首页 王京竹机经-2010年10月31日及11月-附口语独立写作答案



王京竹机经-2010年10月31日及11月-附口语独立写作答案 拜仁球迷亲情奉献 O(∩_∩) O 本文根据北京新东方 2010 年 9 月 20 日的点题整理适用于 2010 年 10 月份: 2010.10.09, 2010,10.17, 2010.10.23, 2010.10.31 机经范围如下: 如果 10.09 考了的,后面三次将 10.09 考了的删了,10.09,10.17 考了的,后面两次把考了的 删了,依次类推 最重点(仅供参考): 08,12.5NA,全套重点, 和 09.1.23 全套重点 次重点: 2009...

拜仁球迷亲情奉献 O(∩_∩) O 本文根据北京新东方 2010 年 9 月 20 日的点 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 整理适用于 2010 年 10 月份: 2010.10.09, 2010,10.17, 2010.10.23, 2010.10.31 机经范围如下: 如果 10.09 考了的,后面三次将 10.09 考了的删了,10.09,10.17 考了的,后面两次把考了的 删了,依次类推 最重点(仅供参考): 08,12.5NA,全套重点, 和 09.1.23 全套重点 次重点: 2009.02.27NA, 2009.04.03NA, 2009.05.30NA , 2009.08.7NA 2009.09.11NA, 均为全套。 以上顺序仅供参考,具体顺序请关注机经网: http://runformydream.5d6d.com/bbs 口语及作文部分答案(部分为类似答案)收集于网络,提供思路,考 试前请自己修改,考试时请使用属于个人的版本。 机经只是预测范围,不能保证准确性,所以平时积累更为重要! 2009.1.23NA 全套重点 Reading 第一篇 河流湖泊中水随四季的循环,大致是水的密度随温度变化而变化,导致水流上 层和下层的交替。 第二篇 行星的组构过程,大概是灰尘和气团像雪球一样粘连在一起,越来越大,后来 大的灰尘团开始有引力,吸引小的颗粒,最后经过碰撞,形成天体。 第三篇 美国本土某个名字类似 holoko 的民族的介绍,在土地干涸的 xx 地方,每年都有 洪水,他们就筑起堤坝,利用从上流冲下来的肥料和水种地。还有、他们从植 物身上摄取资源但是从来不破坏植物本身。他们有一些部落什么的,有时有小 的冲突。 Listening 听力 1 一个女生要换成单人宿舍,然后 officer 就告诉她不能换,建议她去另外的安静 的地方学习,例如图书馆。 听力 2 一个男生和一个女教授,都在做关于沙滩还是什么的研究,因为男生在为报社 打工,教授就问他可不可以用他的照的照片。当然,重点是男生想参加登山社 的登山活动,但是去年没有交年费,所以不再是社员了。教授建议他可以作为 导游和社团一起去,顺便还可以赚钱。最后因为没有空房间了,男生要自己住 另外一个酒店。 听力 3 一个女生对水母有兴趣=,发现水母在水里变大了,就跑去问教授为什么,想做 个专题研究。教授就解释水母里有 xxx 物质,可以干什么。最后教授建议女生 去专注于某一个种类的水母,因为并不是所有的水母都有这种化学物质。 听力 4 某种叫 black diamond 虽然一点都不好看,不能用做装饰,但是因为很硬,也有 工业用途。 然后讲了这种钻石的来源,大家还在猜测,可能来自外太空,也可 拜仁球迷亲情奉献 O(∩_∩) O 能就是地球上的物质。 听力 5 Geology,同时 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 physical part 和 historical part,然后教授说应该先学 physical part 因为那是基本 听力 6 教授问学生为什么很多意大利的艺术作品上都没有艺术家的签名 第一条: 第二条:是说某些大艺术家开了艺术馆,别人订购艺术品的时候,他们很忙, 不可能亲自参见每一个作品的每一个部分,而是自己做一点,然后安排别人来 做。其中还谈到了建筑结构什么的。 Speaking Task 1 如果给你一个新的事情或课程去学习,你会分几步,请详细描述。 Personally, I would like to say that the tremendous difficulty I have encountered is English listening. As it is known, in China, we don’t have enough opportunities to communicate in English. I took three steps to overcome the difficulty. The first step I wanna say is dictation. In this way, I can increase my temporary memory and learn some new words. The second step is reading following the tape, by doing this, I can imitate the standard pronunciation and become familiar with the communication situation. The third step is talking with my foreign teachers, so I can practice my spoken English and thus improve my listening ability. Task 2 每天听或看新闻,还是不定期看新闻 As for me, I prefer listening or watching news every day. Because it may not take me much time to know what happened today. I can surf the internet with my cell phone and read the news. If I am busy these days, I may just look at the topics of the news and not feel out of date. The second reason why I read news every day is that the news I read can become the topic of conversations among my friends and I. I think discussing about politics or new technology is much better than talking about weather or keeping in silence when I find nothing to communicate with them. Task 3 【学校 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 】:图书馆限制借书到 10 本,理由是学生一次借太多书看不过来。 还有不按时还甚至丢书。 【学生议论】:不应受限 理由 1、research paper 要查很多书,一次就需要 20 本 理由 2、图书馆这样做明显是不信任学生,她从不会不按时还,不会把书弄丢。 Task 4 【课文要点】:vertical migration 水中动物的一种生存方式 【教授举例】:squid 晚上到水面吃食,白天躲到水底,避 predators Task 5 【学生困难】:short story course 很多人想报,因此要交一篇 short story。 【解决方案】: 方案 1、新写一篇交,但要准备考试,没时间。 方案 2、交篇以前写的诗歌看看行不行。 Task 6 【讲课要点】:古人要使火不灭。 1、技术上要学会往火里加木头。 2、social skill 要学会轮班加木头。 拜仁球迷亲情奉献 O(∩_∩) O Writing 综合写作 行星(meteorite)撞地球导致动物灭亡 阅读(是) 听力(不是) 250-million-old meteorite fragments 这些碎片看起来很新 , 应该没有 250-million-old 这么老。 meteorite fragments 的分散在 3 个地方, China, Japan 还有一个。 碎片不应该只在这三个地方有。 Australia 的 crater 这个 crater 不应该是陨石造成的,应该是 地球内部地质活动形成的 独立写作 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Young people should try different job before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term! With development of our modern society, today, there is a variety of jobs and choices given to young people. I strongly agree with the statement that the youngs should try different jobs before deciding their final career, by which young people may receive lots of benefits in the long term. Frankly speaking, only through various tries can young people know what on earth they are good at or they do desire for. In today's complex society, since there are too many choices and attracts before us, it is nothing strange that a university student loses his way, not knowing what career is his best choice. To find the answer, trying different jobs is no doubt a good method. After all, for example, without any experience of being a salesman, how can a student - just graduated from a university, usually having learned only academic knowledge during his school time - know whether he is good at selling products, even if he was said to be talkative? As a saying goes, "Practice tells the truth" - only after the very try, the student is able to know his merits and shorts in the field and to judge by himself whether this job fits his interest and ability. Moreover, trying different jobs could benefit young people in broadening their views and improving their comprehensive abilities. Nowadays, those who want to make a great achievement in some area, must have a master of such comprehensive abilities in addition to their specialized skills. For instance, an indeed successful physics teacher should know not only physical rules, but also some knowledge of engineering by which the teacher could introduce students the relative background knowledge when teaching them the application of Newton's mechanical laws. Therefore, since trying various kinds of jobs is one effective way to cultivate their comprehensive abilities, young children should better take these tries in order to satisfy the essential requirements of achieving success in the future. Last but not least, taking different jobs when people are young might provide them a "retreating way" in the future. As no one could accurately predict the future, it is equally possible that after they decide their final career and might have worked on it 拜仁球迷亲情奉献 O(∩_∩) O for a long term, they would unexpectedly suffer a fatal strike - for example, facing the problem of being unemployed unfairly after working in the same company for decades - that force them to terminate their career in the field. Then, if one would have tried diverse jobs when he is young, he would get much easier to find another job in a different area than those who never have such experience. Certainly, trying multiple jobs might reduce people's time spending on the final job that they choose to do permanently. However, its merits far overweigh its disadvantages. And, as its best, it could give us an access to find out jobs that indeed fit us, to develop our comprehensive abilities which are essential for making great contribution in at least one filed, and to leave ourselves a "retreating way", a way for multiple career choices. Therefore, I reinforce my conclusion that different kinds of jobs should be taken by young people before they decide their final job in the long term. 2009.2.27NA 次重点 Reading 第一篇 有关于水草,画面中有一幅图画,左边是水草,右边是一般陆生植物,比较水 草的根和陆生植物的不同,问海草在什麼情況下会死亡,深海的植物因为吸收 不同波长的光线,所以会变成红色或褐色。 題目: 海草为什么会被植物学家特别划分出来?因为它有叶绿素会行光合作用; 为什么 storm 有可能造成海草死亡?因为它的根脱落; 海草跟陆上植物叶子和根作用有何不同?海草的叶子不储存水份 海草的根不吸收水分及营养。 海草及 algae。讲海草跟陆生植物的不同,海草不会开花也沒有种子。海草一定 要生存。 在阳光照射到的地方(phonics zone) (有題),因为要行光合作用,green, brown and red algae 分別住在浅、中及深,三种深度。 第二篇 八世纪的欧洲经济: 欧洲在八世纪时主要的经济活动都是农业,即使有其他的工作,也都是跟农业 拜仁球迷亲情奉献 O(∩_∩) O 有关系的,例如铁工(有题,问提到別的工作的目的是什么?答案是表达它们 与农业的 connect 的关系)。 一开始只是自己自足的狀況,其中历经了气候异常的温暖,温度升高,冬天温 和(有题,问何者不是收成变好的原因,答案是农耕科技),所以农作收成就变 好了,变得可以 subsist for life(有字汇題)。 后来农民放弃了自己的农田(有题,问为什么?因为安全因素),大家变得集合 住在一起住。一起后发现好处很多,可以交流、一起耕种,所以农耕技术变好 了,收成也变多了,后来这些住在一起的农民们決定让一个人出来当头,给他 权利。 第三篇 摄影师 Alfred Stieglitz: 第一段讲摄影科技的進步,作品也因此产生变化,后来讲摄影师 Alfred Stieglitz 作品重写实,问到文中他提到另二位同行的目的是?反映当时的摄影过 于美化不够写实。 Listening 听力 1 一个是一女生想去海外学习,先说想去巴西。director 说你可以去日本而且日本 大学的课与你专业有关,而且是英文授课,女生去过,学过日语,但是女生说 他的日语没有那么好,没有办法在日本生活。女生说他在高中学过四年的西班 牙语,officer 就说墨西哥有一大学课程你可以去,还说有一人之前去过,说好的 很,你去找一个 xxx 同学问问,但是他的资料在哪呢?女的说,噢,那人我认 识,我们一个课堂的,然后教授说太好了。 听力 2 有个女生去找教授,教授闲聊了一下你法国交换学生一年经验如何啊?女生说 很好,后来女生切入正题说:我来这是有事问你的,你上的一门课跟我去做 intern 的时间冲突了,那个 intern 是很难得的,怎麼办呢?教授说我的时间不能 改,是固定的。女生问说可以用我在法国上的课来抵吗?教授说不行,因为我 上的课比那复杂(有题,问为什么不能用法国的课抵),那女生就说那我可以上 online 的吗?教授说不行,因为我的课要参与课堂讨论(有题,问为什么不能上 online 的)。后来女生就说,那我只好不去那个我喜欢的 intern 了,改去另一个 比较不怎样的 intern。 听力 3 公司的 employee 需要三个因素 听力 4 讲到树蝙蝠跟洞穴蝙蝠,问到为什么年轻的树蝙蝠常常搬家,还有挑选树木的 问题。 听力 5 三种 literature 的不同,其中会讲到各代表他们风格的书(有题),三种分別是 realism literature、Modern literature、post-modern literature。 听力 6 Speaking Task 1 什么东西进步是你觉得你国家在过去 20 年里最重要的。 The most important invention in the recent century would definitely be the internet, which has changed our life so tremendously. First of all, it makes the worldwide connection possible so that it can help human beings to work much more conveniently and efficiently. In addition, it has greatly promoted the development of science and technology by a number of websites and databases of information. Besides, it can provide people with entertainment, such as watching movie, chatting room and even shopping. So the internet is really an amazing invention. 拜仁球迷亲情奉献 O(∩_∩) O Task 2 父母是孩子最好的老师 因观点绝对而不能同意。 不是所有的父母都是好老师 最好的老师不仅仅是父母 有些父母尽管善良,但对教育孩子一无所知 有些父母不配做孩子的老师,对孩子有不良影响 From my perspective, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers. There are several reasons. First of all, some parents more or less have some bad habits. Even though parents almost instinctively devote themselves to cultivating their offspring, the outcome might turn out to be disappointment, for all children tend to unconsciously or subconsciously copy everything including bad ones from their parents. Another deficiency of parents as teachers is the fact that most parents are lack of common sense of education. Sometimes, this will mislead children get the wrong choices when they choosing school and major. Task 3 【学校通知】:学校要凭请以有名的 director,要拍一部剧就在学校的 theatre,学 校觉得会有很多学生来看,是很好的一件事。 【学生议论】:女生反对 理由 1、这 director 自己就很忙了没工夫辅导他们,这 d 一周来学校一天,而且 女生觉得这 d 不会 pay attention 给他们排的剧,女生本身参加这出剧,他觉得自 己 sing, dance 都是自己排练。 理由 2、虽然这 d 出名,但是只是在他们这行出名,别人不知道,所以不会有很 多人来看,旁边的男生就说是,他就不知道 d。 Task 4 【课文要点】: 【教授举例】: Task 5 【学生困难】:一女生放学后 working with young,然后下周要带一帮孩子去博物 馆,结果那 tour guy very sick,没有办法带他们。 【解决方案】: 方案 1、自己带,担心自己解说的没有人家好。 方案 2、旁边男生说换个时间再去,女生说换时间的话又要预约博物馆,又要从 家长那里拿 permission,还要 arrange tickets。 Task 6 【讲课要点】:讲动物 protect 自己的,分成 structure 和 behavior,s 是 developed body shape,b 是装死。 Writing 综合写作 tortoise 数量减少 阅读(保护方法) 听力(方法不行) 保护 tortoise 的赖以生存的生活环境。 不止人在破坏,还有其他因素在破坏这 个森林阿,比如火。 可以把他们带回研究所,人工喂养,再 放生。 这个疾病很容易传播的阿,万一有病放 出去了,会死,因为没接受治疗,还有 给其他的带来危险。 挑一些出来送到其他适合的环境去。 tortoise 认家,你把他带到哪里,他都不 拜仁球迷亲情奉献 O(∩_∩) O 呆,就是要回家。而且路上很危险。 a job with more vacation time or a job with a higher salary but lesser off Admittedly, a job with low salary but more vacation time will not be beneficial for a family to enhance or even sustain their living standard. However, it still exerts positive influences on people's life, namely, enhancing communication between parents and children, updating one's ideas, accumulating experiences, increasing working efficiency, etc. Hence, from my own point, I agree with the statement. Initially, a job with low salary but more vacation time will enhance communication between parents and children and bridge the generation gap. If parents expend less time at their offices and spend more time in being with their children, they will be right there ready to help when their kids have puzzles about life or problems in their study. And thereby these puzzles and problems can be explained and solved in the first place through communication, which is helpful to narrow the generation gap. In addition, family would have more opportunities to go traveling together on the vacation time. Not only are rosy memories gained during the trips, but parents and children would have more chances for exchanging ideas in a freer atmosphere, which is beneficial to enhance their communication. Consequently, a job with low salary but more vacation time helps parents and children improve communication and understand each other better, while a job with high salary but less vacation time will do the opposite. Besides, a job with low salary but more vacation time will update people's ideas and help people obtain more inspiration. Supposing one person takes a job with high salary but less vacation time, his angle of consideration or solution would stay conservative or obsolete, for he is always spending time with the exactly same bunch of fellows and there is no fresh blood to stimulate exciting inspirations. However, if he take a job with low salary but more vacation time, he would broaden his horizon when he meet people with distinct backgrounds, experiences, cultures and different views or thoughts on current issues. And thus he would likely be enlightened and inspired by those new people and their vivid perspectives. So I believe taking a job with low salary but more vacation time is a wiser choice. Moreover, a job with low salary but more vacation time will improve one's working efficiency. No matter how high the salary is, with less vacation to let out some stress and unhappiness, one could be easily fed up with unceasing dull work. Yet a job with more vacation time will bring relaxation and refreshment to his life at times. Even though the salary could be lower, he will earn a happier mood and a renewed mind after each vacation. And since the vacations come frequently, he will probably keep the free mind and feel delighted all the time, which will undoubtedly conduce to efficient work. And with higher working efficiency, he is more likely to get a promotion in his job and fulfill his ambition in his career. Therefore, a job with low salary but more vacation time is better for people. To sum up, in respect of enhancing communication between parents and children, updating one's ideas and increasing working efficiency, a job with low salary but more vacation time is obviously better than a job with high salary but less vacation time. 拜仁球迷亲情奉献 O(∩_∩) O 2009.04.03NA 次重点 Reading 第一篇 英国工业发展时期灰蛾子和黑蛾子数量的增减。 核心观点是:污染严重——树木变黑——黑蛾子隐蔽效果变好——灰蛾子被吃 得多,这个理论来自涉及到一个科学家的实验以及数据采集。学术界关于这个 还是有争议的,所以作者使出杀手锏:1965 年英国通过环保法案以后,灰蛾子 的数量又上来了。于是科学家的理论就从反方向得到证实。 1、关于 moth 对不同环境变化进化成不同颜色(深、浅)的概率,证明第一段 的某人的理论。(可能运气好,没有原本想象中的那样难) 第二篇 关于不同纬度对生物多样性的分析,其中重要的理论:从赤道到两极点,生物 多样性逐步下降。 里面谈到海洋里的对比不强烈,因为温差只是在上面几十米,下面都是一个样 的黑和冷,所以作者认为海洋多样性不是由光照和温度产生的。 另外一个问题是多食动物 generalist 和专食动物 specilist 的区别。作者是通过季 节周期性变化带来食物供应量的变化,然后食物的限制造成两种动物的不同这 个方面来谈的。其中就谈到了热带区域物种丰富 第三篇 欧洲中世纪行会 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 先讲大师傅 master 的出道过程。然后是整个行会的排他性。接着是行会和城邦 政府怎么样由前提相互支持(垄断)到后来政府看中垄断的大面包于是插手进 来分一杯羹的。除了政府以外,另一个行会的另一个强劲对手是城外不受法律 约束而且拥有廉价劳动力的个体企业。后来行会竞争不过,成本拼不过,价格 当然也拼不过,同时又遇到一些供应上的困难。还有,他们自己本身也有矛盾, 主要是 master 们有些很有野心,想要扩张。所以简单说就是内忧外患 关于 guild 这群人在当时社会所扮演的角色:统一 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 统一生产统一 equality & antonomy。但是该机制受到以下 3 种因素的挑战 1. oversupply of labor 2.illegal competition at lower price 3 difference of wealth in guild group Listening 听力 1 学生要少一点的 meal plan,然后讲到他 freshman 的 meal plan 太多(他父母给办 的,阿姨说第一年的学生的父母都是这样的,这里有考阿姨认为父母怎么怎么) 拜仁球迷亲情奉献 O(∩_∩) O 还剩下 70 顿没吃,问是不是 refund 或者是加到下个 plan 里,阿姨说了不行,然 后建议带同学来吃消耗掉,男同学很郁闷说他的同学估计也跟他一样有剩下的, 他找不到人来吃,还说如果不吃掉的话很浪费钱,然后阿姨说那没办法了,要 么去找 dean 说说,学生更郁闷了,说现在要放假了我要准备考试还要 pack 东西, 没时间(有考题)。 听力 2 学生跟一个 clerk 还是什么的人说话,clerk 说谢谢他来干什么(有题,问 clerk 叫学生来干嘛)然后就说到学生组织的一个会议还是什么东西,说饭很好吃啊, 学生说是啊,也很便宜,他选择便宜的那个但是是 international 的,还有讲到经 费问题,他的 budget 不够,然后说他最后找人搞定了。 听力 3 英国巨石阵和 10km 以外的另一个古迹 x 比较 事实:两个东西一个石头一个木头,都有小路通往近处的一个湖。 核心观点:巨石阵用来严肃崇拜神灵,x 用来聚会畅饮 feast。古代一个仪式的顺 序:夏至的时候,feast——走到湖边——到巨石阵 worship。 人类学学术思想(教授提出):不要用自己本民族的文化妄自推断他民族的文化。 听力 4 Mm 没定专业,教授诱惑其选 art history。Mm 说我很有兴趣但是这个专业太专, 不够泛;同时我的兴趣其实来自对古希腊神话(art 很多描述这个的)。教授说你 可以 interdisciplinary 学习=文学+希腊语+艺术啊!这个好东西很多学生还不知道 呢!Mm 大喜。教授说不过还得多学拉丁语,mm 说不怕我高中有底子。 听力 5 B cell 的免疫效果 B 淋巴细胞有分辨体内细胞和体外细胞的能力(通过细胞中某一部分),应用它 则有两个功能:一是病毒侵入以后包裹并杀菌;二是记忆,下次有类似的病毒 再进来的话就快速反应了。 例子有三个,其中一个是 cowpox 牛痘用来防止天花 smallpox。另外两个就不记 得了,大家听到时候要记住首字母,以及这两种方法各自对应那两种病毒。 最后遗憾:对感冒效力不强,因为感冒>2000 种,不可能每次都像从牛痘提取天 花疫苗一样提取感冒疫苗。 听力 6 很多 artist 用 lence 采光 帮助他们的画看起来 3d。在阳光下用 lens 画画,阴影的 地方会更明显。 然后一种布料特别难画。Focus 在画后面的钟然后前面帅哥的袖子模糊 Speaking Task 1 Important thing that you learned from your parents in childhood. My opinion - An important thing to learn from parents in childhood is security. As a child, you are completely dependent on your parents and family to provide for you, take care of you, protect you, and watch out for your future. Families are a child's first contact with humanity, and if the child doesn't learn security from the parents, then I can't imagine that child ever learning to trust or build relationships well. Task 2 有人喜欢把时间排得很满(full schedule, more actives),有人喜欢留很多 free time。 你呢? Well,I would like to have more free time to do some things I really want to. There are several reasons. First of all, having more free time could be pleasure for me to deal with some unexpected situations. If I arrange my schedule fully, I may not be able to respond to some accidence quickly and rearrange my timetable again. In 拜仁球迷亲情奉献 O(∩_∩) O addition,as I have mentioned, having more free time enables me to do some things that I really want to and really love to do, such as reading novels or doing some sports, but not works and works all day long. That’s why I like to have more free time for myself. Task 3 【学校通知】:学校校报一类的东西停止发放(eliminate school newspaper),理由: 1、 改为 website。Students can go to computer site and read newspaper online. 2、 学生写 review 的参与性不高(no volunteer to write news) 【学生议论】:男生反驳 理由 1、inconvenient. 在咖啡馆 mailbox 里放着 newspaper 学生很容易看并且方 便,放到网上就没人去看了 理由 2、你这样取消了学生参与就更少了。 此外建议一个:给学生付工资,那么参与的人一定多了,学校也有这个 budget。 (If school pays students for writing, they can get more to write.) Task 4 【课文要点】:人的想法和行为跟以前的 experience 有关。 【教授举例】:教授举例一个女生坐在公车上正想着以前学生写作业的生活,看到 一个陌生男生上车坐下来写东西 那个女生就认定他一定是个学生,另外一个女生刚完成诗集编写所以她认定那 个男生是作家或诗人。 Task 5 【学生困难】:男人说他的 paper 还没写完明天要交了,但是呢又答应朋友晚上 去 concert。 【解决方案】: 方案 1、女人说那你看完 concert 再写啊,人家都帮你买票了。男人说要熬夜很 累而且赶出来的样子不好。 方案 2、女人又说那你就 miss concert,男人说别人请客票都帮买票了,他怕他 朋友不高兴。 Task 6 【讲课要点】:Mammals 变成妈妈后会变得很勇敢很有自信。 实验场所:两种容器,一种有盖子、像下水道,另一种没有 top,可以看到上面。 对象:两只 rat,一个处女一个妈。 现象:处女 rat 胆子小只敢走有盖子那个,妈大无畏两个照走。 结论:mother rats 跟 non-mother rats 的表现不一样,妈妈会很勇敢出去寻食,因 为要 feed 她的 baby,同时也有机会找到更 safe 的地方,可是 non 妈妈很 fearful 想呆在 safe 的地方。 Writing 综合写作 北美 Hohokam 人突然消失于 x 地的原因 阅读(原因) 听力(反驳原因) 过度耕种,漫灌,水中有 alkali,造成 soil 碱化,reduce food。 他们采用丰收之后休耕的做法,土地保 养得很好一春又一春,rain 也会 wash off the alkali,再说在那以前 1000 年他们一 直用得好好的,咋就一下没了? 砍伐一种 tree,而这种 tree 是很多动物 依赖生存的,而这些动物呢又是人依赖 生存的 meat。 这种树生长很快,只用木材来生火和盖 房子的古人是用不完的。 战乱,跟 invasive people 打一仗然后估 计输了就撤了,理由是由类似于工事的 有工事不等于有战争,也许只是预防而 已,再说没有其他关于战争的遗迹如 拜仁球迷亲情奉献 O(∩_∩) O 东西。 weapon、tool 留下 独立写作 The best way to improve the quality of the education in a country is to increase teachers' salaries. Education plays an essential role in the development of a country. In the advancement of a society, the enhancement of educational quality is crucial. Some maintain that the most efficient method of improving education is to raise teachers’ salaries; others disagree with this opinion. I hold the view that teachers’ salaries are significant because teachers play the most important part in the process of education. Students’ knowledge of their
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