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翻译Unit 4


翻译Unit 4nullUnit Four Unit Four Extract 1null1. Theater, one of the oldest and most popular forms of entertainment, in which actors perform live for an audience on a stage or in another space designated for the performance. The space set aside for performances, either...

翻译Unit 4
nullUnit Four Unit Four Extract 1null1. Theater, one of the oldest and most popular forms of entertainment, in which actors perform live for an audience on a stage or in another space designated for the performance. The space set aside for performances, either permanently or temporarily, is also known as a theater. 戏剧是一种最为古老最受欢迎的娱乐形式。在戏剧中演员在舞台上或在另一指定的表演场所为观众现场表演。用于表演的永久场所或临时场所亦称为剧场。 要点:词义辨析。null2. The actors, the audience, and the space are three essentials of theater. 演员、观众和场所是戏剧的三要素。 要点:根据词性判断词义。 null3. Anthropologists and theater historians trace the origins of theater to myth and ritual | (found in dances and mimed performances) (by masked dancers) [during fertility rites and other ceremonies that marked important passages in life. ] 人类学家和戏剧史家们认为戏剧起源于神话和典礼.这种神话和典礼体现于戴着面具的舞者在丰收庆典上以及其它标志人生重要阶段的仪式上所进行的舞蹈和哑剧表演中. 要点(1)语法分析;(2)断句。null4. Fundamental to the theater experience is the act of seeing and being seen; (Inverted sentence) Seeing = seeing other people act Being seen = being seen to act 戏剧经历中最根本的行为就是观看表演以及表演供别人观看. 要点:加词释义。null5. It is not the building that makes theater but rather the use of space for actors to imitate human experience before audiences. 剧场之为剧场,并非因为这栋建筑,而是因为这一场所被演员用于在观众面前模仿人类经历。 要点(1)强调句的翻译;(2)突出对比。null6. His concept of imitation begins with the playwright's deliberate selection and arrangement of events, words, and images into a dramatic pattern that makes up a meaningful course of human events. 他最初的模仿观指的是剧作家对事件、语言和意象进行刻意的选择,并且按照戏剧的模式进行编排,从而将人类事件表现为一个有意义的过程. 要点:词性转换。null7. In Aristotle's famous definition, drama is an imitation of an action that is whole, complete, and of a certain magnitude or scope. 按照亚里士多德的著名定义,戏剧是一种行为的模仿.这种模仿是完整的、彻底的、具有一定规模或范围的。 要点:定语从句先行词的判断。null8. The audience for theater differs from the reader of a novel or the viewer of a painting in that it assembles as a group at a given time and place to share in the performance with the actors and all the surrounding elements of light, sound, music, costumes, and scenery. 戏剧的观众与小说的读者和画作的观摩者的差异在于:戏剧的观众作为一个群体在一个特定的时间聚集在一个特定的地点,他们与演员一起共同欣赏表演,他们共同体验周围的所有戏剧要素:灯光,音效,音乐,服装和布景。 要点:通过识别短语抓住句子结构,从而理解原文。null9. A presentational style offers a performance with full recognition that the actors are at work on a stage, speaking and acting out a script with music, under lights, and in costumes. 进行表演性戏剧演出时,人们完全意识到演员是在舞台上工作.他们随着音乐、伴着灯光、穿着戏服背台词、演剧本. 要点(1)加词;(2)词性转换。null10. Actors worked within a picture-frame stage—a stage separated from the audience by an arch or rectangular frame—with the understanding that the imaginary fourth wall of their environment was removed to allow audiences to look into the lives of the characters. 演员在画框舞台上工作,这个舞台与观众之间隔着一道拱门或长方形门框.演员在表演时心里明白,他们的环境中所想象的第四堵墙被移走了,以便于观众能深入了解人物的生活. 要点(1)断句;(2)加词。 Exercise IVExercise IV The decline of Rome witnessed the disappearance of acted classical drama. 罗马的衰亡见证了经典戏剧表演的消亡.nullThe mime survived for an uncertain period and perhaps aided in preserving the tradition of acting through wandering entertainers. 但是哑剧却继续存在了一段时间,并且可能帮助保存了演员四处巡演的传统. nullLikewise, dramatic ceremonies and customs, some of them perhaps related to the ancient Dionysian rites themselves, played an uncertain part in keeping alive in medieval times a sort of substratum of dramatic consciousness. 同样,中世纪时的戏剧仪式和风俗使得基本的戏剧意识得以保存.这个时期有些戏剧仪式和风格是与古代酒神节仪式有关的.nullScholars are virtually agreed, however, that the great institution of medieval drama in Western Europe, leading as it did to modern drama, was a new form which developed, about the ninth and following centuries, from the ritual of the Christian Church. The dramatic forms resulting from this development, mystery plays, miracle plays, morality plays, flourishing especially in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, lived on into the Renaissance. 但是学者们一致认为,中世纪时伟大的西欧戏剧体制是公元9世纪以后由基督教的礼拜仪式发展而来的.在这个过程中产生了一些现代戏剧形式,如神秘剧、奇迹剧、道德剧.这些戏剧形式在14、15世纪曾盛极一时,并且一直延续到文艺复兴时期.null罗马的衰亡见证了经典戏剧表演的消亡.但是哑剧却继续存在了一段时间,并且可能帮助保存了演员四处巡演的传统.同样,中世纪时的戏剧仪式和风俗使得基本的戏剧意识得以保存.这个时期有些戏剧仪式和风格是与古代酒神节仪式有关的.但是学者们一致认为,中世纪时伟大的西欧戏剧体制是公元9世纪以后由基督教的礼拜仪式发展而来的.在这个过程中产生了一些现代戏剧形式,如神秘剧、奇迹剧、道德剧.这些戏剧形式在14、15世纪曾盛极一时,并且一直延续到文艺复兴时期.nullExtract 2null1. Music plays a role in all societies, and it exists in a large number of styles, each characteristic of a geographical region or a historical era. 音乐在所有社会中都发挥作用,其存在的风格多种多样,每一种风格都是一个地区或一个历史时期所特有的. 要点(1)语法分析;(2)加词。null2. All known societies have music, but only a few languages have a specific word for it. 所有已知的社会都有音乐,但是语言中有特定的词表示音乐的却为数不多。 要点(1) 成分转换;(2)词性转换;(3)代词it 的翻译。null3. In Western culture, dictionaries usually define music as an art that is concerned with combining sounds—particularly—pitches to produce an artifact that has beauty or attractiveness, that expresses something, that follows some kind of internal logic and exhibits intelligible structure, that requires special skill on the part of its creator. 在西方文化中,字典通常将音乐定义为研究声音组合的艺术,特别关注能够产生一种人工制品的音调.这些人工制品美妙动人,言之有物,遵循某种内在逻辑,具有可以识别的外在结构,要求创作者具有特别的技能. 要点(1)语法分析;(2)断句;(3)书面语与口语的区别。 null4. Indefinite border areas exist, however, between music and other sound phenomena such as speech, and the cultures of the world differ in their opinion of the musicality of various sounds. 但是,在音乐与其它诸如话语之类的声音现象之间存在难以确定的边缘地带,而且世界各种文化就各种声音是否算得上音乐有着不同的观点. 要点(1)成分转换;(2)词义解释。null5. Industrial noises, for instance, are not music except when presented as part of a concert of experimental music in an auditorium, with a listed composer. 比如,工业噪音是算不上音乐的,除非是作为实验性音乐会的一个曲目在剧院中呈现,并且列出作曲者. 要点:成分转换。null6. In some other cultures, for example, Islamic culture, it is of low value, associated with sin and evil, and attempts have been made to outlaw its practice. 在一些其它文化中,比如在伊斯兰文化中,音乐是没有什么价值的,是与罪恶相联系的,从事音乐的行为曾经被试图宣布为非法行为. 要点(1)代词的翻译;(2)词义选择。null7. A proper consideration of music should involve the musical sound itself; but it should also deal with the concepts leading to its existence, with its particular forms and functions in each culture, and with the human behavior that produces the sound. 谈到音乐,必须涉及乐声本身.除此之外,还应涉及使音乐得以存在的概念,应涉及每种文化中音乐的形式与功能,应涉及产生这种声音的人类行为. 要点(1)语法分析;(2)加词。null8.Somewhat analogous to having a language, each society may be said to have “a music”—a self-contained system within which musical communication takes place and that, like a language, must be learned to be understood. 每一个社会都有一种语言.与此相似,可以说每一个社会都有“一种音乐”——一个自洽的系统.音乐交流是在这一系统内发生的;而且,象语言一样,这一系统必须经过学习才能理解. 要点(1)语法分析;(2)断句。null9. Within each music, various strata may exist, distinguished by degree of learning (professional versus untrained musicians), level of society (the music of the elite versus that of the masses), patronage (court or church or public commercial establishments), and manner of dissemination (oral, notated, or through mass media). 每种音乐可能都存在不同的等级,区分依据是学习程度(职业音乐家还是业余音乐家),社会阶层(精英音乐还是大众音乐),所受资助(朝廷、教会还是公共商业机构)以及传播方式(口头传播、标音传播还是通过大众媒体传播)。 要点(1)成分转换;(2)加词;(3)词义选择。null10. Thus, the scale of 18th- and 19th-century Western music is the chromatic scale, represented by the piano keyboard with its 12 equidistant tones per octave; 因此,十八十九世纪的西方音乐的音阶是半音音阶,通过钢琴琴键来表现时,每一个八度音包含十二等距全音; 要点:成分转换。null11. Much Western music is also based on diatonic scales — those with seven tones per octave, as illustrated by the white keys on the piano keyboard. 许多西方音乐是建立在自然音阶的基础上的.自然音阶每个八度音有7个音调,通过钢琴上的白色琴键来表现. 要点:成分转换。null12. In the diatonic scales and in the pentatonic scales — those with five tones per octave, most often corresponding to the black keys on the piano—that are common in folk music, the tones are not equidistant. 民间音乐中常见的是自然音阶和五声音阶.五声音阶中每个八度音有5个音调,通常对应钢琴上的黑键.在自然音阶和五声音阶中,音调不是十二等距音调. 要点(1) 语法分析;(2)成分转换。null13. The human ear can distinguish intervals as small as 14 cents, but no interval that small seems to play a significant role in any musical system. 人类的耳朵可以辨别小至14音分的音距,但是那么小的音距在任何音乐系统中似乎都无法起到重要作用. 要点:否定转移。null14. The handling of time in music is expressed through concepts such as the lengths of notes and the interrelationships among them; relative degrees of emphasis on different tones; and, in particular, meter. The handling of time in music is expressed through concepts such as the lengths of notes and the interrelationships among them; (through)relative degrees of emphasis on different tones; and, in particular, (through) meter. 音乐中时间的处理是通过诸如音符的长度及音符间相互关系这样的概念来表达的;是通过对不同音符的强调程度来表达的;特别是通过节拍来表达的。 要点(1)对原文的理解;(2)加词。null15. The three most common meters in Western music are units of four beats with main stress on the first beat, secondary stress on the third beat; of three beats with stress on the first; and of six beats with primary stress on the first, secondary on the fourth. 西方音乐中最常见的三种节拍是四拍、三拍和六拍.其中,四拍的重拍在第一拍,次重拍在第三拍;三拍的重拍在第一拍;六拍的重拍在第一拍,次重拍在第四拍. 要点(1)对原文的语法结构的理解;(2)长句的翻译方法之一:拆译法。nullExtract 3null1. Motion pictures are continuous sequence of transparent still photographs, in black and white or color, exposed onto long strips of specially treated cellulose acetate and projected in rapid succession onto a screen to give the optical illusion of motion. 电影是由透明的静态的黑白或彩色照片组成的一个连续的系列.这些照片被曝光在由经过特别处理的酯酸纤维素 制成的长胶片上,并且以极快的速度连续投射到屏幕上,从而造成一种动态的视觉假象. 要点(1)对原文的语法分析;(2)根据词性确定词义;(3)分词短语的处理。 null2. The basic components of a motion-picture camera are a lens used for focusing an inverted image of the subject on the film while it is exposed; a shutter for regulating the exposure and blocking the lens while the film is being transported past the lens; a channel, called the film gate, through which the film passes for exposure; and a mechanism for transporting the film through the camera and past the film gate’s aperture, through which the film is exposed. 摄影机的基本构件有透镜,快门,片门,和机械传送装置.透镜的作用是在胶片曝光时将物体的倒像聚焦在胶片上;快门的作用是在胶片通过透镜前的时候控制曝光及隔断透镜;片门是胶片从中穿过从而得以曝光的通道;机械传送装置的作用是将胶片在摄影机中进行传送,使之通过片门的镜孔,在此胶片得以曝光. 要点:拆译法。null3. In all except ultrahigh-speed cameras used for research, the transport mechanism is so arranged that the film is moved intermittently and stopped for a fraction of a second at regular intervals. 除了超高速摄影机,所有摄影机的传送装置的设计都使得胶片能够在不断地传送时有规律地停上几分之一秒. 要点(1)成分转换;(2)词义转移;(3)词性转换。null4. These magazines normally carry 122 or 305 m (400 or 1000 ft) of film; 122 m (400 ft) of 16-mm film shot at 24 frames per second or 305 m (1000 ft) of 35-mm film shot at 24 frames per second will run for 11 minutes. 这些软片盒通常装有122米长的16毫米胶片或305米长的35毫米胶片.这些胶片按照每秒钟24帧的速度都可拍摄11分钟. 要点(1)对原文的语法结构的理解;(2)减词;(3)词义转移。null5. The projector operates at precisely the same speed as the camera, and as a result it throws a succession of 24 frames per second on the screen. 放映机以与摄影机完全相同的速度运行,因此以每秒24帧的速度将图片连续地投射到屏幕上. 要点(1)词义选择;(2)词性转换。null6. The option, like any contract, states the terms and conditions under which the property owner will surrender the rights, including the length of time (when) the property may remain stagnant should the producer be unable to gather financing to produce the film. 版权 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 和其它任何合同一样,陈述版权所有人出让版权的条款和条件,包括万一制片人无法筹集制片所需资金时可以继续保留版权的期限. 要点(1)根据学科判断词义;(2)根据语境判断词义;(3)虚拟语气。null7. The documentary is a nonfiction film depicting real-life situations with individuals often describing their feelings and experiences in an unrehearsed manner to a camera or an interviewer. 记录片是一部描述现实生活场景的真实的电影.在记录片中,人物以一种未经排演的方式向摄影机或采访者描述他们的情感和经历. 要点(1)语法分析;(2)成分转换。null8. Documentary and nontheatrical film production commonly uses 16-mm film, which is less expensive, lighter to carry, and provides the producer with sufficient quality for the purpose for which it is intended. 纪录片和非戏剧影片的制作通常使用16毫米胶片,因为这种胶片价格便宜,携带轻便,其质量之高足以使制片人完成预定目的. 要点:成分转换。null9. Additional sketches are then prepared to establish backgrounds and decor and the appearance and temperaments of the characters. 另外还要准备一些素描图片,用于建立背景和舞台装饰以及表现人物的外貌和性格. 要点:加词。null10. In some sequences the music and dialogue are recorded before the final animation is executed, so that the final sequence of frame-by-frame drawings is governed by the sound tracks. In other sequences a final series of sketches precedes and thus governs the composition and arrangement of the music or other sound effects and the style and pace of the dialogue. 有时候,先录制音乐和对话再制作成最终的动画片,这样就根据音轨来安排逐帧拍摄的素描图片的顺序.有时候,先制作成片,再根据成片的顺序来合成、安排音乐或其它音效以及对话的风格和速度. 要点:词性转换。null11. The height of the camera and the horizontal displacement of the background are controlled by very precise gearing to ensure proper scenic composition. 摄影机的高度和背景的水平更替由非常精确的传动装置控制,以确保布景恰当. nullExtract 4null1. These signals are usually broadcast from a central source, a television station, to reception devices such as television sets in homes or relay stations such as those used by cable television service providers. 这些信号通常由电视台这样的信息中枢发送到诸如家用电视这样的接收设备,或发送到诸如有线电视服务商所使用的中继站。 要点:看出原文中的省略,翻译时加词。null2. Public utility employees use television to monitor the condition of an underground sewer line, using a camera attached to a robot arm or remote-control vehicle. 市政部门的员工将摄影机连接到机器臂或遥控车上,然后通过电视机来监控下水管线的情况。 要点(1)成分转换;(2)根据词性判断词义。null3. Doctors can probe the interior of a human body with a microscopic television camera without having to conduct major surgery on the patient. 医生可以通过显微镜来探查人体内部的情况,而不需要对病人动大手术。 要点(1)通过确定词性来确定词义;(2)成分转换。null4. Educators use television to reach students throughout the world. 教师们使用电视机给全世界的学生授课。 要点:词义转移。
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