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2-1-routing Internet Routing Instability * Craig Labovitz, G. Robert Malan, and Farnam Jahanian University of Michigan Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1301 Beal Ave. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2122 {labovit, rmalan, farnam~Qeecs.umich.edu...

Internet Routing Instability * Craig Labovitz, G. Robert Malan, and Farnam Jahanian University of Michigan Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1301 Beal Ave. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2122 {labovit, rmalan, farnam~Qeecs.umich.edu Abstract This paper examines the network inter-domain routing in- formation exchanged between backbone service providers at the major U.S. public Internet exchange points. Internet routing instability, or the rapid fluctuation of network reach- ability information, is an important problem currently fac- ing the Internet engineering community. High levels of net- work instability can lead to packet loss, increased network latency and time to convergence. At the extreme, high lev- els of routing instability have lead to the loss of internal connectivity in wide-area, national networks. In this paper, we describe several unexpected trends in routing instability, and examine a number of anomalies and pathologies ob- served in the exchange of inter-domain routing information. The analysis in thii paper is based on data collected from BGP routing messages generated by border routers at five of the Internet core’s public exchange points during a nine month period, We show that the volume of these routing up- dates is several orders of magnitude more than expected and that the majority of this routing information is redundant, or pathological. Furthermore, our analysis reveals several unexpected trends and ill-behaved systematic properties in Internet routing. We finally posit a number of explanations for these anomalies and evaluate their potential impact on the Internet infrastructure. 1 Introduction Since the end of the NSFNet backbone in April of 1995, the Internet has seen explosive growth in both size and topolog- ical complexity. This growth has placed severe strain on the commercial Internet infrastructure. Regular network per- formance degradations stemming from bandwidth shortages and a lack of router switching capacity, have lead the pop- ular press to decry the imminent death of the Internet [13]. Routing instability, informally defined as the rapid change of network reachability and topology information, has a num- ber of origins including router configuration errors, transient *Supported by National Science Foundation Grant NCR9321060 nnd n generous gift from the Intel Corporation. Permiaolon to make digital/hard copy of part or all this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copleo ore not mode or distributed for profit or commercial advan- toge, the copyrlght notice, the title of the publication and its date appear, ond notice is given that copying is by permission of ACM, Ino, To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redlstribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. SIGCOMM ‘97 Cannes, France 0 1997 ACM 0.89791-905.X/97/0009...$3.50 physical and data link problems, and software bugs. Insta- biity, also referred to as “route flaps”, significantly con- tributes to poor end-to-end network performance and de- grades the overall efficiency of the Internet infrastructure. All of these sources of network instability result in a large number of routing updates that are passed to the core Inter- net exchange point routers. Network instability can spread from router to router and propagate throughout the net- work. At the extreme, route flaps have led to the transient loss of connectivity for large portions of the Internet. Over- all, instability has three primary effects: increased packet Ioss, delays in the time for network convergence, and addi- tional resource overheard (memory, CPU, etc.) within the Internet infrastructure. The Internet is comprised of a large number of intercon- nected regional and national backbones. The large public exchange points are often considered the “core” of the In- ternet, where backbone service providers peer, or exchange trafllc and routing information with one another. Backbone service providers participating in the Internet core must maintain a complete map, or default-free routing table, of all globally visible network-layer addresses reachable through- out the Internet. The Internet is divided into a large number of differ- ent regions of administrative control commonly called au- tonomous systems. These autonomous systems (AS) usually have distinct routing policies and connect to one or more remote autonomous systems at private or public ezchange points. Autonomous systems are traditionally composed of network service providers or large organizational units like college campuses and corporate networks. At the boundary of each autonomous system, peer border routers exchange reachability information to destination IP address blocks [2], or prejizes, for both transit networks, and networks ori@ nating in that routing domain. Most autonomous systems exchange routing information through the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) [12]. Unlike interior gateway protocols, such as IGRP and OSPF, that periodically flood an intra-domain network with all known routing table entries, BGP is an incremental pro- tocol that sends update information only upon changes in network topology or routing policy. Moreover, BGP uses TCP as its underlying transport mechanism in contrast to many interior protocols that build their own reliability on top of a datagram service. As a path vector routing pro- tocol, BGP limits the distribution of a router’s reachability information to its peer, or neighbor routers. A path is a se- quence of intermediate autonomous systems between source and destination routers that form a directed route for pack- 115 ets to travel. Router configuration files allow the stipulation of routing policies that may specify the filtering of specific routes, or the modification of path attributes sent to neigh- bor routers. Routers may be configured to make policy deci- sions based on both the announcement of routes from peers and their accompanying attributes. These attributes, such as Multi Exit Descriptor (MED), may serve as hints to help routers chose between alternate paths to a given destination. Backbone border routers at public exchange points com- monly have thirty or more external, or inter-domain, peers, as well as a large number of intra-domain peering sessions with internal backbone routers. After each router makes a new local decision on the best route to a destination, it will send that route, or path information along with accompa- nying distance metrics and path attributes, to each of its peers, As this reachability information travels through the network, each router along the path appends its unique AS number to a list in the BGP message. This list is the route’s ASPATH. An ASPATH in conjunction with a prefix provide a specific handle for a one-way transit route through the network. Routing information shared between peers in BGP has two forms: announcements and withdrawals. A route an- nouncement indicates a router has either learned of a new network attachment or has made a policy decision to prefer another route to a network destination. Route urithdrawols are sent when a router makes a new local decision that a net- work is no longer reachable. We distinguish between ezplicit and implicit withdrawls. Explicit withdrawls are those asso- ciated with a withdraw1 message; whereas an implicit with- drawl occurs when an existing route is replaced by the an- nouncement of a new route to the destination prefix without an intervening withdraw1 message. A BGP updatemay con- tain multiple route announcements and withdrawals. In an optimal, stable wide-area network, routers only should gen- erate routing updates for relatively infrequent policy changes and the addition of new physical networks. In this paper, we measured the BGP updates generated by service provider backbone routers at the major U.S. pub- lic exchange points. Our experimental instrumentation of these exchanges points has provided significant data about the internal routing behavior of the core Internet. This data reflects the stability of inter-domain Internet routing, or changes in topology or policy between autonomous systems. Intra-domain routing instability is not explicitly measured, and is only indirectly observed through BGP information exchanged with a domain’s peer. We distinguish between three types of inter-domain routing updates: forwarding in- stability may reflect legitimate topological changes and af- fects the paths on which data will be forwarded between au- tonomous systems; routingpolicyjluctuationreflects changes in routing policy information that may not affect forwarding paths between autonomous systems; and pathological up- dates are redundant BGP information that reflect neither routing nor forwarding instability. We define instability as an instance of either forwarding instability or policy fluctua- tion, Although some of the preliminary results of our study have been reported at recent NANOG, IETF, and IEPG meetings, this paper is the first detailed written report of our findings. The major results of our work include: l The number of BGP updates exchanged per day in the Internet core is one or more orders of magnitude larger than expected. l Routing information is dominated by pathological, or redundant updates, which may not reflect changes in routing policy or topology. Instability and redundant updates exhibit a specific periodicity of 30 and 60 seconds. Instability and redundant updates shorn a surprising correlation to network usage and exhibit corresponding daily and weekly cyclic trends. Instability is not dominated by a small set of autono- mous systems or routes. Instability and redundant updates exhibit both strong high and low frequency components. Much of the high frequency instability is pathological. Discounting policy fluctuation and pathological behav- ior, there remains a significant level of Internet for- warding instabllty. This work has led to specific architectural and pro- tocol implementation changes in commercial Internet routers through our collaboration with vendors. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sec- tion 2 describes the infrastructure used to collect the rout- ing stability data analyzed in this paper. Section 3 provides further background on Internet routing and related work. Section 4 describes a number of anomalies and pathologies observed in BGP routing information. It defines a taxon- omy for discussing the different categories of BGP update information, and posits a number of plausible explanations for the anomalous routing behavior. Section 5 describes key trends and characteristics of forwarding instability. Finally, the paper concludes with a discussion on the possible im- pact of different categories of instability on the performance of the Internet infrastructure. 2 Methodology Our analysis in this paper is based on data collected from the experimental instrumentation of key portions of the Internet infrastructure. Over the course of nine months, we logged BGP routing messages exchanged with the Routing Arbiter project’s route servers at five of the major U.S. network ex- change points: AADS, Mae-East, Mae-West, PacBell, and Sprint. At these geographically diverse exchange points, network service providers peer by exchanging both traflic and routing information. The largest public exchange, Mae- East located near Washington D.C., currentIy hosts over 60 service providers, including ANS, BBN, MCI, Sprint, and UUNet. Figure 1 shows the location of each exchange point, and the number of service providers peering with the route servers at each exchange. Although the route servers do not forward network traf- fic, they do peer with the majority (over 90 percent) of the service providers at each exchange point. The route servers provide aggregate route server BGP information to a num- ber of client peers. Unlike the specialized routing hardware used by most service providers, the route servers are Unix- based systems which provide a unique platform for exchange point statistics collection and monitoring. The Routing Arbiter project has amassed 12 gigabytes of compressed data since January of 1996. In January 1997, the operational phase of the Routing Arbiter project ended. Data collection and analysis has continued under the aus- pices of the Internet Performance Measurement and Analy- sis (IPMA) project [8]. We use several tools from the Mul- tithreaded Routing Toolkit (MRT) toolkit [9] to decode and 116 Figure 1: Map of major U.S. Internet exchange points. analyze the BGP packet logs from the route server peering sessions. Although we analyze data from all of the major exchange points, we simplify the discussion in much of this paper by concentrating on the logs of the largest exchange, Mae-East. We analyze the BGP data in an attempt to char- acterize and understand both the origins and operational impact of routing instability. For the purposes of data ver- ification, we have also analyzed sample BGP backbone logs from a number of large service providers ‘. Increasingly, major Internet service providers (ISP) are utilizing private peering points for the exchange of inter- domain traffic, However, thii role was not significant during the data collection period represented by the analysis in this work. A greater level of cooperation with the major ISPs will be needed in the future for continued measurement of Internet routing instability. 3 Background The fluctuation of network topology can have a direct im- pact on end-to-end performance. A network that has not yet reached convergence may drop packets, or deliver pack- ets out of order, In addition, through analysis of our data and ongoing discussions with router vendors, we have found that a significant number of the core Internet routers today are based on a route caching architecture [ll]. In this archi- tecture, routers maintain a routing table cache of destina- tion and next-hop lookups. As long as the router’s interface card fmds a cache entry for an incoming packet’s destination addresses, the packet is switched on a “fast-path” indepen- dently of the router’s CPU. Under sustained levels of routing instability, the cache undergoes frequent updates and the probability of a packet encountering a cache miss increases. A large number of cache misses results in increased load on the CPU, increased switching latency and the loss of packets. A number of researchers are currently studying the effects of loss and out-of-order delivery on TCP and UDP-based applications [23], A number of vendors have developed a new generation of routers that do not require caching and are able to maintain the full routing table in memory on the forwarding hardware. Initial empirical observations suggest these routers do not exhibit the same pathological loss under heavy routing update load [ll]. Internet routers may experience severe CPU load and memory problems at heavy levels of routing instability. Many of the commonly deployed Internet routers are based on the older Motorola 68000 series processor. Under stable network conditions, these low-end processors are sufficient for most ‘Additional data was supplied by Verio, Inc., ANS CO+RE Sys- tema, and the statewide networking division of Merit Network, Inc. of the router’s computational needs since the bulk of the router’s activity happens directly on the forwarding hard- ware, leaving the processor to handle the processing of BGP and interior gateway protocol (IGP) messages. But heavy instability places larger demands on a router’s CPU and may frequently lead to problems in memory consumption and queuing delay of packet processing. Frequently, the de- lays in processing are so severe that routers delay routing Keep-Alive packets and are subsequently flagged as down, or unreachable by other routers. We have deterministically reproduced this effect under laboratory conditions with only moderate levels of route fluctuation. These experiments are corroborated by the experience of router vendors and ISP backbone engineers. Experience with the NSFNet and wide-area backbones has demonstrated that a router which fails under heavy routing instability can instigate a ‘route flap storm.” In this mode of pathological oscillation, overloaded routers are marked as unreachable by BGP peers as they fail to main- tain the required interval of Keep-Alive transmissions. As routers are marked as unreachable, peer routers choose al- ternative paths for destinations previously reachable through the “down” router and will transmit updates reflecting the change in topology to each of their peers. In turn, after re- covering from transient CPU problems, the “down” router will attempt to re-initiate a BGP peering session with each of its peer routers, generating large state dump transmis- sions. This increased load will cause yet more routers to fail and initiate a storm that begins affecting ever larger sections of the Internet. Several route flap storms in the past year have caused extended outages for several million network customers. The latest generation of routers from several vendors (mcluding Cisco Systems and Ascend Com- munications) provide a mechanism in which BGP trafllc is given a higher priority and Keep-Alive messages persist even under heavy instability. Instability is not unique to the Internet. Rather, insta- bility is characteristic of any dynamically adaptive routing system. Routing instability has a number of possible ori- gins, including problems with leased lines, router failures, high levels of congestion and software configuration errors. After one or more of these problems affects the availability of a path to a set of prefix destinations, the routers topologi- tally closest to the failure will detect the fault, withdraw the route and make a new local decision on the preferred alter- native route, if any, to the set of destinations. These routers will then propagate the new topological information to each router within the autonomous system. The network’s bor- der routers will in turn propagate the updated information to each external peer router, pending local policy decisions. Routing policies on an autonomous system’s border routers may result in different update information being transmit- ted to each external peer. The ASPATH attribute present in each BGP announce- ment alloms routers to detect, and prevent forwarding loops. We define a forwarding loop as a steady-state cyclic trans- mission of user data between a set of peers. As described ear- lier, upon receipt of an update every BGP router performs loop verification by testing if its own autonomous system number already exists in the ASPATH of au incoming up- date. Until recently, many backbone engineers believed that the ASPATH mechanism in BGP was sufficient to ensure network convergence. A recent study, however, has shown that under certain unconstrained routing policies, BGP may not converge and will sustain persistent route oscillations WI. 117 A number of solutions have been proposed to address the problem of routing instability, including the deployment of route dampening algorithms and the increased use of route aggregation [18, 19, 21. Aggregation, or supernetting, com- bines a number of smaller IP prefixes into a single, less spe- cific route announcement. Aggregation is a powerful tool to combat instability because it can reduce the overall num- ber of networks visible in the core Internet. Aggregation also hides, or abstracts, information about individual
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