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小学总复习课件nullnull 谈六年级英语复习 次坞镇小 俞彩玉null一、复习内容: 1、单词、词组(第八册教参121-126页) 2、句子(肯定句、否定句、特殊疑问句、一般疑问句) 3、阅读 4、语法(四种时态、形容词的比较级、名词的单复数等) 5、语音 null1、学习用品(school things) 2、人体(body) 3、颜色 (colours) 4、动物(animals) 5、人物 (people) 6、职业(jobs) 7、食品、饮料...

nullnull 谈六 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 英语复习 次坞镇小 俞彩玉null一、复习内容: 1、 单词 英语单词 下载七年级上册英语单词表下载英语单词表下载深圳小学英语单词表 下载高中英语单词 下载 、词组(第八册教参121-126页) 2、句子(肯定句、否定句、特殊疑问句、一般疑问句) 3、阅读 4、语法(四种时态、形容词的比较级、名词的单复数等) 5、语音 null1、学习用品(school things) 2、人体(body) 3、颜色 (colours) 4、动物(animals) 5、人物 (people) 6、职业(jobs) 7、食品、饮料 (food&drink) 8、水果、蔬菜(fruit & vegetables) 9、衣服(clothes) 10、交通工具(vehicles) 11、杂物 (other things) 12、地点(locations) 13、课程 (classes) 14、国家、城市(countries & cities) 15、气象 (weather) 16、景物(nature) 17、植物 (plants) 18、星期(week) 19、月份 (months) 20、季节(seasons) 21、方位 (directions) 22、患病(illness) 23、数词 (numbers) 24、形容词(adj.) 25、介词 (prep.) 26、代词(pron.) 27、动词(v.) null25、介词 about to by at of for with after without from 26、代词 where when what why who which whose how 28、连词 but and so if than because 29、近义词 pretty-beautiful ill-sick study-learn gift-present 30、反义词 open-close put on-take off left-right tall-short long-short hot-cold big-small behind-in front of good-bad cheap-expensive 31、同音词 no-know by-buy too-two-to see-sea meet-meat hear-here aunt-ant son-sun wear-where null5、人物 (people) Who’s this…? Who are they? 6、职业(jobs) What does your… do? What’s your…? 7、食品、饮料 (food&drink) 8、水果、蔬菜(fruit & vegetables) What’s your favourite…? Do you like…? I like… I don’t like… What would you like? I’d like some… What do you have for…today? null10、交通工具(vehicles) How do you go to…? How did you go there? How are they going to…? 11、杂物 (other things) 12、地点(locations) 16、景物(nature) 25、介词 (prep.) There is a/an… There are...? Is there a/an…? Are there…? 13、课程 (classes) What do you have on…? 15、气象 (weather) What’s the weather like in…? null18、星期(week) 19、月份 (months) 20、季节(seasons) What day is it today? When is your birthday? What’s the date? Which season do you like best? What’s your favourite season? 21、方位 (directions) Where is the…? 22、患病(illness) What’s the matter? 23、数词 (numbers) How old /tall/heavy are you? When do you…? How many…can you see? How many… do you have? How many people are there in your family? How much is it/this/that…? How much are they? null24、形容词(adj.) How are you? What’s he like? 26、代词(pron.) 27、动词(v.) (1)What did you do? (2) What are you doing? (3)What are you going to do? (4)What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays/the weekend? (5)What can you do? (6)What is your hobby? (1)When did you …? (2)When are you going ? (3)When is your birthday? null(1)How did you do? (2) How are you doing? (3)How are you going to do? (4)How do you …? (5)How does he/she…? (6)How are you? (7)How tall/old/heavy are you? (1)Where did you …? (2) Where are you going ? (3) Where is…? nullnullnullnullnullnull课时一: 参考话 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 :My holiday 等 涉及句式:一般过去时、特殊疑问句、一般疑问句等。 涉及词汇:动词(六下 Unit 3 Unit 4 五上:Unit 4);地点;国家、城市;交通工具。 null 课时二: 参考话题:My pen pal 等 涉及句式:现在进行时、特殊疑问句等。 涉及词汇:动词(五下 : Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit6);天气(四下 Unit4)等。 null课时三: 参考话题:My weekend 等 涉及句式:一般将来时、特殊疑问句、一般疑问句等。 涉及词汇:动词(五上 Unit2 Unit4 五下:Unit2 六上 Unit3 );地点、城市、交通工具 (六上 Unit1)等。 null课时四: 参考话题:My family 等 涉及句式:一般现在时、形容词的比较级等 涉及词汇:动词(五上 Unit4 六上 Unit4); 形容词(五上Unit1 六下 Unit1 Unit2); 人物( 三下Unit2 );职业(六上 Unit5); 食品、饮料(三上 Unit5);水果(三下 Unit4); 蔬菜(五上 Unit3);衣服(四下 Unit3); 动物(三上 Unit4);交通工具(六上 Unit1); 数词(三上Unit6 三下Unit3); 月份(五下 Unit3);季节(五下 Unit2)等词。 null课时五: 参考话题:My home 等 涉及句式:there be句型、一般疑问句等。 涉及词汇:杂物;方位(六上Unit2);介词(五上Unit5 );地点(四上Unit4);食品、饮料;学习用品(三上 Unit1);衣服等。null课时六: 参考话题:A birthday party 等 涉及句式:特殊疑问句、一般疑问句等。 涉及词汇:天气类形容词(四下 Unit4);衣物类名词(四下 Unit3);等.nullAt Sarah’s home Sarah: Mom, today is Amy’s birthday, I’m going to her home. Can I wear my T-shirt and jeans? Mom: No, you can’t. It’s hot today. You can wear your dress. Sarah: Where is my red dress? Mom: It’s in the closet. Sarah: Oh, this dress is too short. Mom: Yeah, let’s buy a new dress. Sarah: Thank you, mom. Let’s go! Mom: OK! nullAt a shop Assistant: Can I help you? Mom: Yes, please. I want a dress for my daughter. Assistant: How about this dress? Mom: I like the colour, but it’s too long. Assistant: Look at that dress. It’s longer. Mom: Yes, it’s pretty. Assistant: Is this one OK? Sarah: Yes, I like it, mom. Mom: How much is it? Assistant: It’s eighty yuan. Mom: That’s expensive. How about seventy yuan? Assistant: OK. Mom: I’ll take it. null At Amy’s home Sarah: Hello, Amy. You look so beautiful today. Amy: Thank you ,Sarah. Sarah: This is for you. Happy birthday! Amy: Thank you very much. Sarah: Where are my classmates? Amy: I don’t know. John, Mike…where are you? John&Mike: We are here, in the study. Sarah: I’m coming. What are you doing? John&Mike: We are making a birthday card for Amy. Sarah: Good idea! John: When is your birthday? Sarah: My birthday is in spring. Mike: Do you like spring? Sarah: Yes, spring is green and beautiful. It is my favourite season. John: Is your birthday in March? Sarah: No, my birthday is in May, May 5th. John: Oh, May 5th, I know. I’ll send you a birthday card then. Sarah: Thank you. Let’s eat the birthday cake. John&Mike: OK. null《PEP 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 英语》综合练习卷(词句) 一、Which doesn’t belong? Please read and circle. ⒈ taller cooler thinner farmer ⒉ sad snowy happy tired ⒊ fever cold matter toothache 4. milk CD juice tea 5. bread sweater pizza cake 6.cards books plans pictures jeans photos shoes slippers 7.aunt mother grandfather classmate ⒐teacher doctor salesperson people ⒑hospital flower library cinema ⒒ diving singing dancing exciting ⒓ rain snow wind fall ⒔ water sport roots seeds ⒕ Sunday yesterday Saturday Monday ⒖ hop supermarket museum leaf ⒗ subway straight train ship ⒘ drink today tomorrow tonight ⒙ river turn sea lake ⒚ newspaper cinema magazine dictionary ⒛ east north light west 21.January August November birthday 22.usually because sometimes often 23.spring October winter summer 24. season second twelfth ninth 25.butterfly breakfast lunch dinner 26.tomatoes cabbage watermelon eggplantnull二. Look , read and change the words. tall taller_ short _______ nice _______ funny __________ fat _________ cold ________ thin ________ happy __________ small _______ old __________ young ________ wet ___________ 2. watch watched wash ________ play __________ clean ___________ dance ________ visit _________ go __________ do ______________ read __________ fly ________ study __________ is ____________ 3. come comes wear _______ dig __________ hurt ____________ go __________ do _________ have _________ climb ___________ catch __________ watch __________ wash ________ eat __________ 4. collect collecting swim ___________ sing _________ buy ___________ get ___________ take ___________ run __________ fly ___________ drink ___________ write ___________ talk __________ drive __________null三.Write the words and Chinese meaning. 1. p__nc__l ( ) 2. r__l__ r ( ) 3. sch__ __l ( ) 4. w__nd__w ( ) 5. b__ __f ( ) 6. f__th__ __ ( ) 7.c__mp__ter( ) 8. p__ct__r__( ) 9. s__v__n ( ) 10. f__v__ ( ) 11. m__sic ( ) 12. Ch__n__s__ ( ) 13. y__l__ __w( ) 14. sk__ __t ( ) 15. w__ __m ( ) 16. l__ng ( ) 17. __ran__e( ) 18. r__bb__t ( ) 20. k__nd ( ) 21. str__ct ( ) 22. Th__ __sd__y( ) 23. p__t__to( ) 24. gr__pe( ) 25. b__thr__ __m( ) 26. f__r__st ( ) 27. h__ __se( ) 28. b__h__nd ( ) 29.__su__lly( ) 30. s__mm__ __( ) 31. J__n__ ( ) 32. f__ght ( ) 33. h__n__y ( ) 34. l__br__ry ( ) 35. tr__ff__c( ) 36. h__bb__( ) 37. __cc__ __nt__nt ( ) 38. r__ __n ( ) 39. str__ __m ( ) 40. __xc__t__d ( ) 41. sm__ll__r( ) 42. w__ __kend( ) 43. d__nc__ ( )null四、Translate 翻译 1.teacher’s office 2.weather report 3.math book 4.long hair 5.computer game 6.baseball player 7.university student 8.do housework 9.nature park 10.in front of 11.read a magazine 12.wake up 13.做饭 14.打扫卧室 15.使用计算机 16.数昆虫 17.照相 18.画画 19.下棋 20.听音乐 21.堆雪人 22.弹钢琴 23.去远足 24.今天上午 25.下周 26.去看电影 27.做风筝 28.集邮 29.头疼 30.发烧 31.那是你的电脑。32.这是讲台吗?是的。 33.今天很暖和。 34.那儿有多少匹马? 35.我会浇花. 36.你们星期四有什么课? 37.你的英语老师是谁? 38.她在写 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 吗? 39.你在干什么? 40.你为什么喜欢冬天? 41.雨是怎样形成的?42.你妈妈是干什么的? 43.今天下午你打算到哪儿去?44.我经常步行上学。 45.上个周末你干了什么? 46.你怎么啦? 47.你有多重? 48.我比你瘦而且矮。 49.我昨天踢了足球。 50.我的喉咙痛。 null五、Read and choose ( )1.What colour is the new post office? A.It’s super. B.It’s green. ( )2.Is it far? It’s east of the cinema. B.Sorry,I don’t know. ( )3.Where’s Tom’s home? A.I can go there on foot. B.On the No.39 Zhongshan street. ( )4.What are you going to do? A.I’m going to buy a book. B.I’m going this afternoon. ( )5.Excuse me, is there a cinema near here? A.Yes,there is. B.Thank you. ( )6.How do you go to school every day? A.I go to school by bike. B.I go to school by air. ( )7.Where is Mike going? A. He went to Beijing. B. He’s going to Beijing ( ) 8. How does Amy feel? A. She’s excited. B. She wants to eat. ( ) 9. How long are your legs? A. 72kg. B. 76cm. ( ) 10.A boy is 150____tall. A. m B. cm. null六、Let’s read Sarch and Her Sisters Sarah has fout sisters. They are Betty, Mary, Rose and Ann. Sarah is the oldest of the five. Betty is thirteen years old . She is two years younger than Sarah and one year older than Mary, Rose is nine and Ann is seven . Sarah and Betty in a middle school. Mary, Rose, and Ann study in a primary school. The primary school is near their home. They walk there. The middle school is very far. Sarah and Betty go there by bus.null1、Read and tick or cross ( ) 1. Ann is older than Rose. ( ) 2. Sarah and Betty are middle school students. ( ) 3. Mary, Rose, and Ann often go to school by bus. ( ) 4. Their home is near the primary school. 2、Read and choose ( ) 1. How old is Sarah? A. Nine. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen. D. Fifteen. ( ) 2. How many girls are there in there in their family? A. Two. B. Three C. Five. D. Six. ( ) 3. Who is the youngest girl of all? A. Betty B. Rose. C. Ann D. Mary. ( ) 4. Who is a middle school student? A. Betty B. Mary C. Rose D. Ann. nullPEP小学英语》综合练习卷(语法) 一、Read and choose . ( )1. ---- Do you have paper ? ---- Sorry. I don’t have , but I have pencils . A. some , some , any B. any , some , some C. any , any , some D. some , any , some ( ) 2. How much have you got ? A. rulers B. money C. dogs D. books ( ) 3. What’s the matter you , Linda ? A. about B. for C. to D. with ( ) 4. It’s a quarter six . Let’s go home . A. of B. in C. to D. at ( ) 5. The boy is sitting her father and mother . A. among B. between C. after D. before ( ) 6. Are you going to play Ping—Pong football ? A. or B. and C. but D. so ( ) 7. It’ s very difficult , I can do it myself . A. and B. so C. but D. or ( ) 8. The woman is old , but she looks . A. good B. young C. white D. right ( ) 9. is your principal ? A. Who B. What C. Who’s ( ) 10. Mrs Heart is kind pretty . A. but B. and C. so null ( ) 11. Mr Rice is strict . he is nice . A. So B. And C. But ( ) 12. Our English class is so fun . A. many B. much C. math ( ) 13. Lee is a university student . She’s very young . A. Mr B. Lady C. Miss ( ) 14. We like our Chinese teacher . A. all B. any C. am ( ) 15. there a path here ? A. Is B. Are ( ) 16. Are there any in the mountains ? A. panda B. pandas ( ) 17. ----- Is there a forest over there ? ----- . A. Yes , there isn’t . B. Yes , there is . ( ) 18. ---- Are there any tall buildings in the village ? ---- . A. No, there aren’t . B. No, there isn’t . ( ) 19. ---- Are there any monkeys here ? ---- . A. Yes , they are . B. No, there aren’t . ( ) 20. ---- What’s your pen pal’s hobby ? ---- . A. He’s climbing mountains . B. He likes climbing mountains .null二、Read and write . 1. What (be ) you doing ? I am ( write ) . 2. What (be ) your grandma doing ? She is ( wash ) . 3. What (be ) they doing ? They are ( draw ) . 4. What (be ) your mother doing ? She ( be ) reading . 5. Jane often ( read / reads ) English in the morning . 6. The girl usually ( watch / watches ) TV in the evening . 7. My friend ( go / goes ) home by subway every day . 8. I usually (get / gets ) up at 6:30 . 9. He ( play / plays ) football after class . 10. They often ( climb / climbs ) mountains on weekends . 11. His handwriting is (good ) than hers . 12. We (see ) elephants in the zoo last week . 13. The elephant is much ( strong ) than the dog . 14. Amy often (buy ) a card for her teacher on Teachers’ Day ? 15. My little sister is too ( young ) to go to school ?null 16. Who can help ( I ) with my heavy box ? 17. I (row ) a boat yesterday . 18. (be not ) you a teacher ? 19. Mike is ( draw ) a picture on the wall . 20. I will ( play ) basketball with my friends tomorrow . 21. I ( watch ) TV yesterday evening . 22. Mike ( do ) homework last night . 23. We ( play ) football yesterday . 24. My mother ( clean ) the room last Sunday . 25. Amy (visit ) her grandparents last week . 26. I ( go ) to school by bike . 27. My father ( go ) to work by subway . 28. Bill often (read ) newspaper after lunch . 29. My family ( watch ) TV at night . 30. Chen Jie likes ( ride ) bikes .null三、look , read and write 1. There ( is / are ) some bananas ( on / near ) the table . 2. There ( is / are ) a football (in / under ) the bed . 3. There (is / are ) some tall buildings in the ( village /city ). 4. My teacher is ( strong / thin ) . And she’s (old / young ) . 5. I have ( onions / mutton ) and cabbage for lunch . 6. Mike ( has / have ) English and ( science / math ) on _________________ ( Friday / Thursday ) . null When , Where , What , Who , How , Why 1. ---- Can I get to the zoo ? ---- You can ride a bike there . 2. ---- do you go to school on foot ? ---- Because my home is near . 3. ---- are you going after lunch ? ---- I am going to the bookstore . 4. ---- are you going ? ---- I am going at 4 o’clock . 5. ---- are you going to do ? ---- I am going to play football . 6. ---- are you going to play with ? ---- My brother .null四、Read and write . 例:Mike draws a car . Mike is drawing a car . Mike is going to draw a car . Mike drew a car yesterday . 1.The little girl makes a paper bird . ( be ) ( be going to ) ( made ) 2. The children have dinner at home . ( be ) ( be going to ) ( had ) 3. Ann and Amy swim in the swimming pool . ( be ) ( be going to) ( swam ) 4. We play the basketball on the playground . ( be ) ( be going to ) ( played )null五、Correct the errors . ( ) 1. What do Mike do yesterday ? A B C D ( ) 2. He went swim last Saturday ? A B C D ( ) 3. Did you went to a park on the weekend ? A B C D ( ) 4. I visit grandparents last weekend ? A B C D ( ) 5. She like singing songs ? A B C D ( ) 6. Where did you went on your holiday ? A B C D ( ) 7.We took lots of picture during our trip ? A B C D ( ) 8. I sing and danced with my friends yesterday afternoon . A B C D ( ) 9.We skied and made an snowman ? A B C D ( )10.Tom started to go around the world by bike in July 1 st? A B C Dnull六、Read and write 1.Mike learned English on his holiday ?(对划线部分提问) 2. I went to England by ship .( 对划线部分提问) 3. They had a good time on their holiday .(改为一般疑问句) 4. Tomorrow I will go back home . (改为否定句) 5. Did you go diving on Saturday ? ( 做否定回答) null A Clever Crow A crow is thirsty. He finds a bottle with a little water in it. But the neck of the bottle is too long, the crow can’t get the water. The crow thinks and thinks, and then he has a good idea. He puts some pebbles in the botttle,the water rises up.Now he can drink the water. What a clever crow! null What Happened? (One day, Mike was late for a long time. When he got to school,his teacher asked him. ) Teacher: What happened to you? Mike: I was robbed on the way to school. Teacher: Oh, dear! What were you robbed? Mike: Only my homework.null A Dishonest Cat There is a cat. It likes telling lies. It wants to catch the mouse, and the mouse runs away. But it says ,“The mouse is too thin. I want to catch a fat mouse.” It climbs up a tree to catch the birds. The birds fly away, and it falls off the tree. It says, “I’m doing exercises.” It comes to the river to catch fish. The fish swims away. It says, “I only want to wash my face.” It falls into the river. Everyone come
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