首页 The Time Traveler’s Wife 《时间旅行者的妻子》电影中英对照剧本

The Time Traveler’s Wife 《时间旅行者的妻子》电影中英对照剧本


The Time Traveler’s Wife 《时间旅行者的妻子》电影中英对照剧本The Time Traveler’s Wife 《时间旅行者的妻子》 The Time Traveler’s Wife 《时间旅行者的妻子》 -Henry1: I can't sing. 我唱不好。 -Henry’s mother: That was fine, Henry. 挺好听的,Henry。 -Henry1: I can't sing like you. 我唱起歌来不像你。 -Henry’s mother: Of course not. You're supposed to sing like you. ...

The Time Traveler’s Wife 《时间旅行者的妻子》电影中英对照剧本
The Time Traveler’s Wife 《时间旅行者的妻子》 The Time Traveler’s Wife 《时间旅行者的妻子》 -Henry1: I can't sing. 我唱不好。 -Henry’s mother: That was fine, Henry. 挺好听的,Henry。 -Henry1: I can't sing like you. 我唱起歌来不像你。 -Henry’s mother: Of course not. You're supposed to sing like you. be supposed to: 应该 suppose: 假设 当然了。你唱歌应该像你才对。 -Henry1: Dad says I can't carry a tune in a wheelbarrow. carry a tune: 不走掉,唱得准 tune: 和谐,曲调 wheelbarrow: 独轮车,小推车 爸爸说我五音不全。 -Henry’s mother: Dad was joking. 爸爸是在开玩笑。 I love your voice. We both love your voice. 我喜欢你的声音,我们都喜欢你的声音。 How about "Jingle Bells"? That you can sing. 《铃儿响叮当》怎么样?这个你唱得好。 -Henry1: Mommy! 妈妈 -Henry’s mother: Henry. Henry! for the third time and said: ‘第三次说: 'What will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time also?' spin: 旋转,纺纱 straw: 习惯,稻草 如果我这次再帮你把麦秆纺成金子,你要给我啥? 'I have nothing left that I could give,' answered the girl. answer: 回答 ‘我已经没有东西可以给你了。’女孩说。 'Then promise me, if you should become queen, promise: 保证,答应 queen: 皇后 ‘那就答应我如果你能当皇后, 'your first child.' ‘就给我你第一个孩子。’ 'Who knows whether that will ever happen?' thought the miller's daughter." whether: 是否 happen: 发生,出现 miller: 磨坊主 ‘谁知道我会不会当皇后呢?’磨坊主的女儿想道。 -Henry1: No! Mommy! 不,妈妈! -Henry: Henry. Henry. Henry, Henry! There's nothing you can do. No. Shh. 你也无能为力。不,嘘…… -Henry1: Let me go! Mommy! 放开我,妈妈! -Henry: There's nothing you can do. Listen. Listen to me. listen: 听,听从 你也无能为力。听着,听我说。 I don't have much time. 我没有多少时间了, You were in the car. It was spinning. And all of a sudden. all of a sudden: 突然地,出乎意料的 sudden: 突然发生的事,突然 你当时坐在车里,车在打转,而忽然之间, You were home and it was two weeks ago. 你回到了家里。当时是两周前。 And you were watching yourself. Watching your mom and dad read to you. watch: 观看,注视 你看到了你自己,看到你爸爸妈妈读故事给你听。 You time-traveled, okay? time-travel: 时间旅行,穿越时空 travel: 旅行 你穿越了时空,知道吗? Just like I did to come to see you. 正如我穿越了时空来见你一样。 I'm you, Henry. Understand? When you're grown up. grow up: 长大,成长 我就是你,Henry,明白吗?长大后的你, We're the same person. 我们是同一个人。 I know that's hard to understand, but you will someday. understand: 理解,明白 我知道这难以理解,但有天你会明白的。 -Passerby: Oh, my God. 我的天哪! -Henry: I have to go now. 我现在要走了。 But you don't need to be afraid, Henry. You're gonna be okay, I promise. afraid: 害怕的 gonna: =going to,将要 但你不必害怕,Henry,你会好起来的,我保证。 -Passerby: Help that little boy! 帮帮那个小男孩! -Librarian: That took you long enough. take: 花费 enough: 足够的,充足的 你去了挺长时间的。 -Henry: You have no idea. 你想象不到。 -Librarian: Okay. 好的。 So Christmas Eve. Got any plans? Christmas Eve: 圣诞前夕,平安夜 eve: 前夕 plan: 计划 平安夜到了,有什么计划没? -Henry: Yeah, yeah. Big plans. 是的,重要计划。 -Waitress: Anything else? 还要别的吗? -Henry: No, thank you. 不用了,谢谢。 -pedestrian: Merry Christmas. 圣诞快乐。 -Santa Claus: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 -Moderator: Good morning, Chicago. ChiTown radio time is 8 a.m. ChiTown: Chicago town的缩写,即芝加哥城 radio: 收音机 早安,芝加哥。芝城广播8点整准时与您见面。 News and sports are coming up next. come up: 出现,即临 下面是体育新闻。 Shaping up to be a very warm first day of spring here in the Windy City. shape up: 形成 shape: 形状,成形 spring: 春天 windy: 多风的 多风的城市终于迎来了新春温暖的第一天。 -Clare: Excuse me. I'm looking for something on papermaking at Kelmscott. look for: 寻找 papermaking: 造纸业 不好意思,我在找Kelmscott的造纸业的资料。 -Library receptionist: Our special-collections librarian can help you with that. special: 特别的,专用的 collection: 收藏 librarian: 图书馆员 我们特别藏书区的图书员可以帮你。 -Henry: Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? -Clare: Henry? Henry? -Henry: Yes? 怎么了? -Clare: Henry. It's you. Henry,是你。 You told me this would happen. happen: 偶然遇到 你说过我们会相遇的。 I'm supposed to act normal, but I'm not really acting very normal. normal: 正常的 我应该表现的冷静一点,但我现在不怎么冷静。 -Henry: I'm sorry. I really have no idea who you are. have no idea: 不知道,不清楚 对不起。但我真的不知道你是谁。 -Clare: I'm Clare. Clare Abshire. 我是Clare。Clare Abshire。 Now, I know…I know you don't know me. 我知道,我知道你不认识我。 Look, I know how odd this must be for you. It's odd for me. odd: 古怪的 我知道你一定觉得不可思议,我也觉得很奇怪。 But, um... 但是,呃…… Would you like to have dinner with me, and I'll explain? explain: 解释 愿意跟我一起吃晚饭吗?到时我再向你解释。 Henry, we've been planning this dinner for a long time. Henry,我们计划这顿晚饭已经很久了。 -Henry: We have? 是吗? -Clare: Go to the Beau Thai. It's your favorite. favorite: 最喜欢的 去Beau Thai餐馆,那是你最喜欢的餐厅。 -Henry: It is. 是的。 -Clare: Mm-hm. 嗯哼。 You look like you've been having a hard time. have a hard time: 步履艰难,过得艰苦 你看起来过得很不好。 You know, everything's gonna be okay. 要知道,一切都会好起来的。 So, um, is it "yes," then, to dinner? 那么,晚餐的事你同意了? -Henry: Okay. 好的。 -Clare: Okay. Okay. 好的。好的。 -Henry: Yeah. 好。 -Clare: Yeah. Um.... 好的,呃…… So Beau Thai, 7. 7点,Beau Thai餐馆见。 -Henry: Mm-hm. 嗯哼。 -Clare: See you there. 到时见。 -Henry: Oh, shit. 妈的。 -Police1: Hey. 嘿! -Henry: Oh, man. 天哪。 -Police1: Going somewhere, asshole? asshole: 混蛋 要去哪儿吗,混蛋? -Henry: I wouldn't bother. 我不会走的。 -Police1: Yeah? Why's that? 是吗,为什么? -Henry: You'll see. 你会知道的。 -Police2: Shut up. 闭嘴! Dispatch, Unit 11. dispatch: 派遣 11特遣队。 -A woman’s voice: Go ahead, 11. go ahead: 讲下去 讲吧,11队。 -Police1: I got a…Jesus Christ. 我抓到个……我的天啊! -Waiter: would you like another glass? 再来一杯吗? -Clare: Sure. Thank you. 好的,谢谢。 -Henry: Sorry. I was, uh, detained. detain: 拘留,扣留 不好意思,我……呃……被耽搁了。 -Clare: Are you okay? 你还好吗? -Henry: Yeah, no big deal. 是的,没什么事。 -Clare: Thank you. 谢谢。 -Henry: You do understand why it is I don't know you? 你知道我为什么不认识你,对吧? -Clare: Uh, of course. 当然了。 When you're older, you'll travel back to when I'm a little girl. travel: 旅行 等你年纪再大一点,你会旅行到我小时候。 For me, ahh… 对我来说,呃…… I mean, I've known you since…Since I was 6 years old. since: 自从 我是说,我早就认识你了,从我6岁开始。 Since, um, you appeared in the meadow behind my parents' house... appear: 出现 meadow: 草地,牧场 behind: 在……后面 自从,你出现在我家后面的草地上, Where I used to play. 我以前常在那儿玩。 Um.... 呃…… You're not really supposed to drink. be supposed to: 应该 suppose: 假设,猜想,想象 你不应该喝酒的。 -Henry: Why's that? 为什么? -Clare: Well, you told me that Dr. Kendrick said that you should stop drinking... 你告诉我Kendrick医生说你应该戒酒。 Because it makes you travel. 因为酒精会让你旅行。 -Henry: Who's Dr. Kendrick? Kendrick医生是谁? -Clare: He's your doctor. 他是你的医生。 He wins the Berger for his work in genetics. genetics: 遗传学,基因学 他因为在基因学的成就赢了Berger基金。 He...He helps you. 他……他帮助了你。 -Henry: This is too much. 新闻太多了。 -Clare: I'm sorry. 不好意思。 You told me to go easy on you, and, um, I'm not. go easy on: 温和对待 easy on: 节制,宽容 你让我用平常的心态对你,而我没有。 I wrote down every time that you came to visit me. write down: 记下,写下 visit: 拜访 你每次来看我,我都会记下来。 -Henry: Which I gather I did, or will do, fairly often. fairly: 简直,相当 我之前和之后,都会经常旅行。 -Clare: The last time that I saw you, I was 18. 我上次见你时,我18岁。 Seems that you go back to the same places a lot. seem: 似乎,好像 看来你经常回到同一个地方。 -Henry: Yeah, it's like gravity. gravity: 引力,重力 是的,就像重力。 Big events pull you in. Event: 事件,大事 pull: 拉,拖 重大事件会拉你回去。 -Clare: I was a big event. 我就是你的重大事件。 -Henry: So it would seem. 似乎是的。 Clare, right? 你是叫Clare吧? -Clare: Yeah. 是的。 -Henry: Could we pretend just for a minute that this is the first time we've met? pretend: 假装,扮演 我们能不能先假装一下下,我们是第一次见面呢? -Clare: Okay. Sure. It's just that.... 好的。当然,只不过…… It's just that you're my best friend. 只不过你是我最好的朋友。 I've been in love with you all my life. be in love with: 相爱,钟情 我这一生都在爱着你。 Is this really necessary? necessary: 必须的,必要的 真的有必要吗? -Henry: Yeah. Count to 1000. count: 计数 是的,数到一千。 -Clare: Okay. One. Two. Three. Four hundred. Six hundred. Eight hundred. A thousand. 好的。一,二,三,四百,六百,八百,一千。 -Henry: Do you want a drink? 想喝一杯吗? -Clare: I don't want a drink. 我不想喝。 God, you're so young. young: 年轻的 天哪,你这么年轻! -Henry: Tell me again. 再说一次, How did we meet? 我们是怎么相遇的? -Clare: You're older than you are now. 那时你比现在要老一点。 Maybe I'm not supposed to tell you. 也许我不该告诉你的。 -Henry: Well, I think I need to know. 呃……我想我应该知道。 -Little Clare: Who's there? 是谁在那儿? -Henry: Greetings, Earthling. greetings: 打招呼 earthling: 世人,俗人 俗人,要打招呼。 -Little Clare: Mark, you idiot. idiot: 笨蛋,傻瓜 Mark,你个笨蛋。 -Henry: Ow! Clare, I'm not gonna hurt you. Just please don't throw anything at me. hurt: 伤害 throw: 投掷,抛 Clare,我不会伤害你的。请别丢东西扔我。 -Little Clare: Who are you, how do you know my name, 你是谁,你怎么知道我的名字? And why can't you come out? 还有你为什么不出来? -Henry: Can you just hand me the blanket? hand: 交给 blanket: 毯子 能把毯子给我吗? -Little Clare: Maybe I should call my mom. 也许我该喊我妈妈过来。 -Henry: No, no, no. Don't call your mom, please. 不,不,拜托别喊你妈妈。 Just hand me the blanket and I'll leave. leave: 离开 把毯子给我,我就走。 -Little Clare: What do you need the blanket for? 你要毯子干什么? -Henry: I'm a time traveler. traveler: 旅行者 我是时间旅行者。 I come from the future. future: 未来 我来自未来。 And when I do, I don't get to bring my clothes. bring: 带上,带来 clothes: 衣服 我旅行时,不能带上我的衣服。 -Little Clare: There's no such thing as time travelers. 根本没有什么时间旅行者。 -Henry: Yes, there is. 不,有的。 In fact, you and I are friends in the future. in fact: 事实上,实际上 事实上,在未来,你和我会是朋友。 When you're a lady. 等你成为少女时。 -Little Clare: Am I pretty? pretty: 漂亮的 我漂亮吗? -Henry: Yes. Very. 是的,很漂亮。 -Little Clare: Prove you're from the future. prove: 证明 证明你来自未来。 -Henry: Well, your name is Clare Abshire. 你叫Clare Abshire。 Born May 24th, 1972. 生日是1972年5月24日。 Your parents are Philip and Lucille… 你的父母是Philip和Lucille。 -Little Clare: So you know things. 你知道我的事。 That doesn't prove you're from the future. 这又不能证明你来自未来。 -Henry: Okay. 好的。 This weekend, your brother, Mark, who's a real pain in the ass. pain in the ass: 眼中钉 pain: 痛苦 这个周末,你哥哥Mark,他是个真正的淘气包。 Falls out of a tree and breaks his arm. fall: 掉下,落下 break: 打断,摔断 会从树上摔下来摔断胳膊。 -Little Clare: Yeah, but I won't know till then if you're telling the truth or not. truth: 事实 好的,但得等到那时我才知道你讲的是不是真话。 -Henry: Well, if you hang around long enough, you'll see me disappear. hang around: 闲荡,徘徊 enough: 足够的,充足的 disappear: 消失 如果你再等一会儿,你会看到我消失。 -Little Clare: But you just got here. 但你才刚到。 -Henry: I'll be back again. 我会再回来的。 Lots of times. 很多很多次。 In fact... 事实上…… I'll be back next Tuesday at 4. 我会在下周二4点过来。 And it'd be great if, when you come then, you could bring me some clothes. 如果你会来,能给我带些衣服就好了。 Something your dad won't miss. miss: 想念 一些你爸爸不穿的衣服。 Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 -Henry: Don't worry about that. It's been over for a while. over: 结束 别担心这个,早就结束了。 -Clare: This is weird. weird: 怪异的,不可思议的 太奇怪了。 I never knew you at this age. I mean, I've only known you as this... 我不认识这个年纪的你我是说我只认识那个…… Mature, worldly person. mature: 成熟的 worldly: 世故的,世俗的 成熟,世故的你。 -Henry: I'm competing against myself. compete: 竞争 我会自我改进的。 -Clare: No. You were just kind of my perfect guy. perfect: 完美的 不,你就是我的完美恋人。 I just can't get used to this. get used to: 习惯,适应 我真是习惯不了。 I mean, I just keep waiting for you to disappear. wait: 等待 我是说,我一直在等你消失掉。 -Henry: Oh, it'll happen, believe me. believe: 相信 会消失的,相信我。 -Clare: How's it feel? feel: 感觉,觉得 感觉如何? I mean, I know what it's like to watch you go... watch: 看见,注视 我是说,我知道看你消失是什么感觉。 But what's it like to always be the one that's going? 但做那个老是消失的人,有什么感觉? -Henry: Sometimes it feels like you've stood up too quickly. sometimes: 有时 stand up: 站起 quickly: 快地,迅速地 有时候你觉得像是站得太快, Your hands and feet are tingling, and then they're not there at all. tingling: 刺痛 你的手和脚有点刺痛,之后它们就不在原处了。 Sometimes it feels like your attention has wandered just for an instant... attention: 注意力,关注 wander: 游荡,漫游 instant: 瞬间,片刻 有时候感觉就像,你的注意力刚刚移开, Then you're standing naked someplace. naked: 赤裸的 之后你就会裸体站在别的地方。 Maybe you've been there before, maybe you haven't. 也许是你去过的地方,也许不是。 You don't know how long it's gonna last, so you start walking... gonna: =going to,将要 你也不知道会持续多久于是你开始走…… Till you find some clothes. till: 直到 find: 发现,找到 直到找到些衣服穿。 Then you seem just like everybody else. 之后你就感觉跟别人一样了。 Except you're stranded and all alone, just waiting to disappear. except: 除了 strand: 陷入困境 除了自己是孤苦伶仃的,只等着再次消失。 -Clare: But you get to see people from the past. past: 过去的 但你能见到过去的人。 People who are gone, like your mom. be gone: 走了,消失了 已经走了的人,比如你妈妈。 -Henry: Yeah, but the thing is, you can't change what happens to them. change: 改变 happen: 发生 是的,但问题是,你不能改变他们的命运。 I've tried. It just happens anyway. try: 尝试 anyway: 无论如何,不管怎样 我试过了,但事情不受我控制。 It's nice. Hey. 真漂亮,嘿。 -Clare: And this is Charisse, my roommate. roommate: 室友 这是Charisse,我室友。 -Henry: Hi. 嗨。 -Clare: My best friend. And our excellent cook for tonight. excellent: 优秀的 cook: 厨师 是我最好的朋友。还是今晚的大厨 -Charisse: Welcome. 欢迎。 -Clare: Because I don't cook. 因为我不会做饭。 -Gomez: Well, you should know that going in. 你应该知道事实。 She's a lovely girl, but she can't cook toast. toast: 吐司,烤面包 她是个好女孩,但她连吐司也不会做。 -Henry: Gomez? Gomez? -Gomez: Yeah, short for Gomolinski. short for: 略称,简称 是,Gomolinski的略称。 -Charisse: It's really nice to meet you. 真的很高兴见到你。 -Gomez: We really didn't wanna meet you, wanna: =want to,想 我们其实不想见你。 But seems to be the only way to catch a glimpse of Clare. catch a glimpse of: 瞥见,看见 glimpse: 一瞥,一看 但似乎只有见你才能见到Clare。 -Charisse: Please ignore Gomez. ignore: 忽视,不理会 请别理Gomez。 Do you want some wine, Henry? 想来点酒吗,Henry? -Henry: No, thanks. 不了,谢谢。 -Charisse: Do you want some water? 想喝点水吗? -Henry: Yeah, sure. 好啊。 -Charisse: Yeah? 是吗? You didn't tell me how cute he was. cute: 可爱的,漂亮的 你没告诉我他长得这么帅。 -Gomez: He's not that cute. Doesn't talk much either. 他不怎么帅啦,也不怎么爱说话。 I couldn't get anything out of him except he's a librarian. librarian: 图书馆员 我问不出任何情况,除了他是个图书管理员。 -Clare: Well, maybe if you would stop interrogating him... interrogate: 审问,质问 如果你不再审问他…… -Gomez: Well, obviously, you never had a boyfriend. obviously: 显然 你之前从没交过男朋友, You spend every minute with the guy. spend: 花费,度过 现在每一分钟都跟他在一起。 Just wondering what the draw is. wonder: 惊奇,怀疑 draw: 画,吸引 我就纳闷了,他有什么好的。 -Charisse: Leave her alone. leave alone: 不打扰,不干涉 别烦她了。 She's codependent on rest of us. codependent: 互相依赖的,共存的 她总是依赖我们。 You thought she was gonna dodge that bullet? dodge: 躲避,逃避 bullet: 子弹 你觉得她能躲过这场桃花劫吗? -Gomez: I don't know. 我不知道。 I just think he's not that cute. 我只是觉得他不算多帅。 All right, so can we put the potatoes in yet? potato: 土豆 好吧,那能把土豆放进来了吗? Or do you wanna wait until the vegetables are done? vegetable: 蔬菜 要不你想等到菜都熟透了之后再放? -Charisse: Where's the pan? pan: 平锅,盘子 盘子在哪儿? -Gomez: How do I know? 我怎么知道? -Charisse: You can help. 你可以来帮忙。 -Gomez: I don't even live here. 我都不住在这儿。 -Charisse: You… 你…… -Gomez: First, I'm a man. 首先,我是男人。 Second of all, I'm a guest here. guest: 客人 其次,我是客人。 -Clare: Are you reading my diary? diary: 日记 你在看我的日记? Told you that was private. private: 私人的,私有的 我说过这是私人秘密。 -Henry: I didn't read it. 我没看。 -Clare: Well, it kind of looked like you did. look like: 看起来像 你刚才似乎就在看。 -Henry: I was trying to find the dates. date: 日期 我是想找出日期。 The dates that I go to see you. 我见你的日期。 So I could tell the little girl in the meadow. meadow: 草坪 这样我才能告诉草地上的小女孩。 If I'm that important to her... important: 重要的 如果我对她那么重要…… I wanted to be able to tell her when I was coming to see her. be able to: 能够,可以 我想告诉她我下次见她的日子。 so she wouldn't have to wait. 她就不用老等着了。 Christ, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Christ: 语气词,天哪 天哪,对不起,我也不知道我在想什么。 I should go. 我该走了。 -Clare: I'd like you to stay. 我想让你留下来。 -Woman: You were there all night. 你整晚都在。 -Man1: Come on, kick his ass. kick: 踢 上啊,好好教训他。 -Man2: Guys, check this out. check out: 检查 伙计们,来看啊。 -Man3: Come on, he's a fag. Kick his ass. fag: 苦工 用力,他是个基佬,打死他。 -Man2: Oh, no. 不。 -Man4: Come on. 来啊。 -Gomez: Hey, hey, hey. Break it up, break it up. Henry. break up: 停止,散开 嘿嘿嘿,算了,算了。Henry。 -Henry: Gomez. Gomez。 -Gomez: What are you doing? 你在干什么? -Henry: Goddamn homophobe. goddamn: 讨厌的,该死的 homophobe: 恐同性恋者 天杀的同性恋恐惧症。 -Gomez: Dude, what in the hell are you wearing? dude: 伙计,哥们 伙计,你是穿了些啥啊? -Henry: What's the date? 今天是什么日期? -Gomez: What do you mean, "what's the date?"" “什么日期”是什么意思? -Henry: What year? 哪一年? -Gomez: What do you mean, "what year?"" “哪一年”是什么意思? -Henry: Forget it. I gotta get some clothes. 当我没问。我得弄些衣服。 -Gomez: Yeah, the pink's not working for you. Hey. pink: 粉红色 是的,你穿粉色不怎么好看。嘿! What are you doing now? 你在干什么? -Henry: Picking a lock. pick: 撬开 lock: 锁 橇锁。 -Gomez: Huh? 什么? -Henry: Close the door. 把门关上。 -Gomez: You wanna tell me what the hell's going on here? What are you on? 能告诉我到底是怎么回事吗?你想干什么? Seriously. seriously: 认真地,严肃地 说真的! Hey, you know, if you have a problem, maybe I can help. problem: 问题,麻烦 嘿,要知道,如果你有麻烦,也许我能帮你。 -Henry: Yeah, right. 好吧。 -Gomez: I don't give a shit about you, but Clare I care about. give a shit: 关心 care about: 关心 我根本不鸟你会怎么样,但我关心Clare。 Why don't you tell me what the hell this is all about? 为啥不告诉我这都是怎么回事? -Henry: You wanna know? I'm gonna tell you. 想知道吗?我来告诉你。 Because you and I are gonna be friends for a long time. because: 因为 因为你和我会是很久的朋友。 You might as well know now. 你现在知道也比较好。 -Gomez: Know what? 知道什么? -Henry: I look older, right? 我看上去老了,对吧? That's because I am. 因为我就是老了。 I've come back to this night from the future. come back: 返回,回到 future: 未来 我是从未来来到了这个晚上。 I'm a time traveler. 我是个时间旅行者。 -Gomez: Oh, my God, you are out of your mind. out of one’s mind: 失去理智,发疯 我的天哪,你脑子坏掉了! -Henry: Started when I was 6 years old. 从我6岁就开始了。 I have fits. I disappear. I travel through time. fit: 痉挛,发作 disappear: 消失 through: 穿过,穿梭 我经常发作,然后消失。我在时间中穿梭。 I've come to this night from 2003. What year is this? 我从2003年来到了这个晚上。现在是哪一年? -Gomez: 1995. I don't like this. 1995年,我可不喜欢这个解释。 -Henry: I get dislocated in time. dislocated: 迷失方向 我在时间中会迷路。 I never know when it's gonna happen or where I'm gonna end up. end up: 以……告终,结束 我也不知道什么时候会发作,我会出现在哪儿。 I have to break and enter, steal clothes from the first person I see. break: 打破,弄断 enter: 进入 steal: 偷窃 clothes: 衣服 我得溜门橇锁,从我见到的第一个人那里偷些衣服。 You name it, I've done it. name: 指出,命名 随你怎么说,我都做过。 -Gomez: Uh-huh. There's something wrong with you. 你脑子有点毛病。 -Henry: Yeah, there is. 是的,有点。 But I care about Clare more than you can possibly imagine, possibly: 可能,大概 imagine: 想象 但我比你能想象的更关心Clare。 so don't worry about that. worry: 担心 这点你不必担心。 -Gomez: Whoa, hey, I'm reassured. reassured: 安心的,放心的 好的,这下我放心了。 Listen, in the future, do Charisse and I get married? get married: 结婚 听着,在未来,Charisse和我结婚了吗? Do I go bald? Does Charisse go bald? bald: 秃顶的,秃头的 我秃头了吗?Charisse秃了吗? -Henry: I'm not gonna tell you things about your life. 你的人生我不会告诉你。 Knowing stuff in advance makes you crazy. stuff: 材料,东西 in advance: 提前 advance: 将……提前 crazy: 疯狂的 提前知道未来的事会让你发疯。 -Gomez: You're full of shit, you know that? 你满嘴胡话,知道吗? -Henry: You won't think that in a minute. in a minute: 一会儿 过一会儿你就不会这么想了。 -Gomez: Yeah? Why's that? 是吗,为什么? -Clare: Hey. 嘿。 -Gomez: Hey. 嘿。 -Clare: Charisse is out. Charisse出去了。 -Gomez: Henry here? Henry在吗? -Clare: No, he's at the library. library: 图书馆 不,他在图书馆。 -Gomez: Don't marry him, Clare. marry: 娶,嫁,与……结婚 别嫁给他,Clare。 -Clare: What? 什么? -Gomez: Just don't marry Henry, okay? 别嫁给Henry就好,行吗? -Clare: You know, he hasn't asked me yet. 要知道,他还没向我求婚呢。 -Gomez: Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. talk about: 谈论,讨论 好的,你知道我什么意思。 -Clare: I love him. 我爱他。 -Gomez: Here. Come here. 过来。 I saw him last night at the Vic. 我昨晚在Vic酒吧那儿看到他了。 Barrel of laughs. First, he beats up a guy, barrel: 桶,大量 laugh: 笑 beat: 拍打,击打 他出尽了洋相,先是揍一个家伙。 Then we burglarize the Army-Navy store. burglarize: 偷窃 store: 商店 之后我们去了海军商店偷东西。 And then he tells me that he's a time traveler. traveler: 旅行者 之后他告诉我,他是时间旅行者。 You know, because he travels through time. 你知道,因为他会在时间中旅行。 -Clare: And did you believe him? believe: 相信,信任 那你相信他了吗? -Gomez: Um.... 呃…… Not until he disappeared right in front of me, you know? in front of: 在……前面 直到他在我眼前消失掉,知道吗? Like, he just disappeared. 他就那么消失了。 -Clare: Yeah, it's a problem. problem: 问题,麻烦 是的,这是个问题。 -Gomez: Are you saying you know about this? 你是说你知道这一切吗? -Clare: I've known for a very long time. 我早就知道了。 -Gomez: Okay, I don't know what the hell's going on, all right? 好吧,我不知道到底发生了什么,好吧。 I really don't need to know how the whole thing works, because I don't care. need: 需要 care: 关心 我也不必知道是什么原理,因为我不在乎。 But, uh, just presuming for a second, presume: 假设,推测 但是,先假设一下下。 That we're not all out of our freaking minds... freaking: 奇异的,反常的 我们没有发疯…… Whatever Henry has, it's, uh.... whatever: 无论如何 Henry的能力,那…… It's not good. 不是好事。 -Clare: I've been waiting for him my entire life, and now he's here. entire: 整个,全部 我这一生都在等他,现在他出现了。 I mean, it's already happened. already: 已经 我是说,这一切已经发生了。 I couldn't even change it if I wanted to. change: 改变 就算我想,我也改变不了。 -Gomez: Well, you're worse off than I thought. worse off: 更遭,更坏 唉,你比我想的还糟糕。 -Clare: Maybe I am. 也许是的。 -Man5: That guy stole my wallet. My wallet! wallet: 钱包 他偷了我
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