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UNSV-MAG-2010-294 Issue 294, Vol. 2010 May 26th, 2010 Executive Editor: CANDY ZHANG http://www.unsv.com U N S V An Elaborate Daily Magazine for English Learners 电子版 TM UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 294, Vol. 2010, May 26th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com A Cott...

Issue 294, Vol. 2010 May 26th, 2010 Executive Editor: CANDY ZHANG http://www.unsv.com U N S V An Elaborate Daily Magazine for English Learners 电子版 TM UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 294, Vol. 2010, May 26th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com A Cotton Plant Kills One Kind of Bug, but Gets Blamed for Another Page 1 第一部分、英语阅读理解 AGRICULTURE REPORT - A Cotton Plant Kills One Kind of Bug, but Gets Blamed for Another 配套MP3声音文件下载链接 http://www.unsv.com/voanews/specialenglish/scripts/2010/05/25/0041/ In two thousand eight, scientists reported on a study of cotton grown in six provinces in northern China. The study involved bollworms, a major threat to cotton farmers. It also involved Bt cotton, a plant genetically engineered to resist that threat. Bt cotton plants naturally kill bollworms. As a result, the study in China found that the cotton plants could also help protect nearby crops against damage by the insects. Now, several researchers involved in that study have published another report in the same journal, Science. They studied the same farmlands again and confirmed the findings about bollworms. But they also found something else. They say another kind of bug is now attacking the cotton and other crops. The study reported on mirid populations between nineteen ninety-seven and two thousand eight. The researchers also documented the use of insecticide chemicals by the Chinese farmers from nineteen ninety-two to two thousand eight. Kongming Wu of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing took part in both studies. He says mirids are destroying crops including cotton, apples, pears, peaches and vegetables. He says this is happening where mirids never before were a problem. 学习建议:请在笔记本里记下阅读过程中遇到的生词,以及无法理解的短语和句子。文 章阅读完后,带着遇到的问题参考后面的词汇句型讲解和英汉翻译对照。之后的几天, 多抽时间复习留在笔记本里的生词和问题,并阅读文章,以最大化巩固学习成果。 UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 294, Vol. 2010, May 26th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com A Cotton Plant Kills One Kind of Bug, but Gets Blamed for Another Page 2 The report says the bugs invaded after farmers decreased their use of insecticides by planting Bt cotton. The scientists say their research shows that the Bt cotton has become a source of mirids. They say the population increases are related to drops in insecticide use on the cotton crop. The genetically engineered cotton is designed to help farmers save money by decreasing the need for poisons. But the scientists say the Chinese farmers have now had to use more insecticides to fight the mirids. Bt is a bacterium that was discovered in the early twentieth century. Farmers started using it as a natural way to kill insects. Then scientists learned how to put a Bt gene into cotton plants. Much of the cotton grown in northern China is a Bt variety made by Monsanto. Different companies produce Bt cotton. Around the world, farmers grow an estimated sixteen million hectares of Bt cotton. UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 294, Vol. 2010, May 26th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com A Cotton Plant Kills One Kind of Bug, but Gets Blamed for Another Page 3 第二部分、英语词汇句型 『符号说明』在以下词汇讲解中 noun 表示名词,verb 表示动词,adj 表示形容词,adv 表示副词,pron表示代词。[C]表示名词是可数的,[U]表示名词是不可数的。Oxford表示 词汇解释引用自《牛津高阶英语词典》。Longman 表示词汇解释引用自引《朗文高阶美语 词典》。e.g.表示例句。 bug【 】– noun. [C] 虫子(文中指害虫) Longman> a small insect e.g.> one kind of bug 一种虫子 【电脑词汇】在计算机术语中,bug 是指软件程序中的漏洞,即有问题的软件程序代码。 黑客经常利用程序中的 bug来攻击电脑,破坏系统或盗取个人资料。 【近义词】insect【 】– noun. [C] 昆虫(文中指害虫) Longman> a small creature such as a fly or ant, that has six legs, and sometimes wings e.g.> an insect bite 昆虫咬伤 She stamped on the insect and killed it. 她踩死了一只虫子。 【相关词汇】bollworm【 】– noun. 棉铃虫 mirid – noun. 盲椿 【电影推荐】A Bug’s Life《虫虫特工队》或《虫虫危机》 该电影灵感取材自伊索寓言《蚂蚁与蚱蜢》的故事,蚂蚁王国 近来不断遭到一群蚱蜢的恐吓和侵扰,在贪德无厌的老大霍普 的带领下,蚱蜢们以收取保护费为由,分享蚂蚁们辛辛苦苦采 摘来的过冬食品。有勇无谋的小蚂蚁弗里克誓死捍卫劳动果实, 他只身赶往他乡寻找救兵,在途中他遇到了一个濒临“下岗” 的昆虫马戏团。于是,弗里克说服这只马戏团,帮助蚂蚁国打 跑蚱蜢兵团。可当他带领这只杂牌军团雄赳赳,气昂昂地回到 蚂蚁国时,却引来了一阵哄堂大笑,原来他带回来的尽是一些 臭虫、跳子、蜘蛛和瓢虫,他们又如何应付的了身强体壮的蚱 蜢军团呢。只要坚信凭毅力、勇气以及团结,理想终究会实现。 【知识百科】Bt(苏云金芽孢杆菌) Wikipedia> Bacillus thuringiensis (or Bt) is a Gram-positive, soil-dwelling bacterium, commonly used as a biological alternative to a pesticide; alternatively, the Cry toxin may be extracted and used as a pesticide. Additionally, B. thuringiensis also occurs naturally in the gut of caterpillars of various types of moths and butterflies, as well as on the dark surface of plants. 学习建议:学习生词词义解释时,不仅要看中文解释,还要尽可能多看英文解释,这将 帮助你更好地理解词汇的真正意境。学习生词例句和句型例句时,最好能模仿着造出跟 学习、工作、生活相关的例句,给自己创造学以致用的机会。 UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 294, Vol. 2010, May 26th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com A Cotton Plant Kills One Kind of Bug, but Gets Blamed for Another Page 4 resist【 】– verb. 抵抗 Longman> to not be changed or harmed by something e.g.> resist an enemy / attack 抵抗敌人/进攻 The virus is able to resist most antibiotics. 这种病毒能抵抗大多数抗生素。 They were powerless to resist. 他们无力反抗。 【词形变化】resistable – adj. 可抵抗的 naturally【 】– adv. 自然地 Longman> used to mean that the fact you are mentioning is exactly what you would have expected e.g.> It is better to sleep naturally than taking medicine. 最好是不服用药物自然入睡。 Naturally, as a beginner I'm not a very good driver yet. 我初学开车,当然开不好了。 【词形变化】natural【 】– adj. 自然的 Longman> normal or usual, and what you would expect in a particular situation or at a particular time e.g.> a natural reaction 自然反应 It is natural that such a hardworking student should pass the exam. 这么用功的学生考试及格是很自然的事。 nearby【 】– adj. 附近的 Longman> not far away e.g.> He usually trades at the nearby supermarket. 他通常在附近的超市购物。 She is staying at a nearby hotel. 她住在附近一家旅馆里。 【词性变化】nearby – adv. 附近地 e.g.> She lives nearby. 她住在附近。 He gave up his seat on the bus to an old woman standing nearby. 他乘公共汽车时把座位让给了站在他身边的老太太。 【知识百科】世界权威学术杂志《Science》 Wikipedia> Science is the academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is considered one of the world's most prestigious scientific journals. The peer-reviewed journal, first published in 1880 is circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is one million people. Science is based in Washington, D.C., US, with a second office in Cambridge, England. 《科学》杂志是 美国科学促进会(AAAS)出版的一份学术杂志。这本杂志主要 刊登最新的科学研究成果。同时,《科学》也刊登关于科学的新 闻、关于科技政策、科学家感兴趣的事务的观点。《科学》刊登各个学科的原创论文。目前, 《科学》是全世界最权威的学术杂志之一,它的主要竞争对手是英国出版的《自然》杂志。 (网站链接:http://www.sciencemag.org/) UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 294, Vol. 2010, May 26th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com A Cotton Plant Kills One Kind of Bug, but Gets Blamed for Another Page 5 confirm【 】– verb. 证实 Longman> to show that sth is definitely true, especially by providing more proof e.g.> The rumors of an attack were later confirmed. 发动攻击的谣传后来得到了证实 The announcement confirmed my suspicions. 这项通告证明了我的猜疑属实 attack【 】– verb. 攻击 Longman> to deliberately use physical violence against someone e.g.> attack a neighbouring country 攻击邻国 The enemy attacked us at night. 敌人在夜里向我们进攻。 It is reported that this disease attacks the central nervous system. 据报道说这种疾病破坏中枢神经系统。 【词性变化】attack – noun. 袭击,攻击 Longman> an act of deliberately using violence against someone e.g.> terrorist attacks 恐怖袭击 The police are launching a major attack on drug dealers. 警方对毒品贩子发动了大规模的攻击。 population【 】– noun. 数量,族群 Longman> a group of animals, plants, or other living things living in a particular area especially when they are of the same species e.g.> the koala population of Australia 澳洲的无尾熊族群 The elephant population in that area is falling. 那个地区的大象总数在下降。 document【 】– verb. 记录 Longman> to write about something, film it, photograph it etc. in order to record information about it e.g.> The journal documents his cross-country trip. 这本杂志记录了他的越野之旅。 The findings were documented in her report. 这项研究结果记录在她的报告里。 【词性变化】document – noun. [C] 文件 Longman> a piece of paper that has official information written on it, or a set of these papers e.g.>legal documents 法律文件 He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。 insecticide【 】– noun. [U] 杀虫剂 Longman> a chemical substance used for killing insects e.g.> insecticide chemicals 化学杀虫剂 【词缀讲解】–cide – suffix 杀 Longman> sb. or sth. that kills a particular person or thing, or the act of killing e.g.> suicide自杀 / patricide弑父 / genocide种族灭绝 UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 294, Vol. 2010, May 26th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com A Cotton Plant Kills One Kind of Bug, but Gets Blamed for Another Page 6 academy【 】– noun. [C] 科学院,学院 Longman> an important official organization consisting of people interested in the development of literature, art, science etc e.g.> Royal Academy of Music 皇家音乐学院 the American Academy of Arts and Letters 美国艺术与文学院 【趣味讲解】奥斯卡奖 Academy Awards 奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Award)就是学院奖,由电影艺术与科学学 院 (Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)颁发。1928年设 立,每年一次在美国的好莱坞举行。半个多世纪来一直享有盛誉。它不 仅反映美国电影艺术的发展进程而且对世界许多国家的电影艺术有着 不可忽视的影响。 Agricultural Science - 农业科学 Wikipedia> Agricultural science is a broad multidisciplinary field that encompasses the parts of exact, natural, economic and social sciences that are used in the practice and understanding of agriculture. 【知识百科】Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 中国农业科学院 中国农业科学院,简称中国农科院,成立于 1957年 3月 1日,隶属国家农业部。中国农业 科学院共有中国科学院院士 3 名,中国 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 院院士 9 名。中国农业科学院共有下属科研机 构 33个,承建国家重点实验室 5个。(网址:http://www.caas.net.cn/) peach【 】– noun. [C] 桃子(复数形式 peaches) Longman> a round juicy fruit with a soft yellow-red skin and a large hard seed in the center, or the tree that it grows on e.g.> tinned peaches 桃罐头/ a peach stone 桃核 A peach skin is covered with fuzz. 桃上有一层细毛。 The beauty of the peach blossom is beyond description. 桃花的美丽难以形容。 invade【 】– verb. 入侵 Longman> to go into a place in large numbers or amounts, when this is not wanted e.g.> Germs may invade the organism. 细菌可能会入侵有机体。 a city invaded by tourists 游客大批涌入的城市 The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body. 癌细胞可能侵袭身体的其他部分。 【句型结构】be related to sth 和⋯⋯有关 Longman> to understand or show two things are connected in some way e.g.> All these questions are related to philosophy. 这些问题都跟哲学有关。 The unemployment figures are not necessarily related to the rise in prices 失业数字不一定与物价上涨有关。 UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 294, Vol. 2010, May 26th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com A Cotton Plant Kills One Kind of Bug, but Gets Blamed for Another Page 7 poison【 】– noun. [C, U] 毒药(文中指农药) Longman> a substance that can kill you or make you very sick if you eat it, breathe it etc. e.g.> rat poison老鼠药 / poison for killing weeds除草剂 Small quantities of poison were detected in the dead man's stomach. 在死者胃中找到了少量的毒药。 bacterium【 】– noun. [C] 细菌(复数形式 bacteria) Longman> a tiny organism with a single cell. Some bacteria cause disease, but others are very important in natural processes such as fermentation e.g.> a bacterial infection 细菌感染 【词形变化】bacterial – adj. variety【 】– noun. [C] 变种(复数形式 varieties) Longman> a type of something, such as a plant or animal, that is different from others in the same group e.g.> several varieties of lettuce / mosquito / deer 莴苣/蚊子/鹿的几个变种 【背景介绍】Monsanto 孟山都公司 Wikipedia> The Monsanto Company is a U.S.-based multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. It is the world's leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed as "Roundup". Monsanto is also the leading producer of genetically engineered (GE) seed; it sells 90% of the US's GE seeds. It is headquartered in Creve Coeur, Missouri. 孟山都公司(Monsanto) 是一家跨国农业生物技术公司。其生产的旗舰产品 Roundup是全球知名的草甘膦除草剂。 该公司目前也是转基因种子的领先生产商,占据了多种农作物种子 70%–100%的市场份额。 (网站链接 http://www.monsanto.com/) hectare【 】– noun. [C] 公顷(=10000平方米) e.g.> A hectare is equal to 15 mu. 一公顷合十五市亩。 UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 294, Vol. 2010, May 26th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com A Cotton Plant Kills One Kind of Bug, but Gets Blamed for Another Page 8 第三部分、英汉翻译对照 AGRICULTURE REPORT - A Cotton Plant Kills One Kind of Bug, but Gets Blamed for Another 农业报道——Bt棉杀死一种害虫,却滋生另一种害虫 In two thousand eight, scientists reported on a study of cotton grown in six provinces in northern China. The study involved bollworms, a major threat to cotton farmers. It also involved Bt cotton, a plant genetically engineered to resist that threat. Bt cotton plants naturally kill bollworms. As a result, the study in China found that the cotton plants could also help protect nearby crops against damage by the insects. Now, several researchers involved in that study have published another report in the same journal, Science. They studied the same farmlands again and confirmed the findings about bollworms. But they also found something else. They say another kind of bug is now attacking the cotton and other crops. The study reported on mirid populations between nineteen ninety-seven and two thousand eight. The researchers also documented the use of insecticide chemicals by the Chinese farmers from nineteen ninety-two to two thousand eight. Kongming Wu of the Chinese Academy of 2008 年,科学家发布了一份关于中国北 方六省棉花生长情况的研究报告。这项研 究涉及到棉铃虫,棉铃虫是对棉农的主要 威胁。研究还涉及 Bt棉(转 Bt基因棉, 或戏称变态棉),这是一种能够抵抗上述 威胁的基因工程植物。 Bt棉会自然杀死棉铃虫。在中国开展的这 项研究发现,Bt棉同时还能帮助保护附近 的农作物,使其免受这类害虫的破坏。 现在,参与过此项研究的研究人员在同一 期刊——《科学》杂志上发表了另一项研 究报告。他们再次研究了同一片农田,证 实了关于棉铃虫的发现。 但他们还有别的发现。他们指出,另一种 虫子现在正在侵害棉花和其它作物。 这项研究发布了 1997-2008 年间的盲椿 数量报告。研究人员还记录下了 1992-2008 年间中国农民使用化学杀虫 剂的情况。 北京中国农业科学院的吴孔明先后参与 学习建议:在看下面的译文之前,建议做英汉翻译练习。你可以试将左侧的英文译为中 文,训练英译汉能力。或者将右侧的中文译为英文,训练汉译英能力。在做翻译练习时, 为避免不小心看到“答案”,建议将左侧英文(或右侧中文)单独拷贝出来,粘贴到一个 新建的Word文档里。做完练习后再参考下面的标准翻译对照,并查找总结问题。 UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 294, Vol. 2010, May 26th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com A Cotton Plant Kills One Kind of Bug, but Gets Blamed for Another Page 9 Agricultural Sciences in Beijing took part in both studies. He says mirids are destroying crops including cotton, apples, pears, peaches and vegetables. He says this is happening where mirids never before were a problem. The report says the bugs invaded after farmers decreased their use of insecticides by planting Bt cotton. The scientists say their research shows that the Bt cotton has become a source of mirids. They say the population increases are related to drops in insecticide use on the cotton crop. The genetically engineered cotton is designed to help farmers save money by decreasing the need for poisons. But the scientists say the Chinese farmers have now had to use more insecticides to fight the mirids. Bt is a bacterium that was discovered in the early twentieth century. Farmers started using it as a natural way to kill insects. Then scientists learned how to put a Bt gene into cotton plants. Much of the cotton grown in northern China is a Bt variety made by Monsanto. Different companies produce Bt cotton. Around the world, farmers grow an estimated sixteen million hectares of Bt cotton. 过这两项研究。他指出,盲椿正在破坏包 括棉花、苹果、梨、桃子和蔬菜在内的各 种作物。现在正在发生的盲椿事件,以前 从不是个问题。 研究报告称,在农民以种植 Bt 棉的方式 减少杀虫剂的使用后,盲椿开始入侵。科 学家们表示,他们的研究表明 Bt 棉是盲 椿产生的原因,盲椿数量的增加与用于棉 花作物杀虫剂减少有关。 开发这种转基因棉花旨在通过减少农药 的需求,帮助农民省钱,但科学家们表示, 中国农民现在必须使用更多的杀虫剂来 对抗盲椿。 Bt是一种细菌,于 20世纪早期被发现。 之后,农民开始将它用作自然杀死害虫的 方法。然后科学家们掌握了如何将 Bt 基 因引入棉花植物。 中国北方种植很多棉花都是孟山都(公 司)培植的 Bt 变种。各个不同公司都在 培育 Bt棉。全世界农民种植的 Bt棉估计 有 1600万公顷。
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