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雅思常考作文及范文汇总范文分析-动物试验2005年9月17日A类Task 2 考题 范文分析-动物试验2005年9月17日A类Task 2 考题   WRITING TASK 2   You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.   Write about the following topic:   Some people think that using animals for experimentation purpose is cruel, but other people th...

范文 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 -动物试验2005年9月17日A类Task 2 考题 范文分析-动物试验2005年9月17日A类Task 2 考题   WRITING TASK 2   You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.   Write about the following topic:   Some people think that using animals for experimentation purpose is cruel, but other people think that it is necessary for the development of science.   Discuss both views and give your opinion.   Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.   Write at least 250 words.   考题解释   有些人认为把动物用于试验目的很残忍,但是另一些人却认为这对科学的发展是必要的。请讨论这两种观点并给出自己的观点。   关键词   experimentation 实验;试验   cruel 残忍的   考题分析   本题讨论的话题是是否可以拿动物作试验。考题中有两种观点,分别是支持和反对。因为提问中有明确的“discuss both views”的指令,因此两种观点都必须讨论到。最后的观点可以采取折衷的 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,即动物是否可以用来试验应该取决于试验的性质或者动物的种类等。   类似考题   Some people think that the animals should be treated as pets; others think that animals are sources of food and clothing. What is your opinion?   Aquariums and wildlife sanctuaries are seen as sources of education and entertainment for families. They are also essential to conduct life-saving research. However there is opposition to confining animals in this way. Discuss some of the arguments for and against the maintenance of zoos.   范文   A chimpanzee is perhaps the animal most closely related to humans; but instead of treating the animal with love and respect, we subject it to cruel and inhumane scientific and medical experiments to further human development. What a cruel fate for the unfortunate chimpanzee. Or perhaps, in life as in the jungle it is survival of the fittest, and so, as the most intelligent animal we are just exercising our right to dominate and use other animals as we wish.   For many people the issue of using animals for science is black and white; either very pro-animal rights, or very much in favour of using animals since we are the highest level creature. On the one hand, some people say that subjecting animals to pain and torture is truly barbaric; higher-level animals share with us feelings, thoughts and behaviors and so we should look after them and respect them. They may also feel that if we are so unsure about the effects of a drug for example then we should do further chemical testing before doing live and sometimes cruel animal testing.   Others, however, believe that we must use animals for the benefit of our own species (humans); to test drugs, cosmetics and new developments in science which will provide a safer and better lifestyle for us. Very few people are inherently cruel, but they still believe it is either them or us; it is better to test the drugs on a monkey rather than on a person.   Being cruel for the sake of being cruel and with no tangible results to show for it is definitely stepping over a boundary of acceptable behavior, but at other times if the benefits of the research are explicit, tangible and valuable then I feel that the research is justified.   ~296 Words~   谋篇布局   第一段 引言段,背景介绍并给出观点   在第一段里作者先介绍了考题的背景。用黑猩猩(chimpanzee)和“适者生存”(survival of the fittest)的事例来证明人类正在为了自身目的让动物遭受痛苦。   第二段 主体段1,反对动物试验的理由   本段首先承认在是否可以把动物用于科学试验这个问题上存在明显分歧,既有人支持也有人反对。随后重点讨论了反对动物试验的理由:   理由一: barbaric   动物和人类一样有情感、思想和行为(feelings, thoughts and behaviors),我们应该照顾它们尊重它们(look after them and respect them)。让动物遭受痛苦和折磨是野蛮的行为(truly barbaric)。   理由二: chemical testing   如果对药物的疗效不是很确定(unsure about the effects of a drug),应该进一步进行化学试验(do further chemical testing),避免用动物进行残忍的活体实验。    第三段 主体段2,支持动物试验的理由   在第三段中作者讨论了另外一种观点,即应该支持动物试验。理由也有两条:   理由一: safer and better lifestyle   动物试验可以帮助人类测试药物、化妆品等(test drugs, cosmetics)给人类带来更安全和舒适的生活(safer and better lifestyle)。   理由二: better than testing on human   有些人觉得既然一定要用活体试验,那么用猴子做试验总要比用人试验要好(it is better to test the drugs on a monkey rather than on a person.)。    第四段 总结,并给出作者观点   最后一段作者提出了自己的观点,认为如果是为了残忍而残忍而且没有任何效果,则绝对是超出了可接受行为的范围(stepping over a boundary of acceptable behavior)。但如果研究所带来的利益是明显、实际并且有价值的(explicit, tangible and valuable),则这些试验是合理的(the research is justified.)。   重点词汇 subject … to… 使……屈从于……;使……遭受……   The inquiry found that the court had subjected them to unfair treatment.   inhumane   adj.残忍的;不人道的   Conditions for prisoners were described as inhumane.   survival of the fittest   适者生存   “Survival of the fittest” is the result of natural selection.   in favour of   支持;赞成   He voted in favour of the bill because he wants to please the law makers.   torture   n.折磨;痛苦   Half of the prisoners died after torture and starvation.   barbaric   adj.野蛮的;粗野的   She found the idea of killing animals for pleasure barbaric.   species   n.物种;种类   Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area.   explicit  adj.外在的;清楚的   She was very explicit about what she thought was wrong with the plans.   boundary   n.边界;分界线   The Ural mountains mark the boundary between Europe and Asia.   tangible   adj.切实的;实际的   Other tangible benefits include an increase in salary and shorter working hours.   justified   adj.有道理的;合理的   I accept that the criticism is completely justified.   inherently   adv.天性地;固有地   There's nothing inherently wrong with his ideas.   实用句型   以……为目的  for the sake of …   在 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达“为了……(目的)而做……”这种概念时,可以用“for the sake of”来表达,相当于“because of...” 或“for the purpose of...”例如: Let's not disagree for the sake of (= because of)a few pounds.   Let's say, just for the sake of argument/for argument's sake (= for the purpose of this discussion), that prices rise by 3 per cent this year.   You're only arguing for the sake of arguing (= because you like arguing).   此外,我们还可以用“for its own sake”用来表达类似的概念,例如:   I study for its own sake.   Don't use technology for its own sake. Use it when it's the best or the only way to provide information.   范文:私家车的利与弊   Advantages and disadvantages of private cars.   With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars. But there have been two quite different views on this phenomenon.   Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars. First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently. Finally, life will become more convenient. A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun.   However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars. They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of problems. In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Next, private cars contribute to traffic congestion so greatly that the advantages gained in comfort and freedom are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. The last problem is the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lot of people in a friction of a second.   In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more energy consumption. They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants. Traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more. Jams waste our precious time. Therefore I am against developing private cars.   议论文写作素材-building theaters   Some people think that government shouldn’t put money on building theaters and sports stadiums. It should spend more money on medical care and education. Agree or disagree?   Disagree   1. Theaters are places where different forms of arts including films, concert, dramas and operas etc., are shown or performed. Many of them are educational and can teach people about the history and culture of their own countries and of other foreign countries. They can also teach people about love and hatred as in opera Romeo and Juliet; good and evil as in the movie “Schindler’s list”.   2. Apart from work, people should have some entertainment to relax and enjoy their spare time. If there are no movie theaters, people will have no place to go for watching movies and people’s lives will become less interesting/dull indeed.   3. Sports stadiums are places where sports competitions are held which can increase people’s awareness of the importance of a healthy body. Then people will attach more importance to physical exercises which is the best way to prevent disease.   4. Sports stadiums can also educate people about fair competition as well the spirit of cooperation. It also encourages people to try to challenge one’s own limit in order to achieve better accomplishment.   5. Some theaters and sports stadiums are great works of architecture and can represent a country’s or a city’s wealth and level of civilization. The Grand Theatre in Shanghai becomes a symbol of Shanghai. Sydney Opera House is a landmark in Sydney.   6. Theaters are an ideal venue for cultural communication and sports stadiums are good places for strengthening good relationship among nations.   议论文写作素材-theoretical knowledge VS. practical training   Some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training beneficial to the society. Do you agree or disagree? Use your own experience and knowledge to support your idea.   1. Theoretical knowledge IS beneficial to the society.   a) Theory study is providing powerful tools for us to deal with the world around us as well as the body within ourselves   Physiological/medical theories enable us to understand the way our body works so that we know how to combat diseases more effectively.   Economics theory helps explain such phenomena as inflation and unemployment.   Scientists, through theoretical study in gravity and by pure calculations of the orbits of planets Uranus and Neptune, predicted the existence of the ninth planet Pluto, which was later verified by observation.     b) Theoretical findings pave ways for more advanced scientific as well as social studies.   Take mathematics for example. Many people are under the impressions that advanced mathematical study in university is so theoretical that it does not have any practical value. However, the truth is that, ours is an age in which all areas of science are permeated more and more by methods and approaches derived from theoretical knowledge in mathematics. Even marketing, once believed to be just an art of persuading people to buy, is now becoming a scientific subject based on statistical studies of market data, which requires profound mathematical knowledge.   2. Practical trainings are based on theoretical knowledge. / Practical trainings and theoretical studies are interrelated.   a) Some professions require that people have solid understanding in theoretical knowledge before going into practice in those professions.   For example, to be a qualified doctor, someone will have to first learn theoretical knowledge at a medical school for a few years in various related subjects including medical science, humanities and social sciences. Then at the final years at the school, he or she will be given chance to practice as an intern in a hospital to gain practical experience. Only with a combined knowledge both in theory and in practical skills can a person truly become a successful doctor. The same goes with a number of other professions such as lawyers, psychiatrists etc.   3. We have specialized schools such as polytechnic schools and vocational schools etc. which can provide practical trainings, for example schools specialized in teaching cooking skills. Therefore universities should focus more on theoretical knowledge.   议论文写作素材-old people VS. young people   Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to new generations companies should encourage high level employees who are older than 55 to retire. Do you agree or disagree? Why?   Old people should retire because they have worked hard for so many years and should take a rest. After retirement, they can live on their pension and can enjoy their retirement life traveling or taking care of their grandchildren.   advantages/strengths disadvantages/weaknesses young people energetic and active creative bold, ready to take risks fast learning open-minded, ready to try new things equipped with te latest concept in business and management inexperienced not practical sometimes having ambitious plans but not down-to-earth approaches not loyal, change work frequently old people experienced thoughtful insightful visionary knowledgeable well-established social network loyalty physically not so fit stiff-minded traditional Old people should retire because it helps to solve the unemployment problem of the society by allowing more young people to join the workforce.   议论文写作素材-culture and languageWhat are the reasons for losing a variety of languages and culture?   Culture is the learned and shared behavior of a community of interacting human beings. And languages are the cornerstones of a culture, defining who we are as a people. Just as the world is becoming less biologically rich, it is also becoming less culturally and linguistically diverse. There are a variety of reasons for the loss of cultures and languages.   1. Loss of Culture   a) Technology   Technology has now created the possibility of a global culture. With the invention of telephone, fax machines and the internet, communications are no longer limited by time and space. Quick transportations such as airplanes have swept away the old national boundaries and shortened the physical distance among people.   b) Impact of global media and entertainment.     Global media and entertainment companies shape understandings, values and dreams of ordinary citizens wherever they live. Local cultures are falling victim to a global culture. Few students in China like or even understand Beijing Opera; instead, they prefer Hollywood films and international stars.   The United States dominates the traffic in information and ideas. American music, American movies, American television, and American software are so dominant, so sought after, and so visible that they are now available literally everywhere on the Earth. This American culture is influencing the tastes, lives, and aspirations - in other words, culture - of virtually every nation.   c) Globalization - Economic cooperation and foreign trade   Foreign investment and international trade are taking place around the globe. This economic globalization has lead to a global culture. For example, a global fast food and drink culture has been spread all over the world by companies like McDonald's and Coca-Cola. In the meantime, local food and drink cultures are becoming less distinct and some weak ones will be gradually lost.   d) Immigration   Immigration has led to a more homogeneous society. Immigrants give up their own cultures in adaptation for the host country’s culture.   e) Physical damage done to communities either by natural disasters, disease or war.   War in Iraq destroyed not only its regime but also a culture that has developed for thousands of years. American ideology will be transplanted there.   2. Loss of Language   The world now loses a language every two weeks, a rate unprecedented in history.   The intricate combination of politics, genocide, geography and economics conspire in the demise of language.   Linguists estimate that in 100 years fewer than half of the world’s 6000 languages will still be in use. Will this mean a more peaceful, communicative worlds or an aird linguistic desert, subject to the tyranny of the monoglot yoke?   a) English is eradicating weaker languages   English language is becoming a dominant language in the world. If someone speaks English, he or she will have no difficulty communicating with people in almost every corner of the world. As a result, few people choose other small languages to study as a second language.   b) Loss of small ethnic groups.   Some small ethnic groups live a closed life without communication with the outside world. When the number of people within these ethnic groups diminishes, so do the languages they speak.   c) Political opposition to minority languages.   Some governments do not give official recognition to minority languages or aboriginal languages and do not encourage people to speak these languages. So these languages get less spoken and will ultimately become extinct.   议论文写作素材-computers VS. teachers   Computers are widely used in education,and some people think teachers do not play any important roles in the classroom. To what extent do you agree?   Computers can be a good aide to teachers in the classroom but they can never take the place of teachers.   1. An important role of teachers is to encourage students to learn. However, computers are not capable of this spiritual encouragement.   A teacher will notice that a student is not interested in a certain subject and does not listen carefully in class. The teacher will talk with this student after class and find out the reasons why this student is not interested. Then the teacher can tell the student the importance of this subject and motivate the student to learn harder.   2. Teachers have different approaches to teaching different students and will adjust the content or style of teaching according to the needs of different students. However computers only have fixed programs.   A teacher can even design a tailor-made study plan for a particular student according to his or her needs. But computers view every student as the same individual.   3. Apart from academic teaching, teachers are also concerned about the psychological growth of students and often teach students about moral integrity. In contrast, computers are just machines and do not have feelings or emotions.   Teachers will teach students about such virtues as love, honesty, moral integrity and friendship etc.   4. Computers are machines after all and machines break down sometimes. If students depend too much on computers for studying, they will feel at a loss when these machines go wrong and don not work properly   5. Learning and teaching is a highly interactive process. Different students will have different questions during different stages of teaching and learning. And the teachers will have to answer them accordingly and in different ways. But computer programs are pre-designed by programmers without knowing all the varying circumstances during real teaching and learning and therefore cannot give satisfactory answers to all these questions.   Teachers can use computers as a very good aide in the classroom for presenting multimedia files. Teachers and computers can co-exist in the classroom peacefully. Teachers and computers can be a perfect match in the classroom. For example, in a listening lab equipped with computers, students will be able to record the listening materials in a CD-Rom and then take home to listen more.   雅思范文:城市扩大   Since cities have changed a lot, the size of the cities has grown enormously. Discuss the causes and consequence of the enormous size of cities.   Nowadays, the maps of cities are updated frequently. With the development of city, more and more suburbs become parts of the city. When the cities in the world are amplifying constantly, people discuss the topic hotly, the causes and consequence of the enormous cities. Different people have different answers by their respective views.   In my opinion, the evolution of society and the development of economy result in the growth of the vast size of cities. Since the number of population in every city is increasing continually, people need a large amount of space to live in. With the progress of the technology, the output of crops rises sharply. Fewer and fewer farmers are required, as a result, more and more villages urbani
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