首页 英语的句子概述及练习



英语的句子概述及练习英语的句子概述及练习 英语的句子概述及练习 一、概述 句子(sentence)是由词或词组按照一定语法规则组成的,相对完整而独立的语言单位,是一定的语法结构、语音结构和词汇意义的统一体。句子开头的第一个字母要大写,句末有句号、问号或感叹号。 Writing the headlines is more difficult in English than in Chinese.用英文写标题比用中文写标题要难些。 It will certainly be very funny! 这肯定是非常有趣! Do you mind...

英语的句子概述及练习 英语的句子概述及练习 一、概述 句子(sentence)是由词或词组按照一定语法规则组成的,相对完整而独立的语言单位,是一定的语法结构、语音结构和词汇意义的统一体。句子开头的第一个字母要大写,句末有句号、问号或感叹号。 Writing the headlines is more difficult in English than in Chinese.用英文写标题比用中文写标题要难些。 It will certainly be very funny! 这肯定是非常有趣! Do you mind if I come along too and see how you get on? 要是我也来看看你怎么样,你不会介意吧? 二、句子的种类 1、按用途分 (1)陈述句 用以陈述事实或观点的句子叫陈述句(declarative sentence)。 We must also make sure that signs are clear and easy to read.我们还应当确保各种指示标牌鲜明易懂。 I can't order these clothes, unless you can wait some time , or change this note. 如果你不能等些时候或者破开这张票子,我就不能订做这批衣服。 (2)疑问句 用以提问题的句子叫疑问句(interrogative sentence)。 What needs to be done to make life easier for people with disabilities? 需要做些什么才能使残疾人的生活过得好些呢? Have times been hard for you? 这些年近况不太好吧? (3)祈使句 用以表示请求命令、请求、劝告、建议的句子叫等祈使句(imperative sentence)。祈使句的结构与陈述句一样,主语常常省略。祈使句一般没有时态的变化,也不与情态动词连用。 Wait till you see what we'll make for you to your own measure. 您等着瞧我们给您定做出来的衣服是什么样子的。 (4)感叹句 用以表示惊奇、愤怒、赞赏、喜悦等感情的句子叫感叹句(exclamatory sentence)。 What a bad sight it was! 多么凄惨的一幅景象啊! How hard he is working now!他现在工作得多么的努力呀! 2、按结构分 (1)简单句 由一个主语部分和一个谓语部分所组成的句子叫简单句(simple sentence)。 At first, the language stayed the same as the language used in Britain. 起初,这种语言同在英国使用的语言仍然相同。 (2)并列句 由两个或两个以上的简单句组成的句子叫并列句(compound sentence)。 Your friend is coming to stay in your house for one week while you and your family are on holiday. 你的朋友要来你家住一个星期而你和你的家人却要度假。 This afternoon I was just about to go swimming when luckily your guide saw me and shouted at me. 今天下午我正要下水去游泳,这时幸亏我们的向导看到了我,对我喊叫。 (3)复合句 由主句和其它从句组成的句子叫复合句(complex sentence)。 We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well and that when we discover what this something is, we must work hard at it until we succeed. 我们必须相信我们每一个人都能把某件事情办好,而且当我们发现这件事情是什么的时候我们必须努力干下去,直到成功为止。 (4)并列复合句 含有复合句的并列句叫并列复合句(compound complex sentence)。 This is because this professor has a disease which prevents him from speaking, so when he speaks he has to use a computer and a voice box.这是因为这位教授得了一种病,使他不能讲话了,因此他讲话时,只得借助计算机和音箱。 三、句子的成分 组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分(members of the sentence)。总的说来,句子皆由两大部分组成,一是主语部分(subject group),一是谓语部分(predicate group)。 Smokers cost the government a lot of money. 吸烟者花费政府大量的钱。 上句中的smokers是主语部分,cost the government a lot of money是谓语部分。但具体明确的句子成分可分为主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语、独立成分。 At all these centers it is hoped that one day they will have enough animals to set them free and let them live in the wild again. 在这些研究中心,人们希望有一天他们会有足够多的动物可以放出去让它们重新回到野外生活。 注意:词类与句子成分的不同与关系:词类指单词的分类,句子成分则指词类、短语、从句等在句子中的功能。词类中也只有具有实义的词类如名词、代词、动词、数词、形容词、副词等才可用作句子的成分。其它无实义的虚词如冠词、连词和介词则不可用作句子成分。 1、主语 主语(subject)是一个句子的主题。 (1)主语的位置 ①陈述句中,一般在一句之首。 They managed to rescue all the people in the flood. 他们设法把处于洪水之中的人营救出来。 ②疑问句、倒装句中,一般在助动词、情态动词和动词之后。 Up went the arrow into the air. 嗖的一声箭射上了天空。 Why do they move and burn more of the forest? 为什么他们要搬迁而且烧掉更多的森林呢? Not only will help be given to people who are disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it.不仅要帮助残疾人求职,而且要对那些需要治病的人给予治疗。 ③祈使句中,往往省略。 Take this money and buy yourself some more books.拿这些钱去给自己买些书。(省略了you) ④There be结构中,在be之后。 Around the area of Aswan there are a lot of important old temples , which date from about 1250 BC.在阿斯旺地区的周围还有许多重要的古庙,它们是公元前1250年左右建起来的。 (2)主语的种类 ①施动主语与受动主语 施动主语(agentive subject)表示句子的主语是谓语动词动作的执行者。受动主语(recipient subject)表示主语是动作的承受者。 However, on his arrival in Paris he was recognized as a noble and thrown into prison. 然而,一到巴黎就立即被人认出是贵族,因而被投入监狱。(受动主语) They broadcast a programme of his music last month on the radio. 上个月他们在收音机里播放了他的音乐节目。(施动主语) 表感觉的动词如taste、smell、feel等其主语可以是动作的执行者,也可以是动作的承受者。 They could smell tobacco smoke. 他们闻到了烟草气味。(执行者) A hibernating animal can not feel any pain. 冬眠的动物感觉不到任何疼痛。(执行者) The body feels very cold. 身体摸上去感觉冰凉。(承受者) When smokers who are used to nicotine go without it for an hour or two, they begin to feel bad.那些对尼古丁上了瘾的烟民一两个小时缺少居古丁就会感觉到难受。(执行者) 有些动词主动形态表被动意义。 The play reads better than it acts. 这个剧本读起来要比上演好得多。 His new novel is selling well. 他的新小说销路很好。 ②工具主语(instrument subject) 主动句的主语是表示执行动作的工具;也可能是造成某种事态的意外因素。 The gun killed the bird. 用枪射杀了这只鸟。 The fire also destroyed cars which belonged to people who worked in the building. 大火还烧毁了属于大楼工作人员的汽车。 ③地点主语和时间主语。 指明地点或时间的主语叫做地点主语(locative subject)或时间主语(temporal subject)。 Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine. 有希望明天会变晴。 Our school bus seats thirty. 校车能坐下三十人。 ④事件主语 事件主语(eventive subject)表示某一事件的时间或地点。这类句子通常用连系动词be并以表示时间或地点的结构作补语。 Dinner is at six o'clock. 晚饭在六点钟。 (3)主语表示法 ①名词用作主语。 Two hours is a long time to take over a coffee. 两个小时喝杯咖啡,时间够长的。 Pierre and I did have a very good time at the ball. 我和皮埃尔在舞会上的确玩得很痛快。 ②代词用作主语 Anyone who sees the lion is asked to telephone the zoo and the police. 如果有人看见这只狮子,就请他给动物园和警察局打电话。 ③数词用作主语 When they finish their talk, the two may be quite a distance from the place where they were standing. 当谈话结束时,两个人离他们原来站的地方可能有相当一段距离。 ④名词化的形容词用作主语。 The young respect the old; the old love the young.尊老受幼。 ⑤副词用作主语。 Here is some advice for dealing with common injuries. 这儿有几条关于处理普通创伤的意见。 ⑥不定式用作主语 It took weeks to clear all the roads and to mend all the broken electricity lines and telephone lines. 清除全部路障和修复所有被刮断的电线和电话线花去了几周时间。 How to get rid of waste is a great problem for the world today.如何处理废物是当今世界上的一大难题。 To hold the Olympic Games is a rich prize for a country.举行奥林匹克运动会对一个国家来说是一种丰厚奖赏。 ⑦动名词用作主语 Waving one's hand is to say "Goodbye", nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement.挥手表示再见,点头表示同意而摇头表示不同意。 ⑧从句作主语 It is possible that one of them kept a kind of bank where the workers could keep their money safe. 其中有一个人可能开了一种钱庄,工人们可以把钱安全地存放在那里。 ⑨it作形式主语 It is wrong of the other children to make fun of you. 别的孩子取笑你这是错误的。 It is said that 125,000 people died in Russia as a result of illness caused by this accident.据说在俄罗斯有125,000人由于这次事故所引起的疾病而死亡。 2、谓语 谓语(predicate)在句子中说明主语的动作,主语具有的特征或所处的状态。一般放在主语之后。谓语是由简单动词或动词短语(助动词+主要动词)构成。 (1)由简单动词构成的谓语 They started to use English, but they also brought in some words from their own languages. 他们开始使用英语,但他们也把自己的语言中的一些词带进英语中来了。 Please set the box on its end.请把这箱子竖着放。 (2)由动词短语构成的谓语 I'm writing to ask you for advice. 我写信来征求你的意见。 Dr. Manette realized that the sister must have been very badly treated.莫奈特医生意识到这位姐姐准是惨遭虐待。 英语常用某些动作名词代替表动态的谓语动词,以表生动。这种动作名词之前常用没有多大意义的动词have、get、 take、give等。 Can I have a look at your copy of China Daily? 我能不能看看你的《中国日报》? The boss gave a loud laugh .老板放声大笑起来。 Take care of your brother while I am away. 当我不在的时候,你要照顾好你弟弟。 3、表语 表语(predicative)说明主语的身份、特征、类别、状态等情况,也可以说是一种主语补足语,它位于连系动词之后,与之构成所谓的系表结构。可用作表语的有名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、不定式、动名词、分词、介词短语、从句等。 (1)表语的位置 ①通常位于连系动词之后,但下列情况下,置于连系动词之前。为了强调表语。 In the north is Scotland, with its capital Edinburgh. 北面是苏格兰,首都是爱丁堡。 ②由How/What引出的感叹句中 What a curious hotel it was! 这家旅馆真是离奇。 ③某些让步状语从句中 Child as the boy was, he knew what was the right thing to do. 尽管他是个孩子,他知道做什么事是正确的。 ④“the+比较级…,the+比较级…结构中”。 The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes. 英语你听得越多,就越容易听懂。 (2)表语表示法 ①名词用作表语。 It is a long wait in the dark. 在黑暗中他们等了很长一段时间。 The book must be John's. 这本书准是约翰的。 ②代词作表语。 A satellite is one of the most expensive pieces of scientific equipment in the world. 卫星是世界上科学设备中最为昂贵的一种。 ③数词用作表语。 She is always the first to get up. 她总是第一个起床。 ④形容词用作表语。 People will be advised to keep fit in many ways. 将要劝告人们多方面地注意卫生保健。 The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more than it was in 1906. 现在旧金山市区和郊区人口已是1906年的十倍以上。 ⑤副词用作表语。 I want to have a look at what's on this weekend. 我想看看这个周末上演什么。 ⑥不定式用作表语。 The purpose of the trip was to record all the wild-life and plants that we could find in forest. 这次旅行的目的是把我们在森林里新发现的野生动物和植物都一一做好记录。 ⑦动名词用作表语。 The key question is finding a method of solving it.关键的问题是找出解决的办法。 ⑧分词用作表语。 Although many family became separated, people still kept in touch with each other. 虽然许多家庭都分散,但人们还是保持着联系。 While my feet remain standing above the water level, there is hope. 只要我的这双脚还站在水面上,就有希望。 ⑨介词短词用作表语。 His greatest success has not been in singing but in organizing other singers to sing for him. 他的最大成功不在于他个人的演唱而在于组织别的歌手为他演唱。 They are of great help to learners of English. 他们对于英语学习者很有用处。(介词of表“具有”。) Coins may be of different sizes, weights, shapes and of different methods. 硬币可能大小、轻重、形状不同,铸造的金属可能不一样。 ⑩从句用作表语。 It looks as if it hasn't been washed following the instructions.看来它好像是没有按照说明来洗涤的。 4、宾语 宾语(object)分为动词宾语和介词宾语。宾语一般位于及物动词和介词之后,动词宾语按其与动词的关系来说又分为直接宾语和间接宾语。 (1)宾语的种类 ①宾语表示动作的对象或行为的承受者 After they had eaten their lunch, Hank lit a cigar. 他们吃完饭后,汉克点上一支雪茄。 ②宾语是动作所产生的结果,叫结果宾语(resultant object)。 Many other animals dig holes in the earth. 许多其它的动物则在地里挖洞。 Thomas Edison is famous for having invented the eletric light.汤姆斯·爱迪生因发明电灯而闻名。 ③使役宾语(causative object),宾语是动作使役的对象。 It'll make the cabbage plants grow big and strong. 它能使白菜秧长得又大又壮。 Can you try to get them to bring down the price? 你能使他们降点价吗? He might be attacked and have his case stolen from him. 他可能遭到袭击,提箱也可能被盗。 ④表示动作实现的方式、工具、地点。 She laughed her thanks. 她笑着表示谢意。 Walking slowly across the grass, he pointed the pipe at the lion and fired. 他慢慢地走过草地,把管子对准狮子就射击了。 Einstein was able to prove that light coming from the stars was bent as it passed the sun. 爱因斯坦却能证明从恒星来的光线当其经过太阳时变弯曲了。 ⑤表示谓语动作的目的。 French people kiss each other hello and goodbye more often than British people. 法国人在问候和告别时相互亲吻要比英国人多。 (2)宾语表示法 ①名词用作宾语。 Bob asked all the airlines to fly the pop stars for free. 鲍勃请求所有的航空公司免费运送这些歌星。 ②代词用作宾语。 It picked it up in its mouth and carried it into the bushes. 它叼起它(那块肉)就跑到树丛里去了。 ③数词用作宾语。 Canada covers six of the world's 24 time areas. 加拿大的国土跨过全世界24个时区的6个。 ④名词化的形容词用作宾语。 She's always helping the poorer than herself. 她一向帮助比她自己穷的人。 ⑤副词用作宾语。 Since then the number of milu deer there has greatly increased.从那以后,那儿的糜鹿的数量己大大增加了。 ⑥不定式用作宾语 I just didn't wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note. 只不过我不想麻烦你破开一张大票子罢了。 Using body language in a correct way will help communicate with people and make them stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable. 正确运用身势语有助于同人们进行交际,并使人们在外国逗留时会感到轻松而愉快。 Check the prices before you decide whether to buy one. 要先看好价钱后再决定买不买。 ⑦动名词作宾语或名词化分词(主要是过去分词)作宾语 When she had finished listening to the news, Mrs.Cousins turned off the radio.听完新闻后,卡普斯太太就把收音机关上了。 Many of the injured lost their sight. 受伤人员中有许多人双目失明。 ⑧介词短语用作宾语。 Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from across the lake. 今天你可以乘飞机去阿布辛波,也可以从湖的对岸乘小船去。 ⑨句子用作宾语 “Make sure the door is shut”, said he. “去查看一下,门要关好”,他说。 I suggest that you choose someone who you think is kind and friendly.我建议你挑选一位你认为亲切而友好的人。 ⑩it用作形式宾语。 In the 1870s, when Marx was already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia.在19世纪70年代,马克思己经50多岁了,他觉得研究俄国的形势很重要。 (3)同源宾语 有些动词可带有一个与之含义相同、相近、相关的名词作宾语,即同源宾语(cognate object)。 Einstein lived the rest of his life quietly in the US 爱因斯坦在美国恬静地度过了他的余生。 He died a heroic death.他英勇地牺牲了。 She dreamt a sweet dream.她做了一个美梦。 She smiled a bitter smile.她苦笑了一下。 (4)直接宾语和间接宾语 直接宾语表示动作的直接对象和结果,是动作的承受者。间接宾语表示动作的方向和目的,常指人。间接宾语一般须与直接宾语连用,通常置于直接宾语之前。如果置于其后,需在间接宾语前带to或for ,to表示动作对谁做,for表示动作为谁做。可具有这种双宾语的及物动词有:bring, fetch, give, hand, leave, lend, offer, pass, pay, promise, read, refuse, show, sing, teach, tell, write, buy, find, get, make, envy, return, sell等。 I don't envy you your job.我不羡慕你的职业。 Sydney promised her that he would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness.悉尼对她许下诺言说为了确保她生活幸福,他愿意永远为她做一切可能做的事。 I think we'll leave it to the experts.我想将这事留给这些专家。 Mother has made a new dress for my sister.母亲为姐姐做了一件新衣服。 注意:必须带介词to的间接宾语: 有些表说话的动词不是双宾语及物动词,如果用这种动词表示对谁说话,只能跟有由to引导的介词词组。这些动词有:announce, explain, say, introduce, point out, report, suggest, express, describe等。 The weather man in his TV broadcast repeated this to millions of people .气象员在电视中对百万观众重说了上述的预报。 As I expressed to him my thanks, he held my hand firmly and looked into my eyes.当我向他表达我的感谢时,他紧紧地握住了我的手,看着我的眼睛。 (5)介词宾语 At seventeen he set off for the USA with a group of comedy actors.17岁时,他跟一些喜剧演员去了美国。 Millions of young trees have already been planted to take the place of those which were blown over.现在已种植了数百万棵小树来取代那些被刮倒的树。 Instead of smiling,each of them made a face.他们没有笑容,而是每个人做了鬼脸。 注意:介词but、except后如接动词用动词不定式。 It has no choice but to lie down and sleep.别无选择,它只好躺下睡觉。 He doesn't want to do anything except help me.他只是想帮助我。 5、补足语 补足语(complement)是一种补足主语和宾语的意义的句子成分。补足主语意义的句子成分叫主语补足语(subject complement);补足宾语意义的句子成分叫宾语补足语(object complement)。用作补足语的有名词、形容词、副词、不定式(短语)、分词(短语)、介词短语等。 He persuaded other people to provide money or to give help.他说服其他的人或者出钱或者给予帮助。 Besides ,it was autumn and therefore the trees still had their leaves on.再说又是秋天,树上还有树叶。 I think you'll find these materials much better and much more suitable.我认为你会认为这些料好得多更合适得多。 The lion could still be seen in the bushes eating the meat.还可以看见那头狮子在树丛里吃肉。 I watched all the glasses that were on the table fall off and onto the floor.我看到桌上所有的玻璃杯掉到地板上。 This song is thought to be most popular.这首歌被认为是最流行的歌曲。 They think that this will help them kick their smoking habit. 他们认为这将帮助他们戒掉烟瘾。 Although we may not realize it ,when we talk with others,we make ourselves understood just by words.我们同别人谈话时,并不仅限于用言语让人明白自己的思想,对于这一点,我们可能没有意识到。 In 1849,he went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work.1849年,他去了英国,把伦敦作为他从事革命工作的基地。 The woodcutter was standing next to a fallen tree with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him.樵夫正站在一颗倒在地上的树旁,他面前是一大堆小木块。 6、定语 定语(attribute)用来修饰名词或代词,说明人或物的状态、品质、数量等。可用作定语的有形容词、名词、数词、副词、不定式、动名词、分词、介词短语、从句和句子等。 (1)定语表示法 It was the earliest research centre for agriculture. 它是最早的农学研究中心。(形容词用作定语) They had brought a picnic lunch with him. 他们带着供午餐用的食品。(名词用作定语) I'm looking for another speaker who could give a talk. 我正在物色另外一位能做报告的人。(代词用作定语) In 1911,she received a second Nobel Prize for her research, becoming the first person in the world to receive two Nobel prizes. 1911年由于她的研究,她再次获得了诺贝尔奖,成为世界上第一位两次诺贝尔奖的获得者。(数词用作定语) The way out lies in the development of education. 出路在于发展教育。(副词用作定语) There are plenty of interesting places to visit. 有不少有趣的地方可以去看看。(不定式用作定语) Everybody was at his fighting post.每一个人都守在自己的战斗岗位上。(动名词用作定语) By the end of the year , the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars, all of which were sent to Africa.到年底为止,筹集到的全部款项达到9200多万美元。所有这些钱全部送往非洲。(分词用作定语) Electricity lines as well as telephone poles were brought down by falling trees or branches. 树或树枝倒落的时候,把电线连同电线杆一起都撞倒了。 Coral is not a plant but a variety of animal life of different shapes and bright colours. 珊瑚不是植物而是形状不同、色彩斑斓的动物变体。(介词短语用作定语) Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking.尼古丁是一种能使人吸烟上瘾的麻醉剂。(从句用作定语) (2)定语的位置 ①前置定语 单词(副词除外)如形容词、名词、名词所有格、数词、代词、动名词、分词等作定语,往往置于被修饰的词前面,故称为前置定语。有些合成形容词(又称复合形容词)可以作前置定语。 a three-year-old boy一个三岁的男孩 Canada has one third of the world's supply of fresh water. 加拿大的淡水供应量占全世界的三分之一。 They are talking about the coming weekend. 他们在谈论这个周末怎么过。 One suggested answer is for farmers to limit the numbers of their cattle. 有人提出的解决办法是让农民限制他们饲养牲畜的头数。 After that more and more countries joined in the games. 以后,越来越多的国家参加了比赛。 ②后置定语 a. 副词用作定语时,多置于被修饰词的后面,是为后置定语。 A wide and busy road which was built like a bridge over another road fell onto the one below.一座立交桥上部的宽阔而车辆川流不息的马路坍塌到桥下的路上。 b.形容词修饰由some、any、no、every构成的不定式代词时,也置于被修饰词的后面,充当后置定语。 Sometimes this will have to be changed if something more important happens late in the day. 如果当天晚些时候发生了更重要的事情,那么这篇报道还得撤换。 Mrs. Cousins was making a lot of noise with the pans and didn't hear anything unusual. 卡普斯太太摆弄锅盆的响声很大,所以她没有听到什么特殊动静。 c. 少数形容词、分词作定语时,也需后置。 Until recently , the only milu deer alive in the world belonged to the duke of Bedford in England. 直到不久以前,世界上仅有活着的麋鹿是属英国贝德福德公爵所有。 In all there are probably no more than a total of 400 tigers left in Chin 在中国留存的老虎总数很可能不超过400只。 There were many old men present. 有许多老人在场。 d. 短语作定语时(包括分词短语、不定式短语、形容词短语)时,必须后置。 A satellite is an object , either natural or man-made, which travels in an orbit round another object in space.卫星是一种物体,或是天然或是人造的,它围绕着太空中另一物体的轨道而运行。 The earliest coins in the West were made of gold mixed with silver.西方最早的硬币是用金和银的合金制成的。 It contained 54,951 coins dating from the years 260-275AD.那共有54,951枚,制币时间是公元260年到275年之间。 e. 从句作定语时,只能后置。 It is also popular with students of English, who read it in order to improve their English. 它也受学英语的学生们欢迎,他们读报是为了提高自己的英语水平。 必背:几个前置定语修饰同一名词顺序: 代词和冠词+序数词+基数词+性状形容词+名词。 性状形容词的顺序:性质状态+大小形状+新旧温度+颜色+国籍+材料+用途。 代词:放在冠词前的代词。如: all, both, such等。 代词和冠词:冠词、指示代词、物主代词、不定代词。the, a(an), this, that, your, some, any等。 序数词:first, second, last等。 基数词:one, two, three等。 性质状态形容词(opinion)bad, beautiful等。 形状形容词(shape)small, round, tall等。 新旧温度形容词(age)young, new, modern等。 颜色形容词(colour)yellow, black, red等。 国籍形容词(origin)American, European等。 材料形容词(material)wooden, plastic等。 用途形容词(use)medical, educational等。 The first three broken small old black wood boxes have been carried away.前三个破料不烂、年代己久的黑色木头箱子己被搬走了。 7、同位语 两个指同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,用后一个成分来进一步说明或解释前者,这后面的成分便是同位语(appositive)。同位语通常放在其所说明的名(代)词之后。可用作同位语的词语有名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、介词短语、从句等。 (1)名词用作同位语。 Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20th century's greatest scientist.爱因斯坦就是这样的人,一个纯朴的人,一位20世纪最传大的科学家。 He went on to explain that he was not too sure about two things —— the grammar and some of the idioms.他接着说明,在语法和某些习惯用语方面他还是把握不大。 (2)代词用作同位语 They promised to get in touch again with each other, when they both returned to the States. 他们答应回到美国后再相互联系。 As early as his second film, Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting, the one that was to become world-famous.早在他演第二部影片时,卓别林就己经形成了他自己的表演风格,这就是他后来闻名于世的那种表演风格。 (3)数词用作同位语 Are you two ready?你们俩准备好了吗? (4)不定式与动名词作同位语。 The second is connected with the main use the body makes of food-to supply the energy for movement. 第二是与食物对身体的主要用途有关,即食物供给身体活动所需的能量。 (5)从句用作同位语 The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people. 计算机可以识别人的声音这种想法使许多人感到惊奇。 They usually write exact instructions how the music is to be played. 他们通常还要为如何演奏他们的音乐写出精确的说明。 注意:同位语与其所说明的名词之间常插入一些词语,常见的有namely(即)、that is(亦即)、that is to say(也就是说)、for example(例如)、such as(比如)、especially(尤其是)、particularly(特别地)。 But for a cold-blooded animal such as a frog or a snake, it is a different matter. 但是对于冷血动物如青蛙和蛇,情况就不一样。 Later, another type of coin was used, with holes in it, and these were used for the next 2,000 years , that is from 221 BC until 1916.后来使用一种中间有孔的硬币,这种硬币以后用了2000年,即从公元前221年开始到1916年为止。 8、状语 状语修饰动词、形容词、副词以及全句,说明动作或状态的特征或对某一特征做补充说明。 状语(adverbial)分三类:修饰性状语、评注性状语和连接性状语。 (1)修饰性状语表示法 ① 副词用作状语 可置于句末、句首、句中,具体情况如下: a.表地点和方向的副词和表示确切时间的副词,通常只用于句首或句末。 Here she comes!/She's coming here. 她来了。 Down came the rain!/The rain came down.下雨了。 b.一般说来,用于句中的副词要放在动词之前,系动词之后。如果句子的动词由几部分组成,放在第一个助动词之后。 It usually contains very expensive cameras. 它通常装有非常昂贵的摄像机。 He had always been fond of music and had learned music as a young boy.他一直喜欢音乐,他小时候就学过音乐。 c. “引起注意”的副词(这种副词把我们的注意力吸引到句子的某一部分),一般用于句中。 Canada is also the world's biggest producer of the kind of paper which is used for newspaper.加拿大还是世界上最大的生产新闻纸的国家。 He had only worked there for five months. 他只在那儿工作了五个月。 d. 但too、either、as well这几个“引起注意”的副词通常用于句末。only和even如果指主语,就要放在句首。 I can see how English is used in everyday life as well.我还可以看到在日常生活中是怎样使用英语的。 He made only six films between 1940 and 1966 and only the first of these is still popular today.在1940年至1966年之间,他仅制作了6部电影,其中只有一部至今仍受人欢迎。 e. 表程度的副词,如hardly、almost、nearly等,一般用于句中。 The animal hardly makes any movement, hardly uses any energy , and hardly needs any food.冬眠的动物几乎没有什么活动,也就几乎不消耗什么能量,因此也就几乎不需要什么食物了。 f. 为了强调,副词位于句首。 Quickly and quietly he pushed a table against the door.他迅速地、轻轻地推了一下桌子把门顶上。 g. 副词作状语,修饰形容词或副词时,位于被修饰的词之前,但enough用作状语时须后置。 Dr.Baker gave a very good talk later that day and everyone at the conference was very interested.当天晚些时候,贝克博士作了一次非常精彩的报告,到会的每一个人都很感兴趣。 Are you sure you're old enough to go travelling on your own?您是否肯定您己经长大了,能够独自旅行? ②名词用作状语 名词词组作状语大都表示时间、距离、重量、价格等意义。 They worked long hours for several weeks before everything returned to normal.他们长时间地工作了好几个星期,才使一切恢复正常。 They need to be strengthened every 3km~4km.每隔3公里~4公里信号就得增强。 We both worked day and night to pay back the money we had borrowed.为了偿还这笔借款,我们俩不分昼夜地干活。 ③代词用作状语 有一些指示代词、不定代词可用作装语,多置于其所修饰的词语之前,that , this, any, some等。 Do you reme
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