首页 女人身体最脆弱的七个部位



女人身体最脆弱的七个部位女人身体最脆弱的七个部位 女人身体最脆弱的七个部位 头发   1、头发   女性如果一年染发次数超过12次,那她患淋巴瘤的概率会比从不染发的女性高26%。每年染发不要超过两次,染发前一定要做皮肤测试。   头发该如何保养?   正确的梳发每次洗头发之前,最好花点时间将头发先梳一梳,然后将打结的部份解开,梳发的动机在于将头皮上的污垢与头发的污垢,利用梳发先梳落。   正确的洗发与护发由洗发能够给受伤的头发营养成份,让头发由内到外恢复生气。洗头发的时候要注意,必须照顾头皮、发根,因为这两个地方关系到你的头发健康哦!透过...

女人身体最脆弱的七个部位 女人身体最脆弱的七个部位 头发   1、头发   女性如果一年染发次数超过12次,那她患淋巴瘤的概率会比从不染发的女性高26%。每年染发不要超过两次,染发前一定要做皮肤测试。   头发该如何保养?   正确的梳发每次洗头发之前,最好花点时间将头发先梳一梳,然后将打结的部份解开,梳发的动机在于将头皮上的污垢与头发的污垢,利用梳发先梳落。   正确的洗发与护发由洗发能够给受伤的头发营养成份,让头发由内到外恢复生气。洗头发的时候要注意,必须照顾头皮、发根,因为这两个地方关系到你的头发健康哦!透过手指对于头皮的按压,能够增加头皮健康、血液循环,当然就可以增加头发的健康。然后发尾必须仔细的清洗,才能使头发发尾吸收到营养。   洗完后的护理洗完头发后要先用毛巾将湿头发擦干,然后要注意一点。千万别马上拿起吹风机就吹整发型。一定要用毛巾用轻压的方式将水份挤干,才可以用吹风机吹干。   吹整时尽量缩短使用时间,而且与吹风机之间的距离最好拿开一些,因为,吹风机是伤害发质的原因之一。   对于严重发质的护理如果你因为胡乱的烫发与染发导致头发受损严重,那么,你在头发的表面抹上防止分叉或是能够补充水份、油分的护发剂,用来加强头发的健康。 Seven women the most vulnerable parts of the body Hair 1, the hair If the number of women's hair for more than 12 times a year, that she was suffering from lymphoma, the probability of never dyed their hair than the females 26%. Hair no more than twice a year, hair must be done before the skin test. How do hair care? Prior to each Xi Toufa Shufa correct, it is best to take the time to comb their hair before a comb, and then knotted part of the untied Shufa is motivated by the will of the dirt and hair on the scalp of dirt, the use of Shufa the first comb down. The right shampoo and conditioner from the hair shampoo can give the injured nutrients, so that the hair from the inside to the outside and rejuvenated. Xi Toufa's time to pay attention, we must take care of the scalp, hair roots, as these two places related to the health of your hair Oh! Through the fingers of the push for the scalp, can increase the health of the scalp, blood circulation, of course, can increase the health of the hair . Then fat tail must be carefully cleaned, can be absorbed into the hair tail hair nutrition. After-care wash wash the hair with a towel after the first wet hair and dry, and then pay attention to that. Do not immediately pick up the hair dryer to blow the whole hair. Must use a towel with the water squeezed way soft reduction can only be dried with a hairdryer. When you minimize the use of blowing the whole time, but with the hair 眼睛   2、眼睛   青春期、月经期、妊娠期、绝经期……“视力危机”几乎贯穿女性一生。在这些阶段,女性应多补充B族维生素。   眼睛该如何保养?   眼睛的保养方法多种多样,现在下面教你非常好的方法,让你的眼睛更加迷人美丽。   一)切忌“目不转睛”,自行注意频密并完整的眨眼动作,经常眨眼可减少眼球暴露于空气中的时间,避免泪液蒸发。   二)不吹太久的空调,避免座位上有气流吹过,并在座位附近放置茶水,以增加周边的湿度。   三)多吃各种水果,特别是柑桔类水果,还应多吃绿色蔬菜、粮食、鱼和鸡蛋。多喝水对减轻眼睛干燥也有帮助。   四)保持良好的生活习惯,睡眠充足,不熬夜。   五)避免长时间连续操作电脑,注意中间休息,通常连续操作1小时,休息5---10分钟。休息时可以看远处或做眼保健操。   六)保持良好的工作姿势。保持一个最适当的姿势,使双眼平视或轻度向下注视荧光屏,这样可使颈部肌肉轻松,并使眼球暴露于空气中的面积减小到最低。   七)调整荧光屏距离位置。建议距离为50---70厘米,而荧光屏应略低于眼水平位置10---20厘米,呈15---20度的下视角。因为角度及距离能降低对屈光的需求,减少眼球疲劳的几率。   如果你本来泪水分泌较少,眼睛容易干涩,在电脑前就不适合使用隐形眼镜,要戴框架眼镜。在电脑前佩戴隐形眼镜的人,也最好使用透氧程度高的品种。 Two eyes Puberty, menstrual period, pregnancy, menopause ... ... "Vision crisis" almost throughout their lives, women. In these stages, women should be more to add B vitamins. How the eye care? Maintenance of the eye are various ways, and now teach you the following very good way to be more enchanting beauty of your eyes. A) not to be "stare", self-attention, and a complete blink frequent moves, often blink of an eye can reduce eye exposure to the air time, to avoid the tear evaporation. 2) does not blow the air conditioning too long to prevent air blowing on seats, and seat placed near the tea in order to increase the surrounding humidity. 3) Eat a variety of fruits, especially citrus fruits, but also eat green vegetables, grain, fish and eggs. Drink plenty of water to alleviate dry eyes can also help. 4) To maintain a good living habits, sleep enough, do not stay up all night. 5) Avoid prolonged periods of continuous computer operation, pay attention to the middle of a break, usually 1 hour continuous operation, rest 5 --- 10 minutes. Resting eye can see far away or do setting-up exercises. 6) To maintain a good working posture. To maintain a most appropriate posture, so that his eyes flat or slightly down to watch as the screen, it will give the neck muscles relaxed, and make the eye area is exposed to the air decreases 鼻子   3、鼻子   研究人员表示,由于女性经期时血液成分发生变化,免疫力相对较差,呼吸道更容易感染。在此期间,应远离污染较重的地方,或过冷、过热的环境。秋冬季,鼻子的保养尤为重要。   鼻子该如何保养?   鼻是具有多功能的调节器,对吸入的空气起净化、调温、湿润的作用。一旦人体抵抗力下降,聚集在鼻腔的致病菌便兴风作浪,引起鼻黏膜病变。病菌若通过鼻腔侵入喉、气管、肺,则可致喉炎、气管炎、肺炎的发生。因此要懂得鼻子的保健知识和方法,尤其是在呼吸道疾病易发的冬季。   清晨洗脸时,用毛巾揉揉鼻唇、鼻翼两侧及周围的皮肤,致稍红润、发热感。也可以用拇指、食指夹住鼻根,用力由上而下连拉几次。或者用拇指、食指伸入鼻腔前庭处,夹住鼻中膈软骨,轻轻地下拉几次。这些机械的刺激按摩可使鼻周围血管充血,改善血液循环,加强营养,保持正常温度,使之尽快地适应外界的气温,提高鼻子的御寒能力。   杜绝用手挖鼻的习惯。平时擤鼻涕,要逐个鼻孔擤,用力不要太猛,以免将鼻内分泌物压入鼻周空腔鼻窦、鼻咽管,发生鼻窦、中耳腔感染;气流压力过大,也会损伤鼻黏膜,使毛细血管断裂,导致鼻出血。 3, nose The researchers said that because when women's menstrual blood composition changes, the relatively poor immune system, respiratory infections more easily. In the meantime, should stay away from heavy pollution areas or too cold, hot environment. Autumn and winter, the maintenance of the nose is particularly important. How the nose care? The nose is a multifunctional regulator of the air inhaled from cleaning, thermostat, moist role. Once the body defenses are weakened, the bacteria will be gathered in the nasal cavity to make trouble and cause nasal mucosa lesions. If the bacteria invade through the nasal cavity and larynx, trachea, lungs, may be caused by laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia from occurring. Therefore, one should understand the nose of the health-care knowledge and methods, especially in the winter respiratory disease-prone. When the morning wash your face with a towel rubbed its nose and lips, nose and around both sides of the skin, caused by slightly ruddy, fever, flu. Can also use the thumb, index finger grip nasion, forced from the top down even pull a few. Or use the thumb, index finger stretching from nasal vestibule Department, clamping the nasal septum cartilage and gently pull-down several times. These mechanical massage can stimulate the blood vessels around the nose and congestion, improve blood circulation, better nutrition, maintaining a normal temperature, so that as soon as possible to adapt to the outside air temperature, improve the capacity of the nose cold. Put an end to the habit of hand-dug the nose. Usually blowing his nose, it is necessary 皮肤   4、皮肤   添加了化学物质的化妆品,往往让皮肤变得脆弱;阳光则更是皮肤面临的又一个难关。针对于秋季来说,如何保湿是女性最关注的问题。当然,方法也有很多种,可以使用护肤品,也可以使用食物来进行食补。以下小编主要介绍食物疗法。   皮肤该如何保养?   补水蔬菜   一)芦荟 ——保湿、镇定皮肤、抗过敏。芦荟果肉可直接敷脸,榨汁后也可作为保湿喷雾,于晒后敷用有良好效果。   二)黄瓜——美白、镇静、保湿、消炎。黄瓜榨汁后可敷脸,也可作为化妆水使用,能镇静肌肤,消炎美白。   三)西兰花——增强皮肤抗损伤能力。西兰花中含有丰富的维生素A、维生素C和胡萝卜素、能增强皮肤的抗损伤能力,还有助于保持皮肤弹**。   四)莴苣——收敛毛孔、抗衰老、防皱。莴苣榨汁后可敷脸使用,稀释后可作为化妆水,能紧致毛孔,滋润肌肤。   五)芹菜——抗老、防皱、活化肌肤。芹菜榨汁后可敷脸,稀释后可作为化妆水使用,能防止肌肤老化。   六)西红柿——展平皮肤新皱纹。含有的番茄红素有助于展平新皱纹,使皮肤细嫩光滑。一项实验发现,常吃西红柿,还不易出现黑眼圈,且不易被晒伤。   补水水果   一)葡萄——消除暗沉、美白、抗老化。将葡萄连皮及果肉一起捣碎,加入少许鲜奶敷在脸部,能防止肌肤老化。   二)西瓜——镇静皮肤、美白、保湿。将西瓜的白色果肉榨汁可作为化妆水,和面粉调和后可当面膜使用,能使皮肤水嫩光滑。   三)柠檬——美白、除皱、抗痘。柠檬榨汁后可与其他食材调和敷用,避免直接敷在脸上,美白功效超优。   四)猕猴桃——消除斑点等斑点。猕猴桃富含维生素E,可干扰玄色素天生,预防色素沉着、保持皮肤白净,并有助于消除皮肤上已有的斑点等斑点。   其他补水食物   一)牛奶——增强皮肤张力。牛奶是皮肤在晚上最喜爱的食品。它能改善皮肤细胞活跃度,有延缓皮肤朽迈、增强皮肤张力、消除小皱纹等功效。   二)大豆——防止色素沉着于皮肤。大豆中含有丰富的维生素E,不仅能够破坏自由基的化学活性,从而抑制皮肤朽迈,更能防止色素沉着于皮肤。   三)肉皮——充盈皮肤。肉皮是富含胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的食品。胶原蛋白能使细胞变得饱满,从而充盈皮肤、减少皱纹;弹性蛋白则可增加皮肤弹性。   四)海带——调节皮肤油脂分泌。海带是矿物质含量丰富的碱性食品,常吃能调节血液酸碱度,防止皮肤过多分泌油脂。 4, skin Chemicals added to cosmetics, the skin is often fragile; the sun is even more skin and face another difficulty. Response in the autumn, how women are most concerned about moisture problems. Of course, there are many methods you can use skin care products, you can also use the food to be Sibu. Xiao Bian focuses on the following regimen. How do the skin care? Replenishment Vegetables 1) Aloe Vera - Moisturizing, calming the skin, anti-allergy. Aloe Vera pulp can be directly at attaining, after juice can be used as moisturizing spray deposited on the sun with a good results. 2) cucumber - whitening, sedation, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory. After attaining a cucumber juice can also be used as a make-up water, can calm the skin, anti-inflammatory whitening. 3) Broccoli - the ability to enhance the skin against damage. Broccoli is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, carotene, can enhance the skin's anti-injury abilities, but also helps to keep the skin elastic **. 4) lettuce - Convergence pores, anti-aging, wrinkle-free. After attaining a use of lettuce juice diluted can be used as make-up water, can Tightens pores, moisturize the skin. 5) celery - anti-aging, wrinkle, improve the skin. After attaining a celery juice diluted can be used as make-up water use, can prevent skin aging. 乳房   5、乳房   美国性爱专家艾伦瑞浦指出,乳房是女性最脆弱的部位——性生活中,男性过于粗暴的行为可能影响乳房血液循环,人工流产也会让乳腺癌几率加大,甚至连过多蕾丝和尼龙材质的文胸都可能导致泌乳障碍。   乳房该如何保养?   小编推荐按摩法。在胸部保养的过程中,按摩绝对是不可或缺的一个步骤。经常按摩乳房可使脑下垂体和卵巢分泌激素的功能得到加强,促进局部血液循环,让乳房组织的发育更好,日积月累下来,乳房当然有成长的空间。不过想借着按摩让胸部更丰满有弹性,手技及方向很重要,掌握“抵抗”地心引力的作用,每天洗澡后搭配胸部紧实保养品,“由下往上”、“由外往内”进行按摩,一个月后胸型绝对大不同。   美胸技法1 由外往内:四指合并,以掌心及指腹包覆胸部下缘,由外往内滑动按摩,直到保养产品全吸收,有效改善胸部外扩现象。   美胸技法2 由下往上:四指合并,以掌心及指腹包覆胸部外缘,由下往上滑动的同时,将腋下赘肉往内拨,按摩直到保养产品完全吸收,预防胸部下垂,帮助改善副乳现象。   美胸技法3 四指合并,双手由下往上轮替拍打胸部下缘,按摩直到产品吸收即可,有效改善胸部下垂现象。 5, breast Pu Yi Lunrui U.S. sex experts pointed out that the breast is a woman of the most vulnerable parts - sex life, men are too rowdy behavior may affect the breast blood circulation and also make abortion increase breast cancer risk, even too much lace and nylon bra can lead to obstacles to lactation. How breast care? Xiao Bian recommend massage. In the chest and maintenance process, the massage is absolutely indispensable step. Regular massage the breast and ovarian secretion of pituitary hormones can function be strengthened to promote local blood circulation, so that the development of breast tissue better, cumulative down, of course, there is room to grow breasts. But would like to take massage to the chest more plentiful and flexible, hand skills and direction is very important to master the "resistance" the role of gravity, a day after bathing with Bust skin care products, "bottom-up", "from the outside to the of "massage, a month later Xiongxing absolutely different experience. Breast technique 1 and from the outside to the inside: four refer to the merger in order to palm and pulp coated with the lower edge of the chest, and from the outside to the inside slide massage care products until full absorption, effectively improve the chest outside the expansion phenomenon. Breast technique 2 from bottom to top: four refer to the merger, to the outer edge of the palm and pulp-coated chest, sliding from bottom to top, while the armpit of fat to the 心脏   6、心脏   体重的大起大落让女性心脏受到了更大威胁。 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 指出,如果女性一年中体重减少或增加超过10斤,那心脏就会受到明显损害。   如何保养心脏?   保养心脏好比一场持久的战争,需要长期的坚持。   除遗传因素无法控制外,要远离心脏病威胁,说穿了就是改变生活形态而已。不要太胖、不抽烟、多运动、饮食中不要有太多脂肪,供给心脏营养的冠状动脉,就比较不容易产生沉积、阻塞,心脏病就与你无缘。中国女性,尤其是母亲,首先应该改掉担任餐桌上清洁队员的习惯。好像凡是餐桌上吃不完的,都进了母亲的胃里,久而久之,女性的胆固醇、血脂就节节高升。运动少,似乎也是许多中国女性共同的问题。散步、做家事,不能算是对心脏有帮助的运动,必须要运动到微微流汗,每星期至少三次,每次至少 30分钟。   常运动可以增加心脏功能,帮助微细血管增生,小血管变粗,血管则不易阻塞。而且运动能够促使身体制造另外一种好的胆固醇( HDL),可以清除动脉壁上所沉积的坏的胆固醇( LDL),减轻管壁硬化现象。 Heart 6, heart Weight ups and downs so that women are a greater threat to the heart. The report notes that if women a year in weight loss or increased more than 10 pounds, it would be significant damage to the heart. How to maintain the heart? Maintenance of the heart is like a prolonged war, require long-term adherence. In addition to genetic factors beyond the control of things, to keep away from heart disease threat, the truth is to change the lifestyle only. Do not too fat, not smoking, more exercise, the diet will not have too much fat, nutrition, coronary arteries supply the heart, it is less prone to sedimentation, blockage, heart disease, no chance with you. Chinese women, especially mothers, first of all on the table to be changed as a street cleaner habits. Like those who eat the dinner table, and went into the mother's stomach, over time, women's cholesterol, blood lipids on the climbs. Exercise less, it seems that many Chinese women are also common problems. Walking, housework, can not be considered helpful to the heart of the movement, we must exercise to sweat slightly, at least three times a week, each for at least 30 minutes. Regular exercise can increase the heart function, helping micro-vascular proliferation, small blood vessels thicken, blood vessels are more difficult to block. And exercise causes the body to be able to create another kind of good cholesterol (HDL), can clear the artery walls by the deposition of bad cholesterol (LDL), reduce the wall hardening. 肺、膀胱和肾   7、肺、膀胱和肾   美国医学界发布的一项报告显示,全美每年有40万人死于和吸烟有关的疾病,其中女性占39%。膀胱也是女性的多事之地,20%的女性一生中会遭遇短暂膀胱炎。喝水则是预防膀胱炎的关键,应保证每天喝6—8杯水,隔两三个小时小便一次;穿棉质内裤。   肾脏是人体内重要的负责排泄废物和毒素的器官。吃得太咸、太甜、太油,蛋白质吃得太多都会加重肾脏的负担,长期高负荷的工作,肾脏自然就容易生病。   吃得太甜、太油不仅会加重肾脏负担,还会引发肥胖。肥胖会导致肾脏的脂肪含量增加、重量增加、体积增大、肾小球肥大。肥胖患者还容易出现胰岛素抵抗,进而引发糖尿病。大约有近40%的糖尿病患者会出现糖尿病肾病,而这种肾脏病是最难治疗的肾脏病之一。   在中医里,肺有“娇脏”之称,外界环境容易对肺造成伤害,影响肺的正常生理运作。环境是任何人都无法远离的现实,除了改变生活习惯,只有加强肺部健康的调理才能增强肺部的抵抗力。   “补-润-清”-独特的肺部调理三步曲   首先“补肺”:“补肺”属于扶正。人呼吸时,连带吸入悬浮在空气中的粉尘和其他微小颗粒,一部分会被肺泡中的巨噬细胞所吞噬;但另一部分残留在肺部,会对肺部的正常机能造成损伤,容易导致肺气虚,影响呼吸系统的正常运作。   第二步“润肺”:“润肺”重在固本,既有“扶正”的效果,又有“祛邪”的作用,是对肺的功能进行维持和巩固的过程。南方李锦记润和津露生津润燥,伴有解毒中和的效果,在滋润肺部的同时,协助排出残留在肺里的有害物质。   最后“清肺”:“清肺”属于祛邪。茅根,马蹄等均有清肺热的作用,清泻肺中实热,利咽喉,效果从肺部直达喉部。   肺的保养是长期过程,不可能一步到位,但只要我们在日常生活能悉心照料,注意调理就能让我们的肺保持健康状态,为身体注入源源活力。 Lung, bladder and kidney 7, lung, bladder and kidney The U.S. medical profession released a report showed the nation's 40 million people each year die of smoking-related diseases, of which women account for 39%. Female bladder is also a troubled land, 20% of women will experience a short life cystitis. Drink plenty of water is the key to the prevention of bladder inflammation, should ensure that drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day, every other two or three hours to urinate once; wear cotton underwear. Kidney is important to the human body is responsible for excretion of wastes and toxins organs. Eat salty, too sweet, too much oil, protein, eating too much will increase the burden on the kidneys, the long-load of work, the kidneys naturally susceptible to diseases. Eat large amounts of sugar, and too the oil will not only increase the burden on the kidney, but also lead to obesity. Obesity can cause kidney fat content increased, weight increased, the volume increases, glomerular hypertrophy. Obese patients also prone to insulin resistance, triggering diabetes. About nearly 40% of diabetes patients with diabetic nephropathy will appear, and this kidney disease is one of the hardest to treat kidney disease. In Chinese medicine, the lungs of "Jiao dirty," said, the external environment easy to lung damage, affecting the normal physiological functioning of the lung. Environment is that no one can stay away from the reality, in addition to changes in living habits, and only strengthen the lung health of conditioning in order to enhance the lung resistance. "Tonic - Run - clear" - a unique trilogy of lung conditioning First of all, "Bufei": "Bufei" belongs to righting. When people breathe, but also the inhalation of dust suspended in the air, and other tiny particles, some will be in alveolar macrophages by phagocytosis; but partly left in the lungs, would be the normal function of the lungs caused by injury, easily lead to lung Qi, affecting the normal operation of the respiratory system. The second step, "lungs": "lungs," focuses on strengthening the foundation, both "righting" effect, another "Quxie" role is a function of the lungs to maintain and consolidate the process. Southern Lee Kum Kee Lu-Sheng Jin Yun, and Jin Runzao, accompanied by detoxification and in the effect of nourishing the lungs at the same time, assist in discharge left in the lungs of harmful substances. Finally, in "Qingfei": "Qingfei" belongs to Quxie. Chine, water chestnut, etc. are the role of heat Qingfei Qing Xiefei the excess heat, Lee throat, the effect directly to the throat from the lungs. Maintenance of the lung is a long-term process, it is impossible in one step, but as long as we can in our daily lives are taken care of, pay attention to conditioning the lungs can give us maintain a healthy state of the body into the stream of vitality.
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