starts up at some flash on the flow of its thoughts, like a brook at a sudden liquid note of its own that is never repeated. 我的心在思想之潮中因刹那之光辉而蓦然灵动,正如涓涓清溪因其自身突然迸发的永不重复的音韵而流转。 In the mountain, stillness surges up to explore its own height; in the lake, movement stands still to contemplate its own depth. 在山之巅,“静止”奔涌而出,探索自己的高峰;在湖中,“运动”安然凝立,思索自己的深邃。 The departing night’s one kiss on the closed eyes of morning glows in the star of down. 渐渐消隐的长夜亲吻着清晨微闭的双眸,这吻化做星辰的耀光。 Maiden, thy beauty is like a fruit which is yet to mature, tense with an unyielding secret. 少女啊,你的美丽宛如渐趋成熟的果实,紧张地隐藏着倔强的秘密。 Sorrow that has lost its memory is like the dumb dark hours that have no bird song, but only the cricket’s chirp. 失忆的哀伤犹如喑哑晦涩的时光,没有鸟儿的悦鸣,只有蟋蟀唧唧歌唱。 Bigotry tries to keep truth safe in its hand with a grip that kill it. Wishing to hearten a timid lamp great night lights all her stars. “偏见”竭力想把真理牢握在手心,谁想竟将它捏死了。 “愿望”想燃起一盏害羞的灯火,广袤的夜空就亮起了璀璨繁星。 Though he holds in his arms the earthbride, the sky is ever immensely away. 虽然天空想把大地新妇拥进臂弯,但它依然无限遥远。 God seeks comrades and claims love, the devil seeks slaves and claims obedience. 上帝寻觅同伴并主张爱,魔鬼寻找奴仆并 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 臣服。 The soil in return for her service keeps the tree tied to her, the sky asks nothing and leaves it free. 泥土把树木绑缚在身上作为服侍她的回报,天空却毫无所求,任它自由生长。 Jewel like the immortal does not boast of its length of years but of the scintillating point of its moment. 宛若宝石般永恒者,炫耀的并非它悠久的历史,而是耀亮于瞬间的光芒。 The child ever dwells in the mystery of ageless time, unobscured by the dust of history. 稚童们永居于不朽岁月的玄妙中,不因历史之微尘而晦黯失色。 A light laughter in the steps of creation carries it swiftly across time. 造物主步履中的微笑,使它瞬间跨越时空。 One who was distant came near to me in the morning, and still nearer when taken away by night. 清晨,那个冷漠的人向我走近,当他被黑夜挟掠而去时,依然向我走近。 White and pink oleanders meet and make merry in different dialects. 白夹竹桃与粉夹竹桃不期而遇,虽然方言不同,但欢笑洋溢。 When peace is active sweeping its dirt, it is storm. 当和风兴奋地涤荡污垢时,它就是风暴。 The lake lies low by the hill, a tearful entreaty of love at the foot of the inflexible. 湖泊俯卧于山麓,泪水涟涟地向坚拒者示爱。 There smiles the Divine Child among his playthings of unmeaning clouds and ephemeral lights and shadows. 那圣洁的孩子在乏味的云层和倏忽变幻的浮光掠影中嬉戏微笑。 The breeze whispers to the lotus, “What is thy secret?” “It is myself,”says the lotus, “steal it and I disapper!” 微风向睡莲窃窃私语: “你的秘密是什么?” 睡莲回答说:“是我自己,你窃去了它,我即消失!” The freedom of the storm and the bondage of the stem join hands in the dance of swaying branches. 暴风雨的自由和树干的束缚携手舞蹈于飘摇的枝条中。 The jasmine’s lisping of love to the sun is her flowers. 茉莉呢喃着用花朵来 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达对太阳的爱恋。 The tyrant claims freedom to kill freedom and yet to keep it for himself. 暴君宣扬自由是为了戕害自由,但他自己却占有自由。 Gods, tired of their paradise, envy man. 诸神厌倦了他们的天国,对凡人心生艳羡。 Clouds are hills in vapour, hills are clouds in stone — a phantasy in time’s dream. 烟霞之山汇而为云,乱石之云凝而为山,此即时光之梦的幻想。 While God waits for His temple to be built of love, men bring stones. 上帝期待着以爱构筑他的神宇,人们却带着石头赶来。 I touch God in my song as the hill touches the far away sea with its waterfall. 我藉由我的歌声触摸上帝,正如高山藉由瀑布触摸远海。 Light finds her treasure of colours through the antagonism of clouds. 光线在与云霓的抗衡中觅到了她五光十色的珍宝。 My heart today smiles at its past night of tears like a wet tree glistening in the sun after the rain is over. 我那今日之心含笑面对它滴泪的昨夜,宛如雨后初霁,一棵潮湿的树在阳光下辉光闪耀。 I have thanked the trees that have made my life fruitful, but have failed to remember the grass that has ever kept it green. 我感谢那让我的生命硕果累累的树木,但忘却了使我生命常青的小草。 The one without second is emptiness, the other one makes it true. 举世无双只是虚无,并蒂齐放才让它真实。 Life’s errors cry for the merciful beauty that can modulate their isolation into a harmony with the whole. 诸多生命之错泣求着慈悲之美调和它的孤寂,以实现与整体和谐统一。 They expect thanks for the banished nest because their cage is shapely and secure. 他们庆幸旧居已荒废,因为笼子坚固且美观。 In love I pay my endless debt to thee for what thou art. 不论你是什么,我那无穷的债务都会在爱中偿还。 The pond sends up its lyrics from its dark in lilies, and the sun says, they are good. 小池在百合花丛倩影中献上它的抒情诗,太阳对其赞不绝口。 Your calumny against the great is impious, it hurts yourself; against the small it is mean, for it hurts the victim. 你对伟人的中伤有失虔敬, 它只能毁损你自己; 你对小人物的中伤是如此可鄙, 因为它让受难者蒙受伤害。 The first flower that blossomed on this earth was an invitation to the unborn song. 大地初绽的芳花是送给未来之歌的请柬。 Dawn — the many coloured flower — fades, and then simple light fruit, the sun appears. 拂晓——这绚丽多彩的花儿——枯萎了,于是那淳朴的光明之果实——太阳冉冉升起。 The muscle that has a doubt of its wisdom throttles the voice that would cry. 肌肉怀疑智慧扼杀了哭喊之声。 The wind tries to take the flame by storm only to blow it out. 风企图用暴力掠取火焰,却令其熄灭了。 Life’s play is swift.Life’s playthings fall behind one by one and are forgotten. 生命的游戏转瞬即终结,生命的玩具被逐件遗弃并忘却。 My flower, seek not thy paradise in a fool’s buttonhole. 我的芳花啊,不要在愚者的纽扣洞里觅求你的天堂。                                                                       Thou hast risen late, my crescent moon, but my night bird is still awake to greet thee. 我的新月啊,你已姗姗来迟,但我的夜莺仍清醒地问候你。 Darkness is the veiled bride silently waiting for the errant light to return to her bosom. 黑夜是薄纱掩面的新娘,恬静地等待着那流转的光明重回她的怀抱。 Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven. 森林是大地对谛听的天宇无休止的倾诉。 The burden of self is lightened when I laugh at myself. 当我自嘲时,自私的重负由之缓解。 The weak can be terrible because they try furiously to appear strong. 弱小者也会令人畏惧,因为他们迫切希望表现得强悍。 The wind of heaven blows, the anchor desperately clutches the mud, and my boat is beating its breast against the chain. 天堂之风乍起,锚拼为顾一切要抓住泥浆,我的小舟用胸膛紧偎着链锁。 The spirit of death is one, the spirit of life is many. When God is dead religion becomes one. 死亡具有惟一性,而生命却具有多种形式。 当上帝死去,宗教便合而为一。 The blue of the sky longs for the earth’s green, the wind between them sighs, “Alas.” 苍穹的蔚蓝渴盼大地的碧绿,微风在天地间哀叹:“唉!” Day’s pain muffled by its own glare, burns among stars in the night. 昼之痛苦被它自身的炫目之光所遮翳,却在夜的繁星中燃烧。 The stars crowd round the virgin night in silent awe at her loneliness that can never be touched. 聚集于处子之夜的群星,敬畏地凝望着她那永难触及的孤寂。 The cloud gives all its gold to the departing sun and greets the rising moon with only a pale smile. 云霓将全部黄金倾付给西沉的落日,却仅以一抹淡淡的微笑向初升的月亮致意。 He who does good comes to the temple gate, he who loves reaches the shrine. 行善者站在神殿门口,博爱者步入殿堂 Flower, have pity for the worm, it is not a bee, its love is a blunder and burden. 花朵啊,悲悯这小虫吧,它并非蜜蜂,它的爱仅为一种失误和烦扰。 With the ruins of terror’s triumph children build their doll’s house. 孩子们以可怖的胜利之残垣为他们的玩偶建造房屋。 The lamp waits through the long day of neglect for the flame’s kiss in the night. 灯盏度过漫长而冷漠的白昼,静待夜晚光焰的一吻。 Feathers in the dust lying lazily content have forgotten their sky. 羽毛慵懒而惬意地躺卧于尘埃,遗忘了它们的天空。 The flower which is single need not envy the thorns that are numerous. 孤零零的小花不必艳羡丛生的荆棘。 The world suffers most from the disinterested tyranny of its well wisher. 世界在漠然的苛政中为善者承受极大的痛楚。 We gain freedom when we have paid the full price for our right to live. 当我们为生存权付出了全部代价,才赢得了真自由。 Your careless gifts of a moment, like the meteors of an autumn night, catch fire the depth of my being. 须臾,你那随心所欲的赠礼,宛如秋夜的慧星,燃亮我人性本质的火焰。 The faith waiting in the heart of a seed promises a miracle of life which it cannot prove at once. 信仰静待于种子的心中,承诺一切无法立即检验的生命奇迹。 Spring hesitates at winter’s door, but the mango blossom rashly runs out to him before her time and meets her doom. 春天流连于严冬的门前,鲁莽的芒果花向他飞奔,花期未至她就突遭厄运。 The world is the ever changing foam that floats on the surface of a sea of silence. 世界是幻化无休的泡沫,浮荡于静默之海。 The two separated shores mingle their voices in a song of unfathomed tears. 遥相注目的两岸在难以测度的深海泪歌中彼此唱和。 As a river in the sea, work finds its perfection in the depth of leisure. 犹如江河融入沧海,劳动于安逸中求得完美。 I lingered on my way till thy cherry tree lost its blossom, but the azalea brings to me, my love, thy forgiveness. 我在小径上踌躇不前,直到你的樱花落英缤纷,但是,我的爱呀,杜鹃花却为我送来你的宽恕。 Thy shy little pomegranate bud, blushing today behind her veil, will burst into a passionate flower tomorrow when I am away. 今天,你的娇羞的小石榴花蕾,躲在面纱后满脸绯红;明天,当我离去以后,却会绽放热情的花朵。 The clumsiness of power spoils the key, and uses the pickaxe. 权力拙劣地溺爱着钥匙,竟利用了鹤嘴锄。 Birth is from the mystery of night into the greater mystery of day. 新生来自黑夜的神秘,进入更大的白昼的神秘中。 These paper boats of mine are meant to dance on the ripples of hours, and not to reach any destination. 我的小小纸船愿意在光阴的涟漪上凌波而舞,却不想抵达任何港口。 Migratory songs wing from my heart and seek their nests in your voice of love. 飘零的歌曲飞出我的心田,在你爱之呼唤中觅巢。 The sea of danger, doubt and denial around man’s little island of certainty challenges him to dare the unknown. 威胁、疑惧和拒绝的汪洋包围着人类那小而永恒的岛屿,让他向未知挑战。 Love punishes when it forgives, and injured beauty by its awful silence. 爱情赐予宽恕时便是惩罚,并用它骇人的无言伤害了美。 You live alone and unrecompensed because they are afraid of your great worth. 你形只影单地生活,从未有回报,只因他们惧怕你伟大的意义。 The same sun is newly born in new lands in a ring of endless dawns. 无止境的晨曦持续而来,同一轮旭日从新土地上得以重生。 God’s world is ever renewed by death, a Titan’s ever crushed by its own existence. 神界恒久藉由死亡而新生,魔界却永远被其自身的存在而辗碎。 The glow worm while exploring the dust never knows that stars are in the sky. 土萤虫在泥土中摸索着,从不知有满天繁星。 The tree is of today, the flower is old, it brings with is the message of the immemorial seed. 树木在今天茁壮, 花朵却孕于往昔 泰戈尔 《流萤集》 中英文对照(二) In pity for the desolate branch spring leaves to it a kiss that fluttered in a lonely leaf. 春天怜悯枯枝的凄清而留给它一个曾感动孤叶的亲吻。 The sky shadow in the garden loves the sun in silence, Flowers guess the secret, and smile, while the leaves whisper. 花园里的阴影默默地爱着太阳,花儿猜到了这秘密,含情脉脉地微笑,而树叶却窃窃细语。 I leave no trace of wings in the air, but I am glad I have had my flight. 我是如此欣慰啊,天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过。 The fireflies, twinkling among leaves, make the stars wonder. 流萤在树丛中光影烁动,令繁星惊诧不已。 The mountain remains unmoved at its seeming defeat by the mist. 群山表面上被云雾挫败,实际上始终岿然未动。 While the rose said to the sun, “I shall ever remember thee,” her petals fell to the dust. 正当玫瑰对向阳倾诉“我铭记你至永恒”,她的花瓣已飘零于尘埃。 Hills are the earth’s gesture of despair for the unreachable. 高山是大地向那永难企及的天际展示的绝望站姿。 Though the thorn in thy flower pricked me, O Beauty, I am grateful. 虽然花间的棘刺戳痛了我,美啊,我依然感激。 The world knows that the few are more than the many. 世界知道,少数比多数更具力量。 Let not my love be a burden on you, my friend, know that it pays itself. 朋友,勿令我爱成为你的负累,要明白,它认为值得。 Dawn plays her lute before the gate of darkness, and naturally vanish when the sun comes out. 黎明在黑暗之门前弹拨她的琵琶,朝阳升起时她便悄然隐去。 Beauty is truth’s smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror. 美即是真理的微笑,当她在完美的镜子前揽镜自照。 The dew drop knows the sun only within its own tiny orb. 露珠认为太阳仅仅存在于自己圆润而微小的身体里。 Forlorn thoughts from the forsaken hive of all ages, swarming in thd air, hum round my heart and seek my voice. 绝望的思绪,从世代荒弃的蜂巢飞出,漫天而舞,围绕在我心头嘤咛吟唱,觅求我的和声。 The desert is imprisoned the wall of its unbounded barrenness. 沙漠被幽禁于它那无限荒凉的沙墙里。 In the thrill of little leaves I see the air’s invisible dance, and in their glimmering the secret heart beats of the sky. 纤弱叶儿的轻颤令我欣赏到无形的气息之舞, 它们微弱的流光令我窥见了天空秘密的心跳。 You are like a flowering tree, amazed when I praise you for your gifts. 你宛如缀满繁花的绿树,因我对你天赋的赞美而诧异。 The earth’s scarifical fire flames up in her tress, scattering sparks in flowers. 大地的祭火在她的树林里光焰升腾,飞溅的火焰在花丛中四散纷落。 Forests, the clouds of earth, hold their silence up to the sky, and clouds from above come down in resonant showers. 森林,这地之云,将其寂静奉献给苍穹,穹之云以骤雨与其共鸣。 The world speaks to me in pictures, my soul answers in music. 世界以图景和我交流,我的灵魂以音乐作答。 The sky tells its beads all night on the countless stars in memory of the sun. 碧空整夜对它的露珠谈起诸多繁星,以此缅怀太阳。 The darkness of night, like pain, is dumb, the darkness of dawn, like peace, is silent. 夜之黑暗,宛如痛苦般喑哑无声;拂晓的黑暗,宛如和平般缄默不语。 Pride engraves his frowns in stones, love offers her surrender in flowers. 矝傲将不悦镌于顽石,爱情的悦服献自花朵。 The obsequious brush curtails truth in deference to the canvas which is narrow. 阿谀的画笔顺从目光短浅的画布,真理因而被削弱。 The hill in its longing for the far away sky wishes to be like the cloud with its endless urge of seeking. 山丘渴求远天时,情愿如流云般追寻至永恒。 To justify their own spilling of ink they spell the day as night. 为了要 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 泼溅墨水是正确之举,他们把白天写成黑夜。 Profit smiles on goodness when the good is profitable. 当善良有利可图时,利润就对善良绽开笑容。 In its swelling pride the bubble doubts the truth of the sea, and laughs and bursts into emptiness. 泡沫因自负而膨胀,竟质疑大海的真实,在讥笑声中爆裂成虚无。 Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it. 爱情具有无穷的奥秘,因为再无他物可将其诠释。 My clouds, sorrowing in the dark, forget that they themselves have hided the sun. 我的云霭在阴暗中感伤,忘记了是它自己将太阳遮翳。 Man discovers his own wealth when God comes to ask gifts of him. 当神向人类索求赠品,人才发现了自己的富有。 You leave your memory as a flame to my lonely lamp of separation. 你将回忆视为点点星火留在我离别的孤灯中。 I came to offer thee a flower, but thou must have all my garden, it is thine. 我敬献给你一朵鲜花,你却要拥有我整座花园,那就都给你吧。 The picture — a memory of light treasured by the shadow. 绘画——珍存于阴影中的光明记忆。 It is easy to make faces at the sun. He is exposed by his own light in all directions. 对太阳扮鬼脸很容易,从任何角度看,他都暴露在他所拥有的光芒里。 Love remains a secret even when spoken, for only a lover truly knows that he is loved. 爱情即使说出口也仍为秘密,因为只有真爱者才知道自己被爱着。 History slowly smothers its truth, but hastily struggles to revive it in the terrible penance of pain. 历史缓慢地将真理窒息, 但又仓促地在忏悔巨大痛苦中竭力令其复活。 My work is rewarded in daily wages, I wait for my final value in love. 我每天的工作已有薪水作酬金;我却期待着以爱来实现最终价值。 Beauty knows to say, “Enough,” barbarism clamours for still more. “美”懂得说“足够”,“野蛮”却叫嚷着“多多益善”。 God loves to see in me, not his servant, but himself who serves all. 上帝不愿意我做他的侍者,而希望我成为侍奉众生的他自己。 The darkness of night is in harmony with day, the morning of mist is discordant. 夜之幽暗与白昼和谐一致,却与雾锁的清晨格格不入。 In the bounteous time of roses love is wine, — it is food in the famished hour when their petals are shed. 在玫瑰绽放的日子,爱情是醉人的醇酒,——一旦花残红谢,它就成为饥馑中的食物。 An unknown flower in a strange land speaks to the poet, “Are we not of the same soil, my love?” 他乡的一朵无名小花对诗人说:“爱人啊,我们不曾拥有同一方乡土吗?” I am able to love my God, because He gives me freedom to deny Him. 我爱我的上帝,因为他给了我与他辩驳的自由。 My untuned strings beg for music in their anguished cry of shame. 我那失调的琴弦在它们羞惭的痛苦哀鸣中乞求音乐。 The worm thinks it strange and foolish that man does not eat his books. 蠕虫认为人不吃 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 是奇怪且愚蠢之举。 The clouded sky today bears the vision of the shadow of a divine sadness on the forehead of brooding eternity. 今天,阴霾密布的天空将圣洁忧郁的影像佩于沉思那不朽的额际。 The shade of my tree is for passers by, its fruit for the one for whom I wait. 我的树阴献给过客,我的果实则要献给我等候的人。 Flushed with the glow of sunset earth seems like a ripe fruit ready to be harvested by night. 夕阳残照晕染得大地满面绯红,宛如熟透的果实期待着夜晚的采摘。 Light accepts darkness for his spouse for the sake of creation. 光明为了创造而接纳黑暗做伴侣。 The reed waits for his master’s breath, the Master goes seeking for his reed. 芦笛期待着主人的气息,而“主”却孜孜以求着自己的芦笛。 To the blind pen, the hand that writes is unreal, its writing unmeaning. 在盲目的笔看来,写作的手是虚幻的,它的写作毫无意义。 The sea smites his own barren breast because he has no flowers to offer to the moon. 大海因为没有鲜花献给月亮而顿足捶胸。 The greed for fruit misses the flower. 假如贪求果实即会失去花朵。 God in His temple of stars waits for man to bring him his lamp. 上帝在他缀饰着繁星的神殿中静待人们献给他灯盏。 The fire restrained in the tree fashions flowers. Released from bonds, the shameless flame dies in barren ashes. 幽禁于林中的火焰幻化成满树花朵。挣脱束缚后,不知羞的火焰在凄冷的灰烬里死去。 The sky sets no snare to capture the moon, it is her own freedom which binds her. 天空并未张开罗网诱捕月亮,是她拥有的自由将她束缚。 The light that fills the sky seeks its limit in a dew drop on the grass. 弥满天宇的光明,在草尖的露珠上探求极限。 Wealth is the burden of bigness, Welfare the fulness of being. 财产是沉重的负荷,幸福是生命的丰满。 The razor blade is proud of its keenness when is sneers at the sun. 当剃刀刃嘲笑太阳时,它因自己的锋利而妄尊自大。 The butterfly has leisure to love the lotus, not the bee busily toring honey. 蝴蝶有闲暇纠缠睡莲,而采蜜的蜂儿却忙得无暇如此。 Child, thou bring to my heart the babble of the wind and the water, the flowers’s peechess secrets, the clouds’dreams, the mute gazeof wonder of the morning sky. 孩子,你把风儿与流水的窃窃私语、鲜花无声的秘密、云霓的梦想和晨空静默的凝视,都装进我心坎里。 The rainbow among the clouds may be great, but the little butterfly among the bushes is greater. 云中的虹霓固然美丽动人,但乔木丛中的小蝴蝶更曼妙多姿。 The mist weaves her net round the morning, captivates him, and makes him blind. 薄雾编织氤氲的网萦绕着黎明,令他迷惑而盲目。 The Morning Star whispers to Dawn, “Tell me that you are only for me.” “Yes,” she answers, “And also only for that nameless flower.” 晨星对黎明悄悄耳语:“说吧,说你仅是为我而存在。” 她回答道:“是的,我也仅仅是为那无名之花而存在。” The sky remains infinitely vacant for earth there to build its heaven with dreams. 天宇永远藉由空灵的梦想在大地构筑天堂。 Perhaps the crescent moon smiles in doubt at being told that it is a fragment awaiting perfection. 当娥眉新月听说它不过是渐趋完美的碎片时,或许会心存疑虑地抱以浅笑。 Let the evening forgive the mistakes of the day and thus win peace for herself. 让黄昏宽恕白昼的过失吧,并因此为她自己赢得安宁。 Beauty smiles in the confinement of the bud, in the heart of a sweet incompleteness. 在含苞的蓓蕾中,在未成熟的甜蜜蕊心里,蕴着浅笑盈盈的美丽。 Your flitting love lightly brushed with its wings my sun flower and never asked if it was ready to surrender its honey. 你若即若离的爱以翅梢轻拂我的向日葵,从未询问它是否即将奉献它的花蜜。 Leaves are silences around flowers which are their words. 叶子恬静地拥抱着花朵,每朵花都是叶儿的心语。 The tree bears its thousand years as one large majestic moment. 树木承负其千年沧桑,宛如伟大庄严的一瞬。 My offerings are not for the temple at the end of the road, but for the wayside shrines that surprise me at every bend. 我的祭品并非献给路之尽头的庙宇,而是奉与路旁的圣地,每一次峰回路转它都令我惊奇。 Your smile, my love, like the smile of a strange flower, is simple and inexplicable. 我的爱啊,你的微笑宛如一朵奇葩,纯洁得难以述诸语言。 Death laughs when the merit of the dead is exaggerated for it swells his store with more than he can claim. 当死亡的意义被言过其实,死神放声大笑,因为他的仓库难以容纳夸大的功绩。 The sigh of the shore follows in vain the breeze that hastens the ship across the sea. 海岸的叹息枉费心机地追求着微风,而微风催促海船疾疾漂洋过海。 Truth loves its limits, for there it meets the beautiful. 真理热爱它的限度,因为它在那里邂逅美丽。 Between the shores of Me and Thee there is the loud ocean, my own surging self, which I long to cross. 一片喧嚣之海横亘于你我之岸,那是我渴盼渡越的波涛澎湃的自我。 The right to possess boasts foolishly of its right to enjoy. 支配权愚蠢地对它的享乐权自我炫耀。 The rose is a great deal more than a blushing apology for the thorn. 玫瑰羞怯地表示歉意不仅仅是因为自己的刺。 Day offers to the silence of stars his golden lute to be tuned for the endless life. 为了无穷的生命,白昼把他的金琵琶交给繁星的缄默去调弦。 The wise know how to teach, the fool how to smite. 智者知道如何教导,愚者知道怎样破坏。 The
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